def get_screen(device_id, file_path): """ Save screen of mobile device. :param device_id: Device identifier (example: `emulator-5554`). :param file_path: Path to image that will be saved. """ File.remove(file_path) base_path, file_name = os.path.split(file_path) Folder.create(base_path) device_type = Device.__get_device_type(device_id) if (device_type == DeviceType.EMULATOR) or (device_type == DeviceType.ANDROID): Adb.get_screen(device_id=device_id, file_path=file_path) if device_type == DeviceType.SIMULATOR: Simulator.get_screen(device_id=device_id, file_path=file_path) if device_type == DeviceType.IOS: IDevice.get_screen(device_id=device_id, file_path=file_path) image_saved = False if File.exists(file_path): size = os.path.getsize(file_path) if size > 10: image_saved = True return image_saved
def wait(device_id, timeout=300): """ Wait until emulator is up and running. :param device_id: Device name :param timeout: Timeout until device is ready (in seconds). :return: True if device is ready before timeout, otherwise - False. """ booted = False start_time = time.time() end_time = start_time + timeout while not booted: time.sleep(5) booted = Emulator.is_running(device_id=device_id) if (booted is True) or (time.time() > end_time): break # If booted, make sure screen will not lock if booted:'shell settings put system screen_off_timeout -1', device_id=device_id) # If booted, make sure screen will not lock if booted: text = Adb.get_page_source(device_id=device_id) if "android.process.acore" in text: print "Error dialog detected! Try to kill it...", text="OK", timeout=10) return booted
def test_200_build_android_app_bundle(self): """Build app with android app bundle option. Verify the output(app.aab) and use bundletool to deploy on device""" path_to_aab = os.path.join(self.app_name, "platforms", "android", "app", "build", "outputs", "bundle", "debug", "app.aab") output = Tns.build_android(attributes={ "--path": self.app_name, "--aab": "" }, assert_success=False) assert "The build result is located at:" in output assert path_to_aab in output assert File.exists(path_to_aab) #Verify app can be deployed on emulator via bundletool # Use bundletool to create the .apks file self.bundletool_build(self.bundletool_path, path_to_aab, self.path_to_apks) assert File.exists(self.path_to_apks) # Deploy on device self.bundletool_deploy(self.bundletool_path, self.path_to_apks, device_id=EMULATOR_ID) # Start the app on device Adb.start_app(EMULATOR_ID, "org.nativescript.TestApp") # Verify app looks correct inside emulator app_started = Device.wait_for_text(device_id=EMULATOR_ID, text='TAP') assert app_started, 'App is not started on device'
def test_210_tns_run_android_add_remove_files_and_folders(self): """ New files and folders should be synced properly. """ log = Tns.run_android(attributes={'--path': self.app_name, '--device': self.DEVICE_ID}, wait=False, assert_success=False) strings = ['Successfully synced application', self.DEVICE_ID] Tns.wait_for_log(log_file=log, string_list=strings, timeout=120, check_interval=10) # Add new files new_file_name = 'main-page2.xml' source_file = os.path.join(self.app_name, 'app', 'main-page.xml') destination_file = os.path.join(self.app_name, 'app', new_file_name) File.copy(source_file, destination_file) strings = ['Successfully transferred main-page2.xml', 'Successfully synced application', self.DEVICE_ID] Tns.wait_for_log(log_file=log, string_list=strings) # Verify new file is synced and available on device. error_message = 'Newly created file {0} not found on {1}'.format(new_file_name, self.DEVICE_ID) app_id = Tns.get_app_id(app_name=self.app_name) path = 'app/{0}'.format(new_file_name) assert Adb.path_exists(device_id=self.DEVICE_ID, package_id=app_id, path=path), error_message # Revert changes(rename file and delete file) File.copy(destination_file, source_file) File.remove(destination_file) strings = ['Successfully transferred main-page.xml', 'Successfully synced application', self.DEVICE_ID] Tns.wait_for_log(log_file=log, string_list=strings) # Verify new file is synced and available on device. error_message = '{0} was deleted, but still available on {1}'.format(new_file_name, self.DEVICE_ID) assert Adb.path_does_not_exist(device_id=self.DEVICE_ID, package_id=app_id, path=path), error_message # Add folder new_folder_name = 'feature2' source_file = os.path.join(self.app_name, 'app', 'feature1') destination_file = os.path.join(self.app_name, 'app', new_folder_name) Folder.copy(source_file, destination_file) strings = ['Successfully transferred', 'Successfully transferred', 'feature1.js', self.DEVICE_ID] Tns.wait_for_log(log_file=log, string_list=strings) # Verify new folder is synced and available on device. error_message = 'Newly created folder {0} not found on {1}'.format(new_folder_name, self.DEVICE_ID) path = 'app/{0}'.format(new_folder_name) assert Adb.path_exists(device_id=self.DEVICE_ID, package_id=app_id, path=path, timeout=20), error_message path = 'app/{0}/{1}'.format(new_folder_name, 'feature1.js') assert Adb.path_exists(device_id=self.DEVICE_ID, package_id=app_id, path=path, timeout=20), error_message # Delete folder Folder.cleanup(destination_file) strings = ['Successfully synced application', self.DEVICE_ID] Tns.wait_for_log(log_file=log, string_list=strings) # Verify new folder is deleted from device. error_message = 'Deleted folder {0} is still available on {1}'.format(new_folder_name, self.DEVICE_ID) assert Adb.path_does_not_exist(device_id=self.DEVICE_ID, package_id=app_id, path=path), error_message
def turn_on_screen(device_id): """ Turn on screen. :param device_id: Device id. """ device_type = Device.__get_device_type(device_id) if (device_type == DeviceType.EMULATOR) or (device_type == DeviceType.ANDROID): Adb.turn_on_screen(device_id) else: raise NotImplementedError('Not Implemented for iOS!')
def clear_log(device_id): """ Flush the entire log. :param device_id: Device id. """ device_type = Device.__get_device_type(device_id) if (device_type == DeviceType.EMULATOR) or (device_type == DeviceType.ANDROID): Adb.clear_logcat(device_id) else: raise NotImplementedError('Not Implemented for iOS!')
def install_preview_app(device_id, platform=Platform.BOTH): """Installs Preview App on emulator and simulator""" package_android = os.path.join(SUT_FOLDER, 'app-universal-release.apk') package_ios = os.path.join(SUT_FOLDER, '') if platform is Platform.IOS: Simulator.install(package_ios) elif platform is Platform.ANDROID: Adb.install(package_android, device_id) elif platform is Platform.BOTH: Adb.install(package_android, device_id) Simulator.install(package_ios)
def install_playground_app(device_id, platform=Platform.BOTH): """Installs Playground App on emulator and simulator""" package_android = os.path.join(SUT_FOLDER, "app-release.apk") package_ios = os.path.join(SUT_FOLDER, '') if platform is Platform.IOS: Simulator.install(package_ios) elif platform is Platform.ANDROID: Adb.install(package_android, device_id) elif platform is Platform.BOTH: Adb.install(package_android, device_id) Simulator.install(package_ios)
def start_app(device_id, app_id): """ Start application. :param device_id: Device id. :param app_id: App id. """ device_type = Device.__get_device_type(device_id) if (device_type == DeviceType.EMULATOR) or (device_type == DeviceType.ANDROID): Adb.start_app(device_id, app_id) else: raise NotImplementedError('Not Implemented for iOS!')
def install_app(app_file_path, device_id): """ Install application. :param app_file_path: File path to app. :param device_id: Device id. """ device_type = Device.__get_device_type(device_id) if (device_type == DeviceType.EMULATOR) or (device_type == DeviceType.ANDROID): Adb.install(app_file_path, device_id) else: raise NotImplementedError('Not Implemented for iOS!')
