def validate_spec(self, spec): password = spec.get('password') if is_password(password): try: clean_password(password) except ValidationError as e: return e.message
def _update(self, bundle): should_save = False for key, value in if getattr(bundle.obj, key, None) != value: if key == 'phone_numbers': bundle.obj.phone_numbers = [] for idx, phone_number in enumerate('phone_numbers', [])): bundle.obj.add_phone_number(strip_plus(phone_number)) if idx == 0: bundle.obj.set_default_phone_number(strip_plus(phone_number)) should_save = True elif key == 'groups': bundle.obj.set_groups("groups", [])) should_save = True elif key in ['email', 'username']: setattr(bundle.obj, key, value.lower()) should_save = True elif key == 'password': domain = Domain.get_by_name(bundle.obj.domain) if domain.strong_mobile_passwords: try: clean_password("password")) except ValidationError as e: if not hasattr(bundle.obj, 'errors'): bundle.obj.errors = [] bundle.obj.errors.append(e.message) return False bundle.obj.set_password("password")) should_save = True else: setattr(bundle.obj, key, value) should_save = True return should_save
def _update_password(user, password, user_change_logger): domain = Domain.get_by_name(user.domain) if domain.strong_mobile_passwords: clean_password(password) user.set_password(password) if user_change_logger: user_change_logger.add_change_message( UserChangeMessage.password_reset())
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if self.password_change_form.is_valid(): try: clean_password(request.POST['new_password1']) messages.success(request, _("Your password was successfully changed!")) except ValidationError as e: messages.error(request, _(e.message)) return self.get(request, *args, **kwargs)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): self.extra_context['hide_password_feedback'] = has_custom_clean_password() if request.POST['new_password1'] == request.POST['new_password2']: try: clean_password(request.POST['new_password1']) except ValidationError as e: messages.error(request, _(e.message)) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path_info) response = super().post(request, *args, **kwargs) uidb64 = kwargs.get('uidb64') uid = urlsafe_base64_decode(uidb64) user = User.objects.get(pk=uid) couch_user = CouchUser.from_django_user(user) clear_login_attempts(couch_user) return response
def clean_new_password1(self): password1 = decode_password(self.cleaned_data.get('new_password1')) if password1 == '': raise ValidationError( _("Password cannot be empty"), code='new_password1_empty', ) if self.project.strong_mobile_passwords: return clean_password(password1) return password1
def clean_password(self): if settings.ENFORCE_SSO_LOGIN and self.is_sso: # This field is not used with SSO. A randomly generated # password as a fallback is created in SsoBackend. return try: return clean_password(self.cleaned_data.get('password')) except forms.ValidationError: track_workflow(self.cleaned_data.get('email'), 'Password Failure') raise
def clean_new_password1(self): from corehq.apps.domain.forms import clean_password from corehq.apps.hqwebapp.utils import decode_password new_password = decode_password(self.cleaned_data.get('new_password1')) # User might not be able to submit empty password but decode_password might # return empty password in case the password hashing is messed up with if new_password == '': raise ValidationError( _("Password cannot be empty"), code='new_password1_empty', ) return clean_password(new_password)
def clean_new_password1(self): return clean_password(self.cleaned_data.get('new_password1'))
def assert_bad_password(self, password): with self.assertRaises(forms.ValidationError): clean_password(password)
def test_invalid_passwords(self): for password in passwords['invalid']: with self.assertRaises(forms.forms.ValidationError): forms.clean_password(password)
def create_or_update_users_and_groups(domain, user_specs, group_specs, task=None): from import UserFieldsView custom_data_validator = UserFieldsView.get_validator(domain) ret = {"errors": [], "rows": []} total = len(user_specs) + len(group_specs) def _set_progress(progress): if task is not None: DownloadBase.set_progress(task, progress, total) group_memoizer = create_or_update_groups(domain, group_specs, log=ret) current = len(group_specs) usernames = set() user_ids = set() allowed_groups = set(group_memoizer.groups) allowed_group_names = [ for group in allowed_groups] allowed_roles = UserRole.by_domain(domain) roles_by_name = { role for role in allowed_roles} can_assign_locations = domain_has_privilege(domain, privileges.LOCATIONS) if can_assign_locations: location_cache = SiteCodeToLocationCache(domain) domain_obj = Domain.get_by_name(domain) usernames_with_dupe_passwords = users_with_duplicate_passwords(user_specs) try: for row in user_specs: _set_progress(current) current += 1 data = row.get('data') email = row.get('email') group_names = list(map(str, row.get('group') or [])) language = row.get('language') name = row.get('name') password = row.get('password') phone_number = row.get('phone-number') uncategorized_data = row.get('uncategorized_data') user_id = row.get('user_id') username = row.get('username') location_codes = row.get('location_code') or [] if location_codes and not isinstance(location_codes, list): location_codes = [location_codes] # ignore empty location_codes = [code for code in location_codes if code] role = row.get('role', '') if password: password = str(password) try: username = normalize_username(str(username), domain) except TypeError: username = None except ValidationError: ret['rows'].append({ 'username': username, 'row': row, 'flag': _('username cannot contain spaces or symbols'), }) continue status_row = { 'username': raw_username(username) if username else None, 'row': row, } is_active = row.get('is_active') if isinstance(is_active, str): try: is_active = string_to_boolean( is_active) if is_active else None except ValueError: ret['rows'].append({ 'username': username, 'row': row, 'flag': _("'is_active' column can only contain 'true' or 'false'" ), }) continue if username in usernames or user_id in user_ids: status_row['flag'] = 'repeat' elif not username and not user_id: status_row['flag'] = 'missing-data' else: try: if username: usernames.add(username) if user_id: user_ids.add(user_id) if user_id: user = CommCareUser.get_by_user_id(user_id, domain) else: user = CommCareUser.get_by_username(username) if domain_obj.strong_mobile_passwords and is_password( password): if raw_username( username) in usernames_with_dupe_passwords: raise UserUploadError( _("Provide a unique password for each mobile worker" )) try: clean_password(password) except forms.ValidationError: if settings.ENABLE_DRACONIAN_SECURITY_FEATURES: msg = _( "Mobile Worker passwords must be 8 " "characters long with at least 1 capital " "letter, 1 special character and 1 number") else: msg = _("Please provide a stronger password") raise UserUploadError(msg) if user: if user.domain != domain: raise UserUploadError( _('User with username %(username)r is ' 'somehow in domain %(domain)r') % { 'username': user.username, 'domain': user.domain }) if username and user.username != username: raise UserUploadError( _('Changing usernames is not supported: %(username)r to %(new_username)r' ) % { 'username': user.username, 'new_username': username }) if is_password(password): user.set_password(password) status_row['flag'] = 'updated' else: max_username_length = get_mobile_worker_max_username_length( domain) if len(raw_username(username)) > max_username_length: ret['rows'].append({ 'username': username, 'row': row, 'flag': _("username cannot contain greater than %d characters" % max_username_length) }) continue if not is_password(password): raise UserUploadError( _("Cannot create a new user with a blank password" )) user = CommCareUser.create(domain, username, password, commit=False) status_row['flag'] = 'created' if phone_number: user.add_phone_number(_fmt_phone(phone_number), default=True) if name: user.set_full_name(str(name)) if data: error = custom_data_validator(data) if error: raise UserUploadError(error) user.user_data.update(data) if uncategorized_data: user.user_data.update(uncategorized_data) if language: user.language = language if email: try: validate_email(email) except ValidationError: raise UserUploadError( _("User has an invalid email address")) = email.lower() if is_active is not None: user.is_active = is_active if can_assign_locations: # Do this here so that we validate the location code before we # save any other information to the user, this way either all of # the user's information is updated, or none of it location_ids = [] for code in location_codes: loc = get_location_from_site_code( code, location_cache) location_ids.append(loc.location_id) if role: if role in roles_by_name: user.set_role( domain, roles_by_name[role].get_qualified_id()) else: raise UserUploadError( _("Role '%s' does not exist") % role) if can_assign_locations: locations_updated = set( user.assigned_location_ids) != set(location_ids) primary_location_removed = ( user.location_id and not location_ids or user.location_id not in location_ids) if primary_location_removed: user.unset_location(commit=False) if locations_updated: user.reset_locations(location_ids, commit=False) if is_password(password): # Without this line, digest auth doesn't work. # With this line, digest auth works. # Other than that, I'm not sure