def _parse_features(self, query): features = query.get_required_list('features') for value in features: Query.check_float('features_value', value) return features
def _get_signs(self, query): signs = query.get_required_list('signs') for sign_id in signs: Query.check_float('sign_id', sign_id) return signs
def _parse_features(self, query): features = query.get_optional_list('features') if features == None: return list() for value in features: Query.check_float('features_value', value) return features
def _get_properties(self, query): properties = query.get_optional_list('properties') if properties == None: return list() for value in properties: Query.check_str('properties_value', value) return properties
def remove_discipline(self): """ Remove the discipline triples from triple store. """ discipline = self.get_object() query = """ PREFIX pp: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX dc: <> DELETE { <%s> rdfs:subClassOf pp:Discipline ; pp:belongsTo pp:Software_Engineering ; pp:hasType pp:%s ; pp:isInTheFlowOf pp:%s ; pp:isPartOf pp:%s ; dc:title "%s" ; pp:code "%s" ; dc:description "%s" } WHERE {} """ % (discipline.uri, create_uri( discipline.classification), create_uri( discipline.semester), create_uri(discipline.core_content), discipline.title, discipline.code, discipline.description) response = Query.update(query) return response
def test_top(self): book_url = path.join(path.join(TEST_DIR, "texts"), "query-2.txt") with Query(self.text_dir, self.db_url, book_url) as query: t = print " top ------ " for u in t: print u
def action(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Remove the triple from triple store. """ discipline = self.get_object() required = self.get_required() query = """ PREFIX pp: <> DELETE { <%s> pp:hasRequired <%s> . <%s> pp:isRequiredOf <%s> } WHERE {} """ % (discipline.uri, required.uri, required.uri, discipline.uri) response = Query.update(query) if response == 204: messages.success(self.request, "Required discipline removed successfully") else: messages.success(self.request, "There was a server error") return super(RemoveRequiredDisciplineView, self).action(request, *args, **kwargs)
def remove_subtopics(self): """ Remove all subtopics from discipline. """ discipline = self.get_object() subtopics = Disciplines.get_contents(discipline.uri) if subtopics: for subtopic in subtopics: query = """ PREFIX pp: <> DELETE {<%s> pp:hasContent <%s>} WHERE {} """ % (discipline.uri, subtopic.uri) Query.update(query)
def _test_book(filename, period): filepath = path.join(training_text_dir, filename) assert path.isfile(filepath), filepath with Query(text_dir, db_url, filepath, should_download=False) as q: e, r = q.results() if period == "Elizabethan": assert e > r, filename else: assert r > e, filename
def remove_requireds(self): """ Remove all requireds discipline from discipline. """ discipline = self.get_object() requireds = Disciplines.get_requireds(discipline.uri) if requireds: for required in requireds: query = """ PREFIX pp: <> DELETE { <%s> pp:hasRequired <%s> . <%s> pp:isRequiredOf <%s> } WHERE {} """ % (discipline.uri, required.uri, required.uri, discipline.uri) Query.update(query)
def form_valid(self, form): """ Receive the form already validated to create a discipline. """ title = form.cleaned_data['title'] uri = create_uri(title) code = form.cleaned_data['code'] description = form.cleaned_data['description'] classification = create_uri(form.cleaned_data['classification']) flow = create_uri(form.cleaned_data['flow']) core = create_uri(form.cleaned_data['core']) query = """ PREFIX pp: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX dc: <> INSERT { pp:%s rdfs:subClassOf pp:Discipline ; pp:belongsTo pp:Software_Engineering ; pp:hasType pp:%s ; pp:isInTheFlowOf pp:%s ; pp:isPartOf pp:%s ; dc:title "%s" ; pp:code "%s" ; dc:description "%s" } WHERE {} """ % (uri, classification, flow, core, title, code, description) if self.discipline_exists(title): messages.success(self.request, "This discipline already exists") else: response = Query.update(query) if response == 204: messages.success(self.request, "Discipline created successfully") else: messages.success(self.request, "There was a server error") return super(DisciplineCreateView, self).form_valid(form)
