Example #1
class CourseAPIMixin(object):
    access_token = None
    course_api_enabled = False
    course_api = None
    course_id = None

    def course_info(self):
        Returns course info.

        All requests for course info should be made against this property to take advantage of caching.
        return self.get_course_info(self.course_id)

    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        self.course_api_enabled = switch_is_active('enable_course_api')

        if self.course_api_enabled and request.user.is_authenticated():
            self.access_token = settings.COURSE_API_KEY or request.user.access_token
            self.course_api = CourseStructureApiClient(
                settings.COURSE_API_URL, self.access_token).courses

        return super(CourseAPIMixin, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)

    def _course_detail_cache_key(self, course_id):
        return sanitize_cache_key(u'course_{}_details'.format(course_id))

    def get_course_info(self, course_id):
        Retrieve course info from the Course API.

        Retrieved data is cached.

            course_id       -- ID of the course for which data should be retrieved
        key = self._course_detail_cache_key(course_id)
        info = cache.get(key)

        if not info:
                logger.debug("Retrieving detail for course: %s", course_id)
                info = self.course_api(course_id).get()
                cache.set(key, info)
            except HttpClientError as e:
                logger.error("Unable to retrieve course info for %s: %s",
                             course_id, e)
                info = {}

        return info

    def get_courses(self):
        # Check the cache for the user's courses
        key = sanitize_cache_key(u'user_{}_courses'.format(
        courses = cache.get(key)

        # If no cached courses, iterate over the data from the course API.
        if not courses:
            courses = []
            page = 1

            while page:
                    logger.debug('Retrieving page %d of course info...', page)
                    response = self.course_api.get(page=page, page_size=100)
                    course_details = response['results']

                    # Cache the information so that it doesn't need to be retrieved later.
                    for course in course_details:
                        course_id = course['id']
                        _key = self._course_detail_cache_key(course_id)
                        cache.set(_key, course)

                    courses += course_details

                    if response['next']:
                        page += 1
                        page = None
                            'Completed retrieval of course info. Retrieved info for %d courses.',
                except HttpClientError as e:
                    logger.error("Unable to retrieve course data: %s", e)
                    page = None

        cache.set(key, courses)
        return courses
class CourseAPIMixin(object):
    access_token = None
    course_api_enabled = False
    course_api = None
    course_id = None

    def course_info(self):
        Returns course info.

        All requests for course info should be made against this property to take advantage of caching.
        return self.get_course_info(self.course_id)

    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        self.course_api_enabled = switch_is_active('enable_course_api')

        if self.course_api_enabled and request.user.is_authenticated():
            self.access_token = settings.COURSE_API_KEY or request.user.access_token
            self.course_api = CourseStructureApiClient(settings.COURSE_API_URL, self.access_token).courses

        return super(CourseAPIMixin, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)

    def _course_detail_cache_key(self, course_id):
        return sanitize_cache_key(u'course_{}_details'.format(course_id))

    def get_course_info(self, course_id):
        Retrieve course info from the Course API.

        Retrieved data is cached.

            course_id       -- ID of the course for which data should be retrieved
        key = self._course_detail_cache_key(course_id)
        info = cache.get(key)

        if not info:
                logger.debug("Retrieving detail for course: %s", course_id)
                info = self.course_api(course_id).get()
                cache.set(key, info)
            except HttpClientError as e:
                logger.error("Unable to retrieve course info for %s: %s", course_id, e)
                info = {}

        return info

    def get_courses(self):
        # Check the cache for the user's courses
        key = sanitize_cache_key(u'user_{}_courses'.format(self.request.user.pk))
        courses = cache.get(key)

        # If no cached courses, iterate over the data from the course API.
        if not courses:
            courses = []
            page = 1

            while page:
                    logger.debug('Retrieving page %d of course info...', page)
                    response = self.course_api.get(page=page, page_size=100)
                    course_details = response['results']

                    # Cache the information so that it doesn't need to be retrieved later.
                    for course in course_details:
                        course_id = course['id']
                        _key = self._course_detail_cache_key(course_id)
                        cache.set(_key, course)

                    courses += course_details

                    if response['next']:
                        page += 1
                        page = None
                        logger.debug('Completed retrieval of course info. Retrieved info for %d courses.', len(courses))
                except HttpClientError as e:
                    logger.error("Unable to retrieve course data: %s", e)
                    page = None

        cache.set(key, courses)
        return courses