Example #1
    def next(self):
        if self.any_activity is False and self.did_handshakes is False:
            self.inactive_for += 1
            self.active_for = 0
            self.active_for += 1
            self.inactive_for = 0

        now = time.time()
        cpu = pwnagotchi.cpu_load()
        mem = pwnagotchi.mem_usage()
        temp = pwnagotchi.temperature()

        self.epoch_duration = now - self.epoch_started

        # cache the state of this epoch for other threads to read
        self._epoch_data = {
            'duration_secs': self.epoch_duration,
            'slept_for_secs': self.num_slept,
            'blind_for_epochs': self.blind_for,
            'inactive_for_epochs': self.inactive_for,
            'active_for_epochs': self.active_for,
            'missed_interactions': self.num_missed,
            'num_hops': self.num_hops,
            'num_deauths': self.num_deauths,
            'num_associations': self.num_assocs,
            'num_handshakes': self.num_shakes,
            'cpu_load': cpu,
            'mem_usage': mem,
            'temperature': temp

        self._epoch_data['reward'] = self._reward(self.epoch + 1,

            "[epoch %d] duration=%s slept_for=%s blind=%d inactive=%d active=%d hops=%d missed=%d "
            "deauths=%d assocs=%d handshakes=%d cpu=%d%% mem=%d%% temperature=%dC reward=%s"
            % (self.epoch, core.secs_to_hhmmss(
                self.epoch_duration), core.secs_to_hhmmss(
                    self.num_slept), self.blind_for, self.inactive_for,
               self.active_for, self.num_hops, self.num_missed,
               self.num_deauths, self.num_assocs, self.num_shakes, cpu * 100,
               mem * 100, temp, self._epoch_data['reward']))

        self.epoch += 1
        self.epoch_started = now
        self.did_deauth = False
        self.num_deauths = 0
        self.did_associate = False
        self.num_assocs = 0
        self.num_missed = 0
        self.did_handshakes = False
        self.num_shakes = 0
        self.num_hops = 0
        self.num_slept = 0
        self.any_activity = False
Example #2
 def _update_uptime(self, s):
     secs = time.time() - self._started_at
     self._view.set('uptime', core.secs_to_hhmmss(secs))
     self._view.set('epoch', '%04d' % self._epoch.epoch)