Example #1
    def generate_config(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
        Generate a startpcap.sh traffic logging script.
        cfg = """
# set tcpdump options here (see 'man tcpdump' for help)
# (-s snap length, -C limit pcap file length, -n disable name resolution)
DUMPOPTS="-s 12288 -C 10 -n"

if [ "x$1" = "xstart" ]; then

        for iface in node.get_ifaces():
            if hasattr(iface, "control") and iface.control is True:
                cfg += "# "
            redir = "< /dev/null"
            cfg += "tcpdump ${DUMPOPTS} -w %s.%s.pcap -i %s %s &\n" % (
        cfg += """

elif [ "x$1" = "xstop" ]; then
    mkdir -p ${SESSION_DIR}/pcap
    mv *.pcap ${SESSION_DIR}/pcap
        return cfg
Example #2
    def generate_config(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
        Generate a RADVD router advertisement daemon config file
        using the network address of each interface.
        cfg = "# auto-generated by RADVD service (utility.py)\n"
        for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
            prefixes = list(map(cls.subnetentry, iface.ips()))
            if len(prefixes) < 1:
            cfg += ("""\
interface %s
        AdvSendAdvert on;
        MinRtrAdvInterval 3;
        MaxRtrAdvInterval 10;
        AdvDefaultPreference low;
        AdvHomeAgentFlag off;
""" % iface.name)
            for prefix in prefixes:
                if prefix == "":
                cfg += ("""\
        prefix %s
                AdvOnLink on;
                AdvAutonomous on;
                AdvRouterAddr on;
""" % prefix)
            cfg += "};\n"
        return cfg
Example #3
 def generate_frr_config(cls, node: CoreNode) -> str:
     cfg = "router ospf6\n"
     rtrid = cls.router_id(node)
     cfg += "  router-id %s\n" % rtrid
     for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
         cfg += "  interface %s area\n" % iface.name
     cfg += "!\n"
     return cfg
Example #4
 def router_id(node: CoreNode) -> str:
     Helper to return the first IPv4 address of a node as its router ID.
     for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
         ip4 = iface.get_ip4()
         if ip4:
             return str(ip4.ip)
     return ""
Example #5
 def generate_config(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
     cfg = "#!/bin/sh\n"
     cfg += "# auto-generated by StaticRoute service (utility.py)\n#\n"
     cfg += "# NOTE: this service must be customized to be of any use\n"
     cfg += "#       Below are samples that you can uncomment and edit.\n#\n"
     for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
         cfg += "\n".join(map(cls.routestr, iface.ips()))
         cfg += "\n"
     return cfg
Example #6
 def generate_frr_config(cls, node: CoreNode) -> str:
     cfg = "router ospf\n"
     rtrid = cls.router_id(node)
     cfg += "  router-id %s\n" % rtrid
     # network area 0
     for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
         for ip4 in iface.ip4s:
             cfg += f"  network {ip4} area 0\n"
     cfg += "!\n"
     return cfg
Example #7
 def generate_bird_iface_config(cls, node: CoreNode) -> str:
     Use only bare interfaces descriptions in generated protocol
     configurations. This has the slight advantage of being the same
     cfg = ""
     for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
         cfg += '        interface "%s";\n' % iface.name
     return cfg
Example #8
    def generate_quagga_conf(cls, node: CoreNode) -> str:
        Returns configuration file text. Other services that depend on zebra
        will have hooks that are invoked here.
        # we could verify here that filename == Quagga.conf
        cfg = ""
        for iface in node.get_ifaces():
            cfg += "interface %s\n" % iface.name
            # include control interfaces in addressing but not routing daemons
            if iface.control:
                cfg += "  "
                cfg += "\n  ".join(map(cls.addrstr, iface.ips()))
                cfg += "\n"
            cfgv4 = ""
            cfgv6 = ""
            want_ipv4 = False
            want_ipv6 = False
            for s in node.services:
                if cls.name not in s.dependencies:
                if not (isinstance(s, QuaggaService)
                        or issubclass(s, QuaggaService)):
                iface_config = s.generate_quagga_iface_config(node, iface)
                if s.ipv4_routing:
                    want_ipv4 = True
                if s.ipv6_routing:
                    want_ipv6 = True
                    cfgv6 += iface_config
                    cfgv4 += iface_config