def stop_application(device_id, app_id): """ Stop application :param device_id: Device identifier :param app_id: Bundle identifier (example: org.nativescript.TestApp) """ device_type = Device.__get_device_type(device_id=device_id) if device_type is DeviceType.SIMULATOR: Simulator.stop_application(app_id=app_id) elif device_type is DeviceType.IOS: raise NotImplementedError else: Adb.stop_application(device_id=device_id, app_id=app_id)
def test_205_build_android_app_bundle_env_snapshot(self): """Build app with android app bundle option with --bundle and optimisations for snapshot. Verify the output(app.aab) and use bundletool to deploy on device.""" # This test will not run on windows because env.snapshot option is not available on that OS path_to_aab = os.path.join(self.app_name, "platforms", "android", "app", "build", "outputs", "bundle", "release", "app.aab") #Configure app with snapshot optimisations source = os.path.join('data', 'abdoid-app-bundle', 'app.gradle') target = os.path.join(self.app_name, 'app', 'App_Resources', 'Android', 'app.gradle' ) File.copy(src=source, dest=target) source = os.path.join('data', 'abdoid-app-bundle', 'webpack.config.js') target = os.path.join(self.app_name, 'webpack.config.js' ) File.copy(src=source, dest=target) #env.snapshot is applicable only in release build output = Tns.build_android(attributes={"--path": self.app_name, "--keyStorePath": ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PATH, "--keyStorePassword": ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PASS, "--keyStoreAlias": ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS, "--keyStoreAliasPassword": ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS_PASS, "--release": "", "--aab": "", "--env.uglify": "", "--env.snapshot": "", "--bundle": "" }, assert_success=False) assert "The build result is located at:" in output assert path_to_aab in output assert File.exists(path_to_aab) #Verify app can be deployed on emulator via bundletool # Use bundletool to create the .apks file self.bundletool_build(self.bundletool_path, path_to_aab, self.path_to_apks) assert File.exists(self.path_to_apks) # Verify that the correct .so file is included in the package File.unzip(self.path_to_apks, os.path.join(self.app_name, 'apks')) File.unzip(os.path.join(self.app_name, 'apks', 'splits', 'base-x86.apk'), os.path.join(self.app_name,'base_apk')) assert File.exists(os.path.join(self.app_name, 'base_apk', 'lib', 'x86', '')) # Deploy on device self.bundletool_deploy(self.bundletool_path, self.path_to_apks, device_id=EMULATOR_ID) # Start the app on device Adb.start_app(EMULATOR_ID, "org.nativescript.TestApp") # Verify app looks correct inside emulator app_started = Device.wait_for_text(device_id=EMULATOR_ID, text='TAP') assert app_started, 'App is not started on device'
def is_running(device_id, app_id): """ Check if app is running. :param app_id: Bundle identifier (example: org.nativescript.TestApp) :param device_id: Device identifier :return: True if application is running """ device_type = Device.__get_device_type(device_id=device_id) if device_type is DeviceType.SIMULATOR: raise NotImplementedError elif device_type is DeviceType.IOS: raise NotImplementedError else: Adb.is_application_running(device_id=device_id, app_id=app_id)
def uninstall_app(app_prefix, platform): """ Uninstall all apps on all connected physical devices. :param app_prefix: App prefix, for example: org.nativescript. :param platform: Platform enum value (Platform.ANDROID or Platform.IOS) """ device_ids = Device.get_ids(platform=platform, include_emulators=True) if platform == Platform.ANDROID: for device_id in device_ids: Adb.uninstall_all_apps(device_id=device_id)"shell rm -rf /data/local/tmp/*", device_id=device_id, log_level=CommandLogLevel.FULL) elif platform == Platform.IOS: for device_id in device_ids: IDevice.uninstall_all_app(device_id=device_id, app_prefix=app_prefix)
