Example #1
    def type_inference(self):
        x_type = self.x.dtype
        x_shape = list(self.x.shape)
        y_shape = list(self.y.shape)
        x_rank = len(x_shape)

        if x_rank == 1 and self.transpose_x.val:
            msg = "Op {} (matmul): x is rank 1, but transpose_x is True, which is not allowed."
            raise ValueError(msg.format(self.name))

        if self.transpose_x.val:
            x_shape = list(x_shape)
            x_shape[-1], x_shape[-2] = x_shape[-2], x_shape[-1]
            x_shape = tuple(x_shape)
        if self.transpose_y.val:
            y_shape = list(y_shape)
            y_shape[-1], y_shape[-2] = y_shape[-2], y_shape[-1]
            y_shape = tuple(y_shape)
        if not (x_shape[-1] == y_shape[-2] or is_symbolic(x_shape[-1])
                or is_symbolic(y_shape[-2])):
            msg = "Op {} (matmul): x {}, y {} are not broadcastable"
            raise ValueError(msg.format(self.name, self.x.shape, self.y.shape))

        if x_rank == 1:
            # promote shape of x to rank 2
            x_shape = list((1, ) + tuple(x_shape))
        ret_shape = list(broadcast_shapes(x_shape[:-2], y_shape[:-2]))
        ret_shape += [x_shape[-2], y_shape[-1]]
        if x_rank == 1:
            # remove the first dimension of the returned shape
            return types.tensor(x_type, tuple(ret_shape[1:]))
            return types.tensor(x_type, tuple(ret_shape))
    def type_inference(self):
        if self.begin.rank != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "begin should be 1-D tensor, got {}-D tensor instead".format(
        if self.size.rank != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "size should be 1-D tensor, got {}-D tensor instead".format(
        if self.x.rank != self.begin.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Length of begin {} doesn't equal to input rank {}.".format(
                    len(self.begin.shape[0]), len(self.x.rank)))
        if self.x.rank != self.size.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Length of size {} doesn't equal to input rank {}.".format(
                    len(self.size.shape[0]), len(self.x.rank)))

        x_shape = self.x.shape
        ret_shape = []
        if self.size.sym_val is None:
            ret_shape = [get_new_symbol() for _ in range(self.x.rank)]
            return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(ret_shape))

        for idx, s in enumerate(self.size.sym_val):
            if is_symbolic(s):
            elif s != -1:
            elif self.begin.sym_val is not None:
                ret_shape.append(x_shape[idx] - self.begin.sym_val[idx])

        return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(ret_shape))
Example #3
 def parse_from_attr(self):
     if "value" in self.attr:
         self.datatype = self.attr["value"].__class__
     elif "_output_shapes" in self.attr:
         output_shapes = self.attr["_output_shapes"]
         if output_shapes[0] is not None and len(output_shapes[0]) > 0:
             if "dtype" in self.attr:
                 rettype = types.tensor(self.attr["dtype"], tuple(output_shapes[0]))
             elif "T" in self.attr:
                 rettype = types.tensor(self.attr["T"], tuple(output_shapes[0]))
             elif "Tparams" in self.attr:
                 rettype = types.tensor(
                     self.attr["Tparams"], tuple(output_shapes[0])
                 raise NotImplementedError(
                     "Op-(%s) %s not implemented\nWith attribute:"
                     + str(self.attr) % (self.op, self.name)
             self.datatype = rettype
         elif "dtype" in self.attr:
             self.datatype = self.attr["dtype"]
     elif "shape" in self.attr:
         shape = self.attr["shape"]
         assert "dtype" in self.attr
         if len(shape) == 0:
             self.datatype = self.attr["dtype"]
             self.datatype = types.tensor(self.attr["dtype"], shape)
     elif "dtype" in self.attr:
         self.datatype = self.attr["dtype"]
Example #4
    def type_inference(self):
        x_type = self.x.dtype
        x_shape = np.array(self.x.shape)

        reps = self.reps.sym_val

        if reps is None:
            out_shape = tuple([get_new_symbol() for _ in range(self.x.rank)])
            return types.tensor(x_type, out_shape)