            if want_ipv4:
                cfg += "  "
                cfg += "\n  ".join(map(cls.addrstr, iface.ip4s))
                cfg += "\n"
                cfg += cfgv4
            if want_ipv6:
                cfg += "  "
                cfg += "\n  ".join(map(cls.addrstr, iface.ip6s))
                cfg += "\n"
                cfg += cfgv6
            cfg += "!\n"

        for s in node.services:
            if cls.name not in s.dependencies:
            if not (isinstance(s, QuaggaService)
                    or issubclass(s, QuaggaService)):
            cfg += s.generate_quagga_config(node)
        return cfg
Example #9
 def generate_config(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
     cfg = "#!/bin/sh\n"
     cfg += "# auto-generated by DefaultMulticastRoute service (utility.py)\n"
     cfg += "# the first interface is chosen below; please change it "
     cfg += "as needed\n"
     for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
         rtcmd = "ip route add dev"
         cfg += "%s %s\n" % (rtcmd, iface.name)
         cfg += "\n"
     return cfg
Example #10
 def firstipv4prefix(node: CoreNode, prefixlen: int = 24) -> str:
     Similar to QuaggaService.routerid(). Helper to return the first IPv4
     prefix of a node, using the supplied prefix length. This ignores the
     interface's prefix length, so e.g. '/32' can turn into '/24'.
     for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
         ip4 = iface.get_ip4()
         if ip4:
             return f"{ip4.ip}/{prefixlen}"
     return "" % prefixlen
Example #11
 def get_startup(cls, node: CoreNode) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
     Generate the appropriate command-line based on node interfaces.
     cmd = cls.startup[0]
     ifaces = node.get_ifaces(control=False)
     if len(ifaces) > 0:
         iface_names = map(lambda x: x.name, ifaces)
         cmd += " -i "
         cmd += " -i ".join(iface_names)
     return (cmd, )
Example #12
    def generatehtml(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
        body = ("""\
<!-- generated by utility.py:HttpService -->
<h1>%s web server</h1>
<p>This is the default web page for this server.</p>
<p>The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.</p>
""" % node.name)
        for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
            body += "<li>%s - %s</li>\n" % (iface.name,
                                            [str(x) for x in iface.ips()])
        return "<html><body>%s</body></html>" % body
Example #13
 def generate_config(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
     emane_manager = node.session.emane
     cfg = ""
     for iface in node.get_ifaces():
         if not isinstance(iface.net, EmaneNet):
         emane_net = iface.net
         config = emane_manager.get_iface_config(emane_net, iface)
         if emanexml.is_external(config):
             nem_id = emane_manager.get_nem_id(iface)
             cfg += f"emanegentransportxml {iface.name}-platform.xml\n"
             cfg += f"emanetransportd -r -l 0 -d transportdaemon{nem_id}.xml\n"
     return cfg
Example #14
 def generate_frr_config(cls, node: CoreNode) -> str:
     ifname = "eth0"
     for iface in node.get_ifaces():
         if iface.name != "lo":
             ifname = iface.name
     cfg = "router mfea\n!\n"
     cfg += "router igmp\n!\n"
     cfg += "router pim\n"
     cfg += "  !ip pim rp-address\n"
     cfg += "  ip pim bsr-candidate %s\n" % ifname
     cfg += "  ip pim rp-candidate %s\n" % ifname
     cfg += "  !ip pim spt-threshold interval 10 bytes 80000\n"
     return cfg
Example #15
 def generate_config(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
     routes = []
     ifaces = node.get_ifaces()
     if ifaces:
         iface = ifaces[0]
         for ip in iface.ips():
             net = ip.cidr
             if net.size > 1:
                 router = net[1]
     cfg = "#!/bin/sh\n"
     cfg += "# auto-generated by DefaultRoute service (utility.py)\n"
     for route in routes:
         cfg += f"ip route add default via {route}\n"
     return cfg
Example #16
 def generate_config(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
     Generate a script to invoke dhclient on all interfaces.
     cfg = "#!/bin/sh\n"
     cfg += "# auto-generated by DHCPClient service (utility.py)\n"
     cfg += "# uncomment this mkdir line and symlink line to enable client-"
     cfg += "side DNS\n# resolution based on the DHCP server response.\n"
