Example #1
def graph_leads_won_rate(request):
    """Graph rates of won leads for given (or all) subsidiary"""
    graph_data = []
    start_date = (datetime.today() - timedelta(3 * 365))
    subsidiary = get_subsidiary_from_session(request)
    leads = Lead.objects.filter(creation_date__gt=start_date)
    if subsidiary:
        leads = leads.filter(subsidiary=subsidiary)
    leads = leads.annotate(month=TruncMonth("creation_date")).order_by("month")
    leads = leads.values("month", "state").annotate(Count("state"))
    leads_state = OrderedDict()
    won_rate = []
    months = []

    # compute lead state for each month
    for lead in leads:
        month = lead["month"]
        if month not in leads_state:
            leads_state[month] = {}
        leads_state[month][lead["state"]] = lead["state__count"]

    # compute won rate
    for month, lead_state in leads_state.items():
        if lead_state.get("WON", 0) > 0:
                    100 * lead_state.get("WON", 0) /
                    (lead_state.get("LOST", 0) +
                     lead_state.get("FORGIVEN", 0) + lead_state.get("WON", 0)),

    if len(months) > 0:
        graph_data.append(["x"] + months)
        graph_data.append(["won-rate"] + won_rate)
        graph_data.append(["won-rate-MA90"] +
                          moving_average(won_rate, 3, round_digits=2))
        graph_data.append(["won-rate-MA180"] +
                          moving_average(won_rate, 6, round_digits=2))

    return render(
        request, "leads/graph_won_rate.html", {
            "graph_data": json.dumps(graph_data),
            "series_colors": COLORS,
            "user": request.user
Example #2
def graph_leads_activity(request):
    """some graph and figures about current leads activity"""
    subsidiary = get_subsidiary_from_session(request)

    # lead stat
    current_leads = Lead.objects.active()
    if subsidiary:
        current_leads = current_leads.filter(subsidiary=subsidiary)
    leads_state_data = leads_state_stat(current_leads)

    leads = Lead.objects.all()
    if subsidiary:
        leads = leads.filter(subsidiary=subsidiary)

    # lead creation rate per week
    first_lead_creation_date = leads.aggregate(Min("creation_date")).get(
        "creation_date__min", datetime.now()).date()
    today = date.today()
    lead_creation_rate_data = []
    max_creation_rate = 0
    for timeframe in (30, 30 * 6, 365):
        start = today - timedelta(timeframe)
        if start > first_lead_creation_date:
            rate = 7 * leads.filter(
                creation_date__gte=start).count() / timeframe
            rate = round(rate, 2)
                [_("Last %s days") % timeframe, rate])
            max_creation_rate = max(rate, max_creation_rate)

    # lead duration
    d_leads = leads.filter(creation_date__gt=(datetime.today() -
                                              timedelta(2 * 365)))
    d_leads = d_leads.annotate(
    leads_duration = defaultdict(list)
    for lead in d_leads:
        end_date = lead.timesheet_start or lead.start_date or lead.update_date.date(
        duration = (end_date - lead.creation_date.date()).days

    leads_duration_per_month = to_int_or_round(
        [sum(i) / len(i) for i in sortedValues(leads_duration)], 1)
    leads_duration_data = [
        ["x"] + [d.isoformat() for d in sorted(leads_duration.keys())],
        [_("duration")] + leads_duration_per_month,
        [_("average duration 6 months")] +
        moving_average(leads_duration_per_month, 6, round_digits=1)

    return render(
        request, "leads/graph_leads_activity.html", {
            "leads_state_data": leads_state_data,
            _("%s leads in progress") % len(current_leads),
            "lead_creation_rate_data": json.dumps(lead_creation_rate_data),
            "max_creation_rate": max_creation_rate,
            "leads_duration_data": json.dumps(leads_duration_data),
            "user": request.user