Example #1
    def _render_service(self, path, service, methods):
        env = self.state.document.settings.env
        service_id = "service-%d" % env.new_serialno('service')
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])
        service_node += nodes.title(text='Service at %s' %

        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(_dedent(service.description))

        for method, info in methods.items():
            method_id = '%s-%s' % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            docstring = info['func'].__doc__ or ""

            if 'validator' in info:
                validators = to_list(info['validator'])
                for validator in validators:
                    if validator.__doc__ is not None:
                        if docstring is not None:
                            docstring += '\n' + validator.__doc__.strip()

            if 'accept' in info:
                accept = info['accept']

                if callable(accept):
                    if accept.__doc__ is not None:
                        docstring += accept.__doc__.strip()
                    accept = to_list(accept)

                    accept_node = nodes.strong(text='Accepted content types:')
                    node_accept_list = nodes.bullet_list()
                    accept_node += node_accept_list

                    for item in accept:
                        temp = nodes.list_item()
                        temp += nodes.inline(text=item)
                        node_accept_list += temp

                    method_node += accept_node

            node = rst2node(docstring)
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            renderer = info['renderer']
            if renderer == 'simplejson':
                renderer = 'json'

            response = nodes.paragraph()

            response += nodes.strong(text='Response: %s' % renderer)
            method_node += response

            service_node += method_node

        return service_node
Example #2
def _result_list_compact(response):
    items = []

    pointer_results = JsonPointer('/ops:world-patent-data/ops:biblio-search/ops:search-result/exchange-documents')
    pointer_application_reference = JsonPointer('/exchange-document/bibliographic-data/application-reference/document-id')
    pointer_publication_reference = JsonPointer('/exchange-document/bibliographic-data/publication-reference/document-id')
    pointer_invention_title = JsonPointer('/exchange-document/bibliographic-data/invention-title')
    pointer_abstract = JsonPointer('/exchange-document/abstract')
    pointer_applicant = JsonPointer('/exchange-document/bibliographic-data/parties/applicants/applicant')
    pointer_inventor = JsonPointer('/exchange-document/bibliographic-data/parties/inventors/inventor')

    results = to_list(pointer_results.resolve(response))
    for result in results:

        pubref = pointer_publication_reference.resolve(result)
        pubref_number, pubref_date = _get_document_number_date(pubref, 'epodoc')
        pubref_date = pubref_date and '-'.join([pubref_date[:4], pubref_date[4:6], pubref_date[6:8]])

        appref = pointer_application_reference.resolve(result)
        appref_number, appref_date = _get_document_number_date(appref, 'epodoc')
        appref_date = appref_date and '-'.join([appref_date[:4], appref_date[4:6], appref_date[6:8]])

            titles = to_list(pointer_invention_title.resolve(result))
            titles = map(_format_title, titles)
        except JsonPointerException:
            titles = None

            abstracts = to_list(pointer_abstract.resolve(result))
            abstracts = map(_format_abstract, abstracts)
        except JsonPointerException:
            abstracts = None

            applicants = to_list(pointer_applicant.resolve(result))
            applicants = _mogrify_parties(applicants, 'applicant-name')
        except JsonPointerException:
            applicants = None

            inventors = to_list(pointer_inventor.resolve(result))
            inventors = _mogrify_parties(inventors, 'inventor-name')
        except JsonPointerException:
            inventors = None

        item = {
            'abstract': abstracts,
            'appdate': appref_date,
            'appnumber': appref_number,
            'pubdate': pubref_date,
            'pubnumber': pubref_number,
            'title': titles,
            'applicant': applicants,
            'inventor': inventors,

    return items
Example #3
    def _render_service(self, path, service, methods):
        env = self.state.document.settings.env
        service_id = "service-%d" % env.new_serialno('service')
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])
        service_node += nodes.title(text='Service at %s' % service.route_name)

        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(_dedent(service.description))

        for method, info in methods.items():
            method_id = '%s-%s' % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            docstring = info['func'].__doc__ or ""

            if 'validator' in info:
                validators = to_list(info['validator'])
                for validator in validators:
                    if validator.__doc__ is not None:
                        if docstring is not None:
                            docstring += '\n' + validator.__doc__.strip()

            if 'accept' in info:
                accept = info['accept']

                if callable(accept):
                    if accept.__doc__ is not None:
                        docstring += accept.__doc__.strip()
                    accept = to_list(accept)

                    accept_node = nodes.strong(text='Accepted content types:')
                    node_accept_list = nodes.bullet_list()
                    accept_node += node_accept_list

                    for item in accept:
                        temp = nodes.list_item()
                        temp += nodes.inline(text=item)
                        node_accept_list += temp

                    method_node += accept_node

            node = rst2node(docstring)
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            renderer = info['renderer']
            if renderer == 'simplejson':
                renderer = 'json'

            response = nodes.paragraph()

            response += nodes.strong(text='Response: %s' % renderer)
            method_node += response

            service_node += method_node

        return service_node
Example #4
    def get_arguments(self, conf=None):
        """Return a dictionary of arguments. Takes arguments from the :param
        conf: param and merges it with the arguments passed in the constructor.

        :param conf: the dictionary to use.
        if conf is None:
            conf = {}

        arguments = {}
        for arg in self.mandatory_arguments:
            # get the value from the passed conf, then from the instance, then
            # from the default class settings.
            arguments[arg] = conf.pop(arg, getattr(self, arg, None))

        for arg in self.list_arguments:
            # rather than overwriting, extend the defined lists if
            # any. take care of re-creating the lists before appending
            # items to them, to avoid modifications to the already
            # existing ones
            value = list(getattr(self, arg, []))
            if arg in conf:
            arguments[arg] = value

        # schema validation handling
        if 'schema' in conf:
            arguments['schema'] = (

        # Allow custom error handler
        arguments['error_handler'] = conf.pop('error_handler',
                                              getattr(self, 'error_handler',

        # exclude some validators or filters
        if 'exclude' in conf:
            for item in to_list(conf.pop('exclude')):
                for container in arguments['validators'], arguments['filters']:
                    if item in container:

        # also include the other key,value pair we don't know anything about

        # if some keys have been defined service-wide, then we need to add
        # them to the returned dict.
        if hasattr(self, 'arguments'):
            for key, value in self.arguments.items():
                if key not in arguments:
                    arguments[key] = value

        return arguments
Example #5
    def get_arguments(self, conf=None):
        """Return a dictionary of arguments. Takes arguments from the :param
        conf: param and merges it with the arguments passed in the constructor.

