Example #1
    def init_param(self, model_config):
        classes = model_config['classes']
        self.classes = classes
        self.n_classes = len(classes) + 1
        self.class_agnostic = model_config['class_agnostic']
        self.pooling_size = model_config['pooling_size']
        self.pooling_mode = model_config['pooling_mode']
        self.crop_resize_with_max_pool = model_config[
        self.truncated = model_config['truncated']

        self.use_focal_loss = model_config['use_focal_loss']
        self.subsample_twice = model_config['subsample_twice']
        self.rcnn_batch_size = model_config['rcnn_batch_size']

        # some submodule config
        self.feature_extractor_config = model_config[
        self.rpn_config = model_config['rpn_config']

        # sampler
        self.sampler = BalancedSampler(model_config['sampler_config'])

        self.reduce = True

        self.visualizer = FeatVisualizer()

        self.num_bins = 4

        # assigner
        self.target_assigner = TargetAssigner(
Example #2
    def init_param(self, model_config):
        classes = model_config['classes']
        self.classes = classes
        self.n_classes = len(classes)
        self.class_agnostic = model_config['class_agnostic']
        self.pooling_size = model_config['pooling_size']
        self.pooling_mode = model_config['pooling_mode']
        self.crop_resize_with_max_pool = model_config[
        self.truncated = model_config['truncated']

        self.use_focal_loss = model_config['use_focal_loss']
        self.subsample_twice = model_config['subsample_twice']
        self.rcnn_batch_size = model_config['rcnn_batch_size']

        # some submodule config
        self.feature_extractor_config = model_config[
        self.rpn_config = model_config['rpn_config']

        # sampler
        self.sampler = BalancedSampler(model_config['sampler_config'])

        # self.reduce = model_config.get('reduce')
        self.reduce = True

        self.visualizer = FeatVisualizer()

        self.num_bins = 4

        self.train_3d = False

        self.train_2d = not self.train_3d

        # more accurate bbox for 3d prediction
        if self.train_3d:
            fg_thresh = 0.6
            fg_thresh = 0.5
        model_config['target_assigner_config']['fg_thresh'] = fg_thresh

        # assigner
        self.target_assigner = TargetAssigner(

        self.profiler = Profiler()

        self.h_cat = False
Example #3
class Mono3DAngleNewFasterRCNN(Model):
    def forward(self, feed_dict):
        #  import ipdb
        #  ipdb.set_trace()
        prediction_dict = {}

        # base model
        base_feat = self.feature_extractor.first_stage_feature(
        feed_dict.update({'base_feat': base_feat})

        # rpn model

        # proposals = prediction_dict['proposals_batch']
        # shape(N,num_proposals,5)
        # pre subsample for reduce consume of memory
        if self.training:
            self.pre_subsample(prediction_dict, feed_dict)
        rois_batch = prediction_dict['rois_batch']

        # note here base_feat (N,C,H,W),rois_batch (N,num_proposals,5)
        pooled_feat = self.rcnn_pooling(base_feat, rois_batch.view(-1, 5))

        # 3d training
        mono_3d_pooled_feat = self.feature_extractor.third_stage_feature(
        mono_3d_pooled_feat = mono_3d_pooled_feat.mean(3).mean(2)
        # rcnn_3d = self.rcnn_3d_preds_new(mono_3d_pooled_feat)

        # prediction_dict['rcnn_3d'] = rcnn_3d

        # shape(N,C,1,1)
        pooled_feat = self.feature_extractor.second_stage_feature(pooled_feat)

        rcnn_cls_scores_map = self.rcnn_cls_pred(pooled_feat)
        rcnn_cls_scores = rcnn_cls_scores_map.mean(3).mean(2)
        saliency_map = F.softmax(rcnn_cls_scores_map, dim=1)
        rcnn_cls_probs = F.softmax(rcnn_cls_scores, dim=1)

        pooled_feat = pooled_feat * saliency_map[:, 1:, :, :]
        # shape(N,C)
        if self.reduce:
            pooled_feat = pooled_feat.mean(3).mean(2)
            pooled_feat = pooled_feat.view(self.rcnn_batch_size, -1)

        rcnn_bbox_preds = self.rcnn_bbox_pred(pooled_feat)
        #  rcnn_cls_scores = self.rcnn_cls_pred(pooled_feat)

        #  rcnn_cls_probs = F.softmax(rcnn_cls_scores, dim=1)

        rcnn_3d_dims = self.rcnn_dims_pred(mono_3d_pooled_feat)
        rcnn_3d_angles = self.rcnn_angle_pred(mono_3d_pooled_feat).view(
            -1, self.num_bins, 2)
        rcnn_3d_angles_cls = self.rcnn_angle_conf_pred(
            mono_3d_pooled_feat).view(-1, self.num_bins, 2)
        rcnn_3d_angles_cls_reg = torch.cat(
            [rcnn_3d_angles_cls, rcnn_3d_angles],
            dim=-1).view(-1, self.num_bins * 4)

        rcnn_3d = torch.cat([rcnn_3d_dims, rcnn_3d_angles_cls_reg], dim=-1)
        prediction_dict['rcnn_3d'] = rcnn_3d

        prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_probs'] = rcnn_cls_probs
        prediction_dict['rcnn_bbox_preds'] = rcnn_bbox_preds
        prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_scores'] = rcnn_cls_scores

        # used for track
        proposals_order = prediction_dict['proposals_order']
        prediction_dict['second_rpn_anchors'] = prediction_dict['anchors'][

        if not self.training:
            # import ipdb
            # ipdb.set_trace()
            dims = rcnn_3d[:, :3]
            angles = rcnn_3d[:, 3:].view(-1, self.num_bins, 4)
            angles_cls = F.softmax(angles[:, :, :2], dim=-1)
            _, angles_cls_argmax = torch.max(angles_cls[:, :, 1], dim=-1)
            row = torch.arange(
                0, angles_cls_argmax.shape[0]).type_as(angles_cls_argmax)
            angles_oritations = angles[:, :, 2:][row, angles_cls_argmax]
            rcnn_3d = torch.cat([dims, angles_oritations], dim=-1)
            #  import ipdb
            #  ipdb.set_trace()
            rcnn_3d = self.target_assigner.bbox_coder_3d.decode_batch_angle(
                rcnn_3d, self.rcnn_3d_loss.bin_centers[angles_cls_argmax])
            prediction_dict['rcnn_3d'] = rcnn_3d

        return prediction_dict

    def pre_forward(self):
        # params
        if self.train_3d and self.training and not self.train_2d:
            for parameter in self.feature_extractor.third_stage_feature.parameters(
                parameter.requires_grad = True
            # for param in self.rcnn_3d_preds_new.parameters():
            # param.requires_grad = True

            for param in self.rcnn_angle_conf_pred.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = True
            for param in self.rcnn_angle_pred.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = True
            for param in self.rcnn_dims_pred.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = True

    def init_weights(self):
        # submodule init weights

        Filler.normal_init(self.rcnn_cls_pred, 0, 0.01, self.truncated)
        Filler.normal_init(self.rcnn_bbox_pred, 0, 0.001, self.truncated)

    def init_modules(self):
        self.feature_extractor = ResNetFeatureExtractor(
        self.rpn_model = RPNModel(self.rpn_config)
        if self.pooling_mode == 'align':
            self.rcnn_pooling = RoIAlignAvg(self.pooling_size,
                                            self.pooling_size, 1.0 / 16.0)
        elif self.pooling_mode == 'ps':
            self.rcnn_pooling = PSRoIPool(7, 7, 1.0 / 16, 7, self.n_classes)
        elif self.pooling_mode == 'psalign':
            raise NotImplementedError('have not implemented yet!')
        elif self.pooling_mode == 'deformable_psalign':
            raise NotImplementedError('have not implemented yet!')
        #  self.rcnn_cls_pred = nn.Linear(2048, self.n_classes)
        self.rcnn_cls_pred = nn.Conv2d(2048, self.n_classes, 3, 1, 1)
        if self.reduce:
            in_channels = 2048
            in_channels = 2048 * 4 * 4
        if self.class_agnostic:
            self.rcnn_bbox_pred = nn.Linear(in_channels, 4)
            self.rcnn_bbox_pred = nn.Linear(in_channels, 4 * self.n_classes)