def ensure_available(platform): """ Ensure device is available. :param platform: `Platform.ANDROID` or `Platform.IOS` """ count = Device.get_count(platform) if count > 0: print "{0} {1} device(s) attached.".format(count, platform) else: raise TypeError("No real devices attached.") # If device is Android, make sure /data/local/tmp is clean if platform == Platform.ANDROID: for device_id in Device.get_ids(platform=Platform.ANDROID, include_emulators=True):"shell rm -rf /data/local/tmp/*", device_id=device_id, log_level=CommandLogLevel.FULL)
def wait_for_text(device_id, text="", timeout=60): """ Wait for text to be visible on screen of device. :param device_id: Device identifier (example: `emulator-5554`). :param text: Text that should be visible on the screen. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds. :return: True if text found, False if not found. """ # IMPORTANT NOTE !!!! # UIAuto.wait_for_text() does not work well with cases when you specify partial text of element. # Example: Element text is "42 taps left" and you try to wait for "taps" string only # TODO: Think about some fix (may be xpath on view hierarchy) device_type = Device.__get_device_type(device_id) if device_type == DeviceType.ANDROID or device_type == DeviceType.EMULATOR: return Adb.wait_for_text(device_id=device_id, text=text, timeout=timeout) else: t_end = time.time() + timeout found = False actual_text = "" while time.time() < t_end: actual_text = Device.get_screen_text(device_id=device_id) if text in actual_text: print text + " found on screen of " + device_id found = True break else: print text + " NOT found on screen of " + device_id time.sleep(5) if not found: print "ACTUAL TEXT:" print actual_text return found
def test_003_android_run_hmr_wrong_xml(self): log = Tns.run_android(attributes={'--path': self.app_name, '--device': EMULATOR_ID, '--hmr': ''}, wait=False, assert_success=False) Tns.wait_for_log(log_file=log, string_list=HelpersHMR.run_hmr, not_existing_string_list=HelpersHMR.errors_hmr, timeout=240) # Verify app looks correct inside emulator Device.screen_match(device_name=EMULATOR_NAME, device_id=EMULATOR_ID, expected_image=HelpersHMR.image_original) # Break the app with invalid xml changes ReplaceHelper.replace(self.app_name, ReplaceHelper.CHANGE_XML_INVALID_SYNTAX) # Verify console notify user for broken xml # strings = ['for activity org.nativescript.TestApp / com.tns.ErrorReportActivity'] strings = ['com.tns.NativeScriptException', 'Parsing XML at', 'Successfully synced application', EMULATOR_ID] Tns.wait_for_log(log_file=log, string_list=strings, timeout=120, check_interval=10) assert Adb.wait_for_text(device_id=EMULATOR_ID, text="Exception", timeout=30), "Error activity not found!" # Revert changes ReplaceHelper.rollback(self.app_name, ReplaceHelper.CHANGE_XML_INVALID_SYNTAX) strings = ['JS: HMR: Hot Module Replacement Enabled. Waiting for signal.', 'Successfully synced application', EMULATOR_ID] Tns.wait_for_log(log_file=log, string_list=strings, timeout=120, check_interval=10) # Verify app looks correct inside emulator Device.screen_match(device_name=EMULATOR_NAME, device_id=EMULATOR_ID, expected_image=HelpersHMR.image_original)
def get_ids(platform, include_emulators=False): """ Get IDs of all connected physical devices. :param platform: `Platform.ANDROID` or `Platform.IOS` :return: List of device identifiers. """ if platform is Platform.IOS: return IDevice.get_devices() elif platform is Platform.ANDROID: return Adb.get_devices(include_emulators=include_emulators) else: raise NameError('Invalid platform')
