Example #1
def _401_pickle_features_i3d_mixed_5c():
    n_frames_per_video = 512
    features_root_path = Pth('Breakfast/features_i3d_mixed_5c_%d_frames',
                             (n_frames_per_video, ))
    features_path = Pth(
        (n_frames_per_video, ))
    video_ids_path = Pth('Breakfast/annotation/video_ids_split.pkl')

    (video_ids_tr, video_ids_te) = utils.pkl_load(video_ids_path)

    n_tr = len(video_ids_tr)
    n_te = len(video_ids_te)

    n_frames_per_segment = 8
    n_segments = int(n_frames_per_video / n_frames_per_segment)
    assert n_segments * n_frames_per_segment == n_frames_per_video

    f_tr = np.zeros((n_tr, n_segments, 7, 7, 1024), dtype=np.float16)
    f_te = np.zeros((n_te, n_segments, 7, 7, 1024), dtype=np.float16)

    for i in range(n_tr):
        utils.print_counter(i, n_tr, 100)
        p = '%s/%s.pkl' % (features_root_path, video_ids_tr[i])
        f = utils.pkl_load(p)  # (T, 7, 7, 2048)
        f_tr[i] = f

    for i in range(n_te):
        utils.print_counter(i, n_te, 100)
        p = '%s/%s.pkl' % (features_root_path, video_ids_te[i])
        f = utils.pkl_load(p)  # (T, 7, 7, 2048)
        f_te[i] = f

    print f_tr.shape
    print f_te.shape


    data_names = ['x_tr', 'x_te']
    utils.h5_dump_multi((f_tr, f_te), data_names, features_path)
Example #2
def _06_get_graph_edges():
    # load data
    n_timesteps = 64
    n_centroids = 128
    is_max_layer = True

    model_name = 'classifier_19.02.21-01:00:30'
    features_path = Pth('Breakfast/features/features_i3d_mixed_5c_%d_frames.h5', (n_timesteps * 8,))
    centroids_path = Pth('Breakfast/features_centroids/features_random_%d_centroids.pkl', (n_centroids,))

    if is_max_layer:
        edge_values_path = Pth('Breakfast/qualitative_results/graph_edges_max_%s.h5', (model_name,))
        edge_pooled_values_path = Pth('Breakfast/qualitative_results/graph_edges_max_reduced_%s.pkl', (model_name,))
        layer_name = 'pool_t_1'
        n_timesteps = 21
        n_nodes = 10
        edge_values_path = Pth('Breakfast/qualitative_results/graph_edges_relu_%s.h5', (model_name,))
        edge_pooled_values_path = Pth('Breakfast/qualitative_results/graph_edges_relu_reduced_%s.pkl', (model_name,))
        layer_name = 'leaky_re_lu_3'
        n_timesteps = 64
        n_nodes = 32

    v_input_n = utils.pkl_load(centroids_path)
    (x_tr, x_te) = utils.h5_load_multi(features_path, ['x_tr', 'x_te'])

    epoch_num = 133
    batch_size = 40
    model = __load_model(model_name, epoch_num)

    t_input_n = model.get_layer('input_n').input
    t_input_x = model.get_layer('input_x').input
    t_activations = model.get_layer(layer_name).output  # (None * 64, 32, 1, 1, 1024)
    keras_session = K.get_session()

    # 1357 train, 335 test
    vals_tr = __get_tensor_values(batch_size, keras_session, t_activations, t_input_n, t_input_x, v_input_n, x_tr)  # (None*64, 32, 1, 1, 1024)
    vals_te = __get_tensor_values(batch_size, keras_session, t_activations, t_input_n, t_input_x, v_input_n, x_te)  # (None*64, 32, 1, 1, 1024)

    vals_tr = np.squeeze(vals_tr, axis=2)
    vals_tr = np.squeeze(vals_tr, axis=2)

    vals_te = np.squeeze(vals_te, axis=2)
    vals_te = np.squeeze(vals_te, axis=2)

    n_tr = 1357
    n_te = 355
    if is_max_layer:
        vals_tr = np.reshape(vals_tr, (n_tr, n_nodes, n_timesteps, 1024))  # (None, timesteps, nodes, feat_size), (1357, 10, 21, 1024)
        vals_te = np.reshape(vals_te, (n_te, n_nodes, n_timesteps, 1024))  # (None, timesteps, nodes, feat_size), (355, 10, 21, 1024)
        vals_tr = np.reshape(vals_tr, (n_tr, n_timesteps, n_nodes, 1024))  # (None, timesteps, nodes, feat_size), (1357, 64, 32, 1024)
        vals_te = np.reshape(vals_te, (n_te, n_timesteps, n_nodes, 1024))  # (None, timesteps, nodes, feat_size), (355, 64, 32, 1024)