        # loss module
        if self.use_focal_loss:
            self.rcnn_cls_loss = FocalLoss(2)
            self.rcnn_cls_loss = functools.partial(F.cross_entropy,

        self.rcnn_bbox_loss = nn.modules.SmoothL1Loss(reduce=False)

        # some 3d statistic
        # some 2d points projected from 3d
        # self.rcnn_3d_preds_new = nn.Linear(in_channels, 3 + 4 * self.num_bins)

        self.rcnn_3d_loss = MultiBinLoss(num_bins=self.num_bins)

        # dims
        self.rcnn_dims_pred = nn.Sequential(
            *[nn.Linear(in_channels, 256),
              nn.Linear(256, 3)])

        # angle
        self.rcnn_angle_pred = nn.Sequential(*[
            nn.Linear(in_channels, 256),
            nn.Linear(256, self.num_bins * 2)

        # angle conf
        self.rcnn_angle_conf_pred = nn.Sequential(*[
            nn.Linear(in_channels, 256),
            nn.Linear(256, self.num_bins * 2)

    def init_param(self, model_config):
        classes = model_config['classes']
        self.classes = classes
        self.n_classes = len(classes)
        self.class_agnostic = model_config['class_agnostic']
        self.pooling_size = model_config['pooling_size']
        self.pooling_mode = model_config['pooling_mode']
        self.crop_resize_with_max_pool = model_config[
        self.truncated = model_config['truncated']

        self.use_focal_loss = model_config['use_focal_loss']
        self.subsample_twice = model_config['subsample_twice']
        self.rcnn_batch_size = model_config['rcnn_batch_size']

        # some submodule config
        self.feature_extractor_config = model_config[
        self.rpn_config = model_config['rpn_config']

        # sampler
        self.sampler = BalancedSampler(model_config['sampler_config'])

        self.reduce = True

        self.visualizer = FeatVisualizer()

        self.num_bins = 2

        self.train_3d = True

        # self.train_2d = not self.train_3d
        self.train_2d = True

        # assigner
        self.target_assigner = TargetAssigner(

    def pre_subsample(self, prediction_dict, feed_dict):
        rois_batch = prediction_dict['rois_batch']
        gt_boxes = feed_dict['gt_boxes']
        gt_labels = feed_dict['gt_labels']
        #  gt_boxes_3d = feed_dict['coords']
        #  dims_2d = feed_dict['dims_2d']
        # use local angle
        #  oritations = feed_dict['local_angle_oritation']
        local_angle = feed_dict['local_angle']

        # shape(N,7)
        gt_boxes_3d = feed_dict['gt_boxes_3d']

        # orient

        # here just concat them
        # dims and their projection

        gt_boxes_3d = torch.cat([gt_boxes_3d[:, :, :3], local_angle], dim=-1)

        # assigner
        rcnn_cls_targets, rcnn_reg_targets,\
            rcnn_cls_weights, rcnn_reg_weights,\
            rcnn_reg_targets_3d, rcnn_reg_weights_3d = self.target_assigner.assign(
            rois_batch[:, :, 1:], gt_boxes, gt_boxes_3d, gt_labels )

        # subsampler
        cls_criterion = None
        pos_indicator = rcnn_reg_weights > 0
        indicator = rcnn_cls_weights > 0

        # subsample from all
        # shape (N,M)
        batch_sampled_mask = self.sampler.subsample_batch(
        rcnn_cls_weights = rcnn_cls_weights[batch_sampled_mask]
        rcnn_reg_weights = rcnn_reg_weights[batch_sampled_mask]
        rcnn_reg_weights_3d = rcnn_reg_weights_3d[batch_sampled_mask]
        num_cls_coeff = (rcnn_cls_weights > 0).sum(dim=-1)
        num_reg_coeff = (rcnn_reg_weights > 0).sum(dim=-1)
        # check
        assert num_cls_coeff, 'bug happens'
        assert num_reg_coeff, 'bug happens'

            'rcnn_cls_weights'] = rcnn_cls_weights / num_cls_coeff.float()
            'rcnn_reg_weights'] = rcnn_reg_weights / num_reg_coeff.float()
            'rcnn_reg_weights_3d'] = rcnn_reg_weights_3d / num_reg_coeff.float(
        prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_targets'] = rcnn_cls_targets[
        prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets'] = rcnn_reg_targets[
        prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets_3d'] = rcnn_reg_targets_3d[

        # update rois_batch
        prediction_dict['rois_batch'] = rois_batch[batch_sampled_mask].view(
            rois_batch.shape[0], -1, 5)

    def loss(self, prediction_dict, feed_dict):
        assign proposals label and subsample from them
        Then calculate loss
        loss_dict = {}

        if self.train_2d:
            # submodule loss
            loss_dict.update(self.rpn_model.loss(prediction_dict, feed_dict))
            # targets and weights
            rcnn_cls_weights = prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_weights']
            rcnn_reg_weights = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_weights']

            rcnn_cls_targets = prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_targets']
            rcnn_reg_targets = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets']

            # classification loss
            rcnn_cls_scores = prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_scores']
            rcnn_cls_loss = self.rcnn_cls_loss(rcnn_cls_scores,
            rcnn_cls_loss *= rcnn_cls_weights
            rcnn_cls_loss = rcnn_cls_loss.sum(dim=-1)

            # bounding box regression L1 loss
            rcnn_bbox_preds = prediction_dict['rcnn_bbox_preds']
            rcnn_bbox_loss = self.rcnn_bbox_loss(rcnn_bbox_preds,
            rcnn_bbox_loss *= rcnn_reg_weights
            rcnn_bbox_loss = rcnn_bbox_loss.sum(dim=-1)

            loss_dict['rcnn_cls_loss'] = rcnn_cls_loss
            loss_dict['rcnn_bbox_loss'] = rcnn_bbox_loss

        # 3d loss

        rcnn_reg_weights_3d = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_weights_3d']
        rcnn_reg_targets_3d = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets_3d']
        rcnn_3d = prediction_dict['rcnn_3d']
        if self.train_3d:

            # dims
            rcnn_3d_loss_dims = self.rcnn_bbox_loss(
                rcnn_3d[:, :3], rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, :3]).sum(dim=-1)

            # angles
            rcnn_angle_loss, angle_tp_mask = self.rcnn_3d_loss(
                rcnn_3d[:, 3:], rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, 3:])

            rcnn_3d_loss = rcnn_3d_loss_dims * rcnn_reg_weights_3d
            rcnn_3d_loss = rcnn_3d_loss.sum(dim=-1)

            rcnn_angle_loss = rcnn_angle_loss * rcnn_reg_weights_3d
            rcnn_angle_loss = rcnn_angle_loss.sum(dim=-1)

            loss_dict['rcnn_3d_loss'] = rcnn_3d_loss
            loss_dict['rcnn_angle_loss'] = rcnn_angle_loss

            # angles stats
            angle_tp_mask = angle_tp_mask[rcnn_reg_weights_3d > 0]
            angles_tp_num = angle_tp_mask.int().sum().item()
            angles_all_num = angle_tp_mask.numel()
            angles_all_num = 0
            angles_tp_num = 0

        # store all stats in target assigner
            'angle_num_tp': torch.tensor(0),
            'angle_num_all': 1,

            # stats of orient
            'orient_tp_num': 0,
            'orient_tp_num2': 0,
            'orient_tp_num3': 0,
            'orient_all_num3': 0,
            # 'orient_pr': orient_pr,
            'orient_all_num': 0,
            'orient_tp_num4': 0,
            'orient_all_num4': 0,
            'cls_orient_2s_all_num': angles_all_num,
            'cls_orient_2s_tp_num': angles_tp_num

            #  'angles_tp_num': angles_tp_num,
            #  'angles_all_num': angles_all_num
        # import ipdb
        # ipdb.set_trace()

        return loss_dict
Example #4
class Mono3DFasterRCNN(Model):
    def forward(self, feed_dict):
        prediction_dict = {}