def test_003_android_run_hmr_wrong_xml(self): log = Tns.run_android(attributes={ '--path': self.app_name, '--device': EMULATOR_ID, '--hmr': '' }, wait=False, assert_success=False) Tns.wait_for_log(log_file=log, string_list=HelpersHMR.run_hmr, not_existing_string_list=HelpersHMR.errors_hmr, timeout=240) # Verify app looks correct inside emulator Device.screen_match(device_name=EMULATOR_NAME, device_id=EMULATOR_ID, expected_image=HelpersHMR.image_original) # Break the app with invalid xml changes ReplaceHelper.replace(self.app_name, ReplaceHelper.CHANGE_XML_INVALID_SYNTAX) # Verify console notify user for broken xml # strings = ['for activity org.nativescript.TestApp / com.tns.ErrorReportActivity'] strings = [ 'com.tns.NativeScriptException', 'Parsing XML at', 'Successfully synced application', EMULATOR_ID ] Tns.wait_for_log(log_file=log, string_list=strings, timeout=120, check_interval=10) assert Adb.wait_for_text(device_id=EMULATOR_ID, text="Exception", timeout=30), "Error activity not found!" # Revert changes ReplaceHelper.rollback(self.app_name, ReplaceHelper.CHANGE_XML_INVALID_SYNTAX) strings = [ 'JS: HMR: Hot Module Replacement Enabled. Waiting for signal.', 'Successfully synced application', EMULATOR_ID ] Tns.wait_for_log(log_file=log, string_list=strings, timeout=120, check_interval=10) # Verify app looks correct inside emulator Device.screen_match(device_name=EMULATOR_NAME, device_id=EMULATOR_ID, expected_image=HelpersHMR.image_original)
def get_start_time(device_id, app_id): """ Get start time of application. Examples: - Android - I/ActivityManager(19531): Displayed org.nativescript.TestApp/com.tns.NativeScriptActivity: +3s452ms - iOS - TODO(vchimev) :param device_id: Device id. :param app_id: App id. :return: Start time. """ device_type = Device.__get_device_type(device_id) if (device_type == DeviceType.EMULATOR) or (device_type == DeviceType.ANDROID): return Adb.get_start_time(device_id, app_id) else: raise NotImplementedError('Not Implemented for iOS!')
def test_200_build_android_app_bundle(self): """Build app with android app bundle option. Verify the output(app.aab) and use bundletool to deploy on device""" path_to_aab = os.path.join(self.app_name, "platforms", "android", "app", "build", "outputs", "bundle", "debug", "app.aab") output = Tns.build_android(attributes={"--path": self.app_name, "--aab":""}, assert_success=False) assert "The build result is located at:" in output assert path_to_aab in output assert File.exists(path_to_aab) #Verify app can be deployed on emulator via bundletool # Use bundletool to create the .apks file self.bundletool_build(self.bundletool_path, path_to_aab, self.path_to_apks) assert File.exists(self.path_to_apks) # Deploy on device self.bundletool_deploy(self.bundletool_path, self.path_to_apks, device_id=EMULATOR_ID) # Start the app on device Adb.start_app(EMULATOR_ID, "org.nativescript.TestApp") # Verify app looks correct inside emulator app_started = Device.wait_for_text(device_id=EMULATOR_ID, text='TAP') assert app_started, 'App is not started on device'
def is_running(device_id): """ Check if device is is currently available. :param device_id: Device id. :return: True if running, False if not running. """ if CURRENT_OS == OSType.WINDOWS: command = "shell dumpsys window windows | findstr mFocusedApp" else: command = "shell dumpsys window windows | grep -E 'mFocusedApp'" output =, device_id=device_id, log_level=CommandLogLevel.SILENT) if 'ActivityRecord' in output: return True else: return False
