Example #1
    def start(self):
            Start elric master. Select all due jobs from jobstore and enqueue them into redis queue.
            Then update due jobs' information into jobstore.
        if self.running:
            raise AlreadyRunningException
        self._stopped = False
        self.log.debug('eric master start...')

        while True:
            now = datetime.now(self.timezone)
            wait_seconds = None
            with self.jobstore_lock:
                for job_id, job_key, serialized_job in self.jobstore.get_due_jobs(now):
                    # enqueue due job into redis queue
                    self._enqueue_job(job_key, serialized_job)
                    # update job's information, such as next_run_time
                    job_in_dict = Job.deserialize_to_dict(serialized_job)
                    last_run_time = Job.get_serial_run_times(job_in_dict, now)
                    if last_run_time:
                        next_run_time = Job.get_next_trigger_time(job_in_dict, last_run_time[-1])
                        if next_run_time:
                            job_in_dict['next_run_time'] = next_run_time
                            self.update_job(job_id, job_key, next_run_time, Job.dict_to_serialization(job_in_dict))
                            # if job has no next run time, then remove it from jobstore

                # get next closet run time job from jobstore and set it to be wake up time
                closest_run_time = self.jobstore.get_closest_run_time()

            if closest_run_time is not None:
                wait_seconds = max(timedelta_seconds(closest_run_time - now), 0)
                self.log.debug('Next wakeup is due at %s (in %f seconds)' % (closest_run_time, wait_seconds))
            self._event.wait(wait_seconds if wait_seconds is not None else self.MAX_WAIT_TIME)