     cfg += "#mkdir -p /var/run/resolvconf/interface\n"
     for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
         cfg += "#ln -s /var/run/resolvconf/interface/%s.dhclient" % iface.name
         cfg += " /var/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf\n"
         cfg += "/sbin/dhclient -nw -pf /var/run/dhclient-%s.pid" % iface.name
         cfg += " -lf /var/run/dhclient-%s.lease %s\n" % (iface.name, iface.name)
     return cfg
Example #17
 def generate_config(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
     Generate a startup script for MgenActor. Because mgenActor does not
     daemonize, it can cause problems in some situations when launched
     directly using vcmd.
     cfg = "#!/bin/sh\n"
     cfg += "# auto-generated by nrl.py:MgenActor.generateconfig()\n"
     comments = ""
     cmd = "mgenBasicActor.py -n %s -a" % node.name
     ifaces = node.get_ifaces(control=False)
     if len(ifaces) == 0:
         return ""
     cfg += comments + cmd + " < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &\n\n"
     return cfg
Example #18
 def generate_xorp_config(cls, node: CoreNode) -> str:
     cfg = cls.fea("unicast-forwarding6")
     rtrid = cls.router_id(node)
     cfg += "\nprotocols {\n"
     cfg += "    ospf6 0 { /* Instance ID 0 */\n"
     cfg += "\trouter-id: %s\n" % rtrid
     cfg += "\tarea {\n"
     for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
         cfg += "\t    interface %s {\n" % iface.name
         cfg += "\t\tvif %s {\n" % iface.name
         cfg += "\t\t}\n"
         cfg += "\t    }\n"
     cfg += "\t}\n"
     cfg += "    }\n"
     cfg += "}\n"
     return cfg
Example #19
 def generate_xorp_config(cls, node: CoreNode) -> str:
     cfg = cls.fea("unicast-forwarding6")
     cfg += cls.policyexportconnected()
     cfg += "\nprotocols {\n"
     cfg += "    ripng {\n"
     cfg += '\texport: "export-connected"\n'
     for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
         cfg += "\tinterface %s {\n" % iface.name
         cfg += "\t    vif %s {\n" % iface.name
         cfg += "\t\taddress %s {\n" % iface.mac.eui64()
         cfg += "\t\t    disable: false\n"
         cfg += "\t\t}\n"
         cfg += "\t    }\n"
         cfg += "\t}\n"
     cfg += "    }\n"
     cfg += "}\n"
     return cfg
Example #20
 def generate_xorp_config(cls, node: CoreNode) -> str:
     cfg = cls.fea("unicast-forwarding4")
     rtrid = cls.router_id(node)
     cfg += "\nprotocols {\n"
     cfg += "    olsr4 {\n"
     cfg += "\tmain-address: %s\n" % rtrid
     for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
         cfg += "\tinterface %s {\n" % iface.name
         cfg += "\t    vif %s {\n" % iface.name
         for ip4 in iface.ip4s:
             cfg += "\t\taddress %s {\n" % ip4.ip
             cfg += "\t\t}\n"
         cfg += "\t    }\n"
     cfg += "\t}\n"
     cfg += "    }\n"
     cfg += "}\n"
     return cfg
Example #21
 def generate_config(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
     NAT out the first interface
     cfg = "#!/bin/sh\n"
     cfg += "# generated by security.py\n"
     cfg += "# NAT out the first interface by default\n"
     have_nat = False
     for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
         if have_nat:
             cfg += cls.generate_iface_nat_rule(iface, prefix="#")
             have_nat = True
             cfg += "# NAT out the " + iface.name + " interface\n"
             cfg += cls.generate_iface_nat_rule(iface)
             cfg += "\n"
     return cfg
Example #22
 def get_startup(cls, node: CoreNode) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
     Generate the appropriate command-line based on node interfaces.
     cmd = cls.startup[0]
     cmd += " -l /var/log/nrlnhdp.log"
     cmd += " -rpipe %s_nhdp" % node.name
     servicenames = map(lambda x: x.name, node.services)
     if "SMF" in servicenames:
         cmd += " -flooding ecds"
         cmd += " -smfClient %s_smf" % node.name
     ifaces = node.get_ifaces(control=False)
     if len(ifaces) > 0:
         iface_names = map(lambda x: x.name, ifaces)
         cmd += " -i "
         cmd += " -i ".join(iface_names)
     return (cmd, )
Example #23
    def generate_config(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
        Returns a string representation for a file, given the node the service is
        starting on the config filename that this information will be used for. This
        must be defined, if "configs" are defined.