def ensure_available(emulator_name=EMULATOR_NAME): """ Ensure Android Emulator is running. """ found = Emulator.is_running(device_id=EMULATOR_ID) if found: print 'Emulator already running, reboot it...'"shell rm -rf /data/local/tmp/*", device_id=EMULATOR_ID, log_level=CommandLogLevel.FULL) Adb.uninstall_all_apps(device_id=EMULATOR_ID)"reboot", device_id=EMULATOR_ID, log_level=CommandLogLevel.FULL) Emulator.wait(device_id=EMULATOR_ID) else: Emulator.stop() Emulator.start(emulator_name=emulator_name, port=EMULATOR_PORT) return found
def screen_match(device_name, device_id, expected_image, tolerance=0.1, timeout=30): """ Verify screen match expected image. :param device_name: Name of device (name of Android avd image, or name or iOS Simulator). :param device_id: Device identifier (example: `emulator-5554`). :param expected_image: Name of expected image. :param tolerance: Tolerance in percents. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds. """ device_type = Device.__get_device_type(device_id) if device_type == DeviceType.IOS: type = run(command="ideviceinfo | grep ProductType", log_level=CommandLogLevel.SILENT) type = type.replace(',', '') type = type.replace('ProductType:', '').strip(' ') device_name = type print "Verify {0} looks correct...".format(expected_image) expected_image_original_path = os.path.join( "data", "images", device_name, "{0}.png".format(expected_image)) actual_image_path = os.path.join( OUTPUT_FOLDER, "images", device_name, "{0}_actual.png".format(expected_image)) diff_image_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, "images", device_name, "{0}_diff.png".format(expected_image)) expected_image_path = os.path.join( OUTPUT_FOLDER, "images", device_name, "{0}_expected.png".format(expected_image)) if File.exists(expected_image_original_path): t_end = time.time() + timeout diff = 100.0 are_equal = False comparison_result = None while time.time() < t_end: time.sleep(1) if Device.get_screen(device_id=device_id, file_path=actual_image_path): comparison_result = ImageUtils.image_match( actual_image_path=actual_image_path, expected_image_path=expected_image_original_path, tolerance=tolerance) are_equal = comparison_result[0] diff = comparison_result[1] if are_equal: print "{0} looks OK.".format(expected_image) break # Exist if images look OK. else: time.sleep(2) print "{0} does not match. Diff is {1} %. Wait...".format( expected_image, diff) else: print "Failed to get image from {0}".format(device_id) # Report results after timeout is over if not are_equal: # Save expected and diff images (actual is already there) diff_image_final_path = os.path.join("out", diff_image_path) print "Diff image will be saved at " + diff_image_final_path File.copy(src=expected_image_original_path, dest=expected_image_path) comparison_result[2].save(diff_image_final_path) # Get logs (from android devices). if device_type == DeviceType.EMULATOR or device_type == DeviceType.ANDROID: log_path = diff_image_final_path.replace( '_diff.png', '.log') print "Console logs will be saved at " + log_path log = Adb.get_logcat(device_id=device_id) if len(log) < 10000: print log File.write(file_path=log_path, text=log) assert are_equal, "Current image on {0} does not match expected image {1}. Diff is {2}%". \ format(device_name, expected_image, diff) else: # If expected image is not found actual will be saved as expected. print "Expected image not found. Actual image will be saved as expected: " + expected_image_original_path time.sleep(timeout) Device.get_screen(device_id, expected_image_original_path) assert False, "Expected image not found!"
