Example #1
def isFinalResult(result):
    Checks if the given result is good enough quality that we can stop searching for other ones.

    If the result is the highest quality in both the any/best quality lists then this function
    returns True, if not then it's False

    sickrage.srLogger.debug("Checking if we should keep searching after we've found " + result.name)

    show_obj = result.episodes[0].show

    any_qualities, best_qualities = Quality.splitQuality(show_obj.quality)

    # if there is a redownload that's higher than this then we definitely need to keep looking
    if best_qualities and result.quality < max(best_qualities):
        return False

    # if it does not match the shows black and white list its no good
    elif show_obj.is_anime and show_obj.release_groups.is_valid(result):
        return False

    # if there's no redownload that's higher (above) and this is the highest initial download then we're good
    elif any_qualities and result.quality in any_qualities:
        return True

    elif best_qualities and result.quality == max(best_qualities):
        return True

    # if we got here than it's either not on the lists, they're empty, or it's lower than the highest required
        return False
Example #2
def isFirstBestMatch(result):
    Checks if the given result is a best quality match and if we want to archive the episode on first match.

    sickrage.srLogger.debug("Checking if we should archive our first best quality match for for episode " + result.name)

    show_obj = result.episodes[0].show

    any_qualities, best_qualities = Quality.splitQuality(show_obj.quality)

    # if there is a redownload that's a match to one of our best qualities and we want to archive the episode then we are done
    if best_qualities and show_obj.archive_firstmatch and result.quality in best_qualities:
        return True

    return False
Example #3
    def _get_segments(self, show, fromDate):
        if show.paused:
                "Skipping backlog for {show_name} because the show is paused".
            return {}

        anyQualities, bestQualities = Quality.splitQuality(
            show.quality)  # @UnusedVariable

            "Seeing if we need anything from {show_name}".format(

        sqlResults = main_db.MainDB().select(
            "SELECT status, season, episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE season > 0 AND airdate > ? AND showid = ?",
            [fromDate.toordinal(), show.indexerid])

        # check through the list of statuses to see if we want any
        wanted = {}
        for result in sqlResults:
            curCompositeStatus = int(result[b"status"] or -1)
            curStatus, curQuality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(

            if bestQualities:
                highestBestQuality = max(bestQualities)
                lowestBestQuality = min(bestQualities)
                highestBestQuality = 0
                lowestBestQuality = 0

            # if we need a better one then say yes
            if (curStatus in (DOWNLOADED, SNATCHED, SNATCHED_PROPER) and
                    curQuality < highestBestQuality) or curStatus == WANTED:
                epObj = show.getEpisode(int(result[b"season"]),

                # only fetch if not archive on first match, or if show is lowest than the lower expected quality
                if (epObj.show.archive_firstmatch == 0
                        or curQuality < lowestBestQuality):
                    if epObj.season not in wanted:
                        wanted[epObj.season] = [epObj]

        return wanted
Example #4
    def _get_segments(self, show, fromDate):
        if show.paused:
            sickrage.srLogger.debug("Skipping backlog for {show_name} because the show is paused".format(show_name=show.name))
            return {}

        anyQualities, bestQualities = Quality.splitQuality(show.quality)  # @UnusedVariable

        sickrage.srLogger.debug("Seeing if we need anything from {show_name}".format(show_name=show.name))

        sqlResults = main_db.MainDB().select(
            "SELECT status, season, episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE season > 0 AND airdate > ? AND showid = ?",
            [fromDate.toordinal(), show.indexerid])

        # check through the list of statuses to see if we want any
        wanted = {}
        for result in sqlResults:
            curCompositeStatus = int(result[b"status"] or -1)
            curStatus, curQuality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(curCompositeStatus)

            if bestQualities:
                highestBestQuality = max(bestQualities)
                lowestBestQuality = min(bestQualities)
                highestBestQuality = 0
                lowestBestQuality = 0

            # if we need a better one then say yes
            if (curStatus in (DOWNLOADED, SNATCHED,
                              SNATCHED_PROPER) and curQuality < highestBestQuality) or curStatus == WANTED:
                epObj = show.getEpisode(int(result[b"season"]), int(result[b"episode"]))

