Example #1
 def _Closure(self, c):
     closed_over_literal = any(
         map(lambda x: not isinstance(x, S.Name), c.closed_over()))
     if not closed_over_literal:
         return c
     #Find procedure being closed over
     proc_name = c.body().id
     proc = self.procedures[proc_name]
     proc_args = proc.formals()
     closed_args = c.closed_over()
     #Construct new set of arguments, with literals closed over removed
     replaced_args = proc_args[:-len(closed_args)]
     replaced_closed_over = []
     #Also record what replacements to make
     replacement = {}
     for orig_arg, closed_arg in zip(proc_args[-len(closed_args):],
         if isinstance(closed_arg, S.Name):
             replacement[orig_arg.id] = closed_arg
     #If we are only closing over literals, we will return a name
     #rather than a reduced closure. Check.
     fully_opened = len(replacement) == len(closed_args)
     replaced_stmts = [
         S.substituted_expression(si, replacement) \
             for si in proc.body()]
     replaced_name = S.Name(proc_name + self.name_supply.next())
         S.Procedure(replaced_name, replaced_args, replaced_stmts))
     if fully_opened:
         return replaced_name
         return S.Closure(replaced_closed_over, replaced_name)
Example #2
    def _Procedure(self, ast):
        binders = [v.id
                   for v in flatten(ast.variables)]  # NOTE: this includes name

        _ClosureRecursion._Procedure(self, ast)

        # Take the free variable list, stick it in a set to make sure we don't
        # duplicate a variable, and then put it back in a list to make sure
        # it's got a defined ordering, which sets don't have
        free = list(
                v for v in S.free_variables(ast.body(), binders)
                if v in self.env

        if free:
            bound = [S.Name("_K%d" % i) for i in range(len(free))]
            ast.variables = ast.variables + bound
            ast.parameters = S.substituted_expression(ast.parameters,
                                                      dict(zip(free, bound)))

            # Transform recursive calls of this procedure within its own body.
            recursive = _ClosureRecursion(self.env)
            self.env[ast.name().id] = S.Closure(bound, ast.name())
            ast.parameters = recursive.rewrite(ast.parameters)

            # Register rewrite for calls to this procedure in later
            # parts of the defining scope
            self.env[ast.name().id] = S.Closure([S.Name(x) for x in free],
        # else:

#             self.locally_bound([ast.name()])

        return ast
Example #3
    def _Lambda(self, e):
        _ClosureRecursion._Lambda(self, e)

        formals = [v.id for v in flatten(e.formals())]
        # Take the free variable list, stick it in a set to make sure we don't
        # duplicate a variable, and then put it back in a list to make sure
        # it's got a defined ordering, which sets don't have
        free = list(
                v for v in S.free_variables(e.body(), formals) if v in self.env

        if free:
            bound = [S.Name("_K%d" % i) for i in range(len(free))]
            body = S.substituted_expression(e.body(), dict(zip(free, bound)))

            e.parameters = [body]
            e.variables = e.variables + bound

            return S.Closure([S.Name(x) for x in free], e)
            return e
Example #4
 def _Name(self, ast):
     x = getattr(self.env, ast.id, None)
     if ast.id in self.env and isinstance(self.env[ast.id], S.Closure):
         return S.Closure(self.env[ast.id].variables, ast)
         return ast