        # base model
        base_feat = self.feature_extractor.first_stage_feature(
        feed_dict.update({'base_feat': base_feat})

        # rpn model

        if self.training and self.train_2d:
            self.pre_subsample(prediction_dict, feed_dict)
        rois_batch = prediction_dict['rois_batch']

        # note here base_feat (N,C,H,W),rois_batch (N,num_proposals,5)
        pooled_feat = self.rcnn_pooling(base_feat, rois_batch.view(-1, 5))

        # shape(N,C,1,1)
        pooled_feat = self.feature_extractor.second_stage_feature(pooled_feat)

        rcnn_cls_scores_map = self.rcnn_cls_pred(pooled_feat)
        rcnn_cls_scores = rcnn_cls_scores_map.mean(3).mean(2)
        saliency_map = F.softmax(rcnn_cls_scores_map, dim=1)
        rcnn_cls_probs = F.softmax(rcnn_cls_scores, dim=1)

        pooled_feat = pooled_feat * saliency_map[:, 1:, :, :]

        reduced_pooled_feat = pooled_feat.mean(3).mean(2)

        rcnn_bbox_preds = self.rcnn_bbox_pred(reduced_pooled_feat)
        # rcnn_cls_scores = self.rcnn_cls_pred(pooled_feat)

        rcnn_cls_probs = F.softmax(rcnn_cls_scores, dim=1)

        prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_probs'] = rcnn_cls_probs
        prediction_dict['rcnn_bbox_preds'] = rcnn_bbox_preds
        prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_scores'] = rcnn_cls_scores

        # used for track
        proposals_order = prediction_dict['proposals_order']
        prediction_dict['second_rpn_anchors'] = prediction_dict['anchors'][

        # 3d training
        rcnn_bbox_preds = rcnn_bbox_preds.detach()
        final_bbox = self.target_assigner.bbox_coder.decode_batch(
            rcnn_bbox_preds.unsqueeze(0), rois_batch[:, :, 1:])
        final_rois_inds = torch.zeros_like(final_bbox[:, :, -1:])
        final_rois_batch = torch.cat([final_rois_inds, final_bbox], dim=-1)

        if self.training and self.train_3d:
            prediction_dict['rois_batch'] = final_rois_batch
            self.pre_subsample(prediction_dict, feed_dict)
            final_rois_batch = prediction_dict['rois_batch']

        # shape(M,C,7,7)
        mono_3d_pooled_feat = self.rcnn_pooling(base_feat,
                                                final_rois_batch.view(-1, 5))

        # H-concat to abbrevate the perspective transform
        # shape(N,M,9)
        # import ipdb
        # ipdb.set_trace()

        # concat with pooled feat
        # mono_3d_pooled_feat = torch.cat([mono_3d_pooled_feat, H_inv], dim=1)
        # mono_3d_pooled_feat = self.reduced_layer(mono_3d_pooled_feat)

        mono_3d_pooled_feat = self.feature_extractor.third_stage_feature(
        mono_3d_pooled_feat = mono_3d_pooled_feat.mean(3).mean(2)

        if self.h_cat:
            H_inv = self.calc_Hinv(final_rois_batch, feed_dict['p2'],
                                   base_feat.shape[-2:])[0].view(-1, 9)
            mono_3d_pooled_feat = torch.cat([mono_3d_pooled_feat, H_inv],
        rcnn_3d = self.rcnn_3d_pred(mono_3d_pooled_feat)

        # normalize to [0,1]
        # rcnn_3d[:, 5:11] = F.sigmoid(rcnn_3d[:, 5:11])

        prediction_dict['rcnn_3d'] = rcnn_3d

        if not self.training:
            # rcnn_3d = self.target_assigner.bbox_coder_3d.decode_batch_bbox(
            # rcnn_3d, rois_batch)
            rcnn_3d = self.target_assigner.bbox_coder_3d.decode_batch_dims(
                rcnn_3d, final_rois_batch)

            prediction_dict['rcnn_3d'] = rcnn_3d

        return prediction_dict

    def calc_Hinv(self, final_rois_batch, p2, img_size, feat_size):
        p2 = p2[0]
        K_c = p2[:, :3]
        fx = K_c[0, 0]
        fy = K_c[1, 1]
        px = K_c[0, 2]
        py = K_c[1, 2]
        fw = self.pooling_size
        fh = self.pooling_size

        proposals = final_rois_batch[:, :, 1:]
        rw = (proposals[:, :, 2] - proposals[:, :, 0] +
              1) / img_size[:, 1] * feat_size[1]
        rh = (proposals[:, :, 3] - proposals[:, :, 1] +
              1) / img_size[:, 0] * feat_size[0]
        # rx = (proposals[:, :, 0] + proposals[:, :, 2]) / 2
        # ry = (proposals[:, :, 1] + proposals[:, :, 3]) / 2

        # roi camera intrinsic parameters
        sw = fw / rw
        sh = fh / rh
        fx_roi = fx * sw
        fy_roi = fy * sh
        zeros = torch.zeros_like(fx_roi)
        ones = torch.ones_like(fx_roi)

        px_roi = (px - proposals[:, :, 0]) * sw
        py_roi = (py - proposals[:, :, 1]) * sh

        K_roi = torch.stack(
            [fx_roi, zeros, px_roi, zeros, fy_roi, py_roi, zeros, zeros, ones],
            dim=-1).view(-1, 3, 3)

        H = K_roi.matmul(torch.inverse(K_c))
        # import ipdb
        # ipdb.set_trace()
        # Too slow
        # H_inv = []
        # for i in range(H.shape[0]):
        # H_inv.append(torch.inverse(H[i]))
        # H_inv = torch.stack(H_inv, dim=0)
        # import ipdb
        # ipdb.set_trace()
        H_np = H.cpu().numpy()
        H_inv_np = np.linalg.inv(H_np)
        H_inv = torch.from_numpy(H_inv_np).cuda().float()

        return H_inv.view(1, -1, 9)

    def pre_forward(self):
        # params
        if self.train_3d and self.training and not self.train_2d:
            for parameter in self.feature_extractor.third_stage_feature.parameters(
                parameter.requires_grad = True
            for param in self.rcnn_3d_pred.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = True

    def init_weights(self):
        # submodule init weights

        Filler.normal_init(self.rcnn_cls_pred, 0, 0.01, self.truncated)
        Filler.normal_init(self.rcnn_bbox_pred, 0, 0.001, self.truncated)

        # if self.train_3d and self.training:

    # self.freeze_modules()
    # for parameter in self.feature_extractor.third_stage_feature.parameters(
    # ):
    # parameter.requires_grad = True
    # for param in self.rcnn_3d_preds_new.parameters():
    # param.requires_grad = True

    def init_modules(self):
        self.feature_extractor = ResNetFeatureExtractor(
        self.rpn_model = RPNModel(self.rpn_config)
        if self.pooling_mode == 'align':
            self.rcnn_pooling = RoIAlignAvg(self.pooling_size,
                                            self.pooling_size, 1.0 / 16.0)
        elif self.pooling_mode == 'ps':
            self.rcnn_pooling = PSRoIPool(7, 7, 1.0 / 16, 7, self.n_classes)
        elif self.pooling_mode == 'psalign':
            raise NotImplementedError('have not implemented yet!')
        elif self.pooling_mode == 'deformable_psalign':
            raise NotImplementedError('have not implemented yet!')
        self.rcnn_cls_pred = nn.Conv2d(2048, self.n_classes, 3, 1, 1)
        # self.rcnn_cls_pred = nn.Linear(2048, self.n_classes)
        if self.reduce:
            in_channels = 2048
            in_channels = 2048 * 4 * 4
        if self.class_agnostic:
            self.rcnn_bbox_pred = nn.Linear(in_channels, 4)
            self.rcnn_bbox_pred = nn.Linear(in_channels, 4 * self.n_classes)

        # loss module
        if self.use_focal_loss:
            self.rcnn_cls_loss = FocalLoss(2)
            self.rcnn_cls_loss = functools.partial(F.cross_entropy,

        self.rcnn_bbox_loss = nn.modules.SmoothL1Loss(reduce=False)

