Example #1
    def start(self, sender: SenderObj, duration, announce_interval, late_bid_threshold, late_bid_extension):
        if not self.items:
            return "Could not find any items to start auction."

        self.is_started = True
        self.auction_start_time = int(time.time())
        self.auctioneer = sender
        self.auction_end_time = self.auction_start_time + duration
        self.is_running = True
        self.announce_interval = announce_interval
        self.late_bid_threshold = late_bid_threshold
        self.late_bid_extension = late_bid_extension

        if len(self.items) > 1:
            self.spam_raid_message("%s just started a mass auction for %d items." % (sender.name, len(self.items)))
            item_index = list(self.items.keys())[0]
            item = self.items[item_index]
            sql = "SELECT winning_bid FROM auction_log WHERE item_name LIKE ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 5"
            bids = self.db.query(sql, [item])
            if bids:
                avg_win_bid = int(sum(map(lambda x: x.winning_bid, bids)) / len(bids))
                avg_win_bid = 0

            bid_link = self.get_auction_list()
            bid_link = self.text.paginate_single(ChatBlob("Click to bid", bid_link.msg))
            msg = "\n<yellow>----------------------------------------<end>\n"
            msg += "<yellow>%s<end> has just started an auction " \
                   "for <yellow>%s<end>.\n" % (sender.name, item)
            msg += "Average winning bid: <highlight>%s<end>\n" % avg_win_bid
            msg += "%s\n" % bid_link
            msg += "<yellow>----------------------------------------<end>"


Example #2
    def raid_active_cmd(self, request, _):
        if not self.raid:
            return self.NO_RAID_RUNNING_RESPONSE

        blob = ""

        count = 0
        raider_names = []
        for raider in self.raid.raiders:
            if count == 10:
                active_check_names = "/assist "
                active_check_names += "\\n /assist ".join(raider_names)
                blob += "[<a href='chatcmd://%s'>Active check</a>]\n\n" % active_check_names
                count = 0

            raider_name = self.character_service.resolve_char_to_name(
            akick_link = self.text.make_chatcmd(
                "Active kick",
                "/tell <myname> raid kick %s inactive" % raider.main_id)
            warn_link = self.text.make_chatcmd(
                "/tell <myname> cmd %s missed active check, please give notice."
                % raider_name)
            blob += "<highlight>%s<end> [%s] [%s]\n" % (raider_name,
                                                        akick_link, warn_link)
            count += 1

        if len(raider_names) > 0:
            active_check_names = "/assist "
            active_check_names += "\\n /assist ".join(raider_names)

            blob += "[<a href='chatcmd://%s'>Active check</a>]\n\n" % active_check_names

        return ChatBlob("Active check", blob)
Example #3
    def discord_cmd(self, request):
        counter = 0
        for cid, channel in self.channels.items():
            if channel.relay_ao or channel.relay_dc:
                counter += 1

        blob = "<header2>Info<end>\n"
        blob += "Status: "
        blob += "<green>Connected<end>\n" if self.is_connected(
        ) else "<red>Disconnected<end>\n"
        blob += "Channels available: <highlight>%d<end>\n\n" % counter

        blob += "<header2>Servers<end>\n"
        if self.servers:
            for server in self.servers:
                invites = self.text.make_chatcmd(
                    "get invite",
                    "/tell <myname> discord getinvite %s" % server.id)
                owner = server.owner.nick if server.owner.nick is not None else "Insufficient permissions"
                blob += "%s [%s]\n" % (server.name, invites)
                blob += " | member count: %s\n" % (str(len(server.members)))
                blob += " | owner: %s\n\n" % owner
            blob += "None\n\n"

        blob += "<header2>Subscribed channels<end>\n"
        for cid, channel in self.channels.items():
            if channel.relay_ao or channel.relay_dc:
                a = "<green>On<end>" if channel.relay_ao else "<red>Off<end>"
                d = "<green>On<end>" if channel.relay_dc else "<red>Off<end>"
                blob += "<highlight>%s<end> :: <highlight>%s<end>\n" % (
                    channel.server_name, channel.channel_name)
                blob += " | relaying from AO [%s]\n" % a
                blob += " | relaying from Discord [%s]\n" % d

        blob += "\n\nDiscord Module written by <highlight>Vladimirovna<end>"

        return ChatBlob("Discord info", blob)
Example #4
    def loot_roll_cmd(self, request, _):
        if not self.leader_controller.can_use_command(request.sender.char_id,
            return LeaderController.NOT_LEADER_MSG

        loot_list = self.get_loot_list(request.conn)

        if not loot_list:
            return "Loot list is empty."

