def ACCOUNT_ERROR(self, event, username, password, host, port, key, sizer, actiontype="login"): '''Connection errors when logging in or registering''' if self.CONNECT(host, port): if actiontype == "login": msg = LOGIN else: msg = REGISTER # Sending info and getting resonse SENDMSG(msg(username, password), self.clientsocket) response = RECVMSG(self.clientsocket) if response == "PROCEED": # keygen.join() self.ACCOUNT_FILES(key, username, password) # Set up files if msg == REGISTER: self.clientsocket.close() return False else: self.DEFAULT_ERROR( response, sizer) # Show error msg according to response self.clientsocket.close() return True else: return True
def CONNECT_LOGIN(self, host, port, username, password): '''Shortcut for connecting and logging in''' if self.CONNECT(host, port, False): SENDMSG(LOGIN(username, password), self.clientsocket) if RECVMSG(self.clientsocket) == "PROCEED": from windows.window_chat import ChatWindow ChatWindow(username, password, host, port, self.clientsocket)
def CONNECT_CORE(self, host, port): '''Core connection function - creating connection and checking for update''' self.clientsocket = socket() self.clientsocket = wrap_socket(self.clientsocket, ssl_version=PROTOCOL_TLSv1) self.clientsocket.connect((host, port)) # Checking for new version version_current = datetime.strptime(RECVMSG(self.clientsocket), "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") version_local = datetime.strptime( FILE_READ(appdata + "\\last_update.txt"), "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") if version_current > version_local: SENDMSG(True, self.clientsocket) Popen("python \"" + getcwd() + "\\\"") kill(getpid(), SIGTERM) else: SENDMSG(False, self.clientsocket)
def reconnect_client(self): '''Function for reconnecting after losing connection to server''' try: self.clientsocket.shutdown(SHUT_RDWR) self.clientsocket.close() self.CONNECT_CORE(, self.port) SENDMSG({ "actiontype": "reconnect", "user": self.username }, self.clientsocket) return True except socketerror: return False
def mainfunc(self, event): '''Main function''' self.RESET_COLOR(*self.textboxes) field_oldpass, field_newpass, field_newpass_repeat = self.textboxes old_password = field_oldpass.GetValue() new_password = field_newpass.GetValue() # Error handling if len(old_password) == 0: self.SHOW_ERRORMSG("Please input a password.", field_oldpass) elif len(new_password) == 0: self.SHOW_ERRORMSG("Please input a new password.", field_newpass) elif field_newpass_repeat.GetValue() != new_password: self.SHOW_ERRORMSG("'New password' and 'Repeat new password'\nneed to be identical!", \ field_newpass, field_newpass_repeat) else: # Connect to server if no errors occured if self.CONNECT(, self.port): SENDMSG({"actiontype": "changepass", "user": self.username, \ "old_pass": HASH(old_password), \ "new_pass": HASH(new_password)}, self.clientsocket) response = RECVMSG(self.clientsocket) if response == "PROCEED": # Create files and start main window userdir = appdata + "\\" + self.username + "\\" self.keygen.join() self.ACCOUNT_FILES(key_return(), self.username, new_password) FILE_WRITE(userdir + "oldpass.txt", HASH(old_password)) FILE_WRITE(userdir + "newpass.txt", str(self.servers)) from window_chat import ChatWindow ChatWindow(self.username, new_password,, self.port, self.clientsocket) self.Destroy() else: self.DEFAULT_ERROR(response, self.inputs)
def add_contact(self, event): contact = self.contact_name.GetValue() SENDMSG({ "datatype": "contact-add", "contact": contact }, self.parent.clientsocket)
# Starting application app = App() if isfile(current_account) and isfile(current_key): while host != None and port != None: # Connecting if Connect.CONNECT(host, port, False): key = RSA.importKey(FILE_READ(current_key)) username, password = eval(key.decrypt(b64decode(FILE_READ(current_account)))) # Changing password when connecting oldpass = appdata + username + "\\oldpass.txt" newpass = appdata + username + "\\newpass.txt" if isfile(newpass) and host in eval(FILE_READ(newpass)): changepass = True SENDMSG({"actiontype": "changepass", "user": username, \ "old_pass": FILE_READ(oldpass), "new_pass": HASH(password)}, \ Connect.clientsocket) else: changepass = False msg = LOGIN(username, password, True) SENDMSG(msg, Connect.clientsocket) response = RECVMSG(Connect.clientsocket) # Opening window if response == "PROCEED": if changepass: remain_hosts = eval(FILE_READ(newpass)) remain_hosts.remove(host) if len(remain_hosts) == 0: FILE_DELETE(oldpass)
def _try_send(self, msg): '''Try sending message until connection is re-established''' while self.reconnecting: sleep(0.02) SENDMSG(msg, self.clientsocket)