        :param conf: the dictionary to use.
        if conf is None:
            conf = {}

        arguments = {}
        for arg in self.mandatory_arguments:
            # get the value from the passed conf, then from the instance, then
            # from the default class settings.
            arguments[arg] = conf.pop(arg, getattr(self, arg, None))

        for arg in self.list_arguments:
            # rather than overwriting, extend the defined lists if
            # any. take care of re-creating the lists before appending
            # items to them, to avoid modifications to the already
            # existing ones
            value = list(getattr(self, arg, []))
            if arg in conf:
            arguments[arg] = value

        # schema validation handling
        if 'schema' in conf:
            arguments['schema'] = (CorniceSchema.from_colander(

        # Allow custom error handler
        arguments['error_handler'] = conf.pop(
            'error_handler', getattr(self, 'error_handler', json_error))

        # exclude some validators or filters
        if 'exclude' in conf:
            for item in to_list(conf.pop('exclude')):
                for container in arguments['validators'], arguments['filters']:
                    if item in container:

        # also include the other key,value pair we don't know anything about

        # if some keys have been defined service-wide, then we need to add
        # them to the returned dict.
        if hasattr(self, 'arguments'):
            for key, value in self.arguments.items():
                if key not in arguments:
                    arguments[key] = value

        return arguments
Example #6
    def __init__(self,
        self.name = name
        self.path = path
        self.description = description
        self.cors_expose_all_headers = True
        self._cors_enabled = None

        if cors_policy:
            for key, value in cors_policy.items():
                kw.setdefault('cors_' + key, value)

        for key in self.list_arguments:
            # default_{validators,filters} and {filters,validators} don't
            # have to be mutables, so we need to create a new list from them
            extra = to_list(kw.get(key, []))
            kw[key] = []
            kw[key].extend(getattr(self, 'default_%s' % key, []))

        self.arguments = self.get_arguments(kw)
        for key, value in self.arguments.items():
            # avoid squashing Service.decorator if ``decorator``
            # argument is used to specify a default pyramid view
            # decorator
            if key != 'decorator':
                setattr(self, key, value)

        if hasattr(self, 'factory') and hasattr(self, 'acl'):
            raise KeyError("Cannot specify both 'acl' and 'factory'")

        # instantiate some variables we use to keep track of what's defined for
        # this service.
        self.defined_methods = []
        self.definitions = []

        # add this service to the list of available services

        # register aliases for the decorators
        for verb in ('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH'):
            setattr(self, verb.lower(),
                    functools.partial(self.decorator, verb))

        if VENUSIAN:
            # this callback will be called when config.scan (from pyramid) will
            # be triggered.
            def callback(context, name, ob):
                config = context.config.with_package(info.module)

            info = venusian.attach(self,
Example #7
def ops_family_members(document_number):

    pointer_results = JsonPointer('/ops:world-patent-data/ops:patent-family/ops:family-member')
    pointer_publication_reference = JsonPointer('/publication-reference/document-id')
    pointer_application_reference = JsonPointer('/application-reference/document-id')
    #pointer_priority_claim_reference = JsonPointer('/priority-claim/document-id')

    response = ops_family_inpadoc('publication', document_number, '')

    family_members = OPSFamilyMembers()

    family_members.raw = to_list(pointer_results.resolve(response))
    for result in family_members.raw:

        # B.1 get publication and application references
        pubref = pointer_publication_reference.resolve(result)
        pubref_number, pubref_date = _get_document_number_date(pubref, 'docdb')
        pubref_number_epodoc, pubref_date_epodoc = _get_document_number_date(pubref, 'epodoc')
        appref = pointer_application_reference.resolve(result)
        appref_number, appref_date = _get_document_number_date(appref, 'docdb')
            'publication': {'number-docdb': pubref_number, 'date': pubref_date, 'number-epodoc': pubref_number_epodoc, },
            'application': {'number-docdb': appref_number, 'date': appref_date},

    #log.info('Family members for %s:\n%s', document_number, family_members)

    return family_members
Example #8
File: c.py Project: hiveeyes/kotori
    def __init__(self, header_files, library_file, include_path=None, library_path=None, cache_path=None):
        self.header_files = to_list(header_files)
        self.library_file = library_file
        self.include_path = include_path or os.curdir
        self.library_path = library_path or os.curdir
        self.cache_path = cache_path or './var'

        self.include_path = os.path.abspath(self.include_path)
        self.library_path = os.path.abspath(self.library_path)

        cache_key = \
            self.include_path.replace('/', '_') + \
            u'-' + \
            u'_'.join(self.header_files) + \
        self.cache_file = os.path.join(self.cache_path, cache_key)

        logger.info('Setting up library "{}" with headers "{}", cache file is "{}"'.format(
            self.library_file, ', '.join(self.header_files), self.cache_file))

        # holding the library essentials
        self.parser = None
        self.clib = None
        self.annotations = None

Example #9
def enrich_image_inquiry_info(info):
    Enrich image inquiry information.
    If DRAWINGS can be properly detected, add information to "meta" dictionary of document and return True.

    meta = {}
    enriched = False

    # Compute page offset to first drawing from "FullDocument" information
    entry = info.get('FullDocument')
    if entry and 'ops:document-section' in entry:
        sections = entry.get('ops:document-section', [])
        for section in to_list(sections):
            if section['@name'] == 'DRAWINGS':
                meta['drawing-start-page'] = int(section['@start-page'])
                enriched = True

    # Compute number of drawing pages
    if 'drawing-start-page' in meta:
        if 'Drawing' in info:
            meta['drawing-total-count'] = int(info['Drawing']['@number-of-pages'])
            meta['drawing-total-count'] = int(info['FullDocument']['@number-of-pages']) - meta['drawing-start-page'] + 1

    info['META'] = meta

    return enriched
Example #10
def _notfound(request):
    match = request.matchdict
    if match is not None:
        pattern = request.matched_route.pattern
        service = request.registry['cornice_services'].get(pattern)
        if (service is not None
                and isinstance(request.exception, PredicateMismatch)
                and request.method in service.defined_methods):
            # maybe was it the accept predicate that was not matched
            # in this case, returns a HTTP 406 NOT ACCEPTABLE with the
            # list of available choices
            api_kwargs = service.definitions[request.method]
            if 'accept' in api_kwargs:
                accept = api_kwargs.get('accept')
                acceptable = [a for a in util.to_list(accept) if
                              not callable(a)]

                if 'acceptable' in request.info:
                    for content_type in request.info['acceptable']:
                        if content_type not in acceptable:

                if not request.accept.best_match(acceptable):
                    # if not, return the list of accepted headers
                    resp = request.response
                    resp.status = 406
                    resp.content_type = "application/json"
                    resp.body = json.dumps(acceptable)
                    return resp
    # 404
    return request.exception
Example #11
def register_service_views(config, service):
    """Register the routes of the given service into the pyramid router.

    :param config: the pyramid configuration object that will be populated.
    :param service: the service object containing the definitions
    services = config.registry.setdefault("cornice_services", {})
    services[service.path] = service

    # keep track of the registered routes
    registered_routes = []

    # register the fallback view, which takes care of returning good error
    # messages to the user-agent
    for method, view, args in service.definitions:

        args = dict(args)  # make a copy of the dict to not modify it
        args["request_method"] = method

        decorated_view = decorate_view(view, dict(args), method)
        for item in ("filters", "validators", "schema", "klass"):
            if item in args:
                del args[item]

        # if acl is present, then convert it to a "factory"
        if "acl" in args:
            args["factory"] = make_route_factory(args.pop("acl"))

        route_args = {}
        if "factory" in args:
            route_args["factory"] = args.pop("factory")

        # register the route name with the path if it's not already done
        if service.path not in registered_routes:
            config.add_route(service.path, service.path, **route_args)
            config.add_view(view=get_fallback_view(service), route_name=service.path)

        # loop on the accept fields: we need to build custom predicate if
        # callables were passed
        if "accept" in args:
            for accept in to_list(args.pop("accept", ())):
                predicates = args.get("custom_predicates", [])
                if callable(accept):
                    predicate_checker = functools.partial(match_accept_header, accept)
                    args["custom_predicates"] = predicates
                    # otherwise it means that it is a "standard" accept,
                    # so add it as such.
                    args["accept"] = accept