        # some 3d statistic
        # some 2d points projected from 3d
        # self.rcnn_3d_pred = nn.Linear(in_channels, 3 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 2)
        if self.h_cat:
            c = in_channels + 9
            c = in_channels
        # self.rcnn_3d_pred = nn.Linear(c, 3 + 4 + 11 + 2 + 1)
        self.rcnn_3d_pred = nn.Linear(c, 3 + 4 * 2)

        # self.rcnn_3d_loss = MultiBinLoss(num_bins=self.num_bins)
        # self.rcnn_3d_loss = MultiBinRegLoss(num_bins=self.num_bins)
        self.rcnn_3d_loss = OrientationLoss(split_loss=True)

        # reduce for concat with the following layers
        # self.reduced_layer = nn.Sequential(

    # * [nn.Conv2d(1024 + 9, 1024, 1, 1, 0), nn.BatchNorm2d(1024)])

    def init_param(self, model_config):
        classes = model_config['classes']
        self.classes = classes
        self.n_classes = len(classes)
        self.class_agnostic = model_config['class_agnostic']
        self.pooling_size = model_config['pooling_size']
        self.pooling_mode = model_config['pooling_mode']
        self.crop_resize_with_max_pool = model_config[
        self.truncated = model_config['truncated']

        self.use_focal_loss = model_config['use_focal_loss']
        self.subsample_twice = model_config['subsample_twice']
        self.rcnn_batch_size = model_config['rcnn_batch_size']

        # some submodule config
        self.feature_extractor_config = model_config[
        self.rpn_config = model_config['rpn_config']

        # sampler
        self.sampler = BalancedSampler(model_config['sampler_config'])

        # self.reduce = model_config.get('reduce')
        self.reduce = True

        self.visualizer = FeatVisualizer()

        self.num_bins = 4

        self.train_3d = False

        self.train_2d = not self.train_3d

        # more accurate bbox for 3d prediction
        if self.train_3d:
            fg_thresh = 0.6
            fg_thresh = 0.5
        model_config['target_assigner_config']['fg_thresh'] = fg_thresh

        # assigner
        self.target_assigner = TargetAssigner(

        self.profiler = Profiler()

        self.h_cat = False

    def pre_subsample(self, prediction_dict, feed_dict):
        rois_batch = prediction_dict['rois_batch']
        gt_boxes = feed_dict['gt_boxes']
        gt_labels = feed_dict['gt_labels']
        #  gt_boxes_3d = feed_dict['coords']
        #  dims_2d = feed_dict['dims_2d']
        # use local angle
        #  oritations = feed_dict['local_angle_oritation']
        # local_angle = feed_dict['local_angle']

        # shape(N,7)
        gt_boxes_3d = feed_dict['gt_boxes_3d']

        # orient
        # cls_orient = torch.unsqueeze(feed_dict['cls_orient'], dim=-1).float()
        # reg_orient = feed_dict['reg_orient']
        # orient = torch.cat([cls_orient, reg_orient], dim=-1)

        # h_2ds = feed_dict['h_2d']
        # c_2ds = feed_dict['c_2d']
        # r_2ds = feed_dict['r_2d']
        # cls_orient_4s = feed_dict['cls_orient_4']
        # center_orients = feed_dict['center_orient']
        # distances = feed_dict['distance']
        # d_ys = feed_dict['d_y']
        # angles_camera = feed_dict['angles_camera']

        # here just concat them
        # dims and their projection

        # gt_boxes_3d = torch.cat(
        # [gt_boxes_3d[:, :, :3], orient, distances, d_ys], dim=-1)
        encoded_side_points = feed_dict['encoded_side_points']
        gt_boxes_3d = torch.cat([gt_boxes_3d[:, :, :3], encoded_side_points],

        # assigner
        rcnn_cls_targets, rcnn_reg_targets,\
            rcnn_cls_weights, rcnn_reg_weights,\
            rcnn_reg_targets_3d, rcnn_reg_weights_3d = self.target_assigner.assign(
            rois_batch[:, :, 1:], gt_boxes, gt_boxes_3d, gt_labels)

        # subsampler
        cls_criterion = None
        pos_indicator = rcnn_reg_weights > 0
        indicator = rcnn_cls_weights > 0

        # subsample from all
        # shape (N,M)
        batch_sampled_mask = self.sampler.subsample_batch(
        rcnn_cls_weights = rcnn_cls_weights[batch_sampled_mask]
        rcnn_reg_weights = rcnn_reg_weights[batch_sampled_mask]
        rcnn_reg_weights_3d = rcnn_reg_weights_3d[batch_sampled_mask]
        num_cls_coeff = (rcnn_cls_weights > 0).sum(dim=-1)
        num_reg_coeff = (rcnn_reg_weights > 0).sum(dim=-1)
        # check
        assert num_cls_coeff, 'bug happens'
        # assert num_reg_coeff, 'bug happens'
        if num_reg_coeff == 0:
            num_reg_coeff = torch.ones_like(num_reg_coeff)

            'rcnn_cls_weights'] = rcnn_cls_weights / num_cls_coeff.float()
            'rcnn_reg_weights'] = rcnn_reg_weights / num_reg_coeff.float()
            'rcnn_reg_weights_3d'] = rcnn_reg_weights_3d / num_reg_coeff.float(
        prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_targets'] = rcnn_cls_targets[
        prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets'] = rcnn_reg_targets[
        prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets_3d'] = rcnn_reg_targets_3d[

        # update rois_batch
        prediction_dict['rois_batch'] = rois_batch[batch_sampled_mask].view(
            rois_batch.shape[0], -1, 5)

    def loss(self, prediction_dict, feed_dict):
        assign proposals label and subsample from them
        Then calculate loss
        loss_dict = {}

        if self.train_2d:
            # submodule loss
            loss_dict.update(self.rpn_model.loss(prediction_dict, feed_dict))
            # targets and weights
            rcnn_cls_weights = prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_weights']
            rcnn_reg_weights = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_weights']

            rcnn_cls_targets = prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_targets']
            rcnn_reg_targets = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets']

            # classification loss
            rcnn_cls_scores = prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_scores']
            rcnn_cls_loss = self.rcnn_cls_loss(rcnn_cls_scores,
            rcnn_cls_loss *= rcnn_cls_weights
            rcnn_cls_loss = rcnn_cls_loss.sum(dim=-1)

            # bounding box regression L1 loss
            rcnn_bbox_preds = prediction_dict['rcnn_bbox_preds']
            rcnn_bbox_loss = self.rcnn_bbox_loss(rcnn_bbox_preds,
            rcnn_bbox_loss *= rcnn_reg_weights
            rcnn_bbox_loss = rcnn_bbox_loss.sum(dim=-1)

            loss_dict['rcnn_cls_loss'] = rcnn_cls_loss
            loss_dict['rcnn_bbox_loss'] = rcnn_bbox_loss

        # 3d loss

        rcnn_reg_weights_3d = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_weights_3d']
        rcnn_reg_targets_3d = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets_3d']
        rcnn_3d = prediction_dict['rcnn_3d']
        if self.train_3d:
            rcnn_3d_loss = self.rcnn_bbox_loss(rcnn_3d,
            rcnn_3d_loss = rcnn_3d_loss * rcnn_reg_weights_3d

            # dims
            # rcnn_3d_loss_dims = self.rcnn_bbox_loss(
            # rcnn_3d[:, :3], rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, :3]).sum(dim=-1)

            # # angles
            # res = self.rcnn_3d_loss(rcnn_3d[:, 3:], rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, 3:])
            # for res_loss_key in res:
            # tmp = res[res_loss_key] * rcnn_reg_weights_3d
            # res[res_loss_key] = tmp.sum(dim=-1)
            # loss_dict.update(res)

