Example #1
 def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
         return meth(self, *args, **kwargs)
     except IOError as (errno, strerror):
         if errno == ENOSPC:
             msg = 'No space left on device'
             raise w3afMustStopByKnownReasonExc(msg)
Example #2
    def _increment_global_error_count(self, error, parsed_traceback=[]):
        Increment the error count, and if we got a lot of failures raise a
        "w3afMustStopException" subtype.

        :param error: Exception object.

        :param parsed_traceback: A list with the following format:
            [('trace_test.py', '9', 'one'), ('trace_test.py', '17', 'two'),
            ('trace_test.py', '5', 'abc')]
            Where ('filename', 'line-number', 'function-name')

        if self._ignore_errors_conf:

        last_errors = self._last_errors

        if self._last_request_failed:
            last_errors.append((str(error), parsed_traceback))
            self._last_request_failed = True

        errtotal = len(last_errors)

        om.out.debug('Incrementing global error count. GEC: %s' % errtotal)

        with self._count_lock:
            if errtotal >= 10 and not self._error_stopped:
                # Stop using ExtendedUrllib instance
                # Known reason errors. See errno module for more info on these
                # errors.
                EUNKNSERV = -2  # Name or service not known error
                EINVHOSTNAME = -5  # No address associated with hostname
                known_errors = (EUNKNSERV, ECONNREFUSED, EHOSTUNREACH,
                                ECONNRESET, ENETDOWN, ENETUNREACH,
                                EINVHOSTNAME, ETIMEDOUT, ENOSPC)

                msg = ('w3af found too many consecutive errors while performing'
                       ' HTTP requests. Either the web server is not reachable'
                       ' anymore or there is an internal error. The last error'
                       ' message is "%s".')

                if parsed_traceback:
                    tback_str = ''
                    for path, line, call in parsed_traceback[-3:]:
                        tback_str += '    %s:%s at %s\n' % (path, line, call)

                    msg += ' The last calls in the traceback are: \n%s' % tback_str

                if type(error) is urllib2.URLError:
                    # URLError exceptions may wrap either httplib.HTTPException
                    # or socket.error exception instances. We're interested on
                    # treat'em in a special way.
                    reason_err = error.reason
                    reason_msg = None

                    if isinstance(reason_err, socket.error):
                        if isinstance(reason_err, socket.sslerror):
                            reason_msg = 'SSL Error: %s' % error.reason
                        elif reason_err[0] in known_errors:
                            reason_msg = str(reason_err)

                    elif isinstance(reason_err, httplib.HTTPException):
                        #    Here we catch:
                        #    BadStatusLine, ResponseNotReady, CannotSendHeader,
                        #    CannotSendRequest, ImproperConnectionState,
                        #    IncompleteRead, UnimplementedFileMode, UnknownTransferEncoding,
                        #    UnknownProtocol, InvalidURL, NotConnected.
                        #    TODO: Maybe we're being TOO generic in this isinstance?
                        reason_msg = '%s: %s' % (error.__class__.__name__,
                    if reason_msg is not None:
                        raise w3afMustStopByKnownReasonExc(
                            msg % error, reason=reason_err)

                errors = [] if parsed_traceback else last_errors
                raise w3afMustStopByUnknownReasonExc(msg % error, errs=errors)
Example #3
    def do_open(self, req):
        Called by handler's url_open method.
        host = req.get_host()
        if not host:
            raise urllib2.URLError('no host given')

            resp_statuses = self._hostresp.setdefault(host,
            # Check if all our last 'resp_statuses' were timeouts and raise
            # a w3afMustStopException if this is the case.
            if len(resp_statuses) == self._curr_check_failures and \
                    all(st == RESP_TIMEOUT for st in resp_statuses):
                msg = ('w3af found too many consecutive timeouts. The remote '
                       'webserver seems to be unresponsive; please verify manually.')
                reason = 'Timeout while trying to reach target.'
                raise w3afMustStopByKnownReasonExc(msg, reason=reason)

            conn_factory = self._get_connection
            conn = self._cm.get_available_connection(host, conn_factory)

            if conn.is_fresh:
                # First of all, call the request method. This is needed for
                # HTTPS Proxy
                if isinstance(conn, ProxyHTTPConnection):

                conn.is_fresh = False
                self._start_transaction(conn, req)
                resp = conn.getresponse()
                # We'll try to use a previously created connection
                resp = self._reuse_connection(conn, req, host)
                # If the resp is None it means that connection is bad. It was
                # possibly closed by the server. Replace it with a new one.
                if resp is None:
                    conn = self._cm.replace_connection(conn, host,
                    # First of all, call the request method. This is needed for
                    # HTTPS Proxy
                    if isinstance(conn, ProxyHTTPConnection):