        :param node: core node that the service is being ran on
        :param filename: configuration file to generate
        :return: configuration file content
        cfg = "#!/bin/sh\n"
        if filename == cls.configs[0]:
            cfg += "# auto-generated by MyService (sample.py)\n"
            for iface in node.get_ifaces():
                cfg += f'echo "Node {node.name} has interface {iface.name}"\n'
        elif filename == cls.configs[1]:
            cfg += "echo hello"
        return cfg
Example #24
    def generate_xorp_config(cls, node: CoreNode) -> str:
        cfg = cls.mfea("mfea6", node)
        cfg += "\nprotocols {\n"
        cfg += "    mld {\n"
        names = []
        for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
            cfg += "\tinterface %s {\n" % iface.name
            cfg += "\t    vif %s {\n" % iface.name
            cfg += "\t\tdisable: false\n"
            cfg += "\t    }\n"
            cfg += "\t}\n"
        cfg += "    }\n"
        cfg += "}\n"
        cfg += "\nprotocols {\n"
        cfg += "    pimsm6 {\n"

        for name in names:
            cfg += "\tinterface %s {\n" % name
            cfg += "\t    vif %s {\n" % name
            cfg += "\t\tdr-priority: 1\n"
            cfg += "\t    }\n"
            cfg += "\t}\n"
        cfg += "\tbootstrap {\n"
        cfg += "\t    cand-bsr {\n"
        cfg += "\t\tscope-zone ff00::/8 {\n"
        cfg += '\t\t    cand-bsr-by-vif-name: "%s"\n' % names[0]
        cfg += "\t\t}\n"
        cfg += "\t    }\n"
        cfg += "\t    cand-rp {\n"
        cfg += "\t\tgroup-prefix ff00::/8 {\n"
        cfg += '\t\t    cand-rp-by-vif-name: "%s"\n' % names[0]
        cfg += "\t\t}\n"
        cfg += "\t    }\n"
        cfg += "\t}\n"
        cfg += "    }\n"
        cfg += "}\n"
        cfg += "\nprotocols {\n"
        cfg += "    fib2mrib {\n"
        cfg += "\tdisable: false\n"
        cfg += "    }\n"
        cfg += "}\n"
        return cfg
Example #25
 def mfea(forwarding, node: CoreNode) -> str:
     Helper to add a multicast forwarding engine entry to the config file.
     names = []
     for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
     cfg = "plumbing {\n"
     cfg += "    %s {\n" % forwarding
     for name in names:
         cfg += "\tinterface %s {\n" % name
         cfg += "\t    vif %s {\n" % name
         cfg += "\t\tdisable: false\n"
         cfg += "\t    }\n"
         cfg += "\t}\n"
     cfg += "    }\n"
     cfg += "}\n"
     return cfg
Example #26
 def get_startup(cls, node: CoreNode) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
     Generate the appropriate command-line based on node interfaces.
     cmd = cls.startup[0]
     # are multiple interfaces supported? No.
     ifaces = node.get_ifaces()
     if len(ifaces) > 0:
         iface = ifaces[0]
         cmd += " -i %s" % iface.name
     cmd += " -l /var/log/nrlolsrd.log"
     cmd += " -rpipe %s_olsr" % node.name
     servicenames = map(lambda x: x.name, node.services)
     if "SMF" in servicenames and "NHDP" not in servicenames:
         cmd += " -flooding s-mpr"
         cmd += " -smfClient %s_smf" % node.name
     if "zebra" in servicenames:
         cmd += " -z"
     return (cmd, )
Example #27
    def generateconfiglinux(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
        cfg = """\
# auto-generated by IPForward service (utility.py)
%(sysctl)s -w net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1
%(sysctl)s -w net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding=1
%(sysctl)s -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
%(sysctl)s -w net.ipv6.conf.default.forwarding=1
%(sysctl)s -w net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects=0
%(sysctl)s -w net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects=0
%(sysctl)s -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
%(sysctl)s -w net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0
""" % {
            "sysctl": SYSCTL
        for iface in node.get_ifaces():
            name = utils.sysctl_devname(iface.name)
            cfg += "%s -w net.ipv4.conf.%s.forwarding=1\n" % (SYSCTL, name)
            cfg += "%s -w net.ipv4.conf.%s.send_redirects=0\n" % (SYSCTL, name)
            cfg += "%s -w net.ipv4.conf.%s.rp_filter=0\n" % (SYSCTL, name)
        return cfg
Example #28
    def generate_config(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
        Generate a dhcpd config file using the network address of
        each interface.
        cfg = """\
# auto-generated by DHCP service (utility.py)
# NOTE: move these option lines into the desired pool { } block(s) below
#option domain-name "test.com";
#option domain-name-servers;
#option routers;

