Example #1
    def func(x):
        xyz = independent_vars_to_xyz(x)

        # these methods require 3d input
        xyzlist = np.array([xyz])
        my_bonds = core.bonds(xyzlist, ibonds).flatten()
        my_angles = core.angles(xyzlist, iangles).flatten()
        my_dihedrals = core.dihedrals(xyzlist, idihedrals).flatten()
        d1 = 18.9*(my_bonds - bonds)
        # Here's a hack to keep the bonds from becoming too short.
        # print "\r %.4f %.4f" % (np.max(d1), np.max((my_bonds - bonds) / np.sqrt(my_bonds*bonds))),
        d1 += 10.0*(my_bonds - bonds) / np.sqrt(my_bonds*bonds)
        d2 = my_angles - angles
        d3 = my_dihedrals - dihedrals
        # d1 /= d1.shape[0]
        # d2 /= d2.shape[0]
        # d3 /= d3.shape[0]
        # print max(d1), max((my_bonds - bonds) ** 2 / (my_bonds * bonds))
        if xrefi != None:
            d4 = (x - xrefi).flatten() * 18.9 * w_xref
            error = np.r_[d1, d2, np.arctan2(np.sin(d3), np.cos(d3)), d4]
            error = np.r_[d1, d2, np.arctan2(np.sin(d3), np.cos(d3))]

        if verbose:
            print "RMS_ERROR", np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(error)))
        return error
Example #2
def main():
    from path_operations import union_connectivity
    xyzlist = 0.1*np.random.randn(7, 5, 3)
    atom_names = ['C' for i in range(5)]

    ibonds, iangles, idihedrals = union_connectivity(xyzlist, atom_names)

    bonds = core.bonds(xyzlist, ibonds)
    angles = core.angles(xyzlist, iangles)
    dihedrals = core.dihedrals(xyzlist, idihedrals)

    xyz_guess = xyzlist[0] + 0.025*np.random.rand(*xyzlist[0].shape)
    x = least_squares_cartesian(bonds[0], ibonds, angles[0], iangles,
                                dihedrals[0], idihedrals, xyz_guess)

    print x
def smooth_internal(xyzlist, atom_names, width, w_morse=0.0, **kwargs):
    """Smooth a trajectory by transforming to redundant, internal coordinates,
    running a 1d timeseries smoothing algorithm on each DOF, and then
    reconstructing a set of consistent cartesian coordinates.

    TODO: write this function as a iterator that yields s_xyz, so that
    they can be saved to disk (async) immediately when they're produced.

    xyzlist : np.ndarray
        Cartesian coordinates
    atom_names : array_like of strings
        The names of the atoms. Required for determing connectivity.
    width : float
        Width for the smoothing kernels
    w_morse: float
        Weight of the Morse potential in the smoothing

    Other Parameters
    bond_width : float
        Override width just for the bond terms
    angle_width : float
        Override width just for the angle terms
    dihedral_width : float
        Override width just for the dihedral terms
    xyzlist_guess : 
        Cartesian coordinates to use as a guess during the
        reconstruction from internal

    smoothed_xyzlist : np.ndarray
    bond_width = kwargs.pop('bond_width', width)
    angle_width = kwargs.pop('angle_width', width)
    dihedral_width = kwargs.pop('dihedral_width', width)
    xyzlist_guess = kwargs.pop('xyzlist_guess', xyzlist)
    for key in kwargs.keys():
        raise KeyError('Unrecognized key, %s' % key)

    ibonds, iangles, idihedrals = None, None, None
    s_bonds, s_angles, s_dihedrals = None, None, None
    ibonds, iangles, idihedrals = union_connectivity(xyzlist, atom_names)
    # get the internal coordinates in each frame
    bonds = core.bonds(xyzlist, ibonds)
    angles = core.angles(xyzlist, iangles)
    dihedrals = core.dihedrals(xyzlist, idihedrals)

    # run the smoothing
    s_bonds = np.zeros_like(bonds)
    s_angles = np.zeros_like(angles)
    s_dihedrals = np.zeros_like(dihedrals)
    for i in xrange(bonds.shape[1]):
        #s_bonds[:, i] = buttersworth_smooth(bonds[:, i], width=bond_width)
        s_bonds[:, i] = window_smooth(bonds[:, i],
    for i in xrange(angles.shape[1]):
        #s_angles[:, i] = buttersworth_smooth(angles[:, i], width=angle_width)
        s_angles[:, i] = window_smooth(angles[:, i],
    # filter the dihedrals with the angular smoother, that filters
    # the sin and cos components separately
    for i in xrange(dihedrals.shape[1]):
        #s_dihedrals[:, i] = angular_smooth(dihedrals[:, i],
        #    smoothing_func=buttersworth_smooth, width=dihedral_width)
        s_dihedrals[:, i] = angular_smooth(dihedrals[:, i],

