Example #1
def main(argv):
  # type: (List[str]) -> int
  arena = alloc.Arena()

  dollar0 = argv[0]
  debug_stack = []  # type: List[state.DebugFrame]
  mem = state.Mem(dollar0, argv, arena, debug_stack)
  opt_hook = state.OptHook()
  parse_opts, exec_opts, mutable_opts = state.MakeOpts(mem, opt_hook)
  # Dummy value; not respecting aliases!
  aliases = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
  # parse `` and a[x+1]=bar differently

  state.SetGlobalString(mem, 'SHELLOPTS', '')

  oil_grammar = None  # type: Grammar
  if mylib.PYTHON:
    loader = pyutil.GetResourceLoader()
    oil_grammar = meta.LoadOilGrammar(loader)

  parse_ctx = parse_lib.ParseContext(arena, parse_opts, aliases, oil_grammar)

  argv = argv[1:]  # remove binary name
  i, flag_a, flag_c, flag_n = Parse(argv)

  argv = argv[i:]  # truncate

  if flag_c:
    # This path is easier to run through GDB
    line_reader = reader.StringLineReader(flag_c, arena)
    src = source.CFlag()  # type: source_t

  elif len(argv) == 0:
    line_reader = reader.FileLineReader(mylib.Stdin(), arena)
    src = source.Stdin('')

  elif len(argv) == 1:
    path = argv[0]
    f = mylib.open(path)
    line_reader = reader.FileLineReader(f, arena)
    src = source.MainFile(path)

    raise AssertionError(argv)

  c_parser = parse_ctx.MakeOshParser(line_reader)

  # C++ doesn't have the abbreviations yet (though there are some differences
  # like omitting spids)
  #tree = node.AbbreviatedTree()
  if flag_n:
      node = main_loop.ParseWholeFile(c_parser)
    except error.Parse as e:
      ui.PrettyPrintError(e, arena)
      return 2
    assert node is not None

    if flag_a:
      tree = node.PrettyTree()

      ast_f = fmt.DetectConsoleOutput(mylib.Stdout())
      fmt.PrintTree(tree, ast_f)
    return 0

  # New osh_eval.py instantiations

  errfmt = ui.ErrorFormatter(arena)

  splitter = split.SplitContext(mem)
  arith_ev = sh_expr_eval.ArithEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, parse_ctx, errfmt)
  bool_ev = sh_expr_eval.BoolEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, parse_ctx, errfmt)
  word_ev = word_eval.NormalWordEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, splitter, errfmt)

  arith_ev.word_ev = word_ev
  word_ev.arith_ev = arith_ev

  procs = {}  # type: Dict[str, command__ShFunction]

  assign_builtins = {}  # type: Dict[int, _AssignBuiltin]

  new_var = builtin_assign.NewVar(mem, procs, errfmt)
  assign_builtins[builtin_i.declare] = new_var
  assign_builtins[builtin_i.typeset] = new_var
  assign_builtins[builtin_i.local] = new_var

  #assign_builtins = {
  #    # ShAssignment (which are pure)
  #    builtin_i.declare: new_var,
  #    builtin_i.typeset: new_var,
  #    builtin_i.local: new_var,

  #    builtin_i.export_: builtin_assign.Export(mem, errfmt),
  #    builtin_i.readonly: builtin_assign.Readonly(mem, errfmt),

  cmd_deps = cmd_eval.Deps()
  cmd_deps.mutable_opts = mutable_opts
  cmd_deps.traps = {}
  cmd_deps.trap_nodes = []  # TODO: Clear on fork() to avoid duplicates

  cmd_deps.dumper = dev.CrashDumper('')

  builtins = {}  # type: Dict[int, _Builtin]
  builtins[builtin_i.echo] = Echo()
  builtins[builtin_i.shopt] = Shopt(mutable_opts)
  builtins[builtin_i.set] = Set(mutable_opts)
  ex = NullExecutor(builtins)

  trace_f = util.DebugFile(mylib.Stderr())
  tracer = dev.Tracer(parse_ctx, exec_opts, mutable_opts, mem, word_ev, trace_f)

  cmd_ev = cmd_eval.CommandEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, errfmt, procs,
                                     assign_builtins, arena, cmd_deps)