            # rcnn_3d_loss = rcnn_3d_loss_dims * rcnn_reg_weights_3d
            # rcnn_3d_loss = rcnn_3d_loss.sum(dim=-1)

            loss_dict['rcnn_3d_loss'] = rcnn_3d_loss

        # stats of orients
        # cls_orient_preds = rcnn_3d[:, 3:5]
        # cls_orient = rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, 3]
        # _, cls_orient_preds_argmax = torch.max(cls_orient_preds, dim=-1)
        # orient_tp_mask = cls_orient.type_as(
        # cls_orient_preds_argmax) == cls_orient_preds_argmax
        # mask = (rcnn_reg_weights_3d > 0) & (rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, 3] > -1)
        # orient_tp_mask = orient_tp_mask[mask]
        # orient_tp_num = orient_tp_mask.int().sum().item()
        # orient_all_num = orient_tp_mask.numel()

        # # depth ind ap
        # depth_ind_preds = rcnn_3d[:, 7:7 + 11]
        # depth_ind_targets = rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, 6]
        # _, depth_ind_preds_argmax = torch.max(depth_ind_preds, dim=-1)
        # depth_ind_mask = depth_ind_targets.type_as(
        # depth_ind_preds_argmax) == depth_ind_preds_argmax
        # depth_ind_mask = depth_ind_mask[rcnn_reg_weights_3d > 0]
        # depth_ind_tp_num = depth_ind_mask.int().sum().item()
        # depth_ind_all_num = depth_ind_mask.numel()

        # # this mask is converted from reg methods
        # r_2ds_dis = torch.zeros_like(cls_orient)
        # r_2ds = rcnn_3d[:, 10]
        # r_2ds_dis[r_2ds < 0.5] = 0
        # r_2ds_dis[r_2ds > 0.5] = 1
        # orient_tp_mask2 = (r_2ds_dis == cls_orient)

        # orient_tp_mask2 = orient_tp_mask2[mask]
        # orient_tp_num2 = orient_tp_mask2.int().sum().item()

        # # cls_orient_4s
        # cls_orient_4s_pred = rcnn_3d[:, 11:15]
        # _, cls_orient_4s_inds = torch.max(cls_orient_4s_pred, dim=-1)
        # cls_orient_4s = rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, 10]

        # # cls_orient_4s_inds[(cls_orient_4s_inds == 0) | (cls_orient_4s_inds == 2
        # # )] = 1
        # # cls_orient_4s_inds[(cls_orient_4s_inds == 1) | (cls_orient_4s_inds == 3
        # # )] = 0
        # orient_tp_mask3 = cls_orient_4s_inds.type_as(
        # cls_orient_4s) == cls_orient_4s
        # mask3 = (rcnn_reg_weights_3d > 0)
        # orient_tp_mask3 = orient_tp_mask3[mask3]
        # orient_4s_tp_num = orient_tp_mask3.int().sum().item()
        # orient_all_num3 = orient_tp_mask3.numel()

        # # test cls_orient_4s(check label)
        # cls_orient_2s_inds = torch.zeros_like(cls_orient)
        # cls_orient_2s_inds[(cls_orient_4s == 0) | (cls_orient_4s == 2)] = 1
        # cls_orient_2s_inds[(cls_orient_4s == 1) | (cls_orient_4s == 3)] = 0
        # cls_orient_2s_mask = (cls_orient_2s_inds == cls_orient)
        # cls_orient_2s_mask = cls_orient_2s_mask[mask]
        # cls_orient_2s_tp_num = cls_orient_2s_mask.int().sum().item()
        # cls_orient_2s_all_num = cls_orient_2s_mask.numel()

        # # center_orient
        # center_orients_preds = rcnn_3d[:, 15:17]
        # _, center_orients_inds = torch.max(center_orients_preds, dim=-1)
        # center_orients = rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, 11]
        # orient_tp_mask4 = center_orients.type_as(
        # center_orients_inds) == center_orients_inds
        # mask4 = (rcnn_reg_weights_3d > 0) & (center_orients > -1)
        # orient_tp_mask4 = orient_tp_mask4[mask4]
        # orient_tp_num4 = orient_tp_mask4.int().sum().item()
        # orient_all_num4 = orient_tp_mask4.numel()

        # store all stats in target assigner
        # self.target_assigner.stat.update({
        # # 'angle_num_tp': torch.tensor(0),
        # # 'angle_num_all': 1,

        # # stats of orient
        # 'orient_tp_num': orient_tp_num,
        # # 'orient_tp_num2': orient_tp_num2,
        # # 'orient_tp_num3': orient_4s_tp_num,
        # # 'orient_all_num3': orient_all_num3,
        # # 'orient_pr': orient_pr,
        # 'orient_all_num': orient_all_num,
        # # 'orient_tp_num4': orient_tp_num4,
        # # 'orient_all_num4': orient_all_num4,
        # 'cls_orient_2s_all_num': depth_ind_all_num,
        # 'cls_orient_2s_tp_num': depth_ind_tp_num
        # })

        return loss_dict
Example #5
class Mono3DFinalFasterRCNN(Model):
    def forward(self, feed_dict):
        prediction_dict = {}

        # base model
        base_feat = self.feature_extractor.first_stage_feature(
        feed_dict.update({'base_feat': base_feat})

        # rpn model

        if self.training:
            self.pre_subsample(prediction_dict, feed_dict)
        rois_batch = prediction_dict['rois_batch']

        # note here base_feat (N,C,H,W),rois_batch (N,num_proposals,5)
        pooled_feat = self.rcnn_pooling(base_feat, rois_batch.view(-1, 5))

        # shape(N,C,1,1)
        pooled_feat = self.feature_extractor.second_stage_feature(pooled_feat)

        rcnn_cls_scores_map = self.rcnn_cls_pred(pooled_feat)
        rcnn_cls_scores = rcnn_cls_scores_map.mean(3).mean(2)
        saliency_map = F.softmax(rcnn_cls_scores_map, dim=1)
        rcnn_cls_probs = F.softmax(rcnn_cls_scores, dim=1)

        pooled_feat = pooled_feat * saliency_map[:, 1:, :, :]

        reduced_pooled_feat = pooled_feat.mean(3).mean(2)

        rcnn_bbox_preds = self.rcnn_bbox_pred(reduced_pooled_feat)
        # rcnn_cls_scores = self.rcnn_cls_pred(pooled_feat)

        rcnn_3d = self.rcnn_3d_pred(reduced_pooled_feat)

        rcnn_cls_probs = F.softmax(rcnn_cls_scores, dim=1)

        prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_probs'] = rcnn_cls_probs
        prediction_dict['rcnn_bbox_preds'] = rcnn_bbox_preds
        prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_scores'] = rcnn_cls_scores

        # used for track
        proposals_order = prediction_dict['proposals_order']
        prediction_dict['second_rpn_anchors'] = prediction_dict['anchors'][

        # 3d training

        # if self.training and self.train_3d:
        # prediction_dict['rois_batch'] = final_rois_batch
        # self.pre_subsample(prediction_dict, feed_dict)
        # final_rois_batch = prediction_dict['rois_batch']

        # shape(M,C,7,7)
        # mono_3d_pooled_feat = self.rcnn_pooling(base_feat,
        # final_rois_batch.view(-1, 5))

        # mono_3d_pooled_feat = self.feature_extractor.third_stage_feature(
        # mono_3d_pooled_feat)
        # mono_3d_pooled_feat = mono_3d_pooled_feat.mean(3).mean(2)

        prediction_dict['rcnn_3d'] = rcnn_3d

        if not self.training:
            rcnn_bbox_preds = rcnn_bbox_preds.detach()
            final_bbox = self.target_assigner.bbox_coder.decode_batch(
                rcnn_bbox_preds.unsqueeze(0), rois_batch[:, :, 1:])
            final_rois_inds = torch.zeros_like(final_bbox[:, :, -1:])
            final_rois_batch = torch.cat([final_rois_inds, final_bbox], dim=-1)

            rcnn_3d = self.target_assigner.bbox_coder_3d.decode_batch_bbox(
                rcnn_3d, final_rois_batch)

            prediction_dict['rcnn_3d'] = rcnn_3d

        return prediction_dict

    def pre_forward(self):
        # params
        # if self.train_3d and self.training and not self.train_2d:

    # self.freeze_modules()
    # for parameter in self.feature_extractor.third_stage_feature.parameters(
    # ):
    # parameter.requires_grad = True
    # for param in self.rcnn_3d_pred.parameters():
    # param.requires_grad = True
    # self.freeze_bn(self)
    # self.unfreeze_bn(self.feature_extractor.third_stage_feature)

    def init_weights(self):
        # submodule init weights

        Filler.normal_init(self.rcnn_cls_pred, 0, 0.01, self.truncated)
        Filler.normal_init(self.rcnn_bbox_pred, 0, 0.001, self.truncated)

    def init_modules(self):
        self.feature_extractor = ResNetFeatureExtractor(
        self.rpn_model = RPNModel(self.rpn_config)
        if self.pooling_mode == 'align':
            self.rcnn_pooling = RoIAlignAvg(self.pooling_size,
                                            self.pooling_size, 1.0 / 16.0)
        elif self.pooling_mode == 'ps':
            self.rcnn_pooling = PSRoIPool(7, 7, 1.0 / 16, 7, self.n_classes)
        elif self.pooling_mode == 'psalign':
            raise NotImplementedError('have not implemented yet!')
        elif self.pooling_mode == 'deformable_psalign':
            raise NotImplementedError('have not implemented yet!')
        self.rcnn_cls_pred = nn.Conv2d(2048, self.n_classes, 3, 1, 1)
        # self.rcnn_cls_pred = nn.Linear(2048, self.n_classes)
        if self.reduce:
            in_channels = 2048
            in_channels = 2048 * 4 * 4
        if self.class_agnostic:
            self.rcnn_bbox_pred = nn.Linear(in_channels, 4)
            self.rcnn_bbox_pred = nn.Linear(in_channels, 4 * self.n_classes)

        # loss module
        if self.use_focal_loss:
            self.rcnn_cls_loss = FocalLoss(2)
            self.rcnn_cls_loss = functools.partial(F.cross_entropy,

        self.rcnn_bbox_loss = nn.modules.SmoothL1Loss(reduce=False)

        # self.rcnn_3d_pred = nn.Linear(c, 3 + 4 + 11 + 2 + 1)
        self.rcnn_3d_pred = nn.Linear(in_channels, 3 + 4 * 2)

        self.rcnn_3d_loss = OrientationLoss(split_loss=True)

    def init_param(self, model_config):
        classes = model_config['classes']
        self.classes = classes
        self.n_classes = len(classes)
        self.class_agnostic = model_config['class_agnostic']
        self.pooling_size = model_config['pooling_size']
        self.pooling_mode = model_config['pooling_mode']
        self.crop_resize_with_max_pool = model_config[
        self.truncated = model_config['truncated']

        self.use_focal_loss = model_config['use_focal_loss']
        self.subsample_twice = model_config['subsample_twice']
        self.rcnn_batch_size = model_config['rcnn_batch_size']

        # some submodule config
        self.feature_extractor_config = model_config[
        self.rpn_config = model_config['rpn_config']

        # sampler
        self.sampler = BalancedSampler(model_config['sampler_config'])

        # self.reduce = model_config.get('reduce')
        self.reduce = True

        self.visualizer = FeatVisualizer()

        self.num_bins = 4

        # more accurate bbox for 3d prediction
        # if self.train_3d:
        # fg_thresh = 0.6
        # else:
        # fg_thresh = 0.5
        # model_config['target_assigner_config']['fg_thresh'] = fg_thresh

        # assigner
        self.target_assigner = TargetAssigner(

        self.profiler = Profiler()

        self.h_cat = False

    def pre_subsample(self, prediction_dict, feed_dict):
        rois_batch = prediction_dict['rois_batch']
        gt_boxes = feed_dict['gt_boxes']
        gt_labels = feed_dict['gt_labels']

        # shape(N,7)
        gt_boxes_3d = feed_dict['gt_boxes_3d']

        # orient
        cls_orient = torch.unsqueeze(feed_dict['cls_orient'], dim=-1).float()
        reg_orient = feed_dict['reg_orient']
        orient = torch.cat([cls_orient, reg_orient], dim=-1)

        gt_boxes_3d = torch.cat([gt_boxes_3d[:, :, :3], orient], dim=-1)

        # assigner
        rcnn_cls_targets, rcnn_reg_targets,\
            rcnn_cls_weights, rcnn_reg_weights,\
            rcnn_reg_targets_3d, rcnn_reg_weights_3d = self.target_assigner.assign(
            rois_batch[:, :, 1:], gt_boxes, gt_boxes_3d, gt_labels)

        # subsampler
        cls_criterion = None
        pos_indicator = rcnn_reg_weights > 0
        indicator = rcnn_cls_weights > 0

        # subsample from all
        # shape (N,M)
        batch_sampled_mask = self.sampler.subsample_batch(
        rcnn_cls_weights = rcnn_cls_weights[batch_sampled_mask]
        rcnn_reg_weights = rcnn_reg_weights[batch_sampled_mask]
        rcnn_reg_weights_3d = rcnn_reg_weights_3d[batch_sampled_mask]
        num_cls_coeff = (rcnn_cls_weights > 0).sum(dim=-1)
        num_reg_coeff = (rcnn_reg_weights > 0).sum(dim=-1)
        # check
        assert num_cls_coeff, 'bug happens'
        # assert num_reg_coeff, 'bug happens'
        if num_reg_coeff == 0:
            num_reg_coeff = torch.ones_like(num_reg_coeff)

            'rcnn_cls_weights'] = rcnn_cls_weights / num_cls_coeff.float()
            'rcnn_reg_weights'] = rcnn_reg_weights / num_reg_coeff.float()
            'rcnn_reg_weights_3d'] = rcnn_reg_weights_3d / num_reg_coeff.float(
        prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_targets'] = rcnn_cls_targets[
        prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets'] = rcnn_reg_targets[
        prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets_3d'] = rcnn_reg_targets_3d[

        # update rois_batch
        prediction_dict['rois_batch'] = rois_batch[batch_sampled_mask].view(
            rois_batch.shape[0], -1, 5)

    def loss(self, prediction_dict, feed_dict):
        assign proposals label and subsample from them
        Then calculate loss
        #  import ipdb
        #  ipdb.set_trace()

        loss_dict = {}

        # submodule loss
        loss_dict.update(self.rpn_model.loss(prediction_dict, feed_dict))
        # targets and weights
        rcnn_cls_weights = prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_weights']
        rcnn_reg_weights = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_weights']

        rcnn_cls_targets = prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_targets']
        rcnn_reg_targets = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets']

        # classification loss
        rcnn_cls_scores = prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_scores']

        rcnn_cls_loss = self.rcnn_cls_loss(rcnn_cls_scores, rcnn_cls_targets)
        rcnn_cls_loss *= rcnn_cls_weights
        rcnn_cls_loss = rcnn_cls_loss.sum(dim=-1)

        # bounding box regression L1 loss
        rcnn_bbox_preds = prediction_dict['rcnn_bbox_preds']
        rcnn_bbox_loss = self.rcnn_bbox_loss(rcnn_bbox_preds,
        rcnn_bbox_loss *= rcnn_reg_weights
        rcnn_bbox_loss = rcnn_bbox_loss.sum(dim=-1)

        loss_dict['rcnn_cls_loss'] = rcnn_cls_loss
        loss_dict['rcnn_bbox_loss'] = rcnn_bbox_loss

        # 3d loss

        rcnn_reg_weights_3d = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_weights_3d']
        rcnn_reg_targets_3d = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets_3d']
        rcnn_3d = prediction_dict['rcnn_3d']

        # dims
        rcnn_3d_loss_dims = self.rcnn_bbox_loss(
            rcnn_3d[:, :3], rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, :3]).sum(dim=-1)