def screen_match(device_name, device_id, expected_image, tolerance=0.1, timeout=30): """ Verify screen match expected image. :param device_name: Name of device (name of Android avd image, or name or iOS Simulator). :param device_id: Device identifier (example: `emulator-5554`). :param expected_image: Name of expected image. :param tolerance: Tolerance in percents. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds. """ device_type = Device.__get_device_type(device_id) if device_type == DeviceType.IOS: type = run(command="ideviceinfo | grep ProductType", log_level=CommandLogLevel.SILENT) type = type.replace(',', '') type = type.replace('ProductType:', '').strip(' ') device_name = type print "Verify {0} looks correct...".format(expected_image) expected_image_original_path = os.path.join("data", "images", device_name, "{0}.png".format(expected_image)) actual_image_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, "images", device_name, "{0}_actual.png".format(expected_image)) diff_image_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, "images", device_name, "{0}_diff.png".format(expected_image)) expected_image_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, "images", device_name, "{0}_expected.png".format(expected_image)) if File.exists(expected_image_original_path): t_end = time.time() + timeout diff = 100.0 are_equal = False comparison_result = None while time.time() < t_end: time.sleep(1) if Device.get_screen(device_id=device_id, file_path=actual_image_path): comparison_result = ImageUtils.image_match(actual_image_path=actual_image_path, expected_image_path=expected_image_original_path, tolerance=tolerance) are_equal = comparison_result[0] diff = comparison_result[1] if are_equal: print "{0} looks OK.".format(expected_image) break # Exist if images look OK. else: time.sleep(2) print "{0} does not match. Diff is {1} %. Wait...".format(expected_image, diff) else: print "Failed to get image from {0}".format(device_id) # Report results after timeout is over if not are_equal: # Save expected and diff images (actual is already there) diff_image_final_path = os.path.join("out", diff_image_path) print "Diff image will be saved at " + diff_image_final_path File.copy(src=expected_image_original_path, dest=expected_image_path) comparison_result[2].save(diff_image_final_path) # Get logs (from android devices). if device_type == DeviceType.EMULATOR or device_type == DeviceType.ANDROID: log_path = diff_image_final_path.replace('_diff.png', '.log') print "Console logs will be saved at " + log_path log = Adb.get_logcat(device_id=device_id) if len(log) < 10000: print log File.write(file_path=log_path, text=log) assert are_equal, "Current image on {0} does not match expected image {1}. Diff is {2}%". \ format(device_name, expected_image, diff) else: # If expected image is not found actual will be saved as expected. print "Expected image not found. Actual image will be saved as expected: " + expected_image_original_path time.sleep(timeout) Device.get_screen(device_id, expected_image_original_path) assert False, "Expected image not found!"
def test_205_build_android_app_bundle_env_snapshot(self): """Build app with android app bundle option with --bundle and optimisations for snapshot. Verify the output(app.aab) and use bundletool to deploy on device.""" # This test will not run on windows because env.snapshot option is not available on that OS path_to_aab = os.path.join(self.app_name, "platforms", "android", "app", "build", "outputs", "bundle", "release", "app.aab") #Configure app with snapshot optimisations source = os.path.join('data', 'abdoid-app-bundle', 'app.gradle') target = os.path.join(self.app_name, 'app', 'App_Resources', 'Android', 'app.gradle') File.copy(src=source, dest=target) source = os.path.join('data', 'abdoid-app-bundle', 'webpack.config.js') target = os.path.join(self.app_name, 'webpack.config.js') File.copy(src=source, dest=target) #env.snapshot is applicable only in release build output = Tns.build_android(attributes={ "--path": self.app_name, "--keyStorePath": ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PATH, "--keyStorePassword": ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PASS, "--keyStoreAlias": ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS, "--keyStoreAliasPassword": ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS_PASS, "--release": "", "--aab": "", "--env.uglify": "", "--env.snapshot": "", "--bundle": "" }, assert_success=False) assert "The build result is located at:" in output assert path_to_aab in output assert File.exists(path_to_aab) #Verify app can be deployed on emulator via bundletool # Use bundletool to create the .apks file self.bundletool_build(self.bundletool_path, path_to_aab, self.path_to_apks) assert File.exists(self.path_to_apks) # Verify that the correct .so file is included in the package File.unzip(self.path_to_apks, os.path.join(self.app_name, 'apks')) File.unzip( os.path.join(self.app_name, 'apks', 'splits', 'base-x86.apk'), os.path.join(self.app_name, 'base_apk')) assert File.exists( os.path.join(self.app_name, 'base_apk', 'lib', 'x86', '')) # Deploy on device self.bundletool_deploy(self.bundletool_path, self.path_to_apks, device_id=EMULATOR_ID) # Start the app on device Adb.start_app(EMULATOR_ID, "org.nativescript.TestApp") # Verify app looks correct inside emulator app_started = Device.wait_for_text(device_id=EMULATOR_ID, text='TAP') assert app_started, 'App is not started on device'