  # vm.InitCircularDeps
  cmd_ev.arith_ev = arith_ev
  cmd_ev.bool_ev = bool_ev
  cmd_ev.word_ev = word_ev
  cmd_ev.tracer = tracer
  cmd_ev.shell_ex = ex

  bool_ev.word_ev = word_ev

  status = main_loop.Batch(cmd_ev, c_parser, arena, is_main=True)
  return status
Example #2
def main(argv):
  # type: (List[str]) -> int
  arena = alloc.Arena()

  dollar0 = argv[0]
  debug_stack = []  # type: List[state.DebugFrame]

  argv = argv[1:]  # remove binary name
  i, flag_a, flag_c, flag_n = Parse(argv)
  argv = argv[i:]  # truncate

  mem = state.Mem(dollar0, argv, arena, debug_stack)

  # TODO: look at extern char** environ;

  environ = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
  environ['PWD'] = posix.getcwd()
  state.InitMem(mem, environ, 'VERSION')

  opt_hook = state.OptHook()
  parse_opts, exec_opts, mutable_opts = state.MakeOpts(mem, opt_hook)
  # Dummy value; not respecting aliases!
  aliases = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
  # parse `` and a[x+1]=bar differently

  oil_grammar = None  # type: Grammar
  if mylib.PYTHON:
    loader = pyutil.GetResourceLoader()
    oil_grammar = meta.LoadOilGrammar(loader)

  parse_ctx = parse_lib.ParseContext(arena, parse_opts, aliases, oil_grammar)

  if flag_c:
    # This path is easier to run through GDB
    line_reader = reader.StringLineReader(flag_c, arena)
    src = source.CFlag()  # type: source_t

  elif len(argv) == 0:
    line_reader = reader.FileLineReader(mylib.Stdin(), arena)
    src = source.Stdin('')

  elif len(argv) == 1:
    path = argv[0]
    f = mylib.open(path)
    line_reader = reader.FileLineReader(f, arena)
    src = source.MainFile(path)

    raise AssertionError(argv)

  c_parser = parse_ctx.MakeOshParser(line_reader)

  # C++ doesn't have the abbreviations yet (though there are some differences
  # like omitting spids)
  #tree = node.AbbreviatedTree()
  if flag_n:
      node = main_loop.ParseWholeFile(c_parser)
    except error.Parse as e:
      ui.PrettyPrintError(e, arena)
      return 2
    assert node is not None

    if flag_a:
      tree = node.PrettyTree()

      ast_f = fmt.DetectConsoleOutput(mylib.Stdout())
      fmt.PrintTree(tree, ast_f)
    return 0

  # New osh_eval.py instantiations

  errfmt = ui.ErrorFormatter(arena)

  splitter = split.SplitContext(mem)
  arith_ev = sh_expr_eval.ArithEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, parse_ctx, errfmt)
  bool_ev = sh_expr_eval.BoolEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, parse_ctx, errfmt)
  word_ev = word_eval.NormalWordEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, splitter, errfmt)
  prompt_ev = prompt.Evaluator('osh', parse_ctx, mem)

  arith_ev.word_ev = word_ev
  word_ev.arith_ev = arith_ev
  word_ev.prompt_ev = prompt_ev

  prompt_ev.word_ev = word_ev

  procs = {}  # type: Dict[str, command__ShFunction]

  assign_builtins = {}  # type: Dict[int, _AssignBuiltin]

  new_var = builtin_assign.NewVar(mem, procs, errfmt)
  assign_builtins[builtin_i.declare] = new_var
  assign_builtins[builtin_i.typeset] = new_var
  assign_builtins[builtin_i.local] = new_var
  assign_builtins[builtin_i.export_] = builtin_assign.Export(mem, errfmt)
  assign_builtins[builtin_i.readonly] = builtin_assign.Readonly(mem, errfmt)