what's going on # Passing use_primary_db=True because of user.get_django_user( use_primary_db=True).check_password(password) for group_id in Group.by_user_id(user.user_id, wrap=False): group = group_memoizer.get(group_id) if not in group_names: group.remove_user(user) for group_name in group_names: if group_name not in allowed_group_names: raise UserUploadError( _("Can't add to group '%s' " "(try adding it to your spreadsheet)") % group_name) group_memoizer.by_name(group_name).add_user(user, save=False) except (UserUploadError, CouchUser.Inconsistent) as e: status_row['flag'] = str(e) ret["rows"].append(status_row) finally: try: group_memoizer.save_all() except BulkSaveError as e: _error_message = ( "Oops! We were not able to save some of your group changes. " "Please make sure no one else is editing your groups " "and try again.") logging.exception(('BulkSaveError saving groups. ' 'User saw error message "%s". Errors: %s') % (_error_message, e.errors)) ret['errors'].append(_error_message) _set_progress(total) return ret
def clean_password(self): try: return clean_password(self.cleaned_data.get('password')) except forms.ValidationError: track_workflow(self.cleaned_data.get('email'), 'Password Failure') raise
def clean_password(self): return clean_password(self.cleaned_data.get("password"))
def test_legacy_clean_password_pass(self, password): with override_settings(ENABLE_DRACONIAN_SECURITY_FEATURES=True): self.assertEqual(forms.clean_password(password), password)
def test_legacy_clean_password_failures(self, password): with override_settings(ENABLE_DRACONIAN_SECURITY_FEATURES=True): with self.assertRaises(forms.forms.ValidationError): forms.clean_password(password)
def clean_password(self): if settings.ENFORCE_SSO_LOGIN and self.is_sso: # This field is not used with SSO. A randomly generated # password as a fallback is created in SsoBackend. return return clean_password(self.cleaned_data.get('password'))
def clean_password(self): cleaned_password = decode_password(self.cleaned_data.get('password')) if self.project.strong_mobile_passwords: return clean_password(cleaned_password) return cleaned_password
def clean_password(self): if self.project.strong_mobile_passwords: return clean_password(self.cleaned_data.get('password')) return self.cleaned_data.get('password')
def assert_good_password(self, password): self.assertEqual(clean_password(password), password)
def clean_password(self): return clean_password(self.cleaned_data.get('password'))
def test_valid_passwords(self): for password in passwords['valid']: forms.clean_password(password)
def create_or_update_users_and_groups(domain, user_specs, group_specs, task=None): from import UserFieldsView custom_data_validator = UserFieldsView.get_validator(domain) ret = {"errors": [], "rows": []} total = len(user_specs) + len(group_specs) def _set_progress(progress): if task is not None: DownloadBase.set_progress(task, progress, total) group_memoizer = create_or_update_groups(domain, group_specs, log=ret) current = len(group_specs) usernames = set() user_ids = set() allowed_groups = set(group_memoizer.groups) allowed_group_names = [ for group in allowed_groups] allowed_roles = UserRole.by_domain(domain) roles_by_name = { role for role in allowed_roles} can_assign_locations = domain_has_privilege(domain, privileges.LOCATIONS) if can_assign_locations: location_cache = SiteCodeToLocationCache(domain) domain_obj = Domain.get_by_name(domain) usernames_with_dupe_passwords = users_with_duplicate_passwords(user_specs) try: for row in user_specs: _set_progress(current) current += 1 data = row.get('data') email = row.get('email') group_names = list(map(six.text_type, row.get('group') or [])) language = row.get('language') name = row.get('name') password = row.get('password') phone_number = row.get('phone-number') uncategorized_data = row.get('uncategorized_data') user_id = row.get('user_id') username = row.get('username') location_codes = row.get('location_code') or [] if location_codes and not isinstance(location_codes, list): location_codes = [location_codes] # ignore empty location_codes = [code for code in location_codes if code] role = row.get('role', '') if password: password = six.text_type(password) try: username = normalize_username(six.text_type(username), domain) except TypeError: username = None except ValidationError: ret['rows'].append({ 'username': username, 'row': row, 'flag': _('username cannot contain spaces or symbols'), }) continue status_row = { 'username': raw_username(username) if username else None, 'row': row, } is_active = row.get('is_active') if isinstance(is_active, six.string_types): soft_assert_type_text(is_active) try: is_active = string_to_boolean(is_active) if is_active else