def handler(event, context): ''' this is triggered on completed file upload from s3 and event will be set to file data. ''' # get file name # print(event) input_json = make_input(event) extra_file_format = get_extra_file_format(event) status = get_status(event) if extra_file_format: if status != 'to be uploaded by workflow': # for extra file-triggered md5 run, status check is skipped. input_json['input_files'][0]['format_if_extra'] = extra_file_format response = run_workflow(workflow=WORKFLOW_NAME, input_json=input_json) else: # only run if status is uploading... if status == 'uploading' or event.get('force_run'): # trigger the step function to run response = run_workflow(workflow=WORKFLOW_NAME, input_json=input_json) else: return {'info': 'status is not uploading'} # pop no json serializable stuff... response.pop('startDate') return response
def handler(event, context): ''' this is triggered on completed file upload from s3 and event will be set to file data. ''' # get file name # print(event) status = get_status(event) input_json = make_input(event) file_format, extra = get_file_format(event) if extra: # the file is an extra file extra_status = get_status_for_extra_file(event, file_format) if status != 'to be uploaded by workflow': if not extra_status or extra_status != 'to be uploaded by workflow': input_json['input_files'][0]['format_if_extra'] = file_format response = run_workflow(sfn=TIBANNA_DEFAULT_STEP_FUNCTION_NAME, input_json=input_json) else: return { 'info': 'status for extra file is to be uploaded by workflow' } else: return { 'info': 'parent status for extra file is to be uploaded by workflow' } else: # only run if status is uploading... if status == 'uploading' or event.get('force_run'): # trigger the step function to run response = run_workflow(sfn=TIBANNA_DEFAULT_STEP_FUNCTION_NAME, input_json=input_json) else: return {'info': 'status is not uploading'} # run fastqc as a dependent of md5 if file_format == 'fastq': md5_arn = response['_tibanna']['exec_arn'] input_json_fastqc = make_input(event, 'fastqc-0-11-4-1', dependency=[md5_arn], run_name_prefix='fastqc') response_fastqc = run_workflow(sfn=TIBANNA_DEFAULT_STEP_FUNCTION_NAME, input_json=input_json_fastqc) serialize_startdate(response_fastqc) response['fastqc'] = response_fastqc serialize_startdate(response) return response
def handler(event, context): env_name = event['env_name'] sfn = event.get('step_function_name') if sfn: res = utils.run_workflow(event, env=env_name, sfn=sfn) else: res = utils.run_workflow(event, env=env_name) try: start = str(res['_tibanna']['response']['startDate']) res['_tibanna']['response']['startDate'] = start except: pass return res
def run_wf(command): args = { "workflow": command, "input_json": '', }"in run_wf ars are %s" % args) # some defaults stuff here if args['workflow'].startswith("hic_parta"): args['workflow'] = 'run_sbg_workflow_2' args['input_json'] = test_hic_data() else: return not_sure() run_data = run_workflow(**args) run_name = run_data[_tibanna]['run_name'] run_url = run_data[_tibanna]["url"] # make a whitty response terms = ['take off', 'blast off', 'running'] random_giphy = giphy(random.choice(terms)) # return an attachment? slack_args = { 'title': "workflow run %s started!" % run_name, 'title_link': run_url, 'text': "Your workflow is running. See status here %s" % run_url, 'image_url': random_giphy, } response = {'attachments': [make_slack_attachment(**slack_args)]} return response
def testrun_md5(workflow_name='tibanna_pony', env='webdev'): """Creates a random file object with no md5sum/content_md5sum and run md5 workflow. It waits for 6 mintues till the workflow run finishes and checks the input file object has been updated. """ bucket = "elasticbeanstalk-fourfront-" + env + "-wfoutput" ff_key = get_authentication_with_server(ff_env='fourfront-' + env) newfile = post_random_file(bucket, ff_key) uuid = newfile['uuid'] accession = newfile['accession'] input_json = { "config": { "ebs_type": "io1", "ebs_iops": 500, "s3_access_arn": "arn:aws:iam::643366669028:instance-profile/S3_access", "ami_id": "ami-cfb14bb5", "json_bucket": "4dn-aws-pipeline-run-json", "shutdown_min": 30, "copy_to_s3": True, "launch_instance": True, "log_bucket": "tibanna-output", "script_url": "", "key_name": "4dn-encode", "password": "" }, "_tibanna": { "env": "fourfront-webdev", "run_type": "md5" }, "parameters": {}, "app_name": "md5", "workflow_uuid": "c77a117b-9a58-477e-aaa5-291a109a99f6", "input_files": [{ "workflow_argument_name": "input_file", "bucket_name": bucket, "uuid": uuid, "object_key": accession + '.pairs.gz' }], "output_bucket": bucket } resp = run_workflow(input_json, workflow=workflow_name) print(resp) # check result time.sleep(6 * 60) # wait for 6 minutes filemeta = get_metadata(uuid, key=ff_key, add_on='?datastore=database') content_md5sum = filemeta.get('content_md5sum') md5sum = filemeta.get('md5sum') if content_md5sum and md5sum: print(content_md5sum) print(md5sum) patch_metadata({'status': 'deleted'}, uuid, key=ff_key) else: raise Exception('md5 step function run failed')
def testrun_md5_input_json_w_extra_file_object_name(env='webdev'): """Creates a random file object with no md5sum/content_md5sum and run md5 workflow. It waits for 6 mintues till the workflow run finishes and checks the input file object has been updated. """ bucket = "elasticbeanstalk-fourfront-" + env + "-wfoutput" ff_key = get_authentication_with_server(ff_env='fourfront-' + env) newfile = post_random_file(bucket, ff_key) uuid = newfile['uuid'] accession = newfile['accession'] wf_uuid = "c77a117b-9a58-477e-aaa5-291a109a99f6" input_json = { "config": { "ebs_type": "io1", "ebs_iops": 500, "json_bucket": "4dn-aws-pipeline-run-json", "shutdown_min": 30, "log_bucket": "tibanna-output", "key_name": "4dn-encode", "password": "" }, "_tibanna": { "env": "fourfront-webdev", "run_type": "md5_test_extra" }, "parameters": {}, "app_name": "md5", "workflow_uuid": wf_uuid, "input_files": [{ "workflow_argument_name": "input_file", "bucket_name": bucket, "uuid": uuid, "object_key": accession + '.pairs.gz.px2', "format_if_extra": "pairs_px2" }], "output_bucket": bucket, "wfr_meta": { "notes": "extra file md5 trigger test from" } } resp = run_workflow(input_json) print(resp) # check result time.sleep(6 * 60) # wait for 6 minutes filemeta = get_metadata(uuid, key=ff_key, add_on='?datastore=database') content_md5sum = filemeta.get('extra_files')[0].get('content_md5sum') md5sum = filemeta.get('extra_files')[0].get('md5sum') file_size = filemeta.get('extra_files')[0].get('file_size') wfr_uuid = get_wfr_uuid(resp['_tibanna']['exec_arn']) wfr_meta = get_metadata(wfr_uuid, key=ff_key, add_on='?datastore=database') assert 'input_files' in wfr_meta assert 'format_if_extra' in wfr_meta['input_files'][0] assert md5sum assert content_md5sum assert file_size print(content_md5sum) print(md5sum) print(file_size) patch_metadata({'status': 'deleted'}, uuid, key=ff_key) patch_metadata({'status': 'deleted'}, wfr_uuid, key=ff_key)