Example #1
  def _MakeProcess(self, node, job_state=None, disable_errexit=False):
    Assume we will run the node in another process.  Return a process.
    if node.tag == command_e.ControlFlow:
      # Pipeline or subshells with control flow are invalid, e.g.:
      # - break | less
      # - continue | less
      # - ( return )
      # NOTE: This could be done at parse time too.
      e_die('Invalid control flow %r in pipeline / subshell / background',
            node.token.val, token=node.token)

    # NOTE: If ErrExit(), we could be verbose about subprogram errors?  This
    # only really matters when executing 'exit 42', because the child shell
    # inherits errexit and will be verbose.  Other notes:
    # - We might want errors to fit on a single line so they don't get
    # interleaved.
    # - We could turn the `exit` builtin into a FatalRuntimeError exception and
    # get this check for "free".
    thunk = process.SubProgramThunk(self, node,
    p = process.Process(thunk, job_state=job_state)
    return p
Example #2
  def _GetProcessForNode(self, node):
    Assume we will run the node in another process.  Return a process.
    if node.tag == command_e.SimpleCommand:
      words = braces.BraceExpandWords(node.words)
      argv = self.ev.EvalWordSequence(words)
      more_env = self.mem.GetExported()
      self._EvalEnv(node.more_env, more_env)
      thunk = self._GetThunkForSimpleCommand(argv, more_env)

    elif node.tag == command_e.ControlFlow:
      # Pipeline or subshells with control flow are invalid, e.g.:
      # - break | less
      # - continue | less
      # - ( return )
      # NOTE: This could be done at parse time too.
      e_die('Invalid control flow %r in pipeline or subshell', node.token.val,

      thunk = process.SubProgramThunk(self, node)

    redirects = self._EvalRedirects(node)
    p = process.Process(thunk, fd_state=self.fd_state, redirects=redirects)
    return p
Example #3
    def _MakeProcess(self, node, parent_pipeline=None, inherit_errexit=True):
        # type: (command_t, process.Pipeline, bool) -> process.Process
    Assume we will run the node in another process.  Return a process.
        UP_node = node
        if node.tag_() == command_e.ControlFlow:
            node = cast(command__ControlFlow, UP_node)
            # Pipeline or subshells with control flow are invalid, e.g.:
            # - break | less
            # - continue | less
            # - ( return )
            # NOTE: This could be done at parse time too.
            if node.token.id != Id.ControlFlow_Exit:
                    'Invalid control flow %r in pipeline / subshell / background',

        # NOTE: If ErrExit(), we could be verbose about subprogram errors?  This
        # only really matters when executing 'exit 42', because the child shell
        # inherits errexit and will be verbose.  Other notes:
        # - We might want errors to fit on a single line so they don't get
        # interleaved.
        # - We could turn the `exit` builtin into a FatalRuntimeError exception and
        # get this check for "free".
        thunk = process.SubProgramThunk(self.cmd_ev,
        p = process.Process(thunk, self.job_state)
        return p
Example #4
  def _RunSimpleCommand(self, argv, fork_external, span_id, funcs=True):
      fork_external: for subshell ( ls / ) or ( command ls / )
    # This happens when you write "$@" but have no arguments.
    if not argv:
      return 0  # status 0, or skip it?

    arg0 = argv[0]

    builtin_id = builtin.ResolveSpecial(arg0)
    if builtin_id != builtin_e.NONE:
        status = self._RunBuiltin(builtin_id, argv, span_id)
      except args.UsageError as e:
        ui.usage('osh %r usage error: %s', arg0, e)
        status = 2  # consistent error code for usage error
      return status

    # Builtins like 'true' can be redefined as functions.
    if funcs:
      func_node = self.funcs.get(arg0)
      if func_node is not None:
        # NOTE: Functions could call 'exit 42' directly, etc.
        status = self._RunFunc(func_node, argv[1:])
        return status

    builtin_id = builtin.Resolve(arg0)

    if builtin_id == builtin_e.COMMAND:  # 'command ls' suppresses function lookup
      n = len(argv)
      if n == 1:
        return 0  # 'command', like the 'if not argv' case above
      # The 'command' builtin syntax is simple enough that this is 100%
      # correct, not a heuristic.
      elif n >= 2 and argv[1] != '-v':
        return self._RunSimpleCommand(argv[1:], fork_external, span_id,

    if builtin_id != builtin_e.NONE:
        status = self._RunBuiltin(builtin_id, argv, span_id)
      except args.UsageError as e:
        ui.usage('osh %r usage error: %s', arg0, e)
        status = 2  # consistent error code for usage error
      return status

    environ = self.mem.GetExported()  # Include temporary variables

    if fork_external:
      thunk = process.ExternalThunk(argv, environ)
      p = process.Process(thunk)
      status = p.Run(self.waiter)
      return status

