Example #1
	def setCommand( self, command, timeOutPeriod = None, searchPaths = None ):
		"""Set the shell command"""
		check_for_list_of_paths( command, "The shell command must be a list of strings or paths." )
		if timeOutPeriod != None:
			check_for_nonnegative_int( timeOutPeriod, 'invalid timeout period, valid periods are [0..inf] or None for no timeout' )
		if searchPaths is None:
			searchPaths = []
		check_for_list_of_paths( searchPaths, "The search paths need to be a list of strings." )
		self.__command = command
		self.__timeOutPeriod = timeOutPeriod
		self.__searchPaths = searchPaths
Example #2
	def __init__( self, cmd, timeoutSeconds = None, combineOutput = False, searchPaths = None, captureOutput = True ):
		MObject.__init__( self )
		check_for_list_of_paths( cmd, "The command must be a list of strings." )
		self.__cmd = cmd
		if timeoutSeconds:
			check_for_positive_int( timeoutSeconds, "The timeout period must be a positive integer number! " )
		self.__timeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds
		self.__workingDir = None
		self.__captureOutput = captureOutput
		self.__combineOutput = combineOutput
		self.__stdOut = None
		self.__stdErr = None
		self.__returnCode = None
		self.__timedOut = False
		if searchPaths is None:
			self.__searchPaths = []
			check_for_list_of_paths( searchPaths, "The search paths must be a list of strings." )
			self.__searchPaths = searchPaths
Example #3
	def setExtraUploadSubDirs( self, listOfSubdirs ):
		check_for_list_of_paths( listOfSubdirs, 'The list of extra upload subdirectories most contains paths.' )
		self.__extraUploadSubDirs = listOfSubdirs
Example #4
	def _setCommandSearchPaths( self, searchPaths ):
		if searchPaths is None:
			searchPaths = []
		check_for_list_of_paths( searchPaths, "The search paths need to be a list of file system paths." )
		self.__commandSearchPaths = searchPaths
Example #5
	def _setCommandArguments( self, commandArguments ):
		check_for_list_of_paths( commandArguments, "Must be a list of strings or PathResolver objects" )
		self.__commandArguments = commandArguments
Example #6
	def __init__( self, folders ):
		check_for_list_of_paths( folders, 'The list of temporary folders must contain paths or resolvers!' )
		self.__folders = folders