        if len(reps) == 0 or len(reps) > self.x.rank:
            msg = ("Length of the reps ({}) must be at least 1, and "
                   "not greater than the rank of the input x ({})")
            raise ValueError(msg.format(len(reps), self.x.rank))

        if len(reps) < self.x.rank:
            reps = [1] * (self.x.rank - len(reps)) + list(reps)

        out_shape = []
        for i, rep in enumerate(reps):
            if not is_symbolic(rep):
                if rep <= 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "All entries of reps parameter must be greater than 0")

            if is_symbolic(rep) or is_symbolic(x_shape[i]):
                out_shape.append(rep * x_shape[i])

        out_shape = tuple(out_shape)

        return types.tensor(x_type, out_shape)
Example #5
    def type_inference(self):
        typea = self.x.sym_type
        typeb = self.y.sym_type
        primitive_type = promoted_primitive_type(typea, typeb)
        if primitive_type is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Incompatible primitive types in broadcast operation")
        primitive_type = self.get_dtype(primitive_type)

        # broadcast
        if not types.is_tensor(typea) and not types.is_tensor(typeb):
            # both typea and typeb are not tensors
            return primitive_type
        if types.is_tensor(typea) and not types.is_tensor(typeb):
            # a is tensor, b is not
            return types.tensor(primitive_type, typea.get_shape())
        if not types.is_tensor(typea) and types.is_tensor(typeb):
            # a is not tensor, b is
            return types.tensor(primitive_type, typeb.get_shape())

        # both a, b are tensors
        shapea = list(typea.get_shape())
        shapeb = list(typeb.get_shape())
        ret_shape = broadcast_shapes(shapea, shapeb)
        return types.tensor(primitive_type, ret_shape)
Example #6
    def type_inference(self):
        if self.x.rank != 3:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid input shape. Expecting Rank 3 input, got {}".format(

        sequence_length, batch_size, input_size = self.x.shape

        if self.weight_ih.rank != 2 or self.weight_hh.rank != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid weight shape. Expecting Rank 2 input, got weight_ih {}, weight_hh {}"
            ).format(self.weight_ih.rank, self.weight_hh.rank)

        hidden_size, _ = self.weight_ih.shape

        direction = self.direction.val
        valid_directions = {"forward", "reverse"}
        if direction not in valid_directions:
            raise ValueError(
                "Direction {} not supported. Supported directions: {}".format(
                    direction, valid_directions))

        out_seq_len = sequence_length if self.output_sequence.val else 1
        output_shape = [out_seq_len, batch_size, hidden_size]
        output_h_shape = [batch_size, hidden_size]
        return (
            types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(output_shape)),
            types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(output_h_shape)),
Example #7
    def type_inference(self):
        # Input shape is [n, C_in, spatial_dims]
        in_shape = self.x.shape
        # Weight shape is [C_in, C_out/group, spatial_dims]
        f_shape = self.weight.shape
        kernel_shape = f_shape[2:]
        spatial_dim_rank = len(in_shape) - 2
        N = in_shape[0]
        C_in = self.x.shape[0]
        groups = self.groups.val
        C_out = f_shape[1] * groups

        if self.bias is not None and self.bias.val.shape[0] != C_out:
            msg = "# of bias values {} not equal to # output channels {}"
            raise ValueError(msg.format(self.bias.val.shape[0], C_out))
        if C_out % groups != 0:
            msg = "# of input channels {} not divisible by groups {}"
            raise ValueError(msg.format(C_in, groups))

        # If output shape is given, return it
        if self.output_shape is not None:
            output_shape = self.output_shape.val
            assert output_shape[0] == N
            assert output_shape[1] == C_out
            return types.tensor(
                self.x.dtype, tuple(output_shape)

        strides = self.strides.val
        dilations = self.dilations.val
        kernel_shape = [
            (kernel_shape[r] - 1) * dilations[r] + 1 for r in range(spatial_dim_rank)