  #assign_builtins = {
  #    # ShAssignment (which are pure)
  #    builtin_i.declare: new_var,
  #    builtin_i.typeset: new_var,
  #    builtin_i.local: new_var,

  #    builtin_i.export_: builtin_assign.Export(mem, errfmt),
  #    builtin_i.readonly: builtin_assign.Readonly(mem, errfmt),

  cmd_deps = cmd_eval.Deps()
  cmd_deps.mutable_opts = mutable_opts
  cmd_deps.traps = {}
  cmd_deps.trap_nodes = []  # TODO: Clear on fork() to avoid duplicates

  cmd_deps.dumper = dev.CrashDumper('')

  search_path = state.SearchPath(mem)

  builtins = {}  # type: Dict[int, vm._Builtin]
  builtins[builtin_i.echo] = builtin_pure.Echo(exec_opts)

  builtins[builtin_i.set] = Set(mutable_opts)  # DUMMY until ParseMore()
  if mylib.PYTHON:
    # Use the real one
    builtins[builtin_i.set] = builtin_pure.Set(mutable_opts, mem)

  builtins[builtin_i.shopt] = builtin_pure.Shopt(mutable_opts)
  builtins[builtin_i.alias] = builtin_pure.Alias(aliases, errfmt)
  builtins[builtin_i.unalias] = builtin_pure.UnAlias(aliases, errfmt)

  builtins[builtin_i.hash] = builtin_pure.Hash(search_path)
  builtins[builtin_i.getopts] = builtin_pure.GetOpts(mem, errfmt)

  builtins[builtin_i.shift] = builtin_assign.Shift(mem)
  builtins[builtin_i.unset] = builtin_assign.Unset(
      mem, exec_opts, procs, parse_ctx, arith_ev, errfmt)

  true_ = builtin_pure.Boolean(0)
  builtins[builtin_i.colon] = true_  # a "special" builtin 
  builtins[builtin_i.true_] = true_
  builtins[builtin_i.false_] = builtin_pure.Boolean(1)

  # builtin_meta
  builtins[builtin_i.type] = builtin_meta.Type(procs, aliases, search_path, errfmt)

  shell_ex = NullExecutor(exec_opts, mutable_opts, procs, builtins)

  trace_f = util.DebugFile(mylib.Stderr())
  tracer = dev.Tracer(parse_ctx, exec_opts, mutable_opts, mem, word_ev, trace_f)

  cmd_ev = cmd_eval.CommandEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, errfmt, procs,
                                     assign_builtins, arena, cmd_deps)

  # TODO: can't instantiate this yet
  #fd_state = None

  # needs cmd_ev
  builtins[builtin_i.eval] = builtin_meta.Eval(parse_ctx, exec_opts, cmd_ev)
  #source_builtin = builtin_meta.Source(
  #    parse_ctx, search_path, cmd_ev, fd_state, errfmt)
  #builtins[builtin_i.source] = source_builtin
  #builtins[builtin_i.dot] = source_builtin

  builtins[builtin_i.builtin] = builtin_meta.Builtin(shell_ex, errfmt)
  builtins[builtin_i.command] = builtin_meta.Command(shell_ex, procs, aliases,

  builtins[builtin_i.printf] = builtin_printf.Printf(mem, parse_ctx, errfmt)

  builtins[builtin_i.test] = builtin_bracket.Test(False, exec_opts, mem, errfmt)
  builtins[builtin_i.bracket] = builtin_bracket.Test(True, exec_opts, mem, errfmt)

  dir_stack = state.DirStack()
  builtins[builtin_i.pushd] = builtin_misc.Pushd(mem, dir_stack, errfmt)
  builtins[builtin_i.popd] = builtin_misc.Popd(mem, dir_stack, errfmt)
  builtins[builtin_i.dirs] = builtin_misc.Dirs(mem, dir_stack, errfmt)
  builtins[builtin_i.pwd] = builtin_misc.Pwd(mem, errfmt)

  builtins[builtin_i.times] = builtin_misc.Times()
  builtins[builtin_i.read] = builtin_misc.Read(splitter, mem)

  builtins[builtin_i.cat] = builtin_misc.Cat()  # for $(<file)
  builtins[builtin_i.cd] = builtin_misc.Cd(mem, dir_stack, cmd_ev, errfmt)