        blob = ""
        for i, loot_item in loot_list.copy().items():
            winners = []

            if loot_item.bidders:
                if len(loot_item.bidders) <= loot_item.count:
                    winners = loot_item.bidders.copy()
                    loot_item.count = loot_item.count - len(loot_item.bidders)
                    loot_item.bidders = []
                    for j in range(0, loot_item.count):
                        winner = secrets.choice(loot_item.bidders)
                        loot_item.count = loot_item.count - 1

                blob += "%d. %s\n" % (i, loot_item.get_item_str())
                blob += "  Winners: <highlight>%s</highlight>\n\n" % '</highlight>, <highlight>'.join(

            if loot_item.count == 0:

        if len(blob) > 0:
            self.send_loot_message(ChatBlob("Roll results", blob),
            return "No one was added to any loot."
Example #5
    def outgoing_org_message_event(self, event_type, event_data):
        org_abbreviation = self.get_org_abbreviation(event_data.conn)
        msg = org_abbreviation + " "
        sender = None
        if event_data.name:
            msg += self.text.make_charlink(event_data.name) + ": "
            sender = DictObject({
                "char_id": event_data.char_id,
                "name": event_data.name

        if isinstance(event_data.message, ChatBlob):
            pages = self.text.paginate(
                ChatBlob(event_data.message.title, event_data.message.msg),
            if len(pages) < 4:
                for page in pages:
                    message = msg + page
                        message, from_conn=event_data.conn)
                        self.MESSAGE_SOURCE, sender, org_abbreviation, page)
                message = msg + event_data.message.title
                    message, from_conn=event_data.conn)
                                                      sender, org_abbreviation,
            message = msg + event_data.message
                message, from_conn=event_data.conn)
            self.message_hub_service.send_message(self.MESSAGE_SOURCE, sender,
    def config_list_cmd(self, channel, sender, reply, args):
        sql = """SELECT
                SUM(CASE WHEN enabled = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) count_enabled,
                SUM(CASE WHEN enabled = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) count_disabled
                (SELECT module, enabled FROM command_config
                SELECT module, enabled FROM event_config
                SELECT module, 2 FROM setting) t
            GROUP BY
            ORDER BY
                module ASC"""

        data = self.db.query(sql)
        count = len(data)
        blob = ""
        current_group = ""
        for row in data:
            parts = row.module.split(".")
            group = parts[0]
            module = parts[1]
            if group != current_group:
                current_group = group
                blob += "\n<header2>" + current_group + "<end>\n"

            blob += self.text.make_chatcmd(module, "/tell <myname> config mod " + row.module) + " "
            if row.count_enabled > 0 and row.count_disabled > 0:
                blob += "<yellow>Partial<end>"
            elif row.count_disabled == 0:
                blob += "<green>Enabled<end>"
                blob += "<red>Disabled<end>"
            blob += "\n"

        reply(ChatBlob("Config (%d)" % count, blob))
    def config_cmdlist_cmd(self, request, _, named_params):
        sql = "SELECT access_level, channel, enabled, command, module, sub_command FROM command_config"
        params = []
        if named_params.access_level:
            sql += " WHERE access_level = ?"
        sql += " ORDER BY module, command, sub_command, channel"
        data = self.db.query(sql, params)

        blob = ""
        current_module = ""
        current_command_key = ""
        count = 0
        temp_rows = []
        for row in data:
            if current_module != row.module:
                if temp_rows:
                    blob += self.display_row_data(temp_rows)
                    temp_rows = []
                blob += "\n<pagebreak><header2>%s<end>\n" % row.module
                current_module = row.module
                current_command_key = ""

            command_key = self.command_service.get_command_key(row.command, row.sub_command)
            if current_command_key != command_key:
                if temp_rows:
                    blob += self.display_row_data(temp_rows)
                    temp_rows = []
                count += 1
                blob += "%s - " % (self.text.make_chatcmd(command_key, "/tell <myname> config cmd " + command_key))
                current_command_key = command_key


        if temp_rows:
            blob += self.display_row_data(temp_rows)

        return ChatBlob(self.getresp("module/config", "cmdlist_commands", {"amount": count}), blob)
Example #8
    def raid_cmd(self, request):
        if not self.raid:
            return self.NO_RAID_RUNNING_RESPONSE