        D_in = in_shape[2:]  # spatial dimensions

        # Deconv's output shape is non-deterministic, we follow TF shape logic here.
        if self.pad_type.val == "same":
            d_out_shape = [strides[r] * D_in[r] for r in range(spatial_dim_rank)]
        elif self.pad_type.val == "valid":
            d_out_shape = [
                strides[r] * (D_in[r]-1) + kernel_shape[r]
                for r in range(spatial_dim_rank)
        elif self.pad_type.val == "custom":
            if self.pad is None:
                raise ValueError("self.pad must exist if pad_type is custom")
            pad = self.pad.val
            d_out_shape = [
                strides[r] * (D_in[r] - 1)
                + kernel_shape[r]
                - pad[2 * r]
                - pad[2 * r + 1]
                for r in range(spatial_dim_rank)

        retshape = [N, C_out] + d_out_shape
        return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(retshape))
    def type_inference(self):
        if any_symbolic(self.shape.shape):
            # We can't infer any shape if shape has variable length.
            return types.tensor(types.fp32, (get_new_variadic_symbol(),))

        # shape has fixed length here.
        if self.shape.sym_val is None:
            ret_shape = tuple([get_new_symbol() for _ in range(self.shape.shape[0])])
            return types.tensor(types.fp32, ret_shape)

        return types.tensor(self.value.dtype, tuple(self.shape.sym_val.tolist()))
Example #9
    def type_inference(self):
        if any_symbolic(self.shape.shape):
            # We can't infer any shape if shape has variable length.
            return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, (get_new_variadic_symbol(),))

        # shape has fixed length here.
        if self.shape.sym_val is None:
            shape = tuple([get_new_symbol() for _ in range(self.shape.shape[0])])
            return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, shape)
        t, _ = self._get_type_val()
        return t
    def type_inference(self):
        boxes_dtype = self.boxes.dtype
        scores_dtype = self.scores.dtype
        n_batch, _, n_score = self.scores.shape
        max_boxes = self.max_boxes.val

        return (
            types.tensor(boxes_dtype, (n_batch, max_boxes, 4)),
            types.tensor(scores_dtype, (n_batch, max_boxes, n_score)),
            types.tensor(types.int32, (n_batch, max_boxes)),
            types.tensor(types.int32, (n_batch, )),
Example #11
            def type_inference(self):
                x_type = self.x.dtype
                x_shape = self.x.shape
                k = self.k.val
                axis = self.axis.val

                if not is_symbolic(x_shape[axis]) and k > x_shape[axis]:
                    msg = "K={} is greater than size of the given axis={}"
                    raise ValueError(msg.format(k, axis))

                ret_shape = list(x_shape)
                ret_shape[axis] = k
                return types.tensor(x_type, ret_shape), types.tensor(types.int32, ret_shape)
Example #12
    def type_inference(self):
        if self.x.rank != 3:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid input shape. Expecting Rank 3 input, got {}".format(
        sequence_length, batch_size, input_size = self.x.shape

        def weight_shape_check(wt_ih, wt_hh):
            if wt_ih.rank != 2 or wt_hh.rank != 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Expecting Rank 2 input, got weight_ih rank: {}, weight_hh rank: {}").format(
                        wt_ih.rank, wt_hh.rank

            hidden_size = wt_hh.shape[1]
            if wt_hh.shape[0] // hidden_size != 4 or wt_ih.shape[0] // hidden_size != 4:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Incorrect weight matrix: hidden dim size mismatch. \
                                Provided weight_ih {}, weight_hh {}. Expecting <4*H, H>").format(
                                    wt_ih.shape, wt_hh.shape

        direction = self.direction.val
        valid_directions = {"forward", "reverse", "bidirectional"}
        if direction not in valid_directions:
            raise ValueError(
                "Direction {} not supported. Supported directions: {}").format(
                    direction, valid_directions

        weight_shape_check(self.weight_ih, self.weight_hh)
        if direction == "bidirectional":
            weight_shape_check(self.weight_ih_back, self.weight_hh_back)