                # only fetch if not archive on first match, or if show is lowest than the lower expected quality
                if (epObj.show.archive_firstmatch == 0 or curQuality < lowestBestQuality):
                    if epObj.season not in wanted:
                        wanted[epObj.season] = [epObj]

        return wanted
Example #5
def wantedEpisodes(show, fromDate):
    Get a list of episodes that we want to download
    :param show: Show these episodes are from
    :param fromDate: Search from a certain date
    :return: list of wanted episodes

    anyQualities, bestQualities = Quality.splitQuality(show.quality)  # @UnusedVariable
    allQualities = list(set(anyQualities + bestQualities))

    sickrage.srLogger.debug("Seeing if we need anything from " + show.name)

    sqlResults = main_db.MainDB().select(
            "SELECT status, season, episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND season > 0 AND airdate > ?",
            [show.indexerid, fromDate.toordinal()])

    # check through the list of statuses to see if we want any
    wanted = []
    for result in sqlResults:
        curCompositeStatus = int(result[b"status"] or -1)
        curStatus, curQuality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(curCompositeStatus)

        if bestQualities:
            highestBestQuality = max(allQualities)
            highestBestQuality = 0

        # if we need a better one then say yes
        if (curStatus in (DOWNLOADED, SNATCHED,
                          SNATCHED_PROPER) and curQuality < highestBestQuality) or curStatus == WANTED:
            epObj = show.getEpisode(int(result[b"season"]), int(result[b"episode"]))
            epObj.wantedQuality = [i for i in allQualities if (i > curQuality and i != Quality.UNKNOWN)]

    return wanted
Example #6
def pickBestResult(results, show):
    Find the best result out of a list of search results for a show

    :param results: list of result objects
    :param show: Shows we check for
    :return: best result object
    results = results if isinstance(results, list) else [results]

    sickrage.srLogger.debug("Picking the best result out of " + str([x.name for x in results]))

    bestResult = None

    # find the best result for the current episode
    for cur_result in results:
        if show and cur_result.show is not show:

        # build the black And white list
        if show.is_anime:
            if not show.release_groups.is_valid(cur_result):

        sickrage.srLogger.info("Quality of " + cur_result.name + " is " + Quality.qualityStrings[cur_result.quality])

        anyQualities, bestQualities = Quality.splitQuality(show.quality)

        if cur_result.quality not in anyQualities + bestQualities:
            sickrage.srLogger.debug(cur_result.name + " is a quality we know we don't want, rejecting it")

        if show.rls_ignore_words and show_names.containsAtLeastOneWord(cur_result.name,
                    "Ignoring " + cur_result.name + " based on ignored words filter: " + show.rls_ignore_words)

        if show.rls_require_words and not show_names.containsAtLeastOneWord(cur_result.name,
                    "Ignoring " + cur_result.name + " based on required words filter: " + show.rls_require_words)

        if not show_names.filterBadReleases(cur_result.name, parse=False):
                    "Ignoring " + cur_result.name + " because its not a valid scene release that we want, ignoring it")

        if hasattr(cur_result, 'size'):
            if sickrage.srConfig.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS and FailedHistory.hasFailed(cur_result.name, cur_result.size,
                sickrage.srLogger.info(cur_result.name + " has previously failed, rejecting it")

        if not bestResult:
            bestResult = cur_result
        elif cur_result.quality in bestQualities and (
                        bestResult.quality < cur_result.quality or bestResult.quality not in bestQualities):
            bestResult = cur_result
        elif cur_result.quality in anyQualities and bestResult.quality not in bestQualities and bestResult.quality < cur_result.quality:
            bestResult = cur_result
        elif bestResult.quality == cur_result.quality:
            if "proper" in cur_result.name.lower() or "repack" in cur_result.name.lower():
                bestResult = cur_result
            elif "internal" in bestResult.name.lower() and "internal" not in cur_result.name.lower():
                bestResult = cur_result
            elif "xvid" in bestResult.name.lower() and "x264" in cur_result.name.lower():
                sickrage.srLogger.info("Preferring " + cur_result.name + " (x264 over xvid)")
                bestResult = cur_result

    if bestResult:
        sickrage.srLogger.debug("Picked " + bestResult.name + " as the best")
        sickrage.srLogger.debug("No result picked.")

