def raw_xml_to_dict(raw_xml, postprocessor=None, force_list=None): """Transform a raw xml to dict. Returns an empty dict if the parsing failed. Args: raw_xml: postprocessor: force_list: Returns: """ try: if postprocessor: # set postprocessor function if found in the list (XML_POST_PROCESSORS) postprocessor = (XML_POST_PROCESSORS[postprocessor] if postprocessor in XML_POST_PROCESSORS else postprocessor) # check if postprocessor is callable if not callable(postprocessor): raise exceptions.CoreError("postprocessor is not callable") # convert xml to dict return xmltodict.parse(raw_xml, postprocessor=postprocessor, force_list=force_list) except xmltodict.expat.ExpatError: raise exceptions.XMLError( "An unexpected error happened during the XML parsing.")
def get_collection(db, collection_name): """ Return cursor of collection name in parameters. Args: db: collection_name: Returns: """ try: data_list = db[collection_name] # get the data collection return data_list # return collection except: # or raise an exception raise exceptions.CoreError("Collection in database does not exist")
def connect(self, db_uri, db_name, doc_class=dict): """ Connect to the database from Args: db_uri: db_name: doc_class: Returns: """ # create a connection self.client = MongoClient(db_uri, document_class=doc_class) db = self.client[db_name] # connect to the database if db is not None: return db # return db connection else: # or raise an exception raise exceptions.CoreError("Database connection error")
def is_schema_valid(xsd_string, *args, **kwargs): """Test if the schema is valid to be uploaded. Args: xsd_string: Returns: """ if not is_well_formed_xml(xsd_string): raise exceptions.XMLError("Uploaded file is not well formatted XML.") # Check schema support by the core errors = _check_core_support(xsd_string) if len(errors) > 0: errors_str = ", ".join(errors) raise exceptions.CoreError(errors_str) error = validate_xml_schema(XSDTree.build_tree(xsd_string), *args, **kwargs) if error is not None: raise exceptions.XSDError(error)
def xsl_transform(xml_string, xslt_string): """Apply transformation to xml. Args: xml_string: xslt_string: Returns: """ try: # Build the XSD and XSLT tree xslt_tree = XSDTree.build_tree(xslt_string) xsd_tree = XSDTree.build_tree(xml_string) # Get the XSLT transformation and transform the XSD transform = XSDTree.transform_to_xslt(xslt_tree) transformed_tree = transform(xsd_tree) return str(transformed_tree) except Exception: raise exceptions.CoreError( "An unexpected exception happened while transforming the XML")