        blob = ""
        blob += "Name: <highlight>%s<end>\n" % self.raid.raid_name
        blob += "Started By: <highlight>%s<end>\n" % self.raid.started_by.name
        blob += "Started At: <highlight>%s<end> (%s ago)\n" % (self.util.format_datetime(self.raid.started_at), self.util.time_to_readable(int(time.time()) - self.raid.started_at))
        blob += "Minimum Level: <highlight>%d<end>\n" % self.raid.raid_min_lvl
        blob += "Maximum Characters: <highlight>%s<end>\n" % (self.raid.raid_limit or "No Limit")
        blob += "Status: %s" % ("<green>Open<end>" if self.raid.is_open else "<red>Closed<end>")
        if self.raid.is_open:
            blob += " (%s)" % self.text.make_chatcmd("Join", "/tell <myname> raid join")
        blob += "\n\n"
        if self.raid.raid_orders:
            blob += "<header2>Orders<end>\n"
            blob += self.raid.raid_orders + "\n\n"
        blob += "<header2>Raiders<end>\n"
        for raider in self.raid.raiders:
            if raider.is_active:
                blob += self.text.format_char_info(raider.get_active_char()) + "\n"

        return ChatBlob("Raid Status", blob)
Example #9
    def recipe_search_cmd(self, request, search, named_params):
        page = int(named_params.page or "1")
        page_size = 30
        offset = (page - 1) * page_size

        data = self.db.query("SELECT * FROM recipe WHERE recipe <EXTENDED_LIKE=0> ? ORDER BY name ASC", [search], extended_like=True)
        count = len(data)
        paged_data = data[offset:offset + page_size]

        blob = ""

        if count > page_size:
            if page > 1 and len(paged_data) > 0:
                blob += "   " + self.text.make_chatcmd("<< Page %d" % (page - 1), self.get_chat_command(search, page - 1))
            if offset + page_size < len(data):
                blob += "   Page " + str(page)
                blob += "   " + self.text.make_chatcmd("Page %d >>" % (page + 1), self.get_chat_command(search, page + 1))
            blob += "\n\n"

        for row in paged_data:
            blob += self.text.make_tellcmd(row.name, "recipe %d" % row.id) + "\n"

        return ChatBlob("Recipes Matching '%s' (%d - %d of %d)" % (search, offset + 1, min(offset + page_size, count), count), blob)
Example #10
    def discord_cmd(self, request):
        servers = ""
        if self.client and self.client.guilds:
            for server in self.client.guilds:
                invites = self.text.make_tellcmd(
                    self.getresp("module/discord", "get_invite"),
                    "discord getinvite %s" % server.id)
                owner = server.owner.nick or re.sub(
                    pattern=r"#\d+", repl="", string=str(server.owner))
                servers += self.getresp(
                    "module/discord", "server", {
                        "server_name": server.name,
                        "invite": invites,
                        "m_count": str(len(server.members)),
                        "owner": owner
            servers += self.getresp("module/discord", "no_server")

        subs = ""
        for channel in self.get_text_channels():
            subs += self.getresp("module/discord", "sub", {
                "server_name": channel.guild.name,
                "channel_name": channel.name
        status = self.getresp(
            "connected" if self.is_connected() else "disconnected")
        blob = self.getresp(
            "module/discord", "blob", {
                "connected": status,
                "count": len(self.get_text_channels()),
                "servers": servers,
                "subs": subs

        return ChatBlob(self.getresp("module/discord", "title"), blob)
Example #11
    def config_list_cmd(self, request):
        sql = """SELECT
                SUM(CASE WHEN enabled = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) count_enabled,
                SUM(CASE WHEN enabled = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) count_disabled
                (SELECT module, enabled FROM command_config
                SELECT module, enabled FROM event_config WHERE is_hidden = 0
                SELECT module, 2 FROM setting) t
            GROUP BY
            ORDER BY
                module ASC"""

        data = self.db.query(sql)
        count = len(data)
        blob = ""
        current_group = ""
        for row in data:
            parts = row.module.split(".")
            group = parts[0]
            module = parts[1]
            if group != current_group:
                current_group = group
                blob += "\n<header2>" + current_group + "</header2>\n"