        hidden_dim, hidden_size = self.weight_hh.shape

        dim_factor = 8 if direction == "bidirectional" else 4
        out_seq_len = sequence_length if self.output_sequence.val else 1
        num_directions = dim_factor // 4
        output_shape = [out_seq_len, batch_size, num_directions * hidden_size]
        output_h_shape = [batch_size, num_directions * hidden_size]
        output_c_shape = [batch_size, num_directions * hidden_size]
        return (
            types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(output_shape)),
            types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(output_h_shape)),
            types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(output_c_shape)),
Example #13
    def type_inference(self):
        if self.x.rank != 3:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid input shape. Expecting Rank 3 input, got {}".format(

        sequence_length, batch_size, input_size = self.x.shape

        if self.weight_ih.rank != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid weight shape. Expecting Rank 2 input, got {}".format(
        if self.weight_hh.rank != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid weight shape. Expecting Rank 2 input, got {}".format(

        hidden_dim, hidden_size = self.weight_hh.shape

        direction = self.direction.val
        valid_directions = {"forward", "reverse"}
        if direction not in valid_directions:
            raise ValueError(
                "Direction {} not supported. Supported directions: {}".format(
                    direction, valid_directions

        dim_factor = 3
        if hidden_size != (hidden_dim // dim_factor):
            raise ValueError(
                "Incorrect weight matrix: hidden dim size mismatch. \
                Provided weight_ih {}, weight_hh {}. Expecting <b, 3*H>").format(
                    self.weight_ih.shape, self.weight_hh.shape

        out_seq_len = sequence_length if self.output_sequence.val else 1
        output_shape = [out_seq_len, batch_size, hidden_size]
        output_h_shape = [batch_size, hidden_size]
        return (
            types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(output_shape)),
            types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(output_h_shape)),
Example #14
    def type_inference(self):
        rank = self.x.rank

        # check valid axes
        positive_axes = [
            axis + rank if axis < 0 else axis for axis in self.axes.val
        if not all([axis >= 0 and axis < rank for axis in positive_axes]):
            raise ValueError("axes must in the range of [-x.rank, x.rank-1].")

        # check shape of gamma and beta
        normalized_shape = [
            self.x.shape[i] for i in range(rank) if i in positive_axes
        if self.gamma is not None and not layer_norm._is_compatible_shape(
                list(self.gamma.shape), normalized_shape):
            raise ValueError(
                "Expect shape {} for gamma, but get shape {} instead".format(
                    normalized_shape, self.gamma.shape))

        if self.beta is not None and not layer_norm._is_compatible_shape(
                list(self.gamma.shape), normalized_shape):
            raise ValueError(
                "Expect shape {} for beta, but get shape {} instead".format(
                    normalized_shape, self.beta.shape))

        x_shape = self.x.shape
        return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(x_shape))
Example #15
    def type_inference(self):
        if self.x.rank != 4:
            raise ValueError(
                'input "x" to the "resample" op must be a rank 4 tensor. '
                "Got rank {} tensor of shape {}".format(
                    self.x.rank, self.x.shape))
        if self.coordinates.rank != 4:
            raise ValueError(
                'input "coordinates" to the "resample" op must be a rank 4 tensor. '
                "Got rank {} tensor of shape {}".format(
                    self.coordinates.rank, self.coordinates.shape))

        input_shape = self.x.shape
        coord_shape = self.coordinates.shape
        if (not is_symbolic(input_shape[0]) and not is_symbolic(coord_shape[0])
                and input_shape[0] != coord_shape[0]):
            raise ValueError(
                'input "x" and "coordinates" to the "resample" must agree on '
                "dimension of batch size: {} vs. {}".format(
                    input_shape[0], coord_shape[0]))
        if not is_symbolic(coord_shape[-1]) and coord_shape[-1] != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                'input "coordinates" to the "resample" op last dimension must be 2. '
                "Got {} for last dimension".format(coord_shape[-1]))

        ret_shape = list(input_shape)
        ret_shape[2] = coord_shape[1]  # Output height
        ret_shape[3] = coord_shape[2]  # Output width
        return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(ret_shape))
Example #16
    def type_inference(self):
        if self.x.rank != 4:
            raise ValueError(
                'input to the "crop_resize" op must be of rank 4. Provided {}'.

