Example #1
    def get_categories_and_subcategories():
        pages = Mongo.getPageIndex().find({})
        subcategories_points = defaultdict(int)

        for page in pages:
            if 'Sub_Categories' in page.keys():
                for subcategory in page['Sub_Categories']:
                    subcategories_points[page['Main_Category'] + " - " + subcategory] += 1

        subcategories = {}
        counter = 0

        for subcategory, _ in sorted(subcategories_points.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
            if counter < 5:
                subcategories[subcategory] = True
                subcategories[subcategory] = False
            counter += 1

        return subcategories
Example #2
 def index_page_logic(self):
     rake_object = rake.Rake(config.Config.stoppath, max_words_length=2)
     text = ""
     if "description" in self.__dict__.keys():
         text += self.description
     if "about" in self.__dict__.keys():
         text += self.about
     one = text.encode('utf-8').replace("ë", 'e')
     one = one.replace("$", 'dollar')
     keywords = rake_object.run(one)
     json_repr = {"_id": self.id, "name": self.name}
     json_repr.update({"keywords": {}})
     for index, x in enumerate(keywords):
         json_repr['keywords'].update({x[0]: x[1]})
     if Mongo.getPageIndex().insert(json_repr):
         return True
         return False
Example #3
 def index_page_logic(self):
     rake_object = rake.Rake(config.Config.stoppath, max_words_length=2)
     text = ""
     if "description" in self.__dict__.keys():
         text += self.description
     if "about" in self.__dict__.keys():
         text += self.about
     one = text.encode('utf-8').replace("ë", 'e')
     one = one.replace("$", 'dollar')
     keywords = rake_object.run(one)
     json_repr = {"_id":self.id,"name":self.name}
     for index, x in enumerate(keywords):
         json_repr['keywords'].update({x[0]: x[1]})
     if Mongo.getPageIndex().insert(json_repr):
         return True
         return False
Example #4
    def get_categories_and_subcategories():
        pages = Mongo.getPageIndex().find({})
        subcategories_points = defaultdict(int)

        for page in pages:
            if 'Sub_Categories' in page.keys():
                for subcategory in page['Sub_Categories']:
                    subcategories_points[page['Main_Category'] + " - " +
                                         subcategory] += 1

        subcategories = {}
        counter = 0

        for subcategory, _ in sorted(subcategories_points.items(),
                                     key=lambda x: x[1],
            if counter < 5:
                subcategories[subcategory] = True
                subcategories[subcategory] = False
            counter += 1

        return subcategories
Example #5
    def get_filtered_evaluations(category=None,
        # If category, subcategory and keywords are given
        if keywords is not None:
            keywords_filter = []
            for keyword in keywords:
                    {"keywords." + keyword: {
                        '$exists': 'true'
            pages = Mongo.getPageIndex().find({
                '$and': [{
                    'Main_Category': category
                }, {
                    'Sub_Categories': subcategory
                }, {
                    '$or': keywords_filter

        # If category and subcategory is given
        elif subcategory is not None:
            pages = Mongo.getPageIndex().find({
                '$and': [{
                    'Main_Category': category
                }, {
                    'Sub_Categories': subcategory
        # If only the category is given
        elif category is not None:
            pages = Mongo.getPageIndex().find({'Main_Category': category})

            pages = Mongo.getPageIndex().find({})

        # for page in pages:
        #     print page['name']

        # If there are no pages matching the results
        if pages.count() == 0:
            return None

        print "Pages count: " + str(pages.count())

        users_points = defaultdict(int)
        # Get all users and calculate total points
        for page in pages:
            page_evaluations = PageEval.get_page_evaluations(page['_id'])

            # If the page evaluation exists
            if page_evaluations is not None:
                for user_id, points in page_evaluations.points.iteritems():
                    users_points[user_id] += points


        users = []

        start_time = time.time()

        # Filter by location
        if location is not None:
            for user_id, points in users_points.iteritems():
                user = User.User.load_from_db(user_id)

                # If the user doesn't exist in the database, skip
                if user is None:

                # If the location matches, add the user to the list
                if user.location[
                        'name'] == location:  # Get only the name of the city out of the location
                    users.append((user, points))

        if location is None:
            for user_id, points in users_points.iteritems():
                user = User.User.load_from_db(user_id)

                # If the user doesn't exist in the database, skip
                if user is None:

                users.append((user, points))

        print('Time: ' + str(time.time() - start_time))

        return users
Example #6
    def get_filtered_evaluations(category=None, subcategory=None, keywords=None, location=None):
        # If category, subcategory and keywords are given
        if keywords is not None:
            keywords_filter = []
            for keyword in keywords:
                keywords_filter.append({"keywords." + keyword: {'$exists': 'true'}})
            pages = Mongo.getPageIndex().find(
                {'$and': [{'Main_Category': category}, {'Sub_Categories': subcategory}, {'$or': keywords_filter}]}

        # If category and subcategory is given
        elif subcategory is not None:
            pages = Mongo.getPageIndex().find(
                {'$and': [{'Main_Category': category}, {'Sub_Categories': subcategory}]}
        # If only the category is given
        elif category is not None:
            pages = Mongo.getPageIndex().find({'Main_Category': category})

            pages = Mongo.getPageIndex().find({})

        # for page in pages:
        #     print page['name']

        # If there are no pages matching the results
        if pages.count() == 0:
            return None

        print "Pages count: " + str(pages.count())

        users_points = defaultdict(int)
        # Get all users and calculate total points
        for page in pages:
            page_evaluations = PageEval.get_page_evaluations(page['_id'])

            # If the page evaluation exists
            if page_evaluations is not None:
                for user_id, points in page_evaluations.points.iteritems():
                    users_points[user_id] += points

        print (len(users_points))

        users = []

        start_time = time.time()

        # Filter by location
        if location is not None:
            for user_id, points in users_points.iteritems():
                user = User.User.load_from_db(user_id)

                # If the user doesn't exist in the database, skip
                if user is None:

                # If the location matches, add the user to the list
                if user.location['name'] == location:  # Get only the name of the city out of the location
                    users.append((user, points))

        if location is None:
            for user_id, points in users_points.iteritems():
                user = User.User.load_from_db(user_id)

                # If the user doesn't exist in the database, skip
                if user is None:

                users.append((user, points))

        print('Time: ' + str(time.time() - start_time))

        return users