            blob += self.text.make_tellcmd(module,
                                           "config mod " + row.module) + " "
            if row.count_enabled > 0 and row.count_disabled > 0:
                blob += "Partial"
                blob += "<green>Enabled</green>" if row.count_disabled == 0 else "<red>Disabled</red>"
            blob += "\n"

        return ChatBlob(f"Config ({count})", blob)
Example #12
    def handle_discord_invite_event(self, event_type, event_data):
        char_name = event_data[0]
        invites = event_data[1]

        blob = ""
        server_invites = ""
        if len(invites) > 0:
            for invite in invites:
                link = self.text.make_chatcmd(
                    self.getresp("module/discord", "join"),
                    "/start %s" % invite.url)
                timeleft = "Permanent" if invite.max_age == 0 else str(
                used = str(invite.uses) if invite.uses is not None else "N/A"
                useleft = str(
                    invite.max_uses) if invite.max_uses is not None else "N/A"
                channel = self.getresp("module/discord", "inv_channel", {"channel": invite.channel.name})\
                    if invite.channel is not None else None
                server_invites += self.getresp(
                    "module/discord", "invite", {
                        "server": invite.guild.name,
                        "link": link,
                        "time_left": timeleft,
                        "count_used": used,
                        "count_left": useleft,
                        "channel": channel
            blob += self.getresp("module/discord", "blob_invites",
                                 {"invites": server_invites})

            blob += self.getresp("module/discord", "no_invites")

        char_id = self.character_service.resolve_char_to_id(char_name)
            ChatBlob(self.getresp("module/discord", "invite_title"), blob))
Example #13
    def get_online_output(self):
        blob = ""
        count = 0
        for channel, _ in self.channels:
            online_list = self.get_online_characters(channel)
            if len(online_list) == 0:

            blob += "<header2>%s Channel</header2>\n" % channel

            current_main = ""
            for row in online_list:
                if current_main != row.main:
                    count += 1
                    blob += "\n%s\n" % self.text.make_tellcmd(
                        row.main, "alts %s" % row.main)
                    current_main = row.main

                afk = ""
                if row.afk_dt > 0:
                    afk = " - <highlight>%s (%s ago)</highlight>" % (
                            int(time.time()) - row.afk_dt))

                org_info = ""
                if channel == self.PRIVATE_CHANNEL:
                    if row.org_name:
                        org_info = ", %s of %s" % (row.org_rank_name,

                blob += " | %s (%d/<green>%d</green>) %s %s%s%s\n" % (
                    row.name, row.level or 0, row.ai_level
                    or 0, row.faction, row.profession, afk, org_info)
            blob += "\n\n"

        return ChatBlob("Online (%d)" % count, blob)
Example #14
    def account_log_entry_cmd(self, _1, _2, log_id: int):
        log_entry = self.db.query_single("SELECT * FROM points_log WHERE log_id = ?", [log_id])

        if log_entry:
            char_name = self.character_service.resolve_char_to_name(log_entry.char_id)
            leader_name = self.character_service.resolve_char_to_name(log_entry.leader_id)

            blob = "Log entry ID: <highlight>%d<end>\n" % log_id
            blob += "Affecting account: <highlight>%s<end>\n" % char_name
            blob += "Action by: <highlight>%s<end>\n" % leader_name
            blob += "Type: <highlight>%s<end>\n" % ("Management" if log_entry.audit == 0 else "Altering of points")
            blob += "Reason: <highlight>%s<end>\n" % log_entry.reason
            action_links = None
            if log_entry.audit == 0:
                if "closed" in log_entry.reason:
                    action_links = self.text.make_chatcmd("Open the account",
                                                          "/tell <myname> account create %s" % char_name)
                elif "re-enabled" in log_entry.reason:
                    action_links = self.text.make_chatcmd("Close the account",
                                                          "/tell <myname> account close %s" % char_name)
                if log_entry.audit < 0:
                    reason = "Points from event (%d) has been retracted, %d points have been added." \
                             % (log_id, (-1*log_entry.audit))
                    action_links = self.text.make_chatcmd("Retract", "/tell <myname> bank give %d %s %s"
                                                          % ((-1*log_entry.audit), char_name, reason))
                    reason = "Points from event (%d) has been retracted, %d points have been deducted." \
                             % (log_id, log_entry.audit)
                    action_links = self.text.make_chatcmd("Retract", "/tell <myname> bank take %d %s %s"
                                                          % (log_entry.audit, char_name, reason))

