def test_parse_rgba():
    rgba = parse_color("rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.5)")
    assert rgba == "1,2,3,128"
def test_parse_hex():
    rgba = parse_color("#ffff0c")
    assert rgba == "#ffff0c"
def test_parse_short_hex():
    rgba = parse_color("#abc")
    assert rgba == "170,187,204"
def test_parse_hex_alpha():
    rgba = parse_color("#ffff0c32")
    assert rgba == "255,255,12,50"
def test_parse_rgb():
    rgba = parse_color("rgb(1,2,3)")
    assert rgba == "1,2,3,255"
def test_parse_color_match():
    rgba = parse_color([
        "match", ["get", "type"], "Air Transport", "#e6e6e6", "Education",
        "#f7eaca", "hsla(28, 76%, 67%, 0.5)"
    assert rgba == """if ("type" is not null and "type" = 'Air Transport', '#e6e6e6', if ("type" is not null and "type" = 'Education', '#f7eaca', '235,167,107,128'))"""
def test_parse_hsla():
    rgba = parse_color("hsla(28, 76%, 67%, 0.5)")
    assert rgba == "235,167,107,128"
def test_parse_hsl():
    rgba = parse_color("hsl(28, 76%, 67%)")
    assert rgba == "235,167,107,255"