    # compute the inversion for each frame
    s_xyzlist = np.zeros_like(xyzlist_guess)
    errors = np.zeros(len(xyzlist_guess))
    # Thresholds for error and jitter
    thre_jit = 3.0
    w_xrefs = 0.0
    for i, xyz_guess in enumerate(xyzlist_guess):
        w_xref = 0.0
        passed = False
        corrected = False
        while not passed:
            passed = False
            if i > 0:
                xref = s_xyzlist[i - 1]
                xref = None
                passed = True
            r = least_squares_cartesian(
                w_morse=(0 if i in [0, len(xyzlist_guess) - 1] else w_morse))
            s_xyzlist[i], errors[i] = r

            if i > 0:
                aligned0 = align_trajectory(
                    np.array([xyzlist[i], xyzlist[i - 1]]), 0)
                aligned1 = align_trajectory(
                    np.array([s_xyzlist[i], s_xyzlist[i - 1]]), 0)
                maxd0 = np.max(np.abs(aligned0[1] - aligned0[0]))
                maxd1 = np.max(np.abs(aligned1[1] - aligned1[0]))
                if maxd0 > 1e-5:
                    jit = maxd1 / maxd0
                    jit = 0.0
                jit = 0.0
            if (not passed) and jit < thre_jit:
                passed = True
                if w_xref >= 1.99:
                    w_xrefs = w_xref - 1.0
                elif w_xref < 0.1:
                    w_xrefs = 0.0
                    w_xrefs = w_xref / 1.5
            elif not passed:
                if w_xref == 0.0:
                    if w_xrefs > 0.0:
                        w_xref = w_xrefs
                        w_xref = 2.0**10 / 3.0**10
                    if w_xref >= 0.99:
                        w_xref += 1.0
                        w_xref *= 1.5
                print "jitter %f, trying anchor = %f\r" % (jit, w_xref),
                corrected = True
        # Print out a message if we had to correct it.
        if corrected:
            print '\rxyz: error %f max(dx) %f jitter %s anchor %f' % (
                errors[i], maxd1, jit, w_xref)
        if (i % 10) == 0:
            print "\rWorking on frame %i / %i" % (i, len(xyzlist_guess)),

    #return_value = (interweave(s_xyzlist), interweave(errors))
    return_value = s_xyzlist, errors

    return return_value
Example #4
    def fgrad(x, indicate = False):
        """ Calculate the objective function and its derivatives. """
        # If the optimization algorithm tries to calculate twice for the same point, do nothing.
        # if x == fgrad.x0: return

        xyz = independent_vars_to_xyz(x)
        # these methods require 3d input
        xyzlist = np.array([xyz])
        my_bonds = core.bonds(xyzlist, ibonds).flatten()
        my_angles = core.angles(xyzlist, iangles).flatten()
        my_dihedrals = core.dihedrals(xyzlist, idihedrals, anchor=dihedrals).flatten()

        # Deviations of internal coordinates from ideal values.
        d1 = w1*(my_bonds - bonds)
        d2 = w2*(my_angles - angles)
        d3 = w3*(my_dihedrals - dihedrals)

        # Include an optional term if we have an anchor point.
        if xrefi != None:
            d4 = (x - xrefi).flatten() * w1 * w_xref
            fgrad.error = np.r_[d1, d2, np.arctan2(np.sin(d3), np.cos(d3)), d4]
            fgrad.error = np.r_[d1, d2, np.arctan2(np.sin(d3), np.cos(d3))]