            blob += "Actions available: [%s]\n" % (action_links if action_links is not None else "No actions available")

            return ChatBlob("Log entry (%d)" % log_id, blob)

        return "No log entry with given ID (%d)" % log_id
Example #15
    def leprocs_show_command(self, request, prof_name):
        profession = self.util.get_profession(prof_name)

        if not profession:
            return "Could not find profession <highlight>%s</highlight>." % prof_name

        data = self.db.query(
            "SELECT * FROM leprocs WHERE profession LIKE ? ORDER BY proc_type ASC, research_lvl DESC",
        proc_type = ""
        blob = ""
        for row in data:
            if proc_type != row.proc_type:
                proc_type = row.proc_type
                blob += "\n<highlight>%s</highlight>\n" % proc_type

            blob += "<pagebreak>[%d] %s <orange>%s</orange> %s <green>%s</green>\n" % (
                row.research_lvl, row.name, row.modifiers, row.duration,

        blob += "\n\nNote: Offensive procs have a 5% chance of firing every time you attack; Defensive procs have a 10% chance of firing every time something attacks you."
        blob += "\n\nProc info provided by Wolfbiter (RK1), Gatester (RK2)"

        return ChatBlob("%s LE Procs" % profession, blob)
Example #16
    def research_span_command(self, request, research_level1, research_level2):
        if research_level1 > 10 or research_level1 < 1 or research_level2 > 10 or research_level2 < 1:
            return "Research level must be between 1 and 10."
        elif research_level1 == research_level2:
            return "You must specify different research levels."

        if research_level1 > research_level2:
            # swap researches so the lower is research_level1 and higher is research_level2
            research_level1, research_level2 = research_level2, research_level1

        row = self.db.query_single(
            "SELECT SUM(sk) AS total_sk, MAX(levelcap) AS levelcap FROM research WHERE level > ? AND level <= ?",
            [research_level1, research_level2])

        blob = "You must be <highlight>Level %d</highlight> to reach Research Level <highlight>%d.</highlight>\n" % (
            row.levelcap, research_level2)
        blob += "It takes <highlight>%s SK</highlight> to go from Research Level <highlight>%d</highlight> to Research Level <highlight>%d</highlight> per research line.\n\n" \
                % (self.util.format_number(row.total_sk), research_level1, research_level2)
        blob += "This equals <highlight>%s XP</highlight>." % self.util.format_number(
            row.total_sk * 1000)

        return ChatBlob(
            "Research Levels %d - %d" % (research_level1, research_level2),
    def get_search_results(self, item_type, skill):
        data = self.db.query(
            "SELECT aodb.*, b.amount "
            "FROM aodb "
            "JOIN item_types i ON aodb.highid = i.item_id "
            "JOIN item_buffs b ON aodb.highid = b.item_id "
            "JOIN skills s ON b.attribute_id = s.id "
            "WHERE i.item_type LIKE ? AND s.id = ? "
            "ORDER BY amount DESC", [item_type, skill.id])

        if len(data) == 0:
            return "No items found of type <highlight>%s<end> that buff <highlight>%s<end>." % (
                item_type, skill.name)
            blob = ""
            for row in data:
                blob += "%s (%d)\n" % (self.text.make_item(
                    row.lowid, row.highid, row.highql, row.name), row.amount)

            blob += self.get_footer()

            return ChatBlob(
                "Whatbuffs - %s %s (%d)" % (item_type, skill.name, len(data)),
Example #18
    def get_loot_list_display(self, conn: Conn):
        blob = ""

        for i, loot_item in self.get_loot_list(conn).items():
            bidders = loot_item.bidders

            item_image = loot_item.get_item_image()
            if item_image:
                blob += item_image + "\n"

            blob += "%d. %s x%d" % (i, loot_item.get_item_str(),

            add_to_loot = self.text.make_tellcmd("Join", "loot join %d" % i)
            remove_from_loot = self.text.make_tellcmd("Leave", "loot leave")
            blob += " [%s] [%s]\n" % (add_to_loot, remove_from_loot)

            if len(bidders) > 0:
                blob += "Bidders: %s\n" % ', '.join(bidders)
                blob += "Bidders: -\n"
            blob += "\n\n"

        return ChatBlob("Loot (%d)" % len(self.get_loot_list(conn)), blob)
Example #19
    def get_search_results_blob(self, search, page_number):
        page_size = 30
        offset = (page_number - 1) * page_size

