def mark_season_as_watched_on_kodi(item, value=1): """ marca toda la temporada como vista o no vista en la libreria de Kodi @type item: item @param item: elemento a marcar @type value: int @param value: >0 para visto, 0 para no visto """ # logger.debug("item:\n" + item.tostring('\n')) # Solo podemos marcar la temporada como vista en la BBDD de Kodi si la BBDD es local, # en caso de compartir BBDD esta funcionalidad no funcionara if config.get_setting("db_mode", "videolibrary"): return if value == 0: value = 'Null' request_season = '' if item.contentSeason > -1: request_season = ' and c12= %s' % item.contentSeason tvshows_path = filetools.join(config.get_videolibrary_path(), config.get_setting("folder_tvshows")) item_path1 = "%" + item.path.replace("\\\\", "\\").replace(tvshows_path, "") if item_path1[:-1] != "\\": item_path1 += "\\" item_path2 = item_path1.replace("\\", "/") sql = 'update files set playCount= %s where idFile in ' \ '(select idfile from episode_view where strPath like "%s" or strPath like "%s"%s)' % \ (value, item_path1, item_path2, request_season) execute_sql_kodi(sql)
def move_to_libray(item): download_path = filetools.join(config.get_setting("downloadpath"), item.downloadFilename) library_path = filetools.join(config.get_videolibrary_path(), *filetools.split(item.downloadFilename)) final_path = download_path if config.get_setting("library_add", "downloads") == True and config.get_setting("library_move", "downloads") == True: if not filetools.isdir(filetools.dirname(library_path)): filetools.mkdir(filetools.dirname(library_path)) if filetools.isfile(library_path) and filetools.isfile(download_path): filetools.remove(library_path) if filetools.isfile(download_path): if filetools.move(download_path, library_path): final_path = library_path if len(filetools.listdir(filetools.dirname(download_path))) == 0: filetools.rmdir(filetools.dirname(download_path)) if config.get_setting("library_add", "downloads") == True: if filetools.isfile(final_path): if item.contentType == "movie" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title="Descargado: %s" % item.downloadFilename, channel="downloads", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=final_path) videolibrarytools.save_movie(library_item) elif item.contentType == "episode" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title="Descargado: %s" % item.downloadFilename, channel="downloads", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=final_path) tvshow = Item(channel="downloads", contentType="tvshow", infoLabels={"tmdb_id": item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]}) videolibrarytools.save_tvshow(tvshow, [library_item])
def findvideos(item): from core import servertools if item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: tmdb.set_infoLabels_item(item, __modo_grafico__) data = httptools.downloadpage(item.url).data iframe = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, '<iframe src="([^"]+)"') if "" in iframe: data += httptools.downloadpage(iframe, follow_redirects=False, only_headers=True).headers.get("location", "") itemlist = servertools.find_video_items(item, data) library_path = config.get_videolibrary_path() if config.get_videolibrary_support(): title = "Añadir película a la videoteca" if item.infoLabels["imdb_id"] and not library_path.lower().startswith("smb://"): try: from core import filetools movie_path = filetools.join(config.get_videolibrary_path(), 'CINE') files = filetools.walk(movie_path) for dirpath, dirname, filename in files: for f in filename: if item.infoLabels["imdb_id"] in f and f.endswith(".nfo"): from core import videolibrarytools head_nfo, it = videolibrarytools.read_nfo(filetools.join(dirpath, dirname, f)) canales = it.library_urls.keys() canales.sort() if "clasicofilm" in canales: canales.pop(canales.index("clasicofilm")) canales.insert(0, "[COLOR red]clasicofilm[/COLOR]") title = "Película ya en tu videoteca. [%s] ¿Añadir?" % ",".join(canales) break except: import traceback logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) itemlist.append(item.clone(action="add_pelicula_to_library", title=title)) token_auth = config.get_setting("token_trakt", "tvmoviedb") if token_auth and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: itemlist.append(item.clone(channel="tvmoviedb", title="[Trakt] Gestionar con tu cuenta", action="menu_trakt", extra="movie")) return itemlist