    # NOTE: Never returns!
    process.ExecExternalProgram(argv, environ)
Example #5
  def RunSimpleCommand(self, argv, fork_external, span_id, funcs=True):
      fork_external: for subshell ( ls / ) or ( command ls / )
    # This happens when you write "$@" but have no arguments.
    if not argv:
      if self.exec_opts.strict_argv:
        e_die("Command evaluated to an empty argv array",
        return 0  # status 0, or skip it?

    arg0 = argv[0]

    builtin_id = builtin.ResolveSpecial(arg0)
    if builtin_id != builtin_e.NONE:
        status = self._RunBuiltin(builtin_id, argv, fork_external, span_id)
      except args.UsageError as e:
        ui.usage('osh %r usage error: %s', arg0, e)
        status = 2  # consistent error code for usage error
      return status

    # Builtins like 'true' can be redefined as functions.
    if funcs:
      func_node = self.funcs.get(arg0)
      if func_node is not None:
        # NOTE: Functions could call 'exit 42' directly, etc.
        status = self._RunFunc(func_node, argv[1:])
        return status

    builtin_id = builtin.Resolve(arg0)

    if builtin_id != builtin_e.NONE:
        status = self._RunBuiltin(builtin_id, argv, fork_external, span_id)
      except args.UsageError as e:
        ui.usage('osh %r usage error: %s', arg0, e)
        status = 2  # consistent error code for usage error
      return status

    environ = self.mem.GetExported()  # Include temporary variables

    if fork_external:
      thunk = process.ExternalThunk(self.ext_prog, argv, environ)
      p = process.Process(thunk)
      status = p.Run(self.waiter)
      return status

    self.ext_prog.Exec(argv, environ)  # NEVER RETURNS
Example #6
  def _RunSimpleCommand(self, argv, fork_external):
    # This happens when you write "$@" but have no arguments.
    if not argv:
      return 0  # status 0, or skip it?

    arg0 = argv[0]

    builtin_id = builtin.ResolveSpecial(arg0)
    if builtin_id != builtin_e.NONE:
        status = self._RunBuiltin(builtin_id, argv)
      except args.UsageError as e:
        # TODO: Make this message more consistent?
        status = 2  # consistent error code for usage error
      return status

    # Builtins like 'true' can be redefined as functions.
    func_node = self.funcs.get(arg0)
    if func_node is not None:
      # NOTE: Functions could call 'exit 42' directly, etc.
      status = self.RunFunc(func_node, argv)
      return status

    builtin_id = builtin.Resolve(arg0)
    if builtin_id != builtin_e.NONE:
        status = self._RunBuiltin(builtin_id, argv)
      except args.UsageError as e:
        # TODO: Make this message more consistent?
        status = 2  # consistent error code for usage error
      return status

    environ = self.mem.GetExported()  # Include temporary variables

    if fork_external:
      thunk = process.ExternalThunk(argv, environ)
      p = process.Process(thunk)
      status = p.Run(self.waiter)
      return status

    # NOTE: Never returns!
    process.ExecExternalProgram(argv, environ)
Example #7
  def RunSimpleCommand(self, cmd_val, do_fork, call_procs=True):
    # type: (cmd_value__Argv, bool, bool) -> int
    Run builtins, functions, external commands

    Oil and other languages might have different, simpler rules.  No special
    builtins, etc.

    Oil might have OIL_PATH = @( ... ) or something.