  # vm.InitCircularDeps
  cmd_ev.arith_ev = arith_ev
  cmd_ev.bool_ev = bool_ev
  cmd_ev.word_ev = word_ev
  cmd_ev.tracer = tracer
  cmd_ev.shell_ex = shell_ex

  shell_ex.cmd_ev = cmd_ev

  bool_ev.word_ev = word_ev

    status = main_loop.Batch(cmd_ev, c_parser, arena,
  except util.UserExit as e:
    # TODO: fix this
    #status = e.status
    status = 1
  return status
Example #3
def Main(lang, arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, line_input):
    # type: (str, args.Reader, Dict[str, str], bool, pyutil._ResourceLoader, Any) -> int
    """The full shell lifecycle.  Used by bin/osh and bin/oil.

    lang: 'osh' or 'oil'
    argv0, arg_r: command line arguments
    environ: environment
    login_shell: Was - on the front?
    loader: to get help, version, grammar, etc.
    line_input: optional GNU readline
    # Differences between osh and oil:
    # - --help?  I guess Oil has a SUPERSET of OSH options.
    # - oshrc vs oilrc
    # - shopt -s oil:all
    # - Change the prompt in the interactive shell?

    # osh-pure:
    # - no oil grammar
    # - no expression evaluator
    # - no interactive shell, or line_input
    # - no process.*
    #   process.{ExternalProgram,Waiter,FdState,JobState,SignalState} -- we want
    #   to evaluate config files without any of these
    # Modules not translated yet: completion, comp_ui, builtin_comp, process
    # - word evaluator
    #   - shouldn't glob?  set -o noglob?  or hard failure?
    #   - ~ shouldn't read from the file system
    #     - I guess it can just be the HOME=HOME?
    # Builtin:
    #   shellvm -c 'echo hi'
    #   shellvm <<< 'echo hi'

    argv0 = arg_r.Peek()
    assert argv0 is not None

    assert lang in ('osh', 'oil'), lang

        attrs = flag_spec.ParseMore('main', arg_r)
    except error.Usage as e:
        stderr_line('osh usage error: %s', e.msg)
        return 2
    flag = arg_types.main(attrs.attrs)

    arena = alloc.Arena()
    errfmt = ui.ErrorFormatter(arena)

    help_builtin = builtin_misc.Help(loader, errfmt)
    if flag.help:
        help_builtin.Run(MakeBuiltinArgv(['%s-usage' % lang]))
        return 0
    if flag.version:
        # OSH version is the only binary in Oil right now, so it's all one version.
        pyutil.ShowAppVersion('Oil', loader)
        return 0

    no_str = None  # type: str

    debug_stack = []  # type: List[state.DebugFrame]
    if arg_r.AtEnd():
        dollar0 = argv0
        dollar0 = arg_r.Peek()  # the script name, or the arg after -c