                # We register multiple times the same view with different
                # accept / custom_predicates arguments
                config.add_view(view=decorated_view, route_name=service.path, **args)
            # it is a simple view, we don't need to loop on the definitions
            # and just add it one time.
            config.add_view(view=decorated_view, route_name=service.path, **args)
def run_acquisition(document_number, doctypes=None):
    numbers = to_list(document_number)
    doctypes = doctypes or 'xml'
    doctypes = to_list(doctypes)
        'PDF archive acquisition for doctypes={doctypes}, numbers={numbers}'.
        format(doctypes=doctypes, numbers=numbers))

    # v1: Native xmlrpclib
    #with XmlRpcTimeoutServer(archive_service_baseurl + '/RPC2', 15) as server:
    #    return server.runAcquisition(numbers, doctypes)

    # v2: With "requests" transport
    url = archive_service_baseurl + '/RPC2'
    transport = RequestsTransport(session=get_client(), timeout=(2, 17))
    transport.use_https = use_https
    server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url, transport=transport)
    return server.runAcquisition(numbers, doctypes)
Example #13
    def __init__(self,
        self.name = name
        self.path = path
        self.pyramid_route = pyramid_route

        if not self.path and not self.pyramid_route:
            raise TypeError('You need to pass path or pyramid_route arg')

        self.description = description
        self.cors_expose_all_headers = True
        self._cors_enabled = None

        if cors_policy:
            for key, value in cors_policy.items():
                kw.setdefault('cors_' + key, value)

        for key in self.list_arguments:
            # default_{validators,filters} and {filters,validators} don't
            # have to be mutables, so we need to create a new list from them
            extra = to_list(kw.get(key, []))
            kw[key] = []
            kw[key].extend(getattr(self, 'default_%s' % key, []))

        self.arguments = self.get_arguments(kw)
        for key, value in self.arguments.items():
            # avoid squashing Service.decorator if ``decorator``
            # argument is used to specify a default pyramid view
            # decorator
            if key != 'decorator':
                setattr(self, key, value)

        if hasattr(self, 'acl'):
            raise ConfigurationError("'acl' is not supported")

        # instantiate some variables we use to keep track of what's defined for
        # this service.
        self.defined_methods = []
        self.definitions = []

        # add this service to the list of available services

        # this callback will be called when config.scan (from pyramid) will
        # be triggered.
        def callback(context, name, ob):
            config = context.config.with_package(info.module)

        info = venusian.attach(self, callback, category='pyramid', depth=depth)
Example #14
    def __init__(self, name, path=None, description=None, cors_policy=None,
                 depth=1, pyramid_route=None, **kw):
        self.name = name
        self.path = path
        self.pyramid_route = pyramid_route

        if not self.path and not self.pyramid_route:
            raise TypeError('You need to pass path or pyramid_route arg')

        self.description = description
        self.cors_expose_all_headers = True
        self._cors_enabled = None

        if cors_policy:
            for key, value in cors_policy.items():
                kw.setdefault('cors_' + key, value)

        for key in self.list_arguments:
            # default_{validators,filters} and {filters,validators} don't
            # have to be mutables, so we need to create a new list from them
            extra = to_list(kw.get(key, []))
            kw[key] = []
            kw[key].extend(getattr(self, 'default_%s' % key, []))

        self.arguments = self.get_arguments(kw)
        for key, value in self.arguments.items():
            # avoid squashing Service.decorator if ``decorator``
            # argument is used to specify a default pyramid view
            # decorator
            if key != 'decorator':
                setattr(self, key, value)

        if hasattr(self, 'acl'):
            raise ConfigurationError("'acl' is not supported")

        # instantiate some variables we use to keep track of what's defined for
        # this service.
        self.defined_methods = []
        self.definitions = []

        # add this service to the list of available services

        # register aliases for the decorators
        for verb in ('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH'):
            setattr(self, verb.lower(),
                    functools.partial(self.decorator, verb))

        # this callback will be called when config.scan (from pyramid) will
        # be triggered.
        def callback(context, name, ob):
            config = context.config.with_package(info.module)

        info = venusian.attach(self, callback, category='pyramid', depth=depth)
Example #15
def _pop_predicate_definition(args, kind):
    Build a dictionary enriched by "kind" of predicate definition list.
    This is required for evaluation in ``_mungle_view_args``.
    values = to_list(args.pop(kind, ()))
    # In much the same way as filter(), the map() function [in Python 3] now
    # returns an iterator. (In Python 2, it returned a list.)
    # http://getpython3.com/diveintopython3/porting-code-to-python-3-with-2to3.html#map
    values = list(map(lambda value: {'kind': kind, 'value': value}, values))
    return values
Example #16
def _pop_predicate_definition(args, kind):
    Build a dictionary enriched by "kind" of predicate definition list.
    This is required for evaluation in ``_mungle_view_args``.
    values = to_list(args.pop(kind, ()))
    # In much the same way as filter(), the map() function [in Python 3] now
    # returns an iterator. (In Python 2, it returned a list.)
    # http://getpython3.com/diveintopython3/porting-code-to-python-3-with-2to3.html#map
    values = list(map(lambda value: {'kind': kind, 'value': value}, values))
    return values
Example #17
def _get_document_number_date(docref, id_type):
    docref_list = to_list(docref)
    for document_id in docref_list:
        if document_id['@document-id-type'] == id_type:
            if id_type == 'epodoc':
                doc_number = document_id['doc-number']['$']
                doc_number = document_id['country']['$'] + document_id['doc-number']['$'] + document_id['kind']['$']
            date = document_id.get('date', {}).get('$')
            return doc_number, date
    return None, None
Example #18
 def filter_argumentlist(self, method, argname, filter_callables=False):
     Helper method to ``get_acceptable`` and ``get_contenttypes``. DRY.
     result = []
     for meth, view, args in self.definitions:
         if meth.upper() == method.upper():
             result_tmp = to_list(args.get(argname))
             if filter_callables:
                 result_tmp = [a for a in result_tmp if not callable(a)]
     return result
Example #19
 def filter_argumentlist(self, method, argname, filter_callables=False):
     Helper method to ``get_acceptable`` and ``get_contenttypes``. DRY.
     result = []
     for meth, view, args in self.definitions:
         if meth.upper() == method.upper():
             result_tmp = to_list(args.get(argname))
             if filter_callables:
                 result_tmp = [a for a in result_tmp if not callable(a)]
     return result
Example #20
File: mig.py Project: lulzzz/kotori
    def __init__(self, channel=None, graphing=None, strategy=None):


        # TODO: Sanity checks/assertions against channel, graphing and strategy

        # TODO: Make subsystems dynamic
        self.subsystems = ['channel', 'graphing', 'strategy']
        self.channel = channel or Bunch(realm=None, subscriptions=[])
        self.graphing = to_list(graphing)
        self.strategy = strategy

        self.name = u'service-mig-' + self.channel.get('realm', unicode(id(self)))
Example #21
def call_service(func, api_kwargs, context, request):


    # Checking that the accept headers sent by the client
    # match what can be handled by the function, if specified.
    # If not, returns a HTTP 406 NOT ACCEPTABLE with the list of available
    # choices

    if 'accept' in request.headers and 'accept' in api_kwargs:
        accept = api_kwargs.get('accept')

        if callable(accept):
            acceptable = accept(request)
            acceptable = accept

        acceptable = to_list(acceptable)