        # angles
        res = self.rcnn_3d_loss(rcnn_3d[:, 3:], rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, 3:])
        for res_loss_key in res:
            tmp = res[res_loss_key] * rcnn_reg_weights_3d
            res[res_loss_key] = tmp.sum(dim=-1)

        rcnn_3d_loss = rcnn_3d_loss_dims * rcnn_reg_weights_3d
        rcnn_3d_loss = rcnn_3d_loss.sum(dim=-1)

        loss_dict['rcnn_3d_loss'] = rcnn_3d_loss

        # stats of orients
        cls_orient_preds = rcnn_3d[:, 3:5]
        cls_orient = rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, 3]
        _, cls_orient_preds_argmax = torch.max(cls_orient_preds, dim=-1)
        orient_tp_mask = cls_orient.type_as(
            cls_orient_preds_argmax) == cls_orient_preds_argmax
        mask = (rcnn_reg_weights_3d > 0) & (rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, 3] > -1)
        orient_tp_mask = orient_tp_mask[mask]
        orient_tp_num = orient_tp_mask.int().sum().item()
        orient_all_num = orient_tp_mask.numel()

        # store all stats in target assigner
            # 'angle_num_tp': torch.tensor(0),
            # 'angle_num_all': 1,

            # stats of orient
            'orient_tp_num': orient_tp_num,
            # 'orient_tp_num2': orient_tp_num2,
            # 'orient_tp_num3': orient_4s_tp_num,
            # 'orient_all_num3': orient_all_num3,
            # 'orient_pr': orient_pr,
            'orient_all_num': orient_all_num,
            # 'orient_tp_num4': orient_tp_num4,
            # 'orient_all_num4': orient_all_num4,
            #  'cls_orient_2s_all_num': depth_ind_all_num,
            #  'cls_orient_2s_tp_num': depth_ind_tp_num

        return loss_dict
Example #6
class Mono3DFinalAngleFasterRCNN(Model):
    def forward(self, feed_dict):
        self.target_assigner.bbox_coder_3d.mean_dims = feed_dict['mean_dims']
        prediction_dict = {}

        # base model
        base_feat = self.feature_extractor.first_stage_feature(
        feed_dict.update({'base_feat': base_feat})

        # rpn model

        if self.training:
            self.pre_subsample(prediction_dict, feed_dict)
        rois_batch = prediction_dict['rois_batch']

        # note here base_feat (N,C,H,W),rois_batch (N,num_proposals,5)
        pooled_feat = self.rcnn_pooling(base_feat, rois_batch.view(-1, 5))

        # shape(N,C,1,1)
        second_pooled_feat = self.feature_extractor.second_stage_feature(

        second_pooled_feat = second_pooled_feat.mean(3).mean(2)

        rcnn_cls_scores = self.rcnn_cls_preds(second_pooled_feat)
        rcnn_bbox_preds = self.rcnn_bbox_preds(second_pooled_feat)
        rcnn_3d = self.rcnn_3d_pred(second_pooled_feat)

        rcnn_cls_probs = F.softmax(rcnn_cls_scores, dim=1)

        prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_probs'] = rcnn_cls_probs
        prediction_dict['rcnn_bbox_preds'] = rcnn_bbox_preds
        prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_scores'] = rcnn_cls_scores

        # used for track
        proposals_order = prediction_dict['proposals_order']
        prediction_dict['second_rpn_anchors'] = prediction_dict['anchors'][

        # 3d training

        prediction_dict['rcnn_3d'] = rcnn_3d

        if not self.training:
            if self.class_agnostic_3d:
                orient = rcnn_3d[:, 3:]
                dims = rcnn_3d[:, :3]
                orient = rcnn_3d[:, 3 * self.n_classes:]
                dims = rcnn_3d[:, :3 * self.n_classes]
            angles = orient.view(-1, self.num_bins, 4)
            angles_cls = F.softmax(angles[:, :, :2], dim=-1)
            _, angles_cls_argmax = torch.max(angles_cls[:, :, 1], dim=-1)
            row = torch.arange(
                0, angles_cls_argmax.shape[0]).type_as(angles_cls_argmax)
            angles_oritations = angles[:, :, 2:][row, angles_cls_argmax]
            rcnn_3d = torch.cat([dims, angles_oritations], dim=-1)
            #  import ipdb
            #  ipdb.set_trace()
            rcnn_3d = self.target_assigner.bbox_coder_3d.decode_batch_angle(
                rcnn_3d, self.rcnn_3d_loss.bin_centers[angles_cls_argmax])
            prediction_dict['rcnn_3d'] = rcnn_3d

        return prediction_dict

    def pre_forward(self):

    def init_weights(self):
        # submodule init weights

        Filler.normal_init(self.rcnn_cls_preds, 0, 0.01, self.truncated)
        Filler.normal_init(self.rcnn_bbox_preds, 0, 0.001, self.truncated)

    def init_modules(self):
        self.feature_extractor = ResNetFeatureExtractor(
        self.rpn_model = RPNModel(self.rpn_config)
        if self.pooling_mode == 'align':
            self.rcnn_pooling = ROIAlign((self.pooling_size,
                                          self.pooling_size), 1.0 / 16.0, 2)
        elif self.pooling_mode == 'ps':
            self.rcnn_pooling = PSRoIPool(7, 7, 1.0 / 16, 7, self.n_classes)
        elif self.pooling_mode == 'psalign':
            raise NotImplementedError('have not implemented yet!')
        elif self.pooling_mode == 'deformable_psalign':
            raise NotImplementedError('have not implemented yet!')
        # self.rcnn_cls_pred = nn.Conv2d(2048, self.n_classes, 3, 1, 1)
        self.rcnn_cls_preds = nn.Linear(2048, self.n_classes)
        if self.reduce:
            in_channels = 2048
            in_channels = 2048 * 4 * 4
        if self.class_agnostic:
            self.rcnn_bbox_preds = nn.Linear(in_channels, 4)
            self.rcnn_bbox_preds = nn.Linear(in_channels, 4 * self.n_classes)

        # loss module
        if self.use_focal_loss:
            self.rcnn_cls_loss = FocalLoss(self.n_classes)
            self.rcnn_cls_loss = functools.partial(
                F.cross_entropy, reduce=False)

        self.rcnn_bbox_loss = nn.modules.SmoothL1Loss(reduce=False)

        # self.rcnn_3d_pred = nn.Linear(c, 3 + 4 + 11 + 2 + 1)
        if self.class_agnostic_3d:
            self.rcnn_3d_pred = nn.Linear(in_channels, 3 + 4 * self.num_bins)
            self.rcnn_3d_pred = nn.Linear(
                in_channels, 3 * self.n_classes + 4 * self.num_bins)

        #  self.rcnn_3d_loss = OrientationLoss(split_loss=True)
        self.rcnn_3d_loss = MultiBinLoss(num_bins=self.num_bins)

    def init_param(self, model_config):
        classes = model_config['classes']
        self.classes = classes
        self.n_classes = len(classes) + 1
        self.class_agnostic = model_config['class_agnostic']
        self.pooling_size = model_config['pooling_size']
        self.pooling_mode = model_config['pooling_mode']
        self.class_agnostic_3d = model_config['class_agnostic_3d']
        self.crop_resize_with_max_pool = model_config[
        self.truncated = model_config['truncated']

        self.use_focal_loss = model_config['use_focal_loss']
        self.subsample_twice = model_config['subsample_twice']
        self.rcnn_batch_size = model_config['rcnn_batch_size']

        # some submodule config
        self.feature_extractor_config = model_config['feature_extractor_config']
        self.rpn_config = model_config['rpn_config']

        # sampler
        self.sampler = BalancedSampler(model_config['sampler_config'])

        # self.reduce = model_config.get('reduce')
        self.reduce = True

        self.visualizer = FeatVisualizer()

        self.num_bins = 4

        # more accurate bbox for 3d prediction
        # if self.train_3d:
        # fg_thresh = 0.6
        # else:
        # fg_thresh = 0.5
        # model_config['target_assigner_config']['fg_thresh'] = fg_thresh

        # assigner
        self.target_assigner = TargetAssigner(

        self.profiler = Profiler()

        self.h_cat = False

    def pre_subsample(self, prediction_dict, feed_dict):
        rois_batch = prediction_dict['rois_batch']
        gt_boxes = feed_dict['gt_boxes']
        gt_labels = feed_dict['gt_labels']
        #  gt_boxes_3d = feed_dict['coords']
        #  dims_2d = feed_dict['dims_2d']
        # use local angle
        #  oritations = feed_dict['local_angle_oritation']
        local_angle = feed_dict['local_angle']