        data = self.db.query(
            "SELECT * FROM recipe WHERE recipe <EXTENDED_LIKE=0> ? ORDER BY name ASC",
        count = len(data)
        paged_data = data[offset:offset + page_size]

        blob = ""
        if len(data) > 0:
            blob += self.text.get_paging_links(f"recipe {search}", page_number,
                                               offset + page_size < len(data))
            blob += "\n\n"

        for row in paged_data:
            blob += self.text.make_tellcmd(row.name,
                                           "recipe %d" % row.id) + "\n"

        return ChatBlob(
            "Recipes Matching '%s' (%d - %d of %d)" %
            (search, offset + 1, min(offset + page_size, count), count), blob)
Example #20
    def fullauto_cmd(self, request, weapon_attack, weapon_recharge,
                     full_auto_recharge, full_auto_skill):
        full_auto_info = self.get_full_auto_info(weapon_attack,

        blob = "Attack: <highlight>%.2f secs</highlight>\n" % weapon_attack
        blob += "Recharge: <highlight>%.2f secs</highlight>\n" % weapon_recharge
        blob += "Full Auto Recharge: <highlight>%d</highlight>\n" % full_auto_recharge
        blob += "Full Auto Skill: <highlight>%d</highlight>\n\n" % full_auto_skill

        blob += "Full Auto Recharge: <highlight>%d secs</highlight>\n" % full_auto_info.recharge
        blob += "Max Number of Bullets: <highlight>%d</highlight>\n\n" % full_auto_info.max_bullets

        blob += "You need <highlight>%d</highlight> Full Auto Skill to cap your recharge at <highlight>%d secs</highlight>.\n\n" % (
            full_auto_info.skill_cap, full_auto_info.hard_cap)

        blob += "From <highlight>0 to 10K</highlight> damage, the bullet damage is unchanged.\n"
        blob += "From <highlight>10K to 11.5K</highlight> damage, each bullet damage is halved.\n"
        blob += "From <highlight>11K to 15K</highlight> damage, each bullet damage is halved again.\n"
        blob += "<highlight>15K</highlight> is the damage cap."

        return ChatBlob("Full Auto Results", blob)
Example #21
    def ofabweapons_show_command(self, request, ql1, weapon_name, ql2):
        weapon_name = weapon_name.capitalize()
        ql = ql1 or ql2 or 300

        weapon = self.db.query_single(
            "SELECT type, vp FROM ofab_weapons w, ofab_weapons_cost c WHERE w.name LIKE ? AND c.ql = ?",
            [weapon_name, ql])

        if not weapon:
            return "Ofab Weapon <highlight>%s</highlight> for QL <highlight>%d</highlight> does not exist." % (
                weapon_name, ql)

        type_ql = round(ql * 0.8)
        type_link = self.text.make_tellcmd(
            "Kyr'Ozch Bio-Material - Type %d" % weapon.type,
            "bioinfo %d %d" % (weapon.type, type_ql))

        blob = "Upgrade with %s (minimum QL %d)\n\n" % (type_link, type_ql)

        data = self.db.query(
            "SELECT ql FROM ofab_weapons_cost ORDER BY ql ASC")
        for row in data:
            blob += self.text.make_tellcmd(
                row.ql, "ofabweapons %s %d" % (weapon_name, row.ql)) + " "
        blob += "\n\n"

        for i in range(1, 7):
            item = self.items_controller.find_by_name("Ofab %s Mk %d" %
                                                      (weapon_name, i),
            blob += "<pagebreak>" + self.text.format_item(item, ql=ql)
            if i == 1:
                blob += "  (<highlight>%d</highlight> VP)" % weapon.vp
            blob += "\n"

        return ChatBlob("Ofab %s (QL %d)" % (weapon_name, ql), blob)
Example #22
    def orglist_character_cmd(self, request, search):
        if search.isdigit():
            org_id = int(search)
            orgs = self.pork_service.find_orgs(search)
            num_orgs = len(orgs)
            if num_orgs == 0:
                char_info = self.pork_service.get_character_info(search)
                if char_info:
                    if not char_info.org_id:
                        return "<highlight>%s<end> does not appear to belong to an org." % search.capitalize()
                        org_id = char_info.org_id
                    return "Could not find character or org <highlight>%s<end>." % search
            elif num_orgs == 1:
                org_id = orgs[0].org_id
                blob = ""
                for org in orgs:
                    blob += self.text.make_chatcmd("%s (%d)" % (org.org_name, org.org_id), "/tell <myname> orglist %d" % org.org_id) + "\n"
                return ChatBlob("Org List (%d)" % num_orgs, blob)