                    # Try again with the fresh one
                    conn.is_fresh = False
                    self._start_transaction(conn, req)
                    resp = conn.getresponse()

        except (socket.error, httplib.HTTPException), err:
            # We better discard this connection
            self._cm.remove_connection(conn, host)
            if isinstance(err, socket.timeout):
                _err = URLTimeoutError()
                if isinstance(err, httplib.HTTPException):
                    err = repr(err)
                _err = urllib2.URLError(err)
            raise _err
Example #4
    def _handle_error_on_increment(self, error, parsed_traceback, last_errors):
        Handle the error
        # Stop using ExtendedUrllib instance
        self._error_stopped = True

        # Create a detailed exception message
        msg = (
            'w3af found too many consecutive errors while performing'
            ' HTTP requests. In most cases this means that the remote web'
            ' server is not reachable anymore, the network is down, or'
            ' a WAF is blocking our tests. The last error message was "%s".')

        if parsed_traceback:
            tback_str = ''
            for path, line, call in parsed_traceback[-3:]:
                tback_str += '    %s:%s at %s\n' % (path, line, call)

            msg += ' The last calls in the traceback are: \n%s' % tback_str

        reason_msg = None

        if isinstance(error, URLTimeoutError):
            # New exception type raised by keepalive handler
            reason_msg = error.message
            reason_err = error.message

        # Exceptions may be of type httplib.HTTPException or socket.error
        # We're interested on handling them in different ways
        elif isinstance(error, urllib2.URLError):
            reason_err = error.reason

            # Known reason errors. See errno module for more info on these
            # errors.
            EUNKNSERV = -2  # Name or service not known error
            EINVHOSTNAME = -5  # No address associated with hostname

            if isinstance(reason_err, socket.error):
                if isinstance(reason_err, socket.sslerror):
                    reason_msg = 'SSL Error: %s' % error.reason
                elif reason_err[0] in known_errors:
                    reason_msg = str(reason_err)

        elif isinstance(error, httplib.HTTPException):
            #    Here we catch:
            #    BadStatusLine, ResponseNotReady, CannotSendHeader,
            #    CannotSendRequest, ImproperConnectionState,
            #    IncompleteRead, UnimplementedFileMode, UnknownTransferEncoding,
            #    UnknownProtocol, InvalidURL, NotConnected.
            #    TODO: Maybe we're being TOO generic in this isinstance?
            reason_msg = '%s: %s' % (error.__class__.__name__, error.args)
            reason_err = error.message

        # If I got a reason, it means that it is a known exception.
        if reason_msg is not None:
            raise w3afMustStopByKnownReasonExc(msg % error, reason=reason_err)

            errors = [] if parsed_traceback else last_errors
            raise w3afMustStopByUnknownReasonExc(msg % error, errs=errors)
Example #5
    def _handle_error_on_increment(self, error, parsed_traceback, last_errors):
        Handle the error
        # Stop using ExtendedUrllib instance
        self._error_stopped = True

        # Create a detailed exception message
        msg = ('w3af found too many consecutive errors while performing'
               ' HTTP requests. In most cases this means that the remote web'
               ' server is not reachable anymore, the network is down, or'
               ' a WAF is blocking our tests. The last error message was "%s".')

        if parsed_traceback:
            tback_str = ''
            for path, line, call in parsed_traceback[-3:]:
                tback_str += '    %s:%s at %s\n' % (path, line, call)

            msg += ' The last calls in the traceback are: \n%s' % tback_str

        reason_msg = None

        if isinstance(error, URLTimeoutError):
            # New exception type raised by keepalive handler
            reason_msg = error.message
            reason_err = error.message

        # Exceptions may be of type httplib.HTTPException or socket.error
        # We're interested on handling them in different ways
        elif isinstance(error, urllib2.URLError):
            reason_err = error.reason