        # The objective function contains another contribution from the Morse potential.
        fgrad.X = np.dot(fgrad.error, fgrad.error)
        d1s = np.dot(d1, d1)
        d2s = np.dot(d2, d2)
        d3s = np.dot(d3, d3)
        M = Molecule()
        M.elem = elem
        M.xyzs = [np.array(xyz)*10]
        if w_morse != 0.0:
            EMorse, GMorse = PairwiseMorse(M)
            EMorse = EMorse[0]
            GMorse = GMorse[0]
            EMorse = 0.0
            GMorse = np.zeros((n_atoms, 3), dtype=float)
        if indicate: 
            if fgrad.X0 != None:
                print ("LSq: %.4f (%+.4f) Distance: %.4f (%+.4f) Angle: %.4f (%+.4f) Dihedral: %.4f (%+.4f) Morse: % .4f (%+.4f)" % 
                       (fgrad.X, fgrad.X - fgrad.X0, d1s, d1s - fgrad.d1s0, d2s, d2s - fgrad.d2s0, d3s, d3s - fgrad.d3s0, EMorse, EMorse - fgrad.EM0)), 
                print "LSq: %.4f Distance: %.4f Angle: %.4f Dihedral: %.4f Morse: % .4f" % (fgrad.X, d1s, d2s, d3s, EMorse), 
                fgrad.X0 = fgrad.X
                fgrad.d1s0 = d1s
                fgrad.d2s0 = d2s
                fgrad.d3s0 = d3s
                fgrad.EM0 = EMorse
        fgrad.X += w_morse*EMorse

        # Derivatives of internal coordinates w/r.t. Cartesian coordinates.
        d_bonds = core.bond_derivs(xyz, ibonds) * w1
        d_angles = core.angle_derivs(xyz, iangles) * w2
        d_dihedrals = core.dihedral_derivs(xyz, idihedrals) * w3

        if xrefi != None:
            # the derivatives of the internal coordinates wrt the cartesian
            # this is 2d, with shape equal to n_internal x n_cartesian
            d_internal = np.vstack([gxyz_to_independent_vars(d_bonds.reshape((len(ibonds), -1))),
                                    gxyz_to_independent_vars(d_angles.reshape((len(iangles), -1))),
                                    gxyz_to_independent_vars(d_dihedrals.reshape((len(idihedrals), -1))),
                                    np.eye(len(x)) * w1 * w_xref])
            # the derivatives of the internal coordinates wrt the cartesian
            # this is 2d, with shape equal to n_internal x n_cartesian
            d_internal = np.vstack([gxyz_to_independent_vars(d_bonds.reshape((len(ibonds), -1))),
                                    gxyz_to_independent_vars(d_angles.reshape((len(iangles), -1))),
                                    gxyz_to_independent_vars(d_dihedrals.reshape((len(idihedrals), -1)))])

        # print fgrad.error.shape, d_internal.shape
        # print d_internal.shape
        # print xyz_to_independent_vars(d_internal).shape
        fgrad.G = 2*np.dot(fgrad.error, d_internal)
        fgrad.G += xyz_to_independent_vars(w_morse*GMorse.flatten())
def smooth_internal(xyzlist, atom_names, width, **kwargs):
    """Smooth a trajectory by transforming to redundant, internal coordinates,
    running a 1d timeseries smoothing algorithm on each DOF, and then
    reconstructing a set of consistent cartesian coordinates.

    TODO: write this function as a iterator that yields s_xyz, so that
    they can be saved to disk (async) immediately when they're produced.

    xyzlist : np.ndarray
        Cartesian coordinates
    atom_names : array_like of strings
        The names of the atoms. Required for determing connectivity.
    width : float
        Width for the smoothing kernels

    Other Parameters
    bond_width : float
        Override width just for the bond terms
    angle_width : float
        Override width just for the angle terms
    dihedral_width : float
        Override width just for the dihedral terms
    xyzlist_guess : 
        Cartesian coordinates to use as a guess during the
        reconstruction from internal

    smoothed_xyzlist : np.ndarray
    bond_width = kwargs.pop('bond_width', width)
    angle_width = kwargs.pop('angle_width', width)
    dihedral_width = kwargs.pop('dihedral_width', width)
    xyzlist_guess = kwargs.pop('xyzlist_guess', xyzlist)
    for key in kwargs.keys():
        raise KeyError('Unrecognized key, %s' % key)

    ibonds, iangles, idihedrals = None, None, None
    s_bonds, s_angles, s_dihedrals = None, None, None
    with mpi_root():
        ibonds, iangles, idihedrals = union_connectivity(xyzlist, atom_names)
        # get the internal coordinates in each frame
        bonds = core.bonds(xyzlist, ibonds)
        angles = core.angles(xyzlist, iangles)
        dihedrals = core.dihedrals(xyzlist, idihedrals)