    Interpreters might want to define all their own builtins.

      procs: whether to look up procs.
    argv = cmd_val.argv
    span_id = cmd_val.arg_spids[0] if len(cmd_val.arg_spids) else runtime.NO_SPID

    # This happens when you write "$@" but have no arguments.
    if len(argv) == 0:
      if self.exec_opts.strict_argv():
        e_die("Command evaluated to an empty argv array", span_id=span_id)
        return 0  # status 0, or skip it?

    arg0 = argv[0]

    builtin_id = consts.LookupAssignBuiltin(arg0)
    if builtin_id != consts.NO_INDEX:
      # command readonly is disallowed, for technical reasons.  Could relax it
      # later.
      self.errfmt.Print_("Can't run assignment builtin recursively",
      return 1

    builtin_id = consts.LookupSpecialBuiltin(arg0)
    if builtin_id != consts.NO_INDEX:
      status = self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val)
      # TODO: Enable this and fix spec test failures.
      # Also update _SPECIAL_BUILTINS in osh/builtin.py.
      #if status != 0:
      #  e_die('special builtin failed', status=status)
      return status

    # TODO: if shopt -s namespaces, then look up in current namespace FIRST.
    # Then fallback on self.procs, which should be renamed self.procs?
    # honestly there is no real chance of colllision because
    # foo-bar() {} can't be accessed anyway
    # functions can have hyphens, but variables can't

    # Builtins like 'true' can be redefined as functions.
    if call_procs:
      proc_node = self.procs.get(arg0)
      if proc_node is not None:
        if (self.exec_opts.strict_errexit() and 
          self.errfmt.Print_('errexit was disabled for this construct',
          e_die("Can't run a proc while errexit is disabled. "
                "Use 'run' or wrap it in a process with $0 myproc",

        # NOTE: Functions could call 'exit 42' directly, etc.
        status = self.cmd_ev.RunProc(proc_node, argv[1:])
        return status

      # TODO:
      # look up arg0 in global namespace?  And see if the type is value.Obj
      # And it's a proc?
      # isinstance(val.obj, objects.Proc)
      UP_val = self.mem.GetVar(arg0)

      if mylib.PYTHON:  # Not reusing CPython objects
        if UP_val.tag_() == value_e.Obj:
          val = cast(value__Obj, UP_val)
          if isinstance(val.obj, objects.Proc):
            status = self.cmd_ev.RunOilProc(val.obj, argv[1:])
            return status

    builtin_id = consts.LookupNormalBuiltin(arg0)

    if builtin_id != consts.NO_INDEX:
      return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val)

    environ = self.mem.GetExported()  # Include temporary variables

    if cmd_val.block:
      e_die('Unexpected block passed to external command %r', arg0,

    # Resolve argv[0] BEFORE forking.
    argv0_path = self.search_path.CachedLookup(arg0)
    if argv0_path is None:
      self.errfmt.Print_('%r not found' % arg0, span_id=span_id)
      return 127

    # Normal case: ls /
    if do_fork:
      thunk = process.ExternalThunk(self.ext_prog, argv0_path, cmd_val, environ)
      p = process.Process(thunk, self.job_state)
      status = p.Run(self.waiter)
      return status

    # Already forked for pipeline: ls / | wc -l
    # TODO: count subshell?  ( ls / ) vs. ( ls /; ls / )
    self.ext_prog.Exec(argv0_path, cmd_val, environ)  # NEVER RETURNS
    assert False, "This line should never be reached" # makes mypy happy
Example #8
  def _Execute(self, node):
      node: of type AstNode
    redirects = self._EvalRedirects(node)

    # TODO: Only eval argv[0] once.  It can have side effects!
    if node.tag == command_e.SimpleCommand:
      words = braces.BraceExpandWords(node.words)
      argv = self.ev.EvalWordSequence(words)

      more_env = self.mem.GetExported()
      self._EvalEnv(node.more_env, more_env)
      thunk = self._GetThunkForSimpleCommand(argv, more_env)

      # Don't waste a process if we'd launch one anyway.
      if thunk.IsExternal():
        p = process.Process(thunk, fd_state=self.fd_state, redirects=redirects)
        status = p.Run()

      else:  # Internal
        #log('ARGV %s', argv)

        # NOTE: _EvalRedirects turns LST nodes into core/process.py nodes.  And
        # then we use polymorphism here.  Does it make sense to use functional
        # style based on the RedirType?  Might be easier to read.

        for r in redirects:

        status = thunk.RunInParent()
        restore_fd_state = thunk.ShouldRestoreFdState()