        # does it comply with the headers sent by the client?
        best_match = request.accept.best_match(acceptable)
        if best_match:
            return func(request)
            # if not, return the list of accepted headers
            resp = request.response
            resp.status = 406
            resp.content_type = "application/json"
            resp.body = json.dumps(acceptable)
            return resp

    for validator in to_list(api_kwargs.get('validator', [])):
        if len(request.errors) > 0:
            return json_error(request.errors)

    return func(request)
Example #22
def call_service(func, api_kwargs, context, request):


    # Checking that the accept headers sent by the client
    # match what can be handled by the function, if specified.
    # If not, returns a HTTP 406 NOT ACCEPTABLE with the list of available
    # choices

    if 'accept' in request.headers and 'accept' in api_kwargs:
        accept = api_kwargs.get('accept')

        if callable(accept):
            acceptable = accept(request)
            acceptable = accept

        acceptable = to_list(acceptable)

        # does it comply with the headers sent by the client?
        best_match = request.accept.best_match(acceptable)
        if best_match:
            return func(request)
            # if not, return the list of accepted headers
            resp = request.response
            resp.status = 406
            resp.content_type = "application/json"
            resp.body = json.dumps(acceptable)
            return resp

    for validator in to_list(api_kwargs.get('validator', [])):
        if len(request.errors) > 0:
            return json_error(request.errors)

    return func(request)
Example #23
    def __init__(self, name, path, description=None, cors_policy=None, depth=1,
        self.name = name
        self.path = path
        self.description = description
        self.cors_expose_all_headers = True
        self._schemas = {}
        self._cors_enabled = None

        if cors_policy:
            for key, value in list(cors_policy.items()):
                kw.setdefault('cors_' + key, value)

        for key in self.list_arguments:
            # default_{validators,filters} and {filters,validators} doesn't
            # have to be mutables, so we need to create a new list from them
            extra = to_list(kw.get(key, []))
            kw[key] = []
            kw[key].extend(getattr(self, 'default_%s' % key, []))

        self.arguments = self.get_arguments(kw)
        for key, value in list(self.arguments.items()):
            setattr(self, key, value)

        if hasattr(self, 'factory') and hasattr(self, 'acl'):
            raise KeyError("Cannot specify both 'acl' and 'factory'")

        # instanciate some variables we use to keep track of what's defined for
        # this service.
        self.defined_methods = []
        self.definitions = []

        # add this service to the list of available services

        # register aliases for the decorators
        for verb in ('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH'):
            setattr(self, verb.lower(),
                    functools.partial(self.decorator, verb))

        if VENUSIAN:
            # this callback will be called when config.scan (from pyramid) will
            # be triggered.
            def callback(context, name, ob):
                config = context.config.with_package(info.module)

            info = venusian.attach(self, callback, category='pyramid',
Example #24
def pdf_make_metadata(title, producer, pagecount, page_sections=None):

    page_sections = page_sections and to_list(page_sections) or []

    date = pdf_now()

    tpl = """
InfoKey: Title
InfoValue: {title}
InfoKey: Producer
InfoValue: {producer}
InfoKey: Creator
InfoKey: ModDate
InfoKey: CreationDate
InfoValue: {date}

NumberOfPages: {pagecount}

    metadata = tpl.format(**locals())

    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2969479/merge-pdfs-with-pdftk-with-bookmarks/20333267#20333267
    bookmark_tpl = """
BookmarkTitle: {title}
BookmarkLevel: {level}
BookmarkPageNumber: {start_page}

    for page_section in page_sections:
        name = page_section['@name']
        start_page = page_section['@start-page']
        if name == 'SEARCH_REPORT':
            title = 'Search-report'
            title = name.title()
        level = 1

        metadata += bookmark_tpl.format(**locals())

    return metadata
Example #25
            def callback(context, name, ob):
                config = context.config.with_package(info.module)
                self._define(config, method)
                config.add_apidoc((self.route_pattern, method), func, self,

                view_kw = _api_kw.copy()

                for arg in _CORNICE_ARGS:
                    view_kw.pop(arg, None)

                # method decorators
                if 'attr' in view_kw:

                    @functools.wraps(getattr(ob, kw['attr']))
                    def view(request):
                        meth = getattr(ob(request), kw['attr'])
                        return meth()

                    del view_kw['attr']
                    view = functools.partial(call_service, view,
                    view = functools.partial(call_service, ob,

                # set the module of the partial function
                setattr(view, '__module__', getattr(ob, '__module__'))

                # handle accept headers as custom predicates if needed
                if 'accept' in view_kw:
                    for accept in to_list(view_kw.pop('accept', ())):
                        _view_kw = view_kw.copy()

                        predicates = view_kw.get('custom_predicates', [])
                        if callable(accept):
                            _view_kw['custom_predicates'] = predicates
                            _view_kw['accept'] = accept
                        config.add_view(view=view, route_name=self.route_name,
                    config.add_view(view=view, route_name=self.route_name,
Example #26
            def callback(context, name, ob):
                config = context.config.with_package(info.module)
                self._define(config, method)
                config.add_apidoc((self.route_pattern, method), func, self,

                view_kw = _api_kw.copy()

                for arg in _CORNICE_ARGS:
                    view_kw.pop(arg, None)

                # method decorators
                if 'attr' in view_kw:

                    @functools.wraps(getattr(ob, kw['attr']))
                    def view(request):
                        meth = getattr(ob(request), kw['attr'])
                        return meth()

                    del view_kw['attr']
                    view = functools.partial(call_service, view, _api_kw)
                    view = functools.partial(call_service, ob, _api_kw)

                # set the module of the partial function
                setattr(view, '__module__', getattr(ob, '__module__'))

                # handle accept headers as custom predicates if needed
                if 'accept' in view_kw:
                    for accept in to_list(view_kw.pop('accept', ())):
                        _view_kw = view_kw.copy()

                        predicates = view_kw.get('custom_predicates', [])
                        if callable(accept):
                                functools.partial(match_accept_header, accept))
                            _view_kw['custom_predicates'] = predicates
                            _view_kw['accept'] = accept
Example #27
    def get_acceptable(self, method, filter_callables=False):
        """return a list of acceptable content-type headers that were defined
        for this service.

        :param method: the method to get the acceptable content-types for
        :param filter_callables: it is possible to give acceptable
                                 content-types dinamycally, with callables.
                                 This filter or not the callables (default:
        acceptable = []
        for meth, view, args in self.definitions:
            if meth.upper() == method.upper():
                acc = to_list(args.get('accept'))
                if filter_callables:
                    acc = [a for a in acc if not callable(a)]
        return acceptable
Example #28
    def get_acceptable(self, method, filter_callables=False):
        """return a list of acceptable content-type headers that were defined
        for this service.

        :param method: the method to get the acceptable content-types for
        :param filter_callables: it is possible to give acceptable
                                 content-types dinamycally, with callables.
                                 This filter or not the callables (default:
        acceptable = []
        for meth, view, args in self.definitions:
            if meth.upper() == method.upper():
                acc = to_list(args.get('accept'))
                if filter_callables:
                    acc = [a for a in acc if not isinstance(a, collections.Callable)]
        return acceptable
Example #29
    def patch_files(self, filepatterns, data):

        filepatterns = to_list(filepatterns)

        directory = os.path.join(self.repo.working_dir, self.workingdir)

        # cd into appropriate directory
        with local.cwd(directory):
            for pattern in filepatterns:

                # Find files matching pattern in directory
                # This is plumbum's syntax for shell globbing
                path = local.path()
                lp_files = path // str(pattern)

                # Iterate and patch all files
                for lp_file in lp_files:
                    filepath = str(lp_file)
                    self.patch_file(filepath, data)
Example #30
    def patch_files(self, filepatterns, data):

        filepatterns = to_list(filepatterns)

        directory = os.path.join(self.repo.working_dir, self.workingdir)

        # cd into appropriate directory
        with local.cwd(directory):
            for pattern in filepatterns:

                # Find files matching pattern in directory
                # This is plumbum's syntax for shell globbing
                path = local.path()
                lp_files = path // str(pattern)

                # Iterate and patch all files
                for lp_file in lp_files:
                    filepath = str(lp_file)
                    self.patch_file(filepath, data)
Example #31
def is_amendment_only(node):

    Is FullDocument reference a correction page of amendments like US2010252183A1?