        # run the smoothing
        s_bonds = np.zeros_like(bonds)
        s_angles = np.zeros_like(angles)
        s_dihedrals = np.zeros_like(dihedrals)
        for i in xrange(bonds.shape[1]):
            #s_bonds[:, i] = buttersworth_smooth(bonds[:, i], width=bond_width)
            s_bonds[:, i] = window_smooth(bonds[:, i], window_len=bond_width, window='hanning')
        for i in xrange(angles.shape[1]):
            #s_angles[:, i] = buttersworth_smooth(angles[:, i], width=angle_width)
            s_angles[:, i] = window_smooth(angles[:, i], window_len=angle_width, window='hanning')
        # filter the dihedrals with the angular smoother, that filters
        # the sin and cos components separately
        for i in xrange(dihedrals.shape[1]):
            #s_dihedrals[:, i] = angular_smooth(dihedrals[:, i],
            #    smoothing_func=buttersworth_smooth, width=dihedral_width)
            s_dihedrals[:, i] = angular_smooth(dihedrals[:, i],
                                               window_len=dihedral_width, window='hanning')

        # group these into SIZE components, to be scattered
        xyzlist_guess = group(xyzlist_guess, SIZE)
        s_bonds = group(s_bonds, SIZE)
        s_angles = group(s_angles, SIZE)
        s_dihedrals = group(s_dihedrals, SIZE)

    if RANK != 0:
        xyzlist_guess = None

    # scatter these
    xyzlist_guess = COMM.scatter(xyzlist_guess, root=0)
    s_bonds = COMM.scatter(s_bonds, root=0)
    s_angles = COMM.scatter(s_angles, root=0)
    s_dihedrals = COMM.scatter(s_dihedrals, root=0)

    # broadcast the indices to every node
    ibonds = COMM.bcast(ibonds, root=0)
    iangles = COMM.bcast(iangles, root=0)
    idihedrals = COMM.bcast(idihedrals, root=0)

    # compute the inversion for each frame
    s_xyzlist = np.zeros_like(xyzlist_guess)
    errors = np.zeros(len(xyzlist_guess))
    # Thresholds for error and jitter
    thre_jit = 3.0
    w_xrefs = 0.0
    for i, xyz_guess in enumerate(xyzlist_guess):
        w_xref = 0.0
        passed = False
        corrected = False
        while not passed:
            passed = False
            if i > 0:
                xref = s_xyzlist[i-1]
                xref = None
                passed = True
            r = least_squares_cartesian(s_bonds[i], ibonds, s_angles[i], iangles,
                                        s_dihedrals[i], idihedrals, xyz_guess, xref=xref, w_xref=w_xref)
            s_xyzlist[i], errors[i] = r
            if i > 0:
                aligned0 = align_trajectory(np.array([xyzlist[i],xyzlist[i-1]]), 0)
                aligned1 = align_trajectory(np.array([s_xyzlist[i],s_xyzlist[i-1]]), 0)
                maxd0 = np.max(np.abs(aligned0[1] - aligned0[0]))
                maxd1 = np.max(np.abs(aligned1[1] - aligned1[0]))
                if maxd0 > 1e-5:
                    jit = maxd1 / maxd0
                    jit = 0.0
                jit = 0.0
            if (not passed) and jit < thre_jit:
                passed = True
                if w_xref >= 1.99:
                    w_xrefs = w_xref - 1.0
                elif w_xref < 0.1:
                    w_xrefs = 0.0
                    w_xrefs = w_xref / 1.5
            elif not passed:
                if w_xref == 0.0:
                    if w_xrefs > 0.0:
                        w_xref = w_xrefs
                        w_xref = 2.0**10 / 3.0**10
                    if w_xref >= 0.99:
                        w_xref += 1.0
                        w_xref *= 1.5
                print "jitter %f, trying anchor = %f\r" % (jit, w_xref),
                corrected = True
        # Print out a message if we had to correct it.
        if corrected:
            print '\rRank %2d: (%3d)->xyz: error %f max(dx) %f jitter %s anchor %f' % (RANK, RANK + i*SIZE, errors[i], maxd1, jit, w_xref)
        if (i%10) == 0:
            print "\rWorking on frame %i / %i" % (i, len(xyzlist_guess)),
    # gather the results back on root
    s_xyzlist = COMM.gather(s_xyzlist, root=0)
    errors = COMM.gather(errors, root=0)

    return_value = (None, None)
    with mpi_root():
        # interleave the results back together
        return_value = (interweave(s_xyzlist), interweave(errors))

    return return_value