        # Special case for exec 1>&2 (with no args): we permanently change the
        # fd state.  BUT we don't want to restore later.
        # TODO: Instead of this, maybe r.ApplyPermaent(self.fd_state)?
        if restore_fd_state:

    elif node.tag == command_e.Sentence:
      # TODO: Compile this away.
      status = self._Execute(node.command)

    elif node.tag == command_e.Pipeline:
      status = self._RunPipeline(node)

    elif node.tag == command_e.Subshell:
      # This makes sure we don't waste a process if we'd launch one anyway.
      p = self._GetProcessForNode(node.children[0])
      status = p.Run()

    elif node.tag == command_e.DBracket:
      bool_ev = expr_eval.BoolEvaluator(self.mem, self.ev)
      ok = bool_ev.Eval(node.expr)
      if ok:
        status = 0 if bool_ev.Result() else 1
        e_die('Error evaluating boolean: %s' % bool_ev.Error())

    elif node.tag == command_e.DParen:
      arith_ev = expr_eval.ArithEvaluator(self.mem, self.ev)
      ok = arith_ev.Eval(node.child)
      if ok:
        i = arith_ev.Result()
        # Negate the value: non-zero in arithmetic is true, which is zero in
        # shell land
        status = 0 if i != 0 else 1
        e_die('Error evaluating (( )): %s' % arith_ev.Error())

    elif node.tag == command_e.Assignment:
      pairs = []
      for pair in node.pairs:
        if pair.rhs:
          # RHS can be a string or array.
          val = self.ev.EvalWordToAny(pair.rhs)
          assert isinstance(val, runtime.value), val
          # 'local x' is equivalent to local x=""
          val = runtime.Str('')
        pairs.append((pair.lhs, val))

      if node.keyword == Id.Assign_Local:
        # NOTE: could be readonly/export/etc.

      # TODO: This should be eval of RHS, unlike bash!
      status = 0

    elif node.tag == command_e.ControlFlow:
      if node.arg_word:  # Evaluate the argument
        _, val = self.ev.EvalWordToString(node.arg_word)
        assert val.tag == value_e.Str
        arg = int(val.s)  # They all take integers
        arg = 0  # return 0, break 0 levels, etc.

      raise _ControlFlow(node.token, arg)

    # The only difference between these two is that CommandList has no
    # redirects.  We already took care of that above.
    elif node.tag in (command_e.CommandList, command_e.BraceGroup):
      for r in redirects:

      status = 0  # for empty list
      for child in node.children:
        status = self._Execute(child)  # last status wins


    elif node.tag == command_e.AndOr:
      left, right = node.children
      status = self._Execute(left)

      if node.op_id == Id.Op_DPipe:
        if status != 0:
          status = self._Execute(right)
      elif node.op_id == Id.Op_DAmp:
        if status == 0:
          status = self._Execute(right)
        raise AssertionError

    elif node.tag in (command_e.While, command_e.Until):
      # TODO: Compile this out?
      if node.tag == command_e.While:
        _DonePredicate = lambda status: status != 0
        _DonePredicate = lambda status: status == 0

      while True:
        status = self._Execute(node.cond)
        done = status != 0
        if _DonePredicate(status):
          status = self._Execute(node.body)  # last one wins
        except _ControlFlow as e:
          if e.IsBreak():
            status = 0
          elif e.IsContinue():
            status = 0
          else:  # return needs to pop up more

    elif node.tag == command_e.ForEach:
      iter_name = node.iter_name
      if node.do_arg_iter:
        iter_list = self.mem.GetArgv()
        words = braces.BraceExpandWords(node.iter_words)
        iter_list = self.ev.EvalWordSequence(words)
        # We need word splitting and so forth
        # NOTE: This expands globs too.  TODO: We should pass in a Globber()
        # object.
      status = 0  # in case we don't loop
      for x in iter_list:
        #log('> ForEach setting %r', x)
        self.mem.SetLocal(iter_name, runtime.Str(x))

          status = self._Execute(node.body)  # last one wins
        except _ControlFlow as e:
          if e.IsBreak():
            status = 0
          elif e.IsContinue():
            status = 0
          else:  # return needs to pop up more

    elif node.tag == command_e.ForExpr:
      raise NotImplementedError(node.tag)

    elif node.tag == command_e.DoGroup:
      # Delegate to command list
      # TODO: This should be compiled out!
      status = self._Execute(node.child)

    elif node.tag == command_e.FuncDef:
      self.funcs[node.name] = node
      status = 0

    elif node.tag == command_e.If:
      done = False
      for arm in node.arms:
        status = self._Execute(arm.cond)
        if status == 0:
          status = self._Execute(arm.action)
          done = True
      # TODO: The compiler should flatten this
      if not done and node.else_action is not None:
        status = self._Execute(node.else_action)