def action(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Insert content into discipline. """ discipline = self.get_object() subtopic = self.get_subtopic() query = """ PREFIX pp: <> INSERT {<%s> pp:hasContent <%s>} WHERE {} """ % (discipline.uri, subtopic.uri) response = Query.update(query) if response == 204: messages.success(self.request, "Subtopic inserted successfully") else: messages.success(self.request, "There was a server error") return super(InsertContentView, self).action(request, *args, **kwargs)
def action(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Remove the discipline triples from triple store. """ discipline = self.get_object() self.remove_subtopics() self.remove_requireds() query = """ PREFIX pp: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX dc: <> DELETE { <%s> rdfs:subClassOf pp:Discipline ; pp:belongsTo pp:Software_Engineering ; pp:hasType pp:%s ; pp:isInTheFlowOf pp:%s ; pp:isPartOf pp:%s ; dc:title "%s" ; pp:code "%s" ; dc:description "%s" } WHERE {} """ % (discipline.uri, create_uri( discipline.classification), create_uri( discipline.semester), create_uri(discipline.core_content), discipline.title, discipline.code, discipline.description) response = Query.update(query) if response == 204: messages.success(self.request, "Discipline removed successfully") else: messages.success(self.request, "There was a server error") return super(DisciplineRemoveView, self).action(request, *args, **kwargs)
def query(): """Returns the query results.""" reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") template_variables = {} db_url = path.join(BASE_DIR, "berrynet.db") text = request.args.get('text', '') filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) book_url = path.join(TEMP_DIR, filename) e, r, t = None, None, None with open(book_url, 'w') as text_file: text_file.write(text) with Query(None, db_url, book_url, should_download=False) as query: e, r = query.results() t = template_variables['elizabethan'] = e template_variables['romantic'] = r template_variables['top'] = t print "template variables = %s" % str(template_variables) return render_template('result.html', **template_variables)
def test_elizabethan_1(self): book_url = path.join(path.join(TEST_DIR, "texts"), "query-2.txt") with Query(self.text_dir, self.db_url, book_url) as query: e, r = query.results() self.assertTrue(e > r)
"tokenize": True, "stem": True, "stopw_minimal": False, "tfidf": True }) corpus = Config.loadCorpus(kb_filename, config) questions = [ Question(q, {config: process_chain(q.strip(), config)}) for q in loadtest(test_filename) ] measure = Metric(config, euclidean) queries = [Query(q, [measure]) for q in questions] results = [corpus.queryGroup(query) for query in queries] with open(output_filename, "w") as ofile: for result in results: score = #print(score) if score <= 1.1: answer = print(answer, file=ofile) else: print("0", file=ofile) print("Elapsed time: " + str(time() - start_time))
def test_romantic_1(self): book_url = path.join(path.join(TEST_DIR, "texts"), "query-1.txt") with Query(self.text_dir, self.db_url, book_url) as query: e, r = query.results() self.assertTrue(r > e)
def _evaluate(self, query_func, metrics, decide=None): queries = [] for ans_nr, qtext in qformat = {} for m in metrics: qformat[m.format] = process_chain(qtext, m.format) queries.append((Query(question=Question(qtext, qformat), metrics=metrics, n=1), ans_nr)) answ = [] mscores = {} s = {} for m in metrics: mscores[m] = [] s[m] = 0 c = 0 #print(len(queries)) #print(len(self.corpus.qa_corpus)) b = True for qq, ans in queries: rs = query_func(qq) #print(rs.rankings) if b: max = {} min = {} for m, hp in rs.rankings: max[m] = 0 min[m] = 1 b = False for m, hp in rs.rankings: mscores[m].append(hp[0] if hp[0] == ans: if hp[0].score <= 1: s[m] += 1 #print(hp[0].score) max[m] = max[m] if hp[0].score < max[m] else hp[0].score else: min[m] = min[m] if hp[0].score > min[m] else hp[0].score #print("############") #print(hp[0].score) #print("query:" + qq.question.text) #print("processed" + str(qq.question.format[m.format])) #print("obtained: " + hp[0].q.text) #print("processed" + str(hp[0].q.format[m.format])) answ.append(ans) #for m in max.keys(): # print("max: " + str(max[m]) + " " + # print("min: " + str(min[m]) + " " + # print(s[m]/len(queries)) return mscores, answ
def parse_query(self, data):[:512]) ''' Parse json ''' query = Query.from_json(data) ''' Initialize session specific params ''' self._init_session_params(query)