    return bestResult
Example #7
def makeSceneSeasonSearchString(show, ep_obj, extraSearchType=None):
    numseasons = 0

    if show.air_by_date or show.sports:
        # the search string for air by date shows is just
        seasonStrings = [str(ep_obj.airdate).split('-')[0]]
    elif show.is_anime:
        seasonEps = show.getAllEpisodes(ep_obj.season)

        # get show qualities
        anyQualities, bestQualities = Quality.splitQuality(show.quality)

        # compile a list of all the episode numbers we need in this 'season'
        seasonStrings = []
        for episode in seasonEps:

            # get quality of the episode
            curCompositeStatus = episode.status
            curStatus, curQuality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(

            if bestQualities:
                highestBestQuality = max(bestQualities)
                highestBestQuality = 0

            # if we need a better one then add it to the list of episodes to fetch
            if (curStatus in (DOWNLOADED, SNATCHED) and
                    curQuality < highestBestQuality) or curStatus == WANTED:
                ab_number = episode.scene_absolute_number
                if ab_number > 0:
                    seasonStrings.append("%02d" % ab_number)

        numseasonsSQlResult = main_db.MainDB().select(
            "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT season) as numseasons FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? and season != 0",

        if numseasonsSQlResult:
            numseasons = int(numseasonsSQlResult[0][0])
        seasonStrings = ["S%02d" % int(ep_obj.scene_season)]

    showNames = set(makeSceneShowSearchStrings(show, ep_obj.scene_season))

    toReturn = []

    # search each show name
    for curShow in showNames:
        # most providers all work the same way
        if not extraSearchType:
            # if there's only one season then we can just use the show name straight up
            if numseasons == 1:
            # for providers that don't allow multiple searches in one request we only search for Sxx style stuff
                for cur_season in seasonStrings:
                    if ep_obj.show.is_anime:
                        if ep_obj.show.release_groups is not None:
                            if len(show.release_groups.whitelist) > 0:
                                for keyword in show.release_groups.whitelist:
                                    toReturn.append(keyword + '.' + curShow +
                                                    "." + cur_season)
                        toReturn.append(curShow + "." + cur_season)

    return toReturn
Example #8
def makeSceneSeasonSearchString(show, ep_obj, extraSearchType=None):
    numseasons = 0

    if show.air_by_date or show.sports:
        # the search string for air by date shows is just
        seasonStrings = [str(ep_obj.airdate).split('-')[0]]
    elif show.is_anime:
        seasonEps = show.getAllEpisodes(ep_obj.season)

        # get show qualities
        anyQualities, bestQualities = Quality.splitQuality(show.quality)

        # compile a list of all the episode numbers we need in this 'season'
        seasonStrings = []
        for episode in seasonEps:

            # get quality of the episode
            curCompositeStatus = episode.status
            curStatus, curQuality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(curCompositeStatus)

            if bestQualities:
                highestBestQuality = max(bestQualities)
                highestBestQuality = 0

            # if we need a better one then add it to the list of episodes to fetch
            if (curStatus in (
                    SNATCHED) and curQuality < highestBestQuality) or curStatus == WANTED:
                ab_number = episode.scene_absolute_number
                if ab_number > 0:
                    seasonStrings.append("%02d" % ab_number)

        numseasonsSQlResult = main_db.MainDB().select(
                "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT season) as numseasons FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? and season != 0",

        if numseasonsSQlResult:
            numseasons = int(numseasonsSQlResult[0][0])
        seasonStrings = ["S%02d" % int(ep_obj.scene_season)]

    showNames = set(makeSceneShowSearchStrings(show, ep_obj.scene_season))

    toReturn = []

    # search each show name
    for curShow in showNames:
        # most providers all work the same way
        if not extraSearchType:
            # if there's only one season then we can just use the show name straight up
            if numseasons == 1:
            # for providers that don't allow multiple searches in one request we only search for Sxx style stuff
                for cur_season in seasonStrings:
                    if ep_obj.show.is_anime:
                        if ep_obj.show.release_groups is not None:
                            if len(show.release_groups.whitelist) > 0:
                                for keyword in show.release_groups.whitelist:
                                    toReturn.append(keyword + '.' + curShow + "." + cur_season)
                        toReturn.append(curShow + "." + cur_season)

    return toReturn