log-facility local6;

default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

ddns-update-style none;
        for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False):
            cfg += "\n".join(map(cls.subnetentry, iface.ips()))
            cfg += "\n"
        return cfg
Example #29
    def generate_config(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
        Returns config.boot configuration file text. Other services that
        depend on this will have generatexorpconfig() hooks that are
        invoked here. Filename currently ignored.
        cfg = "interfaces {\n"
        for iface in node.get_ifaces():
            cfg += "    interface %s {\n" % iface.name
            cfg += "\tvif %s {\n" % iface.name
            cfg += "".join(map(cls.addrstr, iface.ips()))
            cfg += cls.lladdrstr(iface)
            cfg += "\t}\n"
            cfg += "    }\n"
        cfg += "}\n\n"

        for s in node.services:
            if cls.name not in s.dependencies:
            if not (isinstance(s, XorpService) or issubclass(s, XorpService)):
            cfg += s.generate_xorp_config(node)
        return cfg
Example #30
    def generate_config(cls, node: CoreNode, filename: str) -> str:
        Generate a startup script for SMF. Because nrlsmf does not
        daemonize, it can cause problems in some situations when launched
        directly using vcmd.
        cfg = "#!/bin/sh\n"
        cfg += "# auto-generated by nrl.py:NrlSmf.generateconfig()\n"
        comments = ""
        cmd = "nrlsmf instance %s_smf" % node.name

        servicenames = map(lambda x: x.name, node.services)
        ifaces = node.get_ifaces(control=False)
        if len(ifaces) == 0:
            return ""

        if "arouted" in servicenames:
            comments += "# arouted service is enabled\n"
            cmd += " tap %s_tap" % (node.name, )
            cmd += " unicast %s" % cls.firstipv4prefix(node, 24)
            cmd += " push lo,%s resequence on" % ifaces[0].name
        if len(ifaces) > 0:
            if "NHDP" in servicenames:
                comments += "# NHDP service is enabled\n"
                cmd += " ecds "
            elif "OLSR" in servicenames:
                comments += "# OLSR service is enabled\n"
                cmd += " smpr "
                cmd += " cf "
            iface_names = map(lambda x: x.name, ifaces)
            cmd += ",".join(iface_names)

        cmd += " hash MD5"
        cmd += " log /var/log/nrlsmf.log"
        cfg += comments + cmd + " < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &\n\n"
        return cfg