        # Copy quirky bash behavior.
        frame0 = state.DebugFrame(dollar0, 'main', no_str, state.LINE_ZERO, 0,

    # Copy quirky bash behavior.
    frame1 = state.DebugFrame(no_str, no_str, no_str, runtime.NO_SPID, 0, 0)

    script_name = arg_r.Peek()  # type: Optional[str]
    mem = state.Mem(dollar0, arg_r.Rest(), arena, debug_stack)

    version_str = pyutil.GetVersion(loader)
    state.InitMem(mem, environ, version_str)

    procs = {}  # type: Dict[str, command__ShFunction]

    job_state = process.JobState()
    fd_state = process.FdState(errfmt, job_state, mem)

    opt_hook = state.OptHook()
    parse_opts, exec_opts, mutable_opts = state.MakeOpts(mem, opt_hook)
    # TODO: only MutableOpts needs mem, so it's not a true circular dep.
    mem.exec_opts = exec_opts  # circular dep

    if attrs.show_options:  # special case: sh -o
        return 0

    # Set these BEFORE processing flags, so they can be overridden.
    if lang == 'oil':
        mutable_opts.SetShoptOption('oil:all', True)

    builtin_pure.SetShellOpts(mutable_opts, attrs.opt_changes,
    # feedback between runtime and parser
    aliases = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]

    oil_grammar = None  # type: grammar.Grammar
    #oil_grammar = pyutil.LoadOilGrammar(loader)

    if flag.one_pass_parse and not exec_opts.noexec():
        e_usage('--one-pass-parse requires noexec (-n)')
    parse_ctx = parse_lib.ParseContext(arena, parse_opts, aliases, oil_grammar)

    # Three ParseContext instances SHARE aliases.
    comp_arena = alloc.Arena()
    trail1 = parse_lib.Trail()
    # one_pass_parse needs to be turned on to complete inside backticks.  TODO:
    # fix the issue where ` gets erased because it's not part of
    # set_completer_delims().
    comp_ctx = parse_lib.ParseContext(comp_arena, parse_opts, aliases,

    hist_arena = alloc.Arena()
    trail2 = parse_lib.Trail()
    hist_ctx = parse_lib.ParseContext(hist_arena, parse_opts, aliases,

    # Deps helps manages dependencies.  These dependencies are circular:
    # - cmd_ev and word_ev, arith_ev -- for command sub, arith sub
    # - arith_ev and word_ev -- for $(( ${a} )) and $x$(( 1 ))
    # - cmd_ev and builtins (which execute code, like eval)
    # - prompt_ev needs word_ev for $PS1, which needs prompt_ev for @P
    cmd_deps = cmd_eval.Deps()
    cmd_deps.mutable_opts = mutable_opts

    # TODO: In general, cmd_deps are shared between the mutually recursive
    # evaluators.  Some of the four below are only shared between a builtin and
    # the CommandEvaluator, so we could put them somewhere else.
    cmd_deps.traps = {}
    cmd_deps.trap_nodes = []  # TODO: Clear on fork() to avoid duplicates

    waiter = process.Waiter(job_state, exec_opts)

    my_pid = posix.getpid()

    debug_path = ''
    debug_dir = environ.get('OSH_DEBUG_DIR')
    if flag.debug_file is not None:
        # --debug-file takes precedence over OSH_DEBUG_DIR
        debug_path = flag.debug_file
    elif debug_dir is not None:
        debug_path = os_path.join(debug_dir, '%d-osh.log' % my_pid)

    if len(debug_path):
        raise NotImplementedError()
        debug_f = util.NullDebugFile()  # type: util._DebugFile

    cmd_deps.debug_f = debug_f

    # Not using datetime for dependency reasons.  TODO: maybe show the date at
    # the beginning of the log, and then only show time afterward?  To save
    # space, and make space for microseconds.  (datetime supports microseconds
    # but time.strftime doesn't).
    if mylib.PYTHON:
        iso_stamp = time_.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        debug_f.log('%s [%d] OSH started with argv %s', iso_stamp, my_pid,
    if len(debug_path):
        debug_f.log('Writing logs to %r', debug_path)

    interp = environ.get('OSH_HIJACK_SHEBANG', '')
    search_path = state.SearchPath(mem)
    ext_prog = process.ExternalProgram(interp, fd_state, errfmt, debug_f)

    splitter = split.SplitContext(mem)