        self.start_orglist_lookup(request.reply, org_id)
Example #23
    def alien_weapon_bio(self, bio_type, ql):
        name = "Kyr'Ozch Bio-Material - Type %s" % bio_type

        blob = self.display_item(name, ql) + "\n\n"

        ee_cl_req = math.floor(ql * 4.5)
        blob += f"It will take <highlight>{ee_cl_req}</highlight> EE & CL (<highlight>4.5 * QL</highlight>) to analyze the Bio-Material.\n\n"

        specials = self.db.query_single("SELECT specials FROM alien_weapon_specials WHERE type = ?", [bio_type]).specials
        blob += f"<highlight>Adds {specials} to:</highlight>\n"

        # Ensures that the maximum AI weapon that combines into doesn't go over QL 300 when the user presents a QL 271+ bio-material
        max_ai_type = math.floor(ql / 0.9)
        if max_ai_type > 300 or max_ai_type < 1:
            max_ai_type = 300

        data = self.db.query("SELECT * FROM alien_weapons WHERE type = ?", [bio_type])
        for row in data:
            blob += self.display_item(row.name, max_ai_type) + "\n"

        blob += self.get_weapon_info(max_ai_type)
        blob += "\n\n<yellow>Tradeskilling info added by Mdkdoc420</yellow>"

        return ChatBlob("%s (QL %d)" % (name, ql), blob)
    def config_module_list_cmd(self, channel, sender, reply, args):
        module = args[1].lower()

        blob = ""

        data = self.db.query("SELECT name FROM setting WHERE module = ? ORDER BY name ASC", [module])
        if data:
            blob += "<header2>Settings<end>\n"
            for row in data:
                setting = self.setting_manager.get(row.name)
                blob += setting.get_description() + ": " + self.text.make_chatcmd(setting.get_display_value(), "/tell <myname> config setting " + row.name) + "\n"

        data = self.db.query("SELECT DISTINCT command, sub_command FROM command_config WHERE module = ? ORDER BY command ASC", [module])
        if data:
            blob += "\n<header2>Commands<end>\n"
            for row in data:
                command_key = self.command_manager.get_command_key(row.command, row.sub_command)
                blob += self.text.make_chatcmd(command_key, "/tell <myname> config cmd " + command_key) + "\n"

        data = self.db.query("SELECT event_type, event_sub_type, handler, description "
                             "FROM event_config WHERE module = ? "
                             "ORDER BY event_type, handler ASC",
        if data:
            blob += "\n<header2>Events<end>\n"
            for row in data:
                event_type_key = self.event_manager.get_event_type_key(row.event_type, row.event_sub_type)
                blob += row.event_type + " - " + row.description
                blob += " " + self.text.make_chatcmd("On", "/tell <myname> config event " + event_type_key + " " + row.handler + " enable")
                blob += " " + self.text.make_chatcmd("Off", "/tell <myname> config event " + event_type_key + " " + row.handler + " disable")
                blob += "\n"

        if blob:
            reply(ChatBlob("Module (" + module + ")", blob))
            reply("Could not find module <highlight>%s<end>" % module)
    def premade_list_cmd(self, request):
        blob = "<header2>Professions</header2>\n"
        for row in self.db.query(
                "SELECT Name FROM Profession WHERE ID IN (SELECT ProfessionID FROM premade_implant) ORDER BY Name ASC"
            blob += self.text.make_tellcmd(row.Name,
                                           "premade %s" % row.Name) + "\n"

        blob += "\n<header2>Slots</header2>\n"
        for row in self.db.query(
                "SELECT * FROM ImplantType ORDER BY ImplantTypeID ASC"):
            blob += self.text.make_tellcmd(row.Name,
                                           "premade %s" % row.ShortName) + "\n"

        blob += "\n<header2>Modifiers</header2>\n"
        sql = "SELECT LongName FROM Cluster WHERE ClusterID IN " \
              "(SELECT ShinyClusterID From premade_implant UNION SELECT BrightClusterID FROM premade_implant UNION SELECT FadedClusterID FROM premade_implant) " \
              "AND ClusterID != 0 " \
              "ORDER BY LongName ASC"
        for row in self.db.query(sql):
            blob += self.text.make_tellcmd(row.LongName,
                                           "premade %s" % row.LongName) + "\n"