            # Known reason errors. See errno module for more info on these
            # errors.
            EUNKNSERV = -2  # Name or service not known error
            EINVHOSTNAME = -5  # No address associated with hostname
            known_errors = (EUNKNSERV, ECONNREFUSED, EHOSTUNREACH,
                            ECONNRESET, ENETDOWN, ENETUNREACH,
                            EINVHOSTNAME, ETIMEDOUT, ENOSPC)

            if isinstance(reason_err, socket.error):
                if isinstance(reason_err, socket.sslerror):
                    reason_msg = 'SSL Error: %s' % error.reason
                elif reason_err[0] in known_errors:
                    reason_msg = str(reason_err)

        elif isinstance(error, httplib.HTTPException):
            #    Here we catch:
            #    BadStatusLine, ResponseNotReady, CannotSendHeader,
            #    CannotSendRequest, ImproperConnectionState,
            #    IncompleteRead, UnimplementedFileMode, UnknownTransferEncoding,
            #    UnknownProtocol, InvalidURL, NotConnected.
            #    TODO: Maybe we're being TOO generic in this isinstance?
            reason_msg = '%s: %s' % (error.__class__.__name__,
            reason_err = error.message
        # If I got a reason, it means that it is a known exception.
        if reason_msg is not None:
            raise w3afMustStopByKnownReasonExc(msg % error,

            errors = [] if parsed_traceback else last_errors
            raise w3afMustStopByUnknownReasonExc(msg % error, errs=errors)
Example #6
    def do_open(self, req):
        Called by handler's url_open method.
        host = req.get_host()
        if not host:
            raise urllib2.URLError('no host given')

            resp_statuses = self._hostresp.setdefault(host,
            # Check if all our last 'resp_statuses' were timeouts and raise
            # a w3afMustStopException if this is the case.
            if len(resp_statuses) == self._curr_check_failures and \
                    all(st == RESP_TIMEOUT for st in resp_statuses):
                msg = (
                    'w3af found too many consecutive timeouts. The remote '
                    'webserver seems to be unresponsive; please verify manually.'
                reason = 'Timeout while trying to reach target.'
                raise w3afMustStopByKnownReasonExc(msg, reason=reason)

            conn_factory = self._get_connection
            conn = self._cm.get_available_connection(host, conn_factory)

            if conn.is_fresh:
                # First of all, call the request method. This is needed for
                # HTTPS Proxy
                if isinstance(conn, ProxyHTTPConnection):

                conn.is_fresh = False
                self._start_transaction(conn, req)
                resp = conn.getresponse()
                # We'll try to use a previously created connection
                resp = self._reuse_connection(conn, req, host)
                # If the resp is None it means that connection is bad. It was
                # possibly closed by the server. Replace it with a new one.
                if resp is None:
                    conn = self._cm.replace_connection(conn, host,
                    # First of all, call the request method. This is needed for
                    # HTTPS Proxy
                    if isinstance(conn, ProxyHTTPConnection):

                    # Try again with the fresh one
                    conn.is_fresh = False
                    self._start_transaction(conn, req)
                    resp = conn.getresponse()

        except (socket.error, httplib.HTTPException), err:
            # We better discard this connection
            self._cm.remove_connection(conn, host)
            if isinstance(err, socket.timeout):
                _err = URLTimeoutError()
                if isinstance(err, httplib.HTTPException):
                    err = repr(err)
                _err = urllib2.URLError(err)
            raise _err
Example #7
    def _increment_global_error_count(self, error, parsed_traceback=[]):
        Increment the error count, and if we got a lot of failures raise a
        "w3afMustStopException" subtype.

        :param error: Exception object.

        :param parsed_traceback: A list with the following format:
            [('trace_test.py', '9', 'one'), ('trace_test.py', '17', 'two'),
            ('trace_test.py', '5', 'abc')]
            Where ('filename', 'line-number', 'function-name')

        if self._ignore_errors_conf:

        last_errors = self._last_errors

        if self._last_request_failed:
            last_errors.append((str(error), parsed_traceback))
            self._last_request_failed = True

        errtotal = len(last_errors)

        om.out.debug('Incrementing global error count. GEC: %s' % errtotal)

        with self._count_lock:
            if errtotal >= 10 and not self._error_stopped:
                # Stop using ExtendedUrllib instance
                # Known reason errors. See errno module for more info on these
                # errors.
                EUNKNSERV = -2  # Name or service not known error
                EINVHOSTNAME = -5  # No address associated with hostname
                known_errors = (EUNKNSERV, ECONNREFUSED, EHOSTUNREACH,
                                ECONNRESET, ENETDOWN, ENETUNREACH,
                                EINVHOSTNAME, ETIMEDOUT, ENOSPC)

                msg = ('w3af found too many consecutive errors while performing'
                       ' HTTP requests. Either the web server is not reachable'
                       ' anymore or there is an internal error. The last error'
                       ' message is "%s".')

