def test_create_instance(self): """ Create instance of Config. """ cfg = core.Config() self.assertEqual(cfg.sections, {}) self.assertEqual(cfg.selected_cfgfile, None) self.assertEqual(cfg.fns[0], 'tyme.cfg') self.assertTrue(cfg.fns[1].endswith('.tyme.cfg'))
def test_importDefaultsAddsNewSection(self): c = core.Config() self.assertTrue(not c.has_section("Test"), "Config should not have test section until imported") c.importDefaults("Test", {"a": "b"}) self.assertEquals(c.get("Test", "a"), "b", "Config should import default and create section")
def read_config(self): """ Read configuration. """ # Read configuration and get section names cfg = core.Config()"selected config file : %s" % cfg.selected_cfgfile) # Load submodule modules = { modname: importer.find_module(modname).load_module(modname) for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(notif.__path__) if modname in cfg.sections.keys() }"load submodule : %s" % list(modules.keys())) # Create notification instance for each activated submodule self.notifs = dict() for modname, m in modules.items(): t = [e for e in dir(m) if e.startswith('Notification')] if not len(t): raise SystemError(("The '{modname}' module must contain a " "'Notification...' class").format(**locals())) if len(t) > 1: raise SystemError(("The '{modname}' module must contain only one " "'Notification...' class").format(**locals())) cls = m.__dict__[t[0]] # class kw = cfg.sections[modname] # dict from configuration self.notifs[modname] = cls(**kw) # new instance
def populate_table(self): self.table.clearContents() self.table.setRowCount(len(self.runs) + 1) cls_sum = 0 dist_sum = [] dist_cnt = [] runs_by_name = sorted(self.runs, key=lambda run: run['name']) for row, run in enumerate(runs_by_name): colormap = run['colormaps'][-1] l_counts = [colormap.count(x) for x in set(colormap)] l_counts.sort(reverse=True) for index, val in enumerate(l_counts): if index >= len(dist_sum): dist_sum.append(val) dist_cnt.append(1) else: dist_sum[index] += val dist_cnt[index] += 1 cls_sum += len(l_counts) params = self.get_params(run) conf = core.Config(params) for col in range(6): item = QTableWidgetItem('') if col == 0: item = QTableWidgetItem(run['name'][14:]) elif col == 1: item = QTableWidgetItem(str(len(l_counts))) elif col == 2: item = QTableWidgetItem(str(l_counts)) elif col == 3: item = QTableWidgetItem( '%.4f' % (1 / conf.dataset.getOptimalFitness(conf))) elif col == 4: item = QTableWidgetItem('%.4f' % (1 / run['measures'][-1][5])) elif col == 5: btn = QPushButton(self.table) btn.setText('Show') btn.clicked.connect(partial(self.show_details, row - 1)) self.table.setCellWidget(row + 1, col, btn) if col != 5: self.table.setItem(row + 1, col, item) avg_clsnum = '%.3f' % (cls_sum / len(self.runs)) avg_dist = [] for index, val in enumerate(dist_sum): avg_dist.append(dist_sum[index] / dist_cnt[index]) avg_dist_str = ["%.1f" % t for t in avg_dist] for index, val in enumerate( ['Average', avg_clsnum, '[' + ", ".join(avg_dist_str) + ']']): item = QTableWidgetItem(val) self.table.setItem(0, index, item)
def test_importDefaultsDoesNotOverride(self): c = core.Config() c.add_section("Test") c.set("Test", "a", "testvalue") c.importDefaults("Test", {"a": "b"}) self.assertEquals( c.get("Test", "a"), "testvalue", "Config should not import default when there is already a value")
def test_config_no_file(self): """ Test of Config with no configuration file. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: os.chdir(tmpdir) cfg = core.Config() cfg.fns = [] # remove any reference to config path self.assertTrue('stderr' in cfg.sections.keys()) self.assertEqual(len(cfg.sections['stderr']), 0)
def test_config_empty_file(self): """ Test of Config with empty configuration file. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: os.chdir(tmpdir) with open('tyme.cfg', 'w') as f: f.write("\n\n") cfg = core.Config() self.assertEqual(len(cfg.sections.keys()), 0)
def test_config_1section(self): """ Test of Config with one section. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: os.chdir(tmpdir) with open('tyme.cfg', 'w') as f: f.write("[spam]\negg = aZeRtY\nbacon = PoIuY\n\n") cfg = core.Config() self.assertEqual(list(cfg.sections.keys()), ['spam']) self.assertTrue('egg' in cfg.sections['spam'].keys()) self.assertTrue('bacon' in cfg.sections['spam'].keys()) self.assertEqual(cfg.sections['spam']['egg'], 'aZeRtY') self.assertEqual(cfg.sections['spam']['bacon'], 'PoIuY')
def test_config_2sections(self): """ Test of Config with two sections. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: os.chdir(tmpdir) with open('tyme.cfg', 'w') as f: f.write("[foo]\nspam = 55\negg = 12\n\n[bar]\npy = 3\n\n") cfg = core.Config() self.assertTrue('foo' in cfg.sections.keys()) self.assertTrue('bar' in cfg.sections.keys()) self.assertTrue('spam' in cfg.sections['foo'].keys()) self.assertTrue('egg' in cfg.sections['foo'].keys()) self.assertTrue('py' in cfg.sections['bar'].keys()) self.assertEqual(cfg.sections['foo']['spam'], '55') self.assertEqual(cfg.sections['foo']['egg'], '12') self.assertEqual(cfg.sections['bar']['py'], '3')
def run_group_changed(self, rg_index): run_paths = [] self.runs = [] if rg_index != 0: basepath = os.path.join(self.resfolder, self.run_groups[rg_index - 1]) for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(basepath): for f in filenames: run_paths.append(os.path.join(basepath, f)) else: self.table.clearContents() self.clearLabels() return log = logger.Log() for path in run_paths: run = {} log.load(path) run['params'] = log.head_as_array run['colormaps'] = log.colormaps run['measures'] = log.measures dirs, filename = os.path.split(path) run['dataset'] = filename.split('_')[2] run['name'] = filename self.runs.append(run) params = self.get_params(self.runs[0]) params['Feature significance'] = False if params[ 'Distance measure'] is not 'Minkowski2' else params[ 'Feature significance'] self.window.label_dataset.setText(params['Dataset']) opt_config = core.Config(params) self.window.label_classes.setText( str(opt_config.dataset.params['Classes'])) distribution = [] for k, v in opt_config.dataset.params['Clusters'].iteritems(): distribution.append(v) self.window.label_distribution.setText(str(distribution)) self.populate_table()
def test_setDoesNotChangeCass(self): c = core.Config() c.add_section("TesT") c.set("TesT", "AbC", "TestValuE") self.assertEquals(c.get("TesT", "AbC"), "TestValuE", "Config should not change case of imported values")