    print ('finally')
    print x_tr.shape
    print x_te.shape

    print vals_tr.shape
    print vals_te.shape

    utils.h5_dump_multi((vals_tr, vals_te), ['x_tr', 'x_te'], edge_values_path)

    vals_tr = np.mean(vals_tr, axis=3)
    vals_te = np.mean(vals_te, axis=3)
    utils.pkl_dump((vals_tr, vals_te), edge_pooled_values_path)
Example #3
model = model.cuda()

batch_size = 32

# Run actual feed-forward here
alphas = pytorch_utils.batched_feedforward_multi(
    model, [x_te, x_te_c1, x_te_c2, x_te_c3, x_te_c4],
y_pred_te = pytorch_utils.batched_feedforward_multi(
    model, [x_te, x_te_c1, x_te_c2, x_te_c3, x_te_c4],
utils.h5_dump_multi((alphas, y_pred_te), ['alphas', 'y_pred_te'], path_save)

print('shape_of_result', y_pred_te.shape)
print('shape_of_alphas', alphas.shape)

alphas = np.mean(alphas, 2)

print('shape_of_alphas', alphas.shape)

print('mean:', np.mean(alphas, 0))
print('var:', np.var(alphas, 0))

# Evalaute results
y_pred_te = y_te_mask * y_pred_te
y_te = y_te * y_te_mask
acc_te = metric_fn(y_pred_te, y_te)
def _401_extract_features_i3d():
    Extract i3d features.

    n_threads = 32
    n_frames_per_segment = 8
    n_segments_per_video = 64
    n_frames_per_video = n_segments_per_video * n_frames_per_segment

    video_names_splits_path = Pth('EPIC-Kitchens/annotation/video_names_splits.pkl')
    sampled_frames_relative_pathes = Pth('EPIC-Kitchens/annotation/frame_relative_pathes_uniform_sample.pkl')
    frames_root_path = Pth('EPIC-Kitchens/frames_rgb_resized/train')
    features_path = Pth('EPIC-Kitchens/features/features_i3d_mixed_5c_%d_frames.h5', (n_frames_per_video,))

    (video_names_tr, video_names_te) = utils.pkl_load(video_names_splits_path)
    (sampled_frames_tr, sampled_frames_te) = utils.pkl_load(sampled_frames_relative_pathes)

    video_names = np.hstack((video_names_tr, video_names_te))
    sampled_frames = np.vstack((sampled_frames_tr, sampled_frames_te))
    n_videos = len(video_names)
    n_tr = len(video_names_tr)

    img_reader = image_utils.AsyncImageReaderEpicKitchensForI3dKerasModel(n_threads=n_threads)
    v_frames_pathes = np.array(['%s/%s' % (frames_root_path, p) for p in sampled_frames[0]])

    model = Inception_Inflated3d_Backbone()
    print (model.summary())
    model = multi_gpu_utils.multi_gpu_model(model, 4)

    dataset_features = np.zeros((n_videos, n_segments_per_video, 7, 7, 1024), dtype=np.float32)

    # loop on videos, extract features and save them
    for idx_video, v_name in enumerate(video_names):

        video_num = idx_video + 1

        # wait untill the image_batch is loaded
        t1 = time.time()
        while img_reader.is_busy():
        t2 = time.time()
        duration_waited = t2 - t1
        print ('...... video %d/%d:, waited: %d' % (video_num, n_videos, duration_waited))

        # get the video frames
        video_frames = img_reader.get_images()

        # reshape to get the segments in one dimension
        frames_shape = video_frames.shape
        frames_shape = [n_segments_per_video, n_frames_per_segment] + list(frames_shape[1:])
        video_frames = np.reshape(video_frames, frames_shape)

        # pre-load for the next video
        if video_num < n_videos:
            v_frames_pathes = np.array(['%s/%s' % (frames_root_path, p) for p in sampled_frames[idx_video + 1]])

        # extract features
        features = model.predict(video_frames, verbose=0)

        # remove the temporal dimension
        features = np.squeeze(features, axis=1)

        # append feature to list
        dataset_features[idx_video] = features

    # split features
    features_tr = dataset_features[:n_tr]
    features_te = dataset_features[n_tr:]

    print features_tr.shape
    print features_te.shape

    # save features
    utils.h5_dump_multi((features_tr, features_te), ['x_tr', 'x_te'], features_path)