        # shape(N,7)
        gt_boxes_3d = feed_dict['gt_boxes_3d']

        # orient

        # here just concat them
        # dims and their projection

        gt_boxes_3d = torch.cat([gt_boxes_3d[:, :, :3], local_angle], dim=-1)

        # assigner
        rcnn_cls_targets, rcnn_reg_targets,\
            rcnn_cls_weights, rcnn_reg_weights,\
            rcnn_reg_targets_3d, rcnn_reg_weights_3d = self.target_assigner.assign(
            rois_batch[:, :, 1:], gt_boxes, gt_boxes_3d, gt_labels )

        # subsampler
        cls_criterion = None
        pos_indicator = rcnn_reg_weights > 0
        indicator = rcnn_cls_weights > 0

        # subsample from all
        # shape (N,M)
        batch_sampled_mask = self.sampler.subsample_batch(
        rcnn_cls_weights = rcnn_cls_weights[batch_sampled_mask]
        rcnn_reg_weights = rcnn_reg_weights[batch_sampled_mask]
        rcnn_reg_weights_3d = rcnn_reg_weights_3d[batch_sampled_mask]
        num_cls_coeff = (rcnn_cls_weights > 0).sum(dim=-1)
        num_reg_coeff = (rcnn_reg_weights > 0).sum(dim=-1)
        # check
        assert num_cls_coeff, 'bug happens'
        assert num_reg_coeff, 'bug happens'

            'rcnn_cls_weights'] = rcnn_cls_weights / num_cls_coeff.float()
            'rcnn_reg_weights'] = rcnn_reg_weights / num_reg_coeff.float()
            'rcnn_reg_weights_3d'] = rcnn_reg_weights_3d / num_reg_coeff.float()
        prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_targets'] = rcnn_cls_targets[
        prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets'] = rcnn_reg_targets[
        prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets_3d'] = rcnn_reg_targets_3d[

        # update rois_batch
        prediction_dict['rois_batch'] = rois_batch[batch_sampled_mask].view(
            rois_batch.shape[0], -1, 5)

    def squeeze_bbox_preds(self, rcnn_bbox_preds, rcnn_cls_targets, out_c=4):
        squeeze rcnn_bbox_preds from shape (N, 4 * num_classes) to shape (N, 4)
            rcnn_bbox_preds: shape(N, num_classes, 4)
            rcnn_cls_targets: shape(N, 1)
        rcnn_bbox_preds = rcnn_bbox_preds.view(-1, self.n_classes, out_c)
        batch_size = rcnn_bbox_preds.shape[0]
        offset = torch.arange(0, batch_size) * rcnn_bbox_preds.size(1)
        rcnn_cls_targets = rcnn_cls_targets + offset.type_as(rcnn_cls_targets)
        rcnn_bbox_preds = rcnn_bbox_preds.contiguous().view(
            -1, out_c)[rcnn_cls_targets]
        return rcnn_bbox_preds

    def loss(self, prediction_dict, feed_dict):
        assign proposals label and subsample from them
        Then calculate loss
        #  import ipdb
        #  ipdb.set_trace()

        loss_dict = {}

        # submodule loss
        loss_dict.update(self.rpn_model.loss(prediction_dict, feed_dict))
        # targets and weights
        rcnn_cls_weights = prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_weights']
        rcnn_reg_weights = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_weights']

        rcnn_cls_targets = prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_targets']
        rcnn_reg_targets = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets']

        # classification loss
        rcnn_cls_scores = prediction_dict['rcnn_cls_scores']

        rcnn_cls_loss = self.rcnn_cls_loss(rcnn_cls_scores, rcnn_cls_targets)
        rcnn_cls_loss *= rcnn_cls_weights
        rcnn_cls_loss = rcnn_cls_loss.sum(dim=-1)

        # bounding box regression L1 loss
        rcnn_bbox_preds = prediction_dict['rcnn_bbox_preds']
        if not self.class_agnostic:
            rcnn_bbox_preds = self.squeeze_bbox_preds(rcnn_bbox_preds,
        rcnn_bbox_loss = self.rcnn_bbox_loss(rcnn_bbox_preds,
        rcnn_bbox_loss *= rcnn_reg_weights
        rcnn_bbox_loss = rcnn_bbox_loss.sum(dim=-1)

        loss_dict['rcnn_cls_loss'] = rcnn_cls_loss
        loss_dict['rcnn_bbox_loss'] = rcnn_bbox_loss

        # 3d loss

        rcnn_reg_weights_3d = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_weights_3d']
        rcnn_reg_targets_3d = prediction_dict['rcnn_reg_targets_3d']
        rcnn_3d = prediction_dict['rcnn_3d']

        if not self.class_agnostic_3d:
            dims_pred = rcnn_3d[:, :3 * self.n_classes]
            dims_pred = self.squeeze_bbox_preds(dims_pred, rcnn_cls_targets, 3)
            orient_pred = rcnn_3d[:, 3 * self.n_classes:]
            dims_pred = rcnn_3d[:, :3]
            orient_pred = rcnn_3d[:, 3:]
        # dims
        rcnn_3d_loss_dims = self.rcnn_bbox_loss(
            dims_pred, rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, :3]).sum(dim=-1)

        # angles
        rcnn_angle_loss, angle_tp_mask = self.rcnn_3d_loss(
            orient_pred, rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, 3:])
        # angles
        #  res = self.rcnn_3d_loss(rcnn_3d[:, 3:], rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, 3:6])
        #  for res_loss_key in res:
        #  tmp = res[res_loss_key] * rcnn_reg_weights_3d
        #  res[res_loss_key] = tmp.sum(dim=-1)
        #  loss_dict.update(res)

        rcnn_3d_loss = rcnn_3d_loss_dims * rcnn_reg_weights_3d
        rcnn_3d_loss = rcnn_3d_loss.sum(dim=-1)

        rcnn_angle_loss = rcnn_angle_loss * rcnn_reg_weights_3d
        rcnn_angle_loss = rcnn_angle_loss.sum(dim=-1)

        loss_dict['rcnn_3d_loss'] = rcnn_3d_loss
        loss_dict['rcnn_angle_loss'] = rcnn_angle_loss

        # stats of orients
        angle_tp_mask = angle_tp_mask[rcnn_reg_weights_3d > 0]
        angles_tp_num = angle_tp_mask.int().sum().item()
        angles_all_num = angle_tp_mask.numel()
        #  cls_orient_preds = rcnn_3d[:, 3:5]
        #  cls_orient = rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, 3]
        #  _, cls_orient_preds_argmax = torch.max(cls_orient_preds, dim=-1)
        #  orient_tp_mask = cls_orient.type_as(
        #  cls_orient_preds_argmax) == cls_orient_preds_argmax
        #  mask = (rcnn_reg_weights_3d > 0) & (rcnn_reg_targets_3d[:, 3] > -1)
        #  orient_tp_mask = orient_tp_mask[mask]
        #  orient_tp_num = orient_tp_mask.int().sum().item()
        #  orient_all_num = orient_tp_mask.numel()

        # gt_boxes_proj = feed_dict['gt_boxes_proj']

            'cls_orient_2s_all_num': angles_all_num,
            'cls_orient_2s_tp_num': angles_tp_num
            # 'angle_num_tp': torch.tensor(0),
            # 'angle_num_all': 1,

            # stats of orient
            #  'orient_tp_num': orient_tp_num,
            # 'orient_tp_num2': orient_tp_num2,
            #  'orient_tp_num3': orient_tp_num3,
            # 'orient_all_num3': orient_all_num3,
            # 'orient_pr': orient_pr,
            #  'orient_all_num': orient_all_num,
            #  'orient_all_num3': orient_all_num3,
            # 'orient_tp_num4': orient_tp_num4,
            # 'orient_all_num4': orient_all_num4,
            #  'cls_orient_2s_all_num': depth_ind_all_num,
            #  'cls_orient_2s_tp_num': depth_ind_tp_num

        return loss_dict