                if parsed_traceback:
                    tback_str = ''
                    for path, line, call in parsed_traceback[-3:]:
                        tback_str += '    %s:%s at %s\n' % (path, line, call)

                    msg += ' The last calls in the traceback are: \n%s' % tback_str

                if type(error) is urllib2.URLError:
                    # URLError exceptions may wrap either httplib.HTTPException
                    # or socket.error exception instances. We're interested on
                    # treat'em in a special way.
                    reason_err = error.reason
                    reason_msg = None

                    if isinstance(reason_err, socket.error):
                        if isinstance(reason_err, socket.sslerror):
                            reason_msg = 'SSL Error: %s' % error.reason
                        elif reason_err[0] in known_errors:
                            reason_msg = str(reason_err)

                    elif isinstance(reason_err, httplib.HTTPException):
                        #    Here we catch:
                        #    BadStatusLine, ResponseNotReady, CannotSendHeader,
                        #    CannotSendRequest, ImproperConnectionState,
                        #    IncompleteRead, UnimplementedFileMode, UnknownTransferEncoding,
                        #    UnknownProtocol, InvalidURL, NotConnected.
                        #    TODO: Maybe we're being TOO generic in this isinstance?
                        reason_msg = '%s: %s' % (error.__class__.__name__,
                    if reason_msg is not None:
                        raise w3afMustStopByKnownReasonExc(
                            msg % error, reason=reason_err)

                errors = [] if parsed_traceback else last_errors
                raise w3afMustStopByUnknownReasonExc(msg % error, errs=errors)
Example #8
    def do_open(self, req):
        Called by handler's url_open method.
        host = req.get_host()
        if not host:
            raise urllib2.URLError('no host given')

            resp_statuses = self._hostresp.setdefault(host,
            # Check if all our last 'resp_statuses' were timeouts and raise
            # a w3afMustStopException if this is the case.
            if len(resp_statuses) == self._curr_check_failures:
                # Only copy the resp_statuses when we want to iterate it to
                # verify which responses are timeouts. This is done in order
                # to avoid issues with "deque mutated during iteration" because
                # other threads might be adding stuff to the deque while we
                # run the "... for st in resp..."
                resp_statuses_copy = copy.copy(resp_statuses)
                if all(st == RESP_TIMEOUT for st in resp_statuses_copy):
                    msg = ('w3af found too many consecutive timeouts. The'
                           ' remote webserver seems to be unresponsive; please'
                           ' verify manually.')
                    reason = 'Timeout while trying to reach target.'
                    raise w3afMustStopByKnownReasonExc(msg, reason=reason)

            conn_factory = self._get_connection
            conn = self._cm.get_available_connection(host, conn_factory)

            if conn.is_fresh:
                # First of all, call the request method. This is needed for
                # HTTPS Proxy
                if isinstance(conn, ProxyHTTPConnection):

                conn.is_fresh = False
                self._start_transaction(conn, req)
                resp = conn.getresponse()
                # We'll try to use a previously created connection
                resp = self._reuse_connection(conn, req, host)
                # If the resp is None it means that connection is bad. It was
                # possibly closed by the server. Replace it with a new one.
                if resp is None:
                    conn = self._cm.replace_connection(conn, host,
                    # First of all, call the request method. This is needed for
                    # HTTPS Proxy
                    if isinstance(conn, ProxyHTTPConnection):

                    # Try again with the fresh one
                    conn.is_fresh = False
                    self._start_transaction(conn, req)
                    resp = conn.getresponse()

        except socket.timeout:
            # We better discard this connection
            self._cm.remove_connection(conn, host)
            raise URLTimeoutError()

        except socket.error:
            # We better discard this connection
            self._cm.remove_connection(conn, host)
        except httplib.HTTPException:
            # We better discard this connection
            self._cm.remove_connection(conn, host)
            # This response seems to be fine
            # If not a persistent connection, don't try to reuse it
            if resp.will_close:
                self._cm.remove_connection(conn, host)
            if DEBUG:
                om.out.debug("STATUS: %s, %s" % (resp.status, resp.reason))
            resp._handler = self
            resp._host = host
            resp._url = req.get_full_url()
            resp._connection = conn
            resp.code = resp.status
            resp.headers = resp.msg
            resp.msg = resp.reason
            return resp