        if self.roi.rank != 5:
            raise ValueError(
                'ROI input to the "crop_resize" op must be of rank 5, provided {}'

        if self.sampling_mode.val not in {
            raise ValueError(
                '"crop_resize" op: unrecognized sampling mode "{}"'.format(

        # ret_shape: [N] + [B, C, h_out, w_out]
        N, B, C = self.roi.shape[0], self.x.shape[0], self.x.shape[1]
        ret_shape = [N, B, C, self.target_height.val, self.target_width.val]
        return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, ret_shape)
Example #17
def parse_tensor(t):
    typ = parse_type(t.dtype)
    shape = parse_shape(t.tensor_shape)

    retval = None
    if len(t.half_val) > 0:
        retval = _np.array(t.half_val, dtype=_TF_TO_NP[t.dtype])
    elif len(t.float_val) > 0:
        retval = _np.array(t.float_val, dtype=_TF_TO_NP[t.dtype])
    elif len(t.double_val) > 0:
        retval = _np.array(t.double_val, dtype=_TF_TO_NP[t.dtype])
    elif len(t.int_val) > 0:
        retval = _np.array(t.int_val, dtype=_TF_TO_NP[t.dtype])
    elif len(t.int64_val) > 0:
        retval = _np.array(t.int64_val, dtype=_TF_TO_NP[t.dtype])
    elif len(t.bool_val) > 0:
        retval = _np.array(t.bool_val, dtype=_TF_TO_NP[t.dtype])
    elif hasattr(t, "uint32_val") and len(t.uint32_val) > 0:
        retval = _np.array(t.uint32_val, dtype=_TF_TO_NP[t.dtype])
    elif hasattr(t, "uint64_val") and len(t.uint64_val) > 0:
        retval = _np.array(t.uint64_val, dtype=_TF_TO_NP[t.dtype])

    if not t.tensor_shape.unknown_rank and len(shape) == 0:
        retobj = typ()
        if retval is not None:
            retobj.val = retval[0]
        rettype = types.tensor(typ, tuple(shape))
        retobj = rettype()
        retobj.shape = shape
        if retval is not None:
            retobj.val = retval

    return retobj
Example #18
    def type_inference(self):
        in_shape = self.x.shape
        ret_shape = list(in_shape)
        pad = self.pad
        if len(pad.shape) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Pad should be a 1D tensor!")
        if self.mode and not self.mode.val in {'constant', 'reflect', 'replicate'}:
            raise ValueError("Pad mode should be one of {'constant', 'reflect', 'replicate'}")

        if pad.val is None:
            for i in range(self.pad.shape[0]//2):
                ret_shape[-self.pad.shape[0]//2+i] = get_new_symbol()
            pad = pad.val
            pad = pad.copy()

            if len(pad) % 2 != 0:
                raise ValueError("Number of elements in the argument Pad must be divisible by 2.")

            pad = pad.reshape(-1, 2)

            if pad.shape[0] > len(ret_shape):
                raise ValueError("Number of dimensions specified through pad must less than or equal to rank of input x")

            for i in range(len(pad)):
                ret_shape[-len(pad) + i] = ret_shape[-len(pad) + i] + pad[i][0] + pad[i][1]

        return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(ret_shape))
    def type_inference(self):

        # get tensor and set default value
        begin = self.begin.val
        end = self.end.val
        x_rank = self.x.rank
        stride = self.stride.val if self.stride is not None else [1] * x_rank
        begin_mask = (self.begin_mask.val
                      if self.begin_mask is not None else [False] * x_rank)
        end_mask = self.end_mask.val if self.end_mask is not None else [
        ] * x_rank
        squeeze_mask = (self.squeeze_mask.val
                        if self.squeeze_mask is not None else [False] * x_rank)