    {u'@desc': u'FullDocument',
         u'@link': u'published-data/images/US/8052819/X6/fullimage',
         u'@number-of-pages': u'1',
         u'@system': u'ops.epo.org',
         u'ops:document-format-options': {u'ops:document-format': [{u'$': u'application/pdf'},
                                                                   {u'$': u'application/tiff'}]},
         u'ops:document-section': {u'@name': u'AMENDMENT',
                                   u'@start-page': u'1'}}],
    if is_fulldocument(node):
        sections = to_list(node.get('ops:document-section', []))
        if len(sections) == 1 and sections[0]['@name'] == u'AMENDMENT':
            return True

    return False
Example #32
def ops_family_inpadoc(reference_type, document_number, constituents, xml=False):
    Request family information from OPS in JSON format.

    reference_type = publication|application|priority
    constituents   = biblio|legal

    - http://ops.epo.org/3.1/rest-services/family/publication/docdb/EP.1491501.A1/biblio,legal
    - http://ops.epo.org/3.1/rest-services/family/publication/docdb/EP0666666/biblio
    - http://ops.epo.org/3.1/rest-services/family/publication/docdb/EP0666666.A2/biblio
    - http://ops.epo.org/3.1/rest-services/family/publication/docdb/EP0666666.B1/biblio


    # Compute document identifier.
    document_id = split_patent_number(document_number)
    ops_id = epo_ops.models.Epodoc(document_id.country + document_id.number, document_id.kind)

    # Acquire family information from OPS.
    with ops_client(xml=xml) as ops:
        response = ops.family(reference_type, ops_id, constituents=to_list(constituents))
        return handle_response(response, 'ops-family')
Example #33
def ops_register(reference_type, document_number, constituents=None, xml=False):
    Request register information from OPS in JSON or XML format.

    reference_type = publication|application|priority

    - http://ops.epo.org/3.1/rest-services/register/publication/epodoc/EP2485810/biblio
    - http://ops.epo.org/3.1/rest-services/register/publication/epodoc/EP2485810/biblio,legal.json

    if constituents is None:
        constituents = 'biblio,legal'

    # Compute document identifier.
    document_id = split_patent_number(document_number)
    #ops_id = epo_ops.models.Docdb(document_id.number, document_id.country, document_id.kind)
    ops_id = epo_ops.models.Epodoc(document_id.country + document_id.number, document_id.kind)

    # Acquire register information from OPS.
    with ops_client(xml=xml) as ops:
        response = ops.register(reference_type, ops_id, constituents=to_list(constituents))
        return handle_response(response, 'ops-register')
Example #34
def ops_family_publication_docdb_xml(reference_type, document_number, constituents):
    Request family information from OPS in XML format.

    reference_type = publication|application|priority
    constituents   = biblio|legal

    - http://ops.epo.org/3.1/rest-services/family/publication/docdb/EP.1491501.A1/biblio,legal

    # Compute document identifier.
    document_id = split_patent_number(document_number)
    ops_id = epo_ops.models.Docdb(document_id.number, document_id.country, document_id.kind)

    # Acquire family information from OPS.
    ops = get_ops_client()

    # FIXME: Better use "accept_type" on a per-request basis supported by ``python-epo-ops-client``.
    ops.accept_type = 'application/xml'
    response = ops.family(reference_type, ops_id, constituents=to_list(constituents))
    ops.accept_type = 'application/json'

    return handle_response(response, 'ops-family')
Example #35
    def _fallback_view(self, request):
        """Fallback view for this service, called when nothing else matches.

        This method provides the view logic to be executed when the request
        does not match any explicitly-defined view.  Its main responsibility
        is to produce an accurate error response, such as HTTPMethodNotAllowed
        or HTTPNotAcceptable.
        # Maybe we failed to match any definitions for the request method?
        if request.method not in self.defined_methods:
            response = HTTPMethodNotAllowed()
            response.allow = self.defined_methods
            return response
        # Maybe we failed to match an acceptable content-type?
        # First search all the definitions to find the acceptable types.
        # XXX: precalculate this like the defined_methods list?
        acceptable = []
        for api_kwargs in self.definitions:
            if api_kwargs['request_method'] != request.method:
            if 'accept' in api_kwargs:
                accept = to_list(api_kwargs.get('accept'))
                acceptable.extend(a for a in accept if not callable(a))
                if 'acceptable' in request.info:
                    for content_type in request.info['acceptable']:
                        if content_type not in acceptable:
        # Now check if that was actually the source of the problem.
        if not request.accept.best_match(acceptable):
            response = HTTPNotAcceptable()
            response.content_type = "application/json"
            response.body = json.dumps(acceptable)
            return response
        # In the absence of further information about what went wrong,
        # let upstream deal with the mismatch.
        raise PredicateMismatch(self.name)
Example #36
def ops_published_data_search_real(constituents, query, range):

    # OPS client object, impersonated for the current user.
    ops = get_ops_client()

    # Send request to OPS.
    range_begin, range_end = map(int, range.split('-'))
    response = ops.published_data_search(
        query, range_begin=range_begin, range_end=range_end, constituents=to_list(constituents))

    # Decode OPS response from JSON
    payload = handle_response(response, 'ops-search')

    if response.headers['content-type'].startswith('application/json'):

        # Decode total number of results.
        pointer_total_count = JsonPointer('/ops:world-patent-data/ops:biblio-search/@total-result-count')
        count_total = int(pointer_total_count.resolve(payload))

        # Raise an exception to skip caching empty results.
        if count_total == 0:
            raise NoResultsException('No results', data=payload)

        return payload
Example #37
    def __init__(self,
        self.header_files = to_list(header_files)
        self.library_file = library_file
        self.include_path = include_path or os.curdir
        self.library_path = library_path or os.curdir
        self.cache_path = cache_path or './var'

        self.include_path = os.path.abspath(self.include_path)
        self.library_path = os.path.abspath(self.library_path)

        cache_key = \
            self.include_path.replace('/', '_') + \
            u'-' + \
            u'_'.join(self.header_files) + \
        self.cache_file = os.path.join(self.cache_path, cache_key)

            'Setting up library "{}" with headers "{}", cache file is "{}"'.
            format(self.library_file, ', '.join(self.header_files),

        # holding the library essentials
        self.parser = None
        self.clib = None
        self.annotations = None

Example #38
    def _fallback_view(self, request):
        """Fallback view for this service, called when nothing else matches.