    elif node.tag == command_e.NoOp:
      status = 0  # make it true

    elif node.tag == command_e.Case:
      ok, val = self.ev.EvalWordToString(node.to_match)
      assert ok
      to_match = val.s

      status = 0  # If there are no arms, it should be zero?
      done = False

      for arm in node.arms:
        for pat_word in arm.pat_list:
          # NOTE: Is it OK that we're evaluating these as we go?
          ok, pat_val = self.ev.EvalWordToString(pat_word, do_fnmatch=True)
          assert ok
          #log('Matching word %r against pattern %r', to_match, pat_val.s)
          if libc.fnmatch(pat_val.s, to_match):
            status = self._Execute(arm.action)
            done = True  # TODO: Parse ;;& and for fallthrough and such?
        if done:

    elif node.tag == command_e.TimeBlock:
      # TODO:
      # - When do we need RUSAGE_CHILDREN?
      # - Respect TIMEFORMAT environment variable.
      # "If this variable is not set, Bash acts as if it had the value"
      # $'\nreal\t%3lR\nuser\t%3lU\nsys\t%3lS'
      # "A trailing newline is added when the format string is displayed."

      start_t = time.time()  # calls gettimeofday() under the hood
      start_u = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
      status = self._Execute(node.pipeline)
      end_t = time.time()
      end_u = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)

      real = end_t - start_t
      user = end_u.ru_utime - start_u.ru_utime
      sys_ = end_u.ru_stime - start_u.ru_stime
      print('real\t%.3f' % real, file=sys.stderr)
      print('user\t%.3f' % user, file=sys.stderr)
      print('sys\t%.3f' % sys_, file=sys.stderr)

      raise AssertionError(node.tag)

    if self.exec_opts.errexit and status != 0:
      if node.tag == command_e.SimpleCommand:
        # TODO: Add context
        e_die('%r command exited with status %d (%s)', argv[0], status, node.words[0])
        e_die('%r command exited with status %d', node.__class__.__name__, status)

    # TODO: Is this the right place to put it?  Does it need a stack for
    # function calls?
    self.mem.last_status = status
    return status
Example #9
  def RunSimpleCommand(self, arg_vec, fork_external, funcs=True):
    """Public interface to run a simple command (excluding assignment)

      fork_external: for subshell ( ls / ) or ( command ls / )
    argv = arg_vec.strs
    if arg_vec.spids:
      span_id = arg_vec.spids[0]
      span_id = const.NO_INTEGER

    # This happens when you write "$@" but have no arguments.
    if not argv:
      if self.exec_opts.strict_argv:
        e_die("Command evaluated to an empty argv array",
        return 0  # status 0, or skip it?

    arg0 = argv[0]

    builtin_id = builtin.ResolveAssign(arg0)
    if builtin_id != builtin_e.NONE:
      # command readonly is disallowed, for technical reasons.  Could relax it
      # later.
      self.errfmt.Print("Can't run assignment builtin recursively",
      return 1

    builtin_id = builtin.ResolveSpecial(arg0)
    if builtin_id != builtin_e.NONE:
      status = self._RunBuiltin(builtin_id, arg_vec, fork_external)
      # TODO: Enable this and fix spec test failures.
      # Also update _SPECIAL_BUILTINS in osh/builtin.py.
      #if status != 0:
      #  e_die('special builtin failed', status=status)
      return status

    # Builtins like 'true' can be redefined as functions.
    if funcs:
      func_node = self.funcs.get(arg0)
      if func_node is not None:
        # NOTE: Functions could call 'exit 42' directly, etc.
        status = self._RunFunc(func_node, argv[1:])
        return status

    builtin_id = builtin.Resolve(arg0)

    if builtin_id != builtin_e.NONE:
      return self._RunBuiltin(builtin_id, arg_vec, fork_external)

    environ = self.mem.GetExported()  # Include temporary variables

    # Resolve argv[0] BEFORE forking.
    argv0_path = self.search_path.CachedLookup(argv[0])
    if argv0_path is None:
      self.errfmt.Print('%r not found', argv[0], span_id=span_id)
      return 127

    if fork_external:
      thunk = process.ExternalThunk(self.ext_prog, argv0_path, arg_vec, environ)
      p = process.Process(thunk, self.job_state)
      status = p.Run(self.waiter)
      return status

    self.ext_prog.Exec(argv0_path, arg_vec, environ)  # NEVER RETURNS