def ext_size(url): torrents_path = config.get_videolibrary_path() + '/torrents' if not os.path.exists(torrents_path): os.mkdir(torrents_path) try: urllib.urlretrieve("" + url, torrents_path + "/temp.torrent") pepe = open(torrents_path + "/temp.torrent", "rb").read() except: pepe = "" torrent = decode(pepe) try: name = torrent["info"]["name"] sizet = torrent["info"]['length'] sizet = convert_size(sizet) except: name = "no disponible" try: check_video = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(str(torrent["info"]["files"]), "'length': (\d+)}") size = max([int(i) for i in check_video]) for file in torrent["info"]["files"]: manolo = "%r - %d bytes" % ("/".join(file["path"]), file["length"]) if str(size) in manolo: video = manolo size = convert_size(size) ext_v = re.sub(r"-.*? bytes|.*?\[.*?\].|'|.*?COM.|.*?\[.*?\]|\(.*?\)|.*?\.", "", video) try: os.remove(torrents_path + "/temp.torrent") except: pass except: try: size = sizet ext_v = re.sub(r"-.*? bytes|.*?\[.*?\].|'|.*?COM.|.*?\.es.|.*?\[.*?\]|.*?\(.*?\)\.|.*?\.", "", name) except: size = "NO REPRODUCIBLE" ext_v = "" try: os.remove(torrents_path + "/temp.torrent") except: pass if "rar" in ext_v: ext_v = ext_v + " -- No reproducible" size = "" return ext_v, size
def file_cine_library(item, url_targets): import os from core import filetools videolibrarypath = os.path.join(config.get_videolibrary_path(), "CINE") archivo = strmfile = archivo + ".strm" strmfilepath = filetools.join(videolibrarypath, strmfile) if not os.path.exists(strmfilepath): itemlist = [] itemlist.append( Item(, title=">> Añadir a la videoteca...", url=url_targets, action="add_file_cine_library", extra="episodios", show=archivo)) return itemlist
def menu_info(item): itemlist = [] data = httptools.downloadpage(item.url).data data = re.sub(r"\n|\r|\t|\s{2}| |<br>", "", data) item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"] = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, '<a href="[^/]+/(\d+)') item.infoLabels["year"] = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, 'class="e_new">(\d{4})') item.infoLabels["plot"] = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, 'itemprop="description">([^<]+)</div>') item.infoLabels["genre"] = ", ".join(scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(data, '<a itemprop="genre"[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>')) if __modo_grafico__: tmdb.set_infoLabels_item(item, __modo_grafico__) action = "findvideos" title = "Ver enlaces" if item.contentType == "tvshow": action = "episodios" title = "Ver capítulos" itemlist.append(item.clone(action=action, title=title)) carpeta = "CINE" tipo = "película" action = "add_pelicula_to_library" extra = "" if item.contentType == "tvshow": carpeta = "SERIES" tipo = "serie" action = "add_serie_to_library" extra = "episodios###library" library_path = config.get_videolibrary_path() if config.get_videolibrary_support(): title = "Añadir %s a la videoteca" % tipo if item.infoLabels["imdb_id"] and not library_path.lower().startswith("smb://"): try: from core import filetools path = filetools.join(library_path, carpeta) files = filetools.walk(path) for dirpath, dirname, filename in files: if item.infoLabels["imdb_id"] in dirpath: namedir = dirpath.replace(path, '')[1:] for f in filename: if f != namedir + ".nfo" and f != "tvshow.nfo": continue from core import videolibrarytools head_nfo, it = videolibrarytools.read_nfo(filetools.join(dirpath, f)) canales = it.library_urls.keys() canales.sort() if "playmax" in canales: canales.pop(canales.index("playmax")) canales.insert(0, "[COLOR red]playmax[/COLOR]") title = "%s ya en tu videoteca. [%s] ¿Añadir?" % (tipo.capitalize(), ",".join(canales)) break except: import traceback logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) pass itemlist.append(item.clone(action=action, title=title, text_color=color5, extra=extra)) token_auth = config.get_setting("token_trakt", "tvmoviedb") if token_auth and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: extra = "movie" if item.contentType != "movie": extra = "tv" itemlist.append(item.clone(channel="tvmoviedb", title="[Trakt] Gestionar con tu cuenta", action="menu_trakt", extra=extra)) itemlist.append(item.clone(channel="trailertools", action="buscartrailer", title="Buscar Tráiler", text_color="magenta", context="")) itemlist.append(item.clone(action="", title="")) ficha = scrapertools.find_single_match(item.url, '-f(\d+)-') if not ficha: ficha = scrapertools.find_single_match(item.url, 'f=(\d+)') itemlist.extend(acciones_fichas(item, sid, ficha, season=True)) itemlist.append(item.clone(action="acciones_cuenta", title="Añadir a una lista", text_color=color3, ficha=ficha)) return itemlist