        # solve shape
        x_shape = self.x.shape
        ret_shape = solve_slice_by_index_shape(x_shape, begin, end, stride,
                                               begin_mask, end_mask,

        if len(ret_shape) == 0:
            # Scalar case.
            return self.x.dtype
            return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(ret_shape))
Example #20
    def type_inference(self):
        builtin_dtype = types.string_to_builtin(self.dtype.val)
        if builtin_dtype is None:
            raise ValueError("Unsupported dtype {}".format(self.dtype.val))
        # Replace string with symbol
        elem_shape_sym = []
        for s_var in self.elem_shape:
            # s is str or int
            s = s_var.val
            if s is None:
                msg = 'make_list elem_shape must be tuple of const. ' +\
                    'Tuple elem {} is not'
                raise ValueError(msg.format(s_var.name))

            if isinstance(s, str):
                    symbol = get_existing_symbol(s)
                except ValueError:
                    # Must be a new symbol
                    symbol = get_new_symbol(s)
        elem_type = types.tensor(builtin_dtype, elem_shape_sym)
        return types.list(
Example #21
    def type_inference(self):
        ksize = self.kernel_sizes.val
        x_shape = self.x.shape
        D_in_rank = len(x_shape) - 2

        strides = [1] * D_in_rank if self.strides is None else self.strides.val
        pad_type = "valid" if self.pad_type is None else self.pad_type.val.lower()
        if pad_type not in ["valid", "same", "custom"]:
            raise ValueError("Unrecognized value of pad_type : {}".format(pad_type))
        pad = None if self.pad is None else self.pad.val
        D_in = x_shape[2:]  # spatial dimensions

        if self.ceil_mode.val:
            if D_in_rank > 2:
                raise ValueError('pool: ceil_mode only supported for 1D or 2D pool')
            if pad_type == "same" and self.ceil_mode.val:
                raise ValueError("ceil_mode must be False when pad_type==same")
            if pad is not None:
                for i in range(D_in_rank):
                    if pad[2*i] != pad[2*i+1]:
                        raise ValueError("Padding must be symmetric if ceil_mode is True")

        D_out_shape = spatial_dimensions_out_shape(
        ret_shape = list(x_shape[:2]) + D_out_shape
        return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(ret_shape))
Example #22
    def type_inference(self):
        in_shape = self.x.shape
        ret_shape = list(in_shape)
        pad = self.pad
        if len(pad.shape) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Pad should be a 1D tensor!")
        if self.mode and not self.mode.val in {
                'constant', 'reflect', 'replicate'
            raise ValueError(
                "Pad mode should be one of {'constant', 'reflect', 'replicate'}"

        if pad.val is None:
            for i in range(self.pad.shape[0] // 2):
                ret_shape[-self.pad.shape[0] // 2 + i] = get_new_symbol()
            pad = pad.val
            pad = pad.copy()
            pad = pad.reshape(-1, 2)

            for i in range(len(pad)):
                ret_shape[-len(pad) +
                          i] = ret_shape[-len(pad) + i] + pad[i][0] + pad[i][1]

        return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(ret_shape))
Example #23
 def type_inference(self):
     if self.x.rank < 3:
         msg = "Input rank of l2_norm must be at least 3. Got {}".format(
         raise ValueError(msg)
     x_shape = self.x.shape
     return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(x_shape))
Example #24
    def type_inference(self):

        if self.x.rank != self.indices.rank:
            raise ValueError(
                "Rank mismatch between input and indices. \
                              Input rank: {}, indices rank: {}".format(
                    self.x.rank, self.indices.rank

        if self.axis.val < -self.x.rank or self.axis.val >= self.x.rank:
            raise IndexError(
                "Axis value {} is out of bounds for {} node {}".format(
                    self.axis.val, self.op_type, self.name

        axis = self.axis.val
        axis = axis if axis >= 0 else axis + self.x.rank

        for i in range(self.x.rank):
            if i != axis:
                assert self.x.shape[i] == self.indices.shape[i]

        return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, self.indices.shape)
 def type_inference(self):
     shape = list(self.x.shape)
     axis = self.axis.val
     dim_pre_axis = np.prod(shape[:axis])
     dim_post_axis = np.prod(shape[axis:])
     new_shape = [dim_pre_axis, dim_post_axis]
     return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, tuple(new_shape))
    def type_inference(self):
        on_type = self.on_value.dtype
        off_type = self.off_value.dtype

        if on_type != off_type:
            raise TypeError(
                "Parameters on_value and off_value must have same input types."