        This method provides the view logic to be executed when the request
        does not match any explicitly-defined view.  Its main responsibility
        is to produce an accurate error response, such as HTTPMethodNotAllowed
        or HTTPNotAcceptable.
        # Maybe we failed to match any definitions for the request method?
        if request.method not in self.defined_methods:
            response = HTTPMethodNotAllowed()
            response.allow = self.defined_methods
            return response
        # Maybe we failed to match an acceptable content-type?
        # First search all the definitions to find the acceptable types.
        # XXX: precalculate this like the defined_methods list?
        acceptable = []
        for api_kwargs in self.definitions:
            if api_kwargs["request_method"] != request.method:
            if "accept" in api_kwargs:
                accept = to_list(api_kwargs.get("accept"))
                acceptable.extend(a for a in accept if not callable(a))
                if "acceptable" in request.info:
                    for content_type in request.info["acceptable"]:
                        if content_type not in acceptable:
        # Now check if that was actually the source of the problem.
        if not request.accept.best_match(acceptable):
            response = HTTPNotAcceptable()
            response.content_type = "application/json"
            response.body = json.dumps(acceptable)
            return response
        # In the absence of further information about what went wrong,
        # let upstream deal with the mismatch.
        raise PredicateMismatch(self.name)
Example #39
    def _render_service(self, service):
        service_id = "service-%d" % self.env.new_serialno("service")
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])
        service_node += nodes.title(text="Service at %s" % service.path)

        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(trim(service.description))

        for method, view, args in service.definitions:
            method_id = "%s-%s" % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            docstring = trim(view.__doc__ or "") + "\n"

            if "schema" in args:
                schema = args["schema"]

                attrs_node = nodes.inline()
                for location in ("headers", "querystring", "body"):
                    attributes = schema.get_attributes(location=location)
                    if attributes:
                        attrs_node += nodes.inline(text="values in the %s" % location)
                        location_attrs = nodes.bullet_list()

                        for attr in attributes:
                            temp = nodes.list_item()
                            desc = "%s : " % attr.name

                            # Get attribute data-type
                            if hasattr(attr, "type"):
                                attr_type = attr.type
                            elif hasattr(attr, "typ"):
                                attr_type = attr.typ.__class__.__name__

                            desc += " %s, " % attr_type

                            if attr.required:
                                desc += "required "
                                desc += "optional "

                            temp += nodes.inline(text=desc)
                            location_attrs += temp

                        attrs_node += location_attrs
                method_node += attrs_node

            for validator in args.get("validators", ()):
                if validator.__doc__ is not None:
                    docstring += trim(validator.__doc__)

            if "accept" in args:
                accept = to_list(args["accept"])

                if callable(accept):
                    if accept.__doc__ is not None:
                        docstring += accept.__doc__.strip()
                    accept_node = nodes.strong(text="Accepted content types:")
                    node_accept_list = nodes.bullet_list()
                    accept_node += node_accept_list

                    for item in accept:
                        temp = nodes.list_item()
                        temp += nodes.inline(text=item)
                        node_accept_list += temp

                    method_node += accept_node

            node = rst2node(docstring)
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            renderer = args["renderer"]
            if renderer == "simplejson":
                renderer = "json"

            response = nodes.paragraph()

            response += nodes.strong(text="Response: %s" % renderer)
            method_node += response

            service_node += method_node

        return service_node
Example #40
 def _filter(attr):
     if not hasattr(attr, "location"):
         valid_location = 'body' in location
         valid_location = attr.location in to_list(location)
     return valid_location and attr.required in to_list(required)
Example #41
    def api(self, **kw):
        """Decorates a function to make it a service.

        Options can be passed to the decorator. The methods get, post, put and
        delete are aliases to this one, specifying the "request_method"
        argument for convenience.

        :param request_method: the request method. Should be one of GET, POST,
                               PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD, TRACE or CONNECT
        :param decorators: A sequence of decorators which should be applied
                           to the view callable before it's returned. Will be
                           applied in order received, i.e. the last decorator
                           in the sequence will be the outermost wrapper.

        All the constructor options, minus name and path, can be overwritten in
        view_wrapper = self.get_view_wrapper(kw)
        method = kw.get("request_method", "GET")  # default is GET
        api_kw = self.kw.copy()

        # sanitize the keyword arguments
        if "renderer" not in api_kw:
            api_kw["renderer"] = self.renderer

        if "validator" in api_kw:
            msg = "'validator' is deprecated, please use 'validators'"
            warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning)
            api_kw["validators"] = api_kw.pop("validator")

        validators = []
        validators.extend(to_list(api_kw.get("validators", [])))

        filters = []
        filters.extend(to_list(api_kw.get("filters", [])))

        # excluded validators/filters
        for item in to_list(api_kw.pop("exclude", [])):
            for items in validators, filters:
                if item in items:

        if "schema" in api_kw:
            schema = CorniceSchema.from_colander(api_kw.pop("schema"))
            self.schemas[method] = schema

        api_kw["filters"] = filters
        api_kw["validators"] = validators

        def _api(func):
            _api_kw = api_kw.copy()

            def callback(context, name, ob):
                config = context.config.with_package(info.module)
                self._define(config, method)
                config.add_apidoc((self.route_pattern, method), func, self, **_api_kw)

                view_kw = _api_kw.copy()

                for arg in _CORNICE_ARGS:
                    view_kw.pop(arg, None)

                # method decorators
                if "attr" in view_kw:

                    @functools.wraps(getattr(ob, kw["attr"]))
                    def view(request):
                        meth = getattr(ob(request), kw["attr"])
                        return meth()

                    del view_kw["attr"]
                    view = functools.partial(call_service, view, _api_kw)
                    view = functools.partial(call_service, ob, _api_kw)

                # set the module of the partial function
                setattr(view, "__module__", getattr(ob, "__module__"))

                # handle accept headers as custom predicates if needed
                if "accept" in view_kw:
                    for accept in to_list(view_kw.pop("accept", ())):
                        _view_kw = view_kw.copy()

                        predicates = view_kw.get("custom_predicates", [])
                        if callable(accept):
                            predicates.append(functools.partial(match_accept_header, accept))
                            _view_kw["custom_predicates"] = predicates
                            _view_kw["accept"] = accept
                        config.add_view(view=view, route_name=self.route_name, **_view_kw)
                    config.add_view(view=view, route_name=self.route_name, **view_kw)

            func = view_wrapper(func)
            info = venusian.attach(func, callback, category="pyramid")

            if info.scope == "class":
                # if the decorator was attached to a method in a class, or
                # otherwise executed at class scope, we need to set an
                # 'attr' into the settings if one isn't already in there
                if "attr" not in kw:
                    kw["attr"] = func.__name__

            kw["_info"] = info.codeinfo  # fbo "action_method"

            return func

        return _api
Example #42
def register_service_views(config, service):
    """Register the routes of the given service into the pyramid router.