def episodios(item): itemlist = [] # Descarga la página data = httptools.downloadpage(item.url).data data = re.sub(r"\n|\r|\t|\s{2}| |<br>", "", data) if not item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"] = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, '<a href="[^/]+/(\d+)') item.infoLabels["year"] = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, 'class="e_new">(\d{4})') if not item.infoLabels["genre"]: item.infoLabels["genre"] = ", ".join(scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(data, '<a itemprop="genre"[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>')) if not item.infoLabels["plot"]: item.infoLabels["plot"] = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, 'itemprop="description">([^<]+)</div>') dc = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, "var dc_ic = '\?dc=([^']+)'") patron = '<div class="f_cl_l_c f_cl_l_c_id[^"]+" c_id="([^"]+)" .*?c_num="([^"]+)" c_name="([^"]+)"' \ '.*?load_f_links\(\d+\s*,\s*(\d+).*?<div class="([^"]+)" onclick="marcar_capitulo' matches = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(data, patron) lista_epis = [] for c_id, episodio, title, ficha, status in matches: episodio = episodio.replace("X", "x") if episodio in lista_epis: continue lista_epis.append(episodio) url = "" % (ficha, c_id, dc) title = "%s - %s" % (episodio, title) if "_mc a" in status: title = "[COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR] %s" % (color5, u"\u0474".encode('utf-8'), title) new_item = Item(, action="findvideos", title=title, url=url, thumbnail=item.thumbnail, fanart=item.fanart,, infoLabels=item.infoLabels, text_color=color2, referer=item.url, contentType="episode") try: new_item.infoLabels["season"], new_item.infoLabels["episode"] = episodio.split('x', 1) except: pass itemlist.append(new_item) itemlist.sort(key=lambda it: (it.infoLabels["season"], it.infoLabels["episode"]), reverse=True) if __modo_grafico__: tmdb.set_infoLabels_itemlist(itemlist, __modo_grafico__) library_path = config.get_videolibrary_path() if config.get_videolibrary_support() and not item.extra: title = "Añadir serie a la videoteca" if item.infoLabels["imdb_id"] and not library_path.lower().startswith("smb://"): try: from core import filetools path = filetools.join(library_path, "SERIES") files = filetools.walk(path) for dirpath, dirname, filename in files: if item.infoLabels["imdb_id"] in dirpath: for f in filename: if f != "tvshow.nfo": continue from core import videolibrarytools head_nfo, it = videolibrarytools.read_nfo(filetools.join(dirpath, dirname, f)) canales = it.library_urls.keys() canales.sort() if "playmax" in canales: canales.pop(canales.index("playmax")) canales.insert(0, "[COLOR red]playmax[/COLOR]") title = "Serie ya en tu videoteca. [%s] ¿Añadir?" % ",".join(canales) break except: import traceback logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) pass itemlist.append(item.clone(action="add_serie_to_library", title=title, text_color=color5, extra="episodios###library")) if itemlist and not __menu_info__: ficha = scrapertools.find_single_match(item.url, '-f(\d+)-') itemlist.extend(acciones_fichas(item, sid, ficha)) return itemlist
import errno import math import os from core import config from core import filetools from core import logger from core import scraper from core import scrapertools from core.item import Item from platformcode import platformtools FOLDER_MOVIES = config.get_setting("folder_movies") FOLDER_TVSHOWS = config.get_setting("folder_tvshows") VIDEOLIBRARY_PATH = config.get_videolibrary_path() MOVIES_PATH = filetools.join(VIDEOLIBRARY_PATH, FOLDER_MOVIES) TVSHOWS_PATH = filetools.join(VIDEOLIBRARY_PATH, FOLDER_TVSHOWS) if not FOLDER_MOVIES or not FOLDER_TVSHOWS or not VIDEOLIBRARY_PATH \ or not filetools.exists(MOVIES_PATH) or not filetools.exists(TVSHOWS_PATH): config.verify_directories_created() addon_name = "plugin://" % config.PLUGIN_NAME def read_nfo(path_nfo, item=None): """ Metodo para leer archivos nfo. Los arcivos nfo tienen la siguiente extructura: url_scraper | xml + item_json [url_scraper] y [xml] son opcionales, pero solo uno de ellos ha de existir siempre.