        return ChatBlob("Premade Implant", blob)
Example #26
    def get_loot_list(self):
        blob = ""

        for i, loot_item in self.loot_list.items():
            item = loot_item.item
            bidders = loot_item.bidders

            increase_link = self.text.make_chatcmd("+", "/tell <myname> loot increase %d" % i)
            decrease_link = self.text.make_chatcmd("-", "/tell <myname> loot decrease %d" % i)

            blob += "%d. %s " % (i, self.text.make_item(item.low_id, item.high_id, item.ql, item.name))
            blob += "x%s [%s|%s]\n" % (loot_item.count, increase_link, decrease_link)

            if len(bidders) > 0:
                blob += " | %s\n" % ', '.join(bidders)
                blob += " | No bidders\n"

            add_to_loot = self.text.make_chatcmd("Add to", "/tell <myname> loot add %d" % i)
            remove_from_loot = self.text.make_chatcmd("Remove from", "/tell <myname> loot rem")
            remove_item = self.text.make_chatcmd("Remove item", "/tell <myname> loot remitem %d" % i)
            blob += " | [%s] [%s] [%s]\n\n" % (add_to_loot, remove_from_loot, remove_item)

        return ChatBlob("Loot (%d)" % len(self.loot_list), blob)
Example #27
    def handle_discord_invite_event(self, event_type, event_data):
        sender = event_data[0]
        invites = event_data[1]

        blob = "<header2>Available invites<end>\n"

        if len(invites) > 0:
            for invite in invites:
                link = self.text.make_chatcmd("join", "/start %s" % invite.url)
                timeleft = "Permanent" if invite.max_age == 0 else str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=invite.max_age))
                used = str(invite.uses) if invite.uses is not None else "N/A"
                useleft = str(invite.max_uses) if invite.max_uses is not None else "N/A"
                channel = " | for channel: %s\n" % invite.channel.name if invite.channel is not None else None

                blob += "%s [%s]\n" % (invite.server.name, link)
                blob += " | life time: %s\n" % timeleft
                blob += " | used: %s\n" % used
                blob += " | uses left: %s\n" % useleft
                blob += channel
                blob += "\n"
            blob += "None available, maybe the bot user does not have sufficient permissions to see invites, or no invites exists.\n\n"

        self.bot.send_private_message(sender, ChatBlob("Discord invites", blob))
Example #28
    def cloak_command(self, request, flag_params):
        t = int(time.time())

        if flag_params.all:
            blob = ""
            for _id, conn in self.bot.get_conns(lambda x: x.is_main and x.org_id):
                row = self.db.query_single("SELECT c.char_id, c.action, c.created_at, p.name FROM cloak_status c LEFT JOIN player p ON c.char_id = p.char_id "
                                           "WHERE c.org_id = ? ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1", [conn.org_id])

                org_name = conn.get_org_name()
                if row:
                    action = self.get_cloak_status_display(row.action)
                    time_str = self.util.time_to_readable(t - row.created_at)
                    history_link = self.text.make_tellcmd("History", f"cloak history {conn.org_id}")
                    blob += f"{org_name} - {action} [{time_str} ago] {history_link}\n"
                    blob += f"{org_name} - Unknown\n"

            title = "Cloak Status"

            return ChatBlob(title, blob)
            conn = request.conn
            if not conn.org_id:
                return "This bot is not a member of an org."

            row = self.db.query_single("SELECT c.char_id, c.action, c.created_at, p.name FROM cloak_status c LEFT JOIN player p ON c.char_id = p.char_id "
                                       "WHERE c.org_id = ? ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1", [conn.org_id])

            org_name = conn.get_org_name()
            if row:
                action = self.get_cloak_status_display(row.action)
                time_str = self.util.time_to_readable(t - row.created_at)
                return f"{org_name} - {action} [{time_str} ago]"
                return f"{org_name} - Unknown cloak status"
Example #29
 def format_help_text(self, topic, help_text):
     return ChatBlob("Help (" + topic + ")", help_text)
Example #30
    def alts_list_cmd(self, request):
        alts = self.alts_service.get_alts(request.sender.char_id)
        blob = self.format_alt_list(alts)

        return ChatBlob(self.getresp("module/alts", "list", {"char": alts[0].name, "amount": len(alts)}), blob)