        if self.axis.val < -self.indices.rank - 1 or self.axis.val > self.indices.rank:
            raise IndexError(
                "Axis value {} is out of bounds for {} node {}".format(
                    self.axis.val, self.op_type, self.name))

        indices_shape = list(self.indices.shape)

        depth_value = self.one_hot_vector_size.sym_val
        if depth_value is None:
            depth_value = get_new_symbol()
        elif depth_value < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Parameter one_hot_vector_size must be non-negative")

        retshape = indices_shape

        if self.axis.val < 0:
            cut = len(retshape) + self.axis.val + 1
            cut = self.axis.val
        retshape = retshape[0:cut] + [depth_value] + retshape[cut:]

        return types.tensor(on_type, retshape)
Example #27
    def type_inference(self):
        concat_dim_len = 0
        if len(self.values) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Concat {} got 0 values".format(self.name))

        # Validate values have the same rank
        rank = self.values[0].rank
        for v in self.values:
            if v.rank != rank:
                msg = "Input {} has rank {} != other inputs rank {}"
                raise ValueError(msg.format(v.name, v.rank, rank))

        # Check concat axis is within (-rank, rank)
        concat_axis = self.axis.val
        if concat_axis < 0:
            concat_axis += rank
        if rank > 0 and (concat_axis < 0 or concat_axis >= rank):
            msg = "In {} of op_type {}: axis out of bound for input " + "(rank {})"
            raise ValueError(msg.format(self.name, self.op_type, rank))

        # Validate primitive types are compatible
        dtype = self.values[0].dtype
        for v in self.values[1:]:
            new_dtype = promoted_primitive_type(v.dtype, dtype)
            if new_dtype is None:
                msg = "Incompatible primitive types concat: {} vs {}"
                raise ValueError(msg.format(v.dtype, dtype))
            dtype = new_dtype

        # validate that non-axis dimensions match
        retshape = list(self.values[0].shape)
        for v in self.values[1:]:
            for i in range(rank):
                if is_symbolic(retshape[i]) or is_symbolic(v.shape[i]):
                if i != concat_axis and retshape[i] != v.shape[i]:
                    msg = 'Dimension mismatch in {} ("{}"): shapes {} vs. {}'
                    raise ValueError(
                        msg.format(self.op_type, self.name, retshape, v.shape)

        # Get length of concat dim
        concat_dim_len = 0
        for v in self.values:
            if len(v.shape) == 0:
                taxis = 1
                taxis = v.shape[concat_axis]
            if is_symbolic(taxis):
                concat_dim_len = get_new_symbol()
            concat_dim_len += taxis

        if len(retshape) == 0:
            retshape = [concat_dim_len]
            retshape[concat_axis] = concat_dim_len

        return types.tensor(dtype, retshape)
Example #28
 def type_inference(self):
     num_splits, sizes = self._get_num_splits_and_sizes()
     x_shape = list(self.x.shape)
     ret_shapes = [x_shape[:] for _ in range(num_splits)]
     axis = self.axis.val
     for i, d in enumerate(sizes):
         ret_shapes[i][axis] = d
     return tuple([types.tensor(self.x.dtype, s) for s in ret_shapes])
Example #29
 def type_inference(self):
     x_type = self.x.dtype
     x_shape = self.x.shape
     y_shape = self.y.shape
     # For illustration purpose, assumming getting valid shape
     # Ideally, should consider transpose_?, ?_is_sparse parameters into consideration
     # for computing output shape
     return types.tensor(x_type, [x_shape[0], y_shape[1]])
Example #30
 def type_inference(self):
     if self.x.rank < 3:
         raise ValueError(
             'input to the "torch_upsample_nearest_neighbor" op must have rank at least 3'
     ret_shape = list(self.x.shape)
     ret_shape[-1] = get_new_symbol()
     ret_shape[-2] = get_new_symbol()
     return types.tensor(self.x.dtype, ret_shape)