Example #1
def get_links_to_sight_index():
    Return a dictionary with the links where the sight indexes can be found
    filename = 'cities.yaml'
    cities_data = load_from(filename)
    loaded_urls = flatten([city.values() for city in cities_data.values()])
    save = False
    index_urls = flat_to_url(__conf__.get('pages'), __conf__.get('website'))

    for url in index_urls:
        if url in loaded_urls:

        # print(url)
        country, city = lpparser.get_country_city(url)
        if country:
            country_level = cities_data.setdefault(country, OrderedDict())
            country_level[city] = url
            save = True

    if save:
        save_to(cities_data, filename)

    return cities_data
Example #2
    def delete_accounts(self, accounts, reassign_to=None):
        """Removes ``accounts`` from the document.

        If the account has entries assigned to it, these entries will be reassigned to the
        ``reassign_to`` account.

        :param accounts: List of :class:`.Account` to be removed.
        :param accounts: :class:`.Account` to use for reassignment.
        # Recording the "Remove account" action into the Undoer is quite something...
        action = Action(tr('Remove account'))
        accounts = set(accounts)
        action.deleted_accounts |= accounts
        all_entries = flatten(self.accounts.entries_for_account(a) for a in accounts)
        if reassign_to is None:
            transactions = {e.transaction for e in all_entries if not e.transaction.is_spawn}
            transactions = {t for t in transactions if not t.affected_accounts() - accounts}
            action.deleted_transactions |= transactions
        action.change_entries(all_entries, self.schedules)
        affected_schedules = [s for s in self.schedules if accounts & s.affected_accounts()]
        for schedule in affected_schedules:
        for account in accounts:
            self.transactions.reassign_account(account, reassign_to)
            for schedule in affected_schedules:
                schedule.reassign_account(account, reassign_to)
Example #3
    def select(self, column_name: str, operator: str, value: str, column_names: List[str] = None) -> List[DavisBaseType]:
        index = self.columns_metadata.index(column_name)
        value = self.columns_metadata.value(column_name, value)

        if not column_names or column_names[0] == "*":
            args = SelectArgs([i for i in range(len(self.columns_metadata.columns))], Condition(index, operator, value))
            args = SelectArgs([self.columns_metadata.index(n) for n in column_names], Condition(index, operator, value))
        return flatten([page.select(args) for page in self.pages])
Example #4
    def delete_accounts(self, accounts, reassign_to=None):
        """Removes ``accounts`` from the document.

        If the account has entries assigned to it, these entries will be reassigned to the
        ``reassign_to`` account.

        :param accounts: List of :class:`.Account` to be removed.
        :param accounts: :class:`.Account` to use for reassignment.
        # Recording the "Remove account" action into the Undoer is quite something...
        action = Action(tr('Remove account'))
        accounts = set(accounts)
        action.deleted_accounts |= accounts
        all_entries = flatten(
            self.accounts.entries_for_account(a) for a in accounts)
        if reassign_to is None:
            transactions = {
                for e in all_entries if not e.transaction.is_spawn
            transactions = {
                for t in transactions if not t.affected_accounts() - accounts
            action.deleted_transactions |= transactions
        action.change_entries(all_entries, self.schedules)
        affected_schedules = [
            s for s in self.schedules if accounts & s.affected_accounts()
        for schedule in affected_schedules:
        for account in accounts:
            affected_budgets = [
                b for b in self.budgets
                if b.account == account or b.target == account
            if account.is_income_statement_account() and reassign_to is None:
                action.deleted_budgets |= set(affected_budgets)
                for budget in affected_budgets:
        for account in accounts:
            self.transactions.reassign_account(account, reassign_to)
            for schedule in affected_schedules:
                schedule.reassign_account(account, reassign_to)
            for budget in affected_budgets:
                if budget.account == account:
                    if reassign_to is None:
                        budget.account = reassign_to
                elif budget.target == account:
                    budget.target = reassign_to
    def _load(self, transactions):
        assert len(transactions) >= 2
        self.can_change_accounts = all(
            len(t.splits) == 2 for t in transactions)
        self.can_change_amount = all(t.can_set_amount for t in transactions)
        self.date_field.value = date.today()
        self.description_field.text = ''
        self.payee_field.text = ''
        self.checkno_field.text = ''
        self.from_field.text = ''
        self.to_field.text = ''
        self.amount_field.value = 0
        self.currency = None
        first = transactions[0]
        if allsame(t.date for t in transactions):
            self.date_field.value = first.date
        if allsame(t.description for t in transactions):
            self.description_field.text = first.description
        if allsame(t.payee for t in transactions):
            self.payee_field.text = first.payee
        if allsame(t.checkno for t in transactions):
            self.checkno_field.text = first.checkno
        splits = flatten(t.splits for t in transactions)
        splits = [s for s in splits if s.amount]
        if splits and allsame(s.amount.currency_code for s in splits):
            self.currency = splits[0].amount.currency_code
            self.currency = self.document.default_currency
        except IndexError:
        if self.can_change_accounts:

            def get_from(t):
                s1, s2 = t.splits
                return s1 if s1.amount <= 0 else s2

            def get_to(t):
                s1, s2 = t.splits
                return s2 if s1.amount <= 0 else s1

            def get_name(split):
                return split.account.name if split.account is not None else ''

            if allsame(get_name(get_from(t)) for t in transactions):
                self.from_field.text = get_name(get_from(first))
            if allsame(get_name(get_to(t)) for t in transactions):
                self.to_field.text = get_name(get_to(first))
        if self.can_change_amount:
            if allsame(t.amount for t in transactions):
                self.amount_field.value = first.amount
Example #6
    def cook(self, from_date=None, until_date=None):
        """Cooks raw data into :attr:`transactions`.

        :param from_date: when set, saves calculation time by re-using existing cooked transactions.
        :type from_date: ``datetime.date``
        :param until_date: because of recurrence, we must always have a date at which we stop
                           cooking. If we don't, we might end up in an infinite loop. If not set,
                           will be the date of the transaction with the highest date.
        :type until_date: ``datetime.date``
        # Determine from/until dates
        if from_date is None:
            from_date = date.min
            # it's possible that we have to reduce from_date a bit. If a split from before as a
            # reconciled date >= from_date, we have to set from_date to that split's normal date
            # We reverse the transactions to correctly detect chained overlappings in date/recdate
            for txn in reversed(self.transactions): # splits from *cooked* txns
                for split in txn.splits:
                    rdate = split.reconciliation_date
                    if rdate is not None and rdate >= from_date:
                        from_date = min(from_date, txn.date)
        self._transactions.sort() # needed in case until_date is None
        if until_date is None:
            until_date = self._transactions.last().date if self._transactions else from_date
        # Clear old cooked data
        for account in self._accounts:
            entries = self._accounts.entries_for_account(account)
        if from_date == date.min:
            self.transactions = []
            self.transactions = [t for t in self.transactions if t.date < from_date]
        # Cook
        if self._scheduled is not None:
            spawns = flatten(recurrence.get_spawns(until_date) for recurrence in self._scheduled)
            spawns += self._budget_spawns(until_date, spawns)
            # To ensure that our sort order stay correct and consistent, we assign position values
            # to our spawns. To ensure that there's no overlap, we start our position counter at
            # len(transactions)
            for counter, spawn in enumerate(spawns, start=len(self._transactions)):
                spawn.position = counter
            spawns = []
        txns = list(self._transactions) + spawns
        # we don't filter out txns > until_date because they might be budgets affecting current data
        # XXX now that budget's base date is the start date, isn't this untrue?
        tocook = [t for t in txns if from_date <= t.date]
        oven_cook_txns(self._accounts, tocook)
        self.transactions += tocook
        self._cooked_until = until_date
Example #7
 def __init__(self, context, v):
     Chain.__init__(self, context)
     self.__values = flatten(v)