    # This could just be OSH_DEBUG_STREAMS='debug crash' ?  That might be
    # stuffing too much into one, since a .json crash dump isn't a stream.
    crash_dump_dir = environ.get('OSH_CRASH_DUMP_DIR', '')
    cmd_deps.dumper = dev.CrashDumper(crash_dump_dir)

    if flag.xtrace_to_debug_file:
        trace_f = debug_f
        trace_f = util.DebugFile(mylib.Stderr())

    #comp_lookup = completion.Lookup()

    # Various Global State objects to work around readline interfaces
    #compopt_state = completion.OptionState()
    #comp_ui_state = comp_ui.State()
    #prompt_state = comp_ui.PromptState()

    dir_stack = state.DirStack()

    # Initialize builtins that don't depend on evaluators

    builtins = {}  # type: Dict[int, vm._Builtin]

    AddPure(builtins, mem, procs, mutable_opts, aliases, search_path, errfmt)
    AddIO(builtins, mem, dir_stack, exec_opts, splitter, parse_ctx, errfmt)

    builtins[builtin_i.help] = help_builtin

    # Initialize Evaluators

    arith_ev = sh_expr_eval.ArithEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, parse_ctx, errfmt)
    bool_ev = sh_expr_eval.BoolEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, parse_ctx, errfmt)
    expr_ev = None  # type: expr_eval.OilEvaluator
    word_ev = word_eval.NormalWordEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, splitter, errfmt)

    assign_b = InitAssignmentBuiltins(mem, procs, errfmt)
    cmd_ev = cmd_eval.CommandEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, errfmt, procs, assign_b,
                                       arena, cmd_deps)

    shell_ex = executor.ShellExecutor(mem, exec_opts, mutable_opts, procs,
                                      builtins, search_path, ext_prog, waiter,
                                      job_state, fd_state, errfmt)
    #shell_ex = NullExecutor(exec_opts, mutable_opts, procs, builtins)

    # PromptEvaluator rendering is needed in non-interactive shells for @P.
    prompt_ev = prompt.Evaluator(lang, parse_ctx, mem)
    tracer = dev.Tracer(parse_ctx, exec_opts, mutable_opts, mem, word_ev,

    # Wire up circular dependencies.
    vm.InitCircularDeps(arith_ev, bool_ev, expr_ev, word_ev, cmd_ev, shell_ex,
                        prompt_ev, tracer)

    # Initialize builtins that depend on evaluators

    # note: 'printf -v a[i]' and 'unset a[i]' require same deps
    builtins[builtin_i.printf] = builtin_printf.Printf(mem, exec_opts,
                                                       parse_ctx, arith_ev,

    builtins[builtin_i.unset] = builtin_assign.Unset(mem, exec_opts, procs,
                                                     parse_ctx, arith_ev,
    builtins[builtin_i.eval] = builtin_meta.Eval(parse_ctx, exec_opts, cmd_ev)

    #source_builtin = builtin_meta.Source(parse_ctx, search_path, cmd_ev,
    #fd_state, errfmt)
    #builtins[builtin_i.source] = source_builtin
    #builtins[builtin_i.dot] = source_builtin

    AddMeta(builtins, shell_ex, mutable_opts, mem, procs, aliases, search_path,
    AddBlock(builtins, mem, mutable_opts, dir_stack, cmd_ev, errfmt)

    #sig_state = process.SignalState()

    #builtins[builtin_i.trap] = builtin_process.Trap(sig_state, cmd_deps.traps,
    #                                                cmd_deps.trap_nodes,
    #                                                parse_ctx, errfmt)

    if flag.c is not None:
        line_reader = reader.StringLineReader(flag.c,
                                              arena)  # type: reader._Reader
        if flag.i:  # -c and -i can be combined

    elif flag.i:  # force interactive
        raise NotImplementedError()

        if script_name is None:
            stdin = mylib.Stdin()
            line_reader = reader.FileLineReader(stdin, arena)
                f = fd_state.Open(script_name)
                #f = mylib.open(script_name)
            except OSError as e:
                stderr_line("osh: Couldn't open %r: %s", script_name,
                return 1
            line_reader = reader.FileLineReader(f, arena)