    :param config: the pyramid configuration object that will be populated.
    :param service: the service object containing the definitions
    services = config.registry.setdefault('cornice_services', {})
    services[service.path] = service

    # keep track of the registered routes
    registered_routes = []

    # register the fallback view, which takes care of returning good error
    # messages to the user-agent
    for method, view, args in service.definitions:

        args = dict(args)  # make a copy of the dict to not modify it
        args['request_method'] = method

        decorated_view = decorate_view(view, dict(args), method)
        for item in ('filters', 'validators', 'schema', 'klass',
            if item in args:
                del args[item]

        # if acl is present, then convert it to a "factory"
        if 'acl' in args:
            args["factory"] = make_route_factory(args.pop('acl'))

        route_args = {}
        if 'factory' in args:
            route_args['factory'] = args.pop('factory')

        # register the route name with the path if it's not already done
        if service.path not in registered_routes:
            config.add_route(service.path, service.path, **route_args)

        # loop on the accept fields: we need to build custom predicate if
        # callables were passed
        if 'accept' in args:
            for accept in to_list(args.pop('accept', ())):
                predicates = args.get('custom_predicates', [])
                if callable(accept):
                    predicate_checker = functools.partial(match_accept_header,
                    args['custom_predicates'] = predicates
                    # otherwise it means that it is a "standard" accept,
                    # so add it as such.
                    args['accept'] = accept

                # We register multiple times the same view with different
                # accept / custom_predicates arguments
                config.add_view(view=decorated_view, route_name=service.path,
            # it is a simple view, we don't need to loop on the definitions
            # and just add it one time.
            config.add_view(view=decorated_view, route_name=service.path,
Example #43
 def __init__(self, bus, topic, transform, logger):
     self.bus = bus
     self.topic = topic
     self.transform = to_list(transform)
     self.log = logger or Logger()
Example #44
def ops_biblio_documents(patent):
    data = get_ops_biblio_data('publication', patent)
    documents = to_list(data['ops:world-patent-data']['exchange-documents']['exchange-document'])
    return documents
Example #45
    def _extract_operation_from_view(self, view, args):
        Extract swagger operation details from colander view definitions.

        :param view:
            View to extract information from.
        :param args:
            Arguments from the view decorator.

        :rtype: dict
        :returns: Operation definition.

        op = {
            'responses': {
                'default': {
                    'description': 'UNDOCUMENTED RESPONSE'

        # If 'produces' are not defined in the view, try get from renderers
        renderer = args.get('renderer', '')

        is_json_renderer = (
            "json" in renderer  # allows for "json" or "simplejson"
            or renderer == Service.renderer  # default renderer is json.

        if is_json_renderer:
            produces = ['application/json']
        elif renderer == 'xml':
            produces = ['text/xml']
            produces = None

        if produces:
            op.setdefault('produces', produces)

        # Get explicit accepted content-types
        consumes = args.get('content_type')

        if consumes is not None:
            # convert to a list, if it's not yet one
            consumes = to_list(consumes)

            # It is possible to add callables for content_type, so we have to
            # to filter those out, since we cannot evaluate those here.
            consumes = [x for x in consumes if not callable(x)]
            op['consumes'] = consumes

        # Get parameters from view schema
        is_colander = self._is_colander_schema(args)
        if is_colander:
            schema = self._extract_transform_colander_schema(args)
            parameters = self.parameters.from_schema(schema)
            # Bail out for now
            parameters = None
        if parameters:
            op['parameters'] = parameters

        # Get summary from docstring
        if isinstance(view, six.string_types):
            if 'klass' in args:
                ob = args['klass']
                view_ = getattr(ob, view.lower())
                docstring = trim(view_.__doc__)
            docstring = str(trim(view.__doc__))

        if docstring and self.summary_docstrings:
            op['summary'] = docstring

        # Get response definitions
        if 'response_schemas' in args:
            op['responses'] = self.responses.from_schema_mapping(

        # Get response tags
        if 'tags' in args:
            op['tags'] = args['tags']

        # Get response operationId
        if 'operation_id' in args:
            op['operationId'] = args['operation_id']

        # Get security policies
        if 'api_security' in args:
            op['security'] = args['api_security']

        return op
Example #46
def read_config(configfiles, kind=None):
    configfiles_requested = to_list(configfiles)
    config = ConfigParser()
    configfiles_used = config.read(configfiles_requested)
    settings = convert_config(config, kind=kind)
    return settings, configfiles_used
Example #47
 def _filter(attr):
     return (attr.location in to_list(location) and
             attr.required in to_list(required))
Example #48
    def _render_service(self, path, service, methods):
        env = self.state.document.settings.env
        service_id = "service-%d" % env.new_serialno('service')
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])
        service_node += nodes.title(text='Service at %s' %

        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(trim(service.description))

        for method, info in methods.items():
            method_id = '%s-%s' % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            if 'attr' in info:
                docstring = getattr(info['func'], info['attr']).__doc__ or ""
                docstring = info['func'].__doc__ or ""

            docstring = trim(docstring) + '\n'

            if method in service.schemas:
                schema = service.schemas[method]

                attrs_node = nodes.inline()
                for location in ('headers', 'querystring', 'body'):
                    attributes = schema.get_attributes(location=location)
                    if attributes:
                        attrs_node += nodes.inline(
                                text='values in the %s' % location)
                        location_attrs = nodes.bullet_list()

                        for attr in attributes:
                            temp = nodes.list_item()
                            desc = "%s : " % attr.name

                            if hasattr(attr, 'type'):
                                desc += " %s, " % attr.type

                            if attr.required:
                                desc += "required "
                                desc += "optional "

                            temp += nodes.inline(text=desc)
                            location_attrs += temp

                        attrs_node += location_attrs
                method_node += attrs_node

            if 'validators' in info:
                for validator in info['validators']:
                    if validator.__doc__ is not None:
                        if docstring is not None:
                            doc = trim(validator.__doc__)
                            docstring += '\n' + doc

            if 'accept' in info:
                accept = info['accept']

                if callable(accept):
                    if accept.__doc__ is not None:
                        docstring += accept.__doc__.strip()
                    accept = to_list(accept)

                    accept_node = nodes.strong(text='Accepted content types:')
                    node_accept_list = nodes.bullet_list()
                    accept_node += node_accept_list

                    for item in accept:
                        temp = nodes.list_item()
                        temp += nodes.inline(text=item)
                        node_accept_list += temp

                    method_node += accept_node

            node = rst2node(docstring)
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            renderer = info['renderer']
            if renderer == 'simplejson':
                renderer = 'json'

            response = nodes.paragraph()

            response += nodes.strong(text='Response: %s' % renderer)
            method_node += response

            service_node += method_node

        return service_node
Example #49
def analytics_family(query):

    payload = {}
    family_has_statistics = {}
    family_has_designated_states = {}

    # A. aggregate list of publication numbers
    # http://ops.epo.org/3.1/rest-services/published-data/search/full-cycle/?q=pa=%22MAMMUT%20SPORTS%20GROUP%20AG%22
    # TODO: step through all pages
    response = ops_published_data_search('biblio', query, '1-50')
    pointer_results = JsonPointer('/ops:world-patent-data/ops:biblio-search/ops:search-result/exchange-documents')
    pointer_family_id = JsonPointer('/exchange-document/@family-id')
    pointer_publication_reference = JsonPointer('/exchange-document/bibliographic-data/publication-reference/document-id')

    # A.1 compute distinct list with unique families
    family_representatives = {}
    results = to_list(pointer_results.resolve(response))
    for result in results:
        family_id = pointer_family_id.resolve(result)
        # TODO: currently, use first document as family representative; this could change
        if family_id not in family_representatives:
            document_id_entries = pointer_publication_reference.resolve(result)
            doc_number, date = _get_document_number_date(document_id_entries, 'epodoc')
            if doc_number:
                family_representatives[family_id] = doc_number

    # B. Enrich all family representatives
    # http://ops.epo.org/3.1/rest-services/family/application/docdb/US19288494.xml
    for family_id, document_number in family_representatives.iteritems():

        payload.setdefault(family_id, {})