None except ValueError: ret['rows'].append({ 'username': username, 'row': row, 'flag': _("'is_active' column can only contain 'true' or 'false'"), }) continue if username in usernames or user_id in user_ids: status_row['flag'] = 'repeat' elif not username and not user_id: status_row['flag'] = 'missing-data' else: try: if username: usernames.add(username) if user_id: user_ids.add(user_id) if user_id: user = CommCareUser.get_by_user_id(user_id, domain) else: user = CommCareUser.get_by_username(username) if domain_obj.strong_mobile_passwords and is_password(password): if raw_username(username) in usernames_with_dupe_passwords: raise UserUploadError(_("Provide a unique password for each mobile worker")) try: clean_password(password) except forms.ValidationError: if settings.ENABLE_DRACONIAN_SECURITY_FEATURES: msg = _("Mobile Worker passwords must be 8 " "characters long with at least 1 capital " "letter, 1 special character and 1 number") else: msg = _("Please provide a stronger password") raise UserUploadError(msg) if user: if user.domain != domain: raise UserUploadError(_( 'User with username %(username)r is ' 'somehow in domain %(domain)r' ) % {'username': user.username, 'domain': user.domain}) if username and user.username != username: raise UserUploadError(_( 'Changing usernames is not supported: %(username)r to %(new_username)r' ) % {'username': user.username, 'new_username': username}) if is_password(password): user.set_password(password) status_row['flag'] = 'updated' else: max_username_length = get_mobile_worker_max_username_length(domain) if len(raw_username(username)) > max_username_length: ret['rows'].append({ 'username': username, 'row': row, 'flag': _("username cannot contain greater than %d characters" % max_username_length) }) continue if not is_password(password): raise UserUploadError(_("Cannot create a new user with a blank password")) user = CommCareUser.create(domain, username, password, commit=False) status_row['flag'] = 'created' if phone_number: user.add_phone_number(_fmt_phone(phone_number), default=True) if name: user.set_full_name(six.text_type(name)) if data: error = custom_data_validator(data) if error: raise UserUploadError(error) user.user_data.update(data) if uncategorized_data: user.user_data.update(uncategorized_data) if language: user.language = language if email: try: validate_email(email) except ValidationError: raise UserUploadError(_("User has an invalid email address")) = email.lower() if is_active is not None: user.is_active = is_active if can_assign_locations: # Do this here so that we validate the location code before we # save any other information to the user, this way either all of # the user's information is updated, or none of it location_ids = [] for code in location_codes: loc = get_location_from_site_code(code, location_cache) location_ids.append(loc.location_id) if role: if role in roles_by_name: user.set_role(domain, roles_by_name[role].get_qualified_id()) else: raise UserUploadError(_( "Role '%s' does not exist" ) % role) if can_assign_locations: locations_updated = set(user.assigned_location_ids) != set(location_ids) primary_location_removed = (user.location_id and not location_ids or user.location_id not in location_ids) if primary_location_removed: user.unset_location(commit=False) if locations_updated: user.reset_locations(location_ids, commit=False) if is_password(password): # Without this line, digest auth doesn't work. # With this line, digest auth works. # Other than that, I'm not sure what's going on # Passing use_primary_db=True because of user.get_django_user(use_primary_db=True).check_password(password) for group_id in Group.by_user(user, wrap=False): group = group_memoizer.get(group_id) if not in group_names: group.remove_user(user) for group_name in group_names: if group_name not in allowed_group_names: raise UserUploadError(_( "Can't add to group '%s' " "(try adding it to your spreadsheet)" ) % group_name) group_memoizer.by_name(group_name).add_user(user, save=False) except (UserUploadError, CouchUser.Inconsistent) as e: status_row['flag'] = six.text_type(e) ret["rows"].append(status_row) finally: try: group_memoizer.save_all() except BulkSaveError as e: _error_message = ( "Oops! We were not able to save some of your group changes. " "Please make sure no one else is editing your groups " "and try again." ) logging.exception(( 'BulkSaveError saving groups. ' 'User saw error message "%s". Errors: %s' ) % (_error_message, e.errors)) ret['errors'].append(_error_message) _set_progress(total) return ret
def clean_new_password1(self): password1 = self.cleaned_data.get('new_password1') if self.project.strong_mobile_passwords: return clean_password(password1) return password1