    # TODO: assert arena.NumSourcePaths() == 1
    # TODO: .rc file needs its own arena.
    c_parser = parse_ctx.MakeOshParser(line_reader)

    if exec_opts.interactive():
        raise NotImplementedError()

    if exec_opts.noexec():
        status = 0
            node = main_loop.ParseWholeFile(c_parser)
        except error.Parse as e:
            ui.PrettyPrintError(e, arena)
            status = 2

        if status == 0:
            if flag.parser_mem_dump is not None:  # only valid in -n mode
                input_path = '/proc/%d/status' % posix.getpid()
                pyutil.CopyFile(input_path, flag.parser_mem_dump)

            ui.PrintAst(node, flag)
        if flag.parser_mem_dump is not None:
            e_usage('--parser-mem-dump can only be used with -n')

            status = main_loop.Batch(cmd_ev,
        except util.UserExit as e:
            status = e.status
        box = [status]
        status = box[0]

    # NOTE: 'exit 1' is ControlFlow and gets here, but subshell/commandsub
    # don't because they call sys.exit().
    if flag.runtime_mem_dump is not None:
        input_path = '/proc/%d/status' % posix.getpid()
        pyutil.CopyFile(input_path, flag.runtime_mem_dump)

    # NOTE: We haven't closed the file opened with fd_state.Open
    return status
Example #4
def main(argv):
  # type: (List[str]) -> int
  arena = alloc.Arena()

  dollar0 = argv[0]
  debug_stack = []  # type: List[state.DebugFrame]
  mem = state.Mem(dollar0, argv, arena, debug_stack)
  opt_hook = state.OptHook()
  parse_opts, exec_opts, mutable_opts = state.MakeOpts(mem, opt_hook)
  # Dummy value; not respecting aliases!
  aliases = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
  # parse `` and a[x+1]=bar differently

  oil_grammar = None  # type: Grammar
  if mylib.PYTHON:
    loader = pyutil.GetResourceLoader()
    oil_grammar = meta.LoadOilGrammar(loader)

  parse_ctx = parse_lib.ParseContext(arena, parse_opts, aliases, oil_grammar)

  argv = argv[1:]  # remove binary name
  i, flag_a, flag_c, flag_n = Parse(argv)

  argv = argv[i:]  # truncate

  if flag_c:
    # This path is easier to run through GDB
    line_reader = reader.StringLineReader(flag_c, arena)
    src = source.CFlag()  # type: source_t

  elif len(argv) == 0:
    line_reader = reader.FileLineReader(mylib.Stdin(), arena)
    src = source.Stdin('')

  elif len(argv) == 1:
    path = argv[0]
    f = mylib.open(path)
    line_reader = reader.FileLineReader(f, arena)
    src = source.MainFile(path)

    raise AssertionError(argv)

  c_parser = parse_ctx.MakeOshParser(line_reader)

    #node = main_loop.ParseWholeFile(c_parser)
    node = ParseWholeFile(c_parser)
  except error.Parse as e:
    ui.PrettyPrintError(e, arena)
    return 2
  assert node is not None

  # C++ doesn't have the abbreviations yet (though there are some differences
  # like omitting spids)
  #tree = node.AbbreviatedTree()
  if flag_n:
    if flag_a:
      tree = node.PrettyTree()

      ast_f = fmt.DetectConsoleOutput(mylib.Stdout())
      fmt.PrintTree(tree, ast_f)
    return 0

  # New osh_eval.py instantiations

  errfmt = ui.ErrorFormatter(arena)

  splitter = split.SplitContext(mem)
  arith_ev = sh_expr_eval.ArithEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, errfmt)
  word_ev = word_eval.NormalWordEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, splitter, errfmt)

  arith_ev.word_ev = word_ev
  word_ev.arith_ev = arith_ev

  test_ev = TestEvaluator(arith_ev, word_ev)

  return 0