        # B.1 Aggregate all family members
             family = ops_family_members(document_number)
             family_members = family.items
             payload[family_id]['family-members'] = family_members
        except Exception as ex:
            request = get_current_request()
            del request.errors[:]
            log.warn('Could not fetch OPS family for {0}'.format(document_number))

        # B.2 Use first active priority
        for family_member_raw in family.raw:
            if 'priority-claim' not in payload[family_id]:
                for priority_claim in to_list(family_member_raw['priority-claim']):
                        if priority_claim['priority-active-indicator']['$'] == 'YES':
                            prio_number, prio_date = _get_document_number_date(priority_claim['document-id'], 'docdb')
                            payload[family_id]['priority-claim'] = {'number-docdb': prio_number, 'date': prio_date}
                    except KeyError:

        # B.3 Compute word- and image-counts for EP publication
        for statistics_country in ['EP', 'WO', 'AT', 'CA', 'CH', 'GB', 'ES']:

            if family_id in family_has_statistics:

            for family_member in family_members:
                pubref_number = family_member['publication']['number-epodoc']
                if pubref_number.startswith(statistics_country):
                    statistics = {}

                    # B.3.1 get data about claims
                        claims_response = ops_claims(pubref_number)
                        pointer_claims = JsonPointer('/ops:world-patent-data/ftxt:fulltext-documents/ftxt:fulltext-document/claims')
                        claims = pointer_claims.resolve(claims_response)
                        claim_paragraphs = []
                        for part in to_list(claims['claim']['claim-text']):
                        claim_text = '\n'.join(claim_paragraphs)
                        statistics['claims-language'] = claims['@lang']
                        statistics['claims-words-first'] = len(claim_paragraphs[0].split())
                        statistics['claims-words-total'] = len(claim_text.split())
                        statistics['claims-count'] = len(claim_paragraphs)

                    except Exception as ex:
                        request = get_current_request()
                        del request.errors[:]
                        log.warn('Could not fetch OPS claims for {0}'.format(pubref_number))

                    # B.3.2 get data about description
                        description_response = ops_description(pubref_number)
                        pointer_description = JsonPointer('/ops:world-patent-data/ftxt:fulltext-documents/ftxt:fulltext-document/description')
                        descriptions = pointer_description.resolve(description_response)
                        description_paragraphs = []
                        for part in to_list(descriptions['p']):
                        description_text = '\n'.join(description_paragraphs)
                        statistics['description-words-total'] = len(description_text.split())

                    except Exception as ex:
                        request = get_current_request()
                        del request.errors[:]
                        log.warn('Could not fetch OPS description for {0}'.format(pubref_number))

                    if statistics:

                        # B.3.3 get data about image count
                            pubref_number_docdb = family_member['publication']['number-docdb']
                            imginfo = inquire_images(pubref_number_docdb)
                            statistics['drawings-count'] = imginfo['META']['drawing-total-count']

                        except Exception as ex:
                            request = get_current_request()
                            del request.errors[:]

                        family_member['statistics'] = statistics
                        family_has_statistics[family_id] = True

        # B.4 compute designated states
        pointer_designated_states = JsonPointer('/ops:world-patent-data/ops:register-search/reg:register-documents/reg:register-document/reg:bibliographic-data/reg:designation-of-states')
        for country in ['EP', 'WO']:

            if family_id in family_has_designated_states:

            for family_member in family_members:
                pubref_number = family_member['publication']['number-epodoc']
                if pubref_number.startswith(country):
                        reginfo_payload = ops_register('publication', pubref_number, 'biblio')
                        request = get_current_request()
                        del request.errors[:]
                        log.warn('Could not fetch OPS register information for {0}'.format(pubref_number))

                    designated_states_list = pointer_designated_states.resolve(reginfo_payload)
                    designated_states_info = to_list(designated_states_list)[0]
                        regional_info = designated_states_info['reg:designation-pct']['reg:regional']
                        family_member.setdefault('register', {})
                        family_member['register']['designated-states'] = {
                            'gazette-num': designated_states_info['@change-gazette-num'],
                            'region': regional_info['reg:region']['reg:country']['$'],
                            'countries': list(_flatten_ops_json_list(regional_info['reg:country'])),
                        family_has_designated_states[family_id] = True

                    except Exception as ex:
                        log.error('Retrieving designated states for {0} failed.'.format(pubref_number))

    return payload
Example #50
    def api(self, **kw):
        """Decorates a function to make it a service.

        Options can be passed to the decorator. The methods get, post, put and
        delete are aliases to this one, specifying the "request_method"
        argument for convenience.

        ;param request_method: the request method. Should be one of GET, POST,
                               PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD, TRACE or CONNECT

        All the constructor options, minus name and path, can be overwritten in
        method = kw.get('request_method', 'GET')  # default is GET
        api_kw = self.kw.copy()

        # sanitize the keyword arguments
        if 'renderer' not in api_kw:
            api_kw['renderer'] = self.renderer

        if 'validator' in api_kw:
            msg = "'validator' is deprecated, please use 'validators'"
            warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning)
            api_kw['validators'] = api_kw.pop('validator')

        validators = []
        validators.extend(to_list(api_kw.get('validators', [])))

        filters = []
        filters.extend(to_list(api_kw.get('filters', [])))

        # excluded validators/filters
        for item in to_list(api_kw.pop('exclude', [])):
            for items in validators, filters:
                if item in items:

        if 'schema' in api_kw:
            schema = CorniceSchema.from_colander(api_kw.pop('schema'))
            self.schemas[method] = schema

        api_kw['filters'] = filters
        api_kw['validators'] = validators

        def _api(func):
            _api_kw = api_kw.copy()
            self.definitions[method] = _api_kw.copy()

            def callback(context, name, ob):
                config = context.config.with_package(info.module)
                self._define(config, method)
                config.add_apidoc((self.route_pattern, method), func, self,

                view_kw = _api_kw.copy()

                for arg in _CORNICE_ARGS:
                    view_kw.pop(arg, None)

                # method decorators
                if 'attr' in view_kw:

                    @functools.wraps(getattr(ob, kw['attr']))
                    def view(request):
                        meth = getattr(ob(request), kw['attr'])
                        return meth()

                    del view_kw['attr']
                    view = functools.partial(call_service, view,
                    view = functools.partial(call_service, ob,

                # set the module of the partial function
                setattr(view, '__module__', getattr(ob, '__module__'))

                # handle accept headers as custom predicates if needed
                if 'accept' in view_kw:
                    for accept in to_list(view_kw.pop('accept', ())):
                        _view_kw = view_kw.copy()

                        predicates = view_kw.get('custom_predicates', [])
                        if callable(accept):
                            _view_kw['custom_predicates'] = predicates
                            _view_kw['accept'] = accept
                        config.add_view(view=view, route_name=self.route_name,
                    config.add_view(view=view, route_name=self.route_name,

            info = venusian.attach(func, callback, depth=self.depth, category='pyramid')

            if info.scope == 'class':
                # if the decorator was attached to a method in a class, or
                # otherwise executed at class scope, we need to set an
                # 'attr' into the settings if one isn't already in there
                if 'attr' not in kw:
                    kw['attr'] = func.__name__

            kw['_info'] = info.codeinfo   # fbo "action_method"

            return func
        return _api
Example #51
    def _render_service(self, service):
        service_id = "service-%d" % self.env.new_serialno('service')
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])

        title = '%s service at %s' % (service.name.title(), service.path)
        title = title.replace('Collection_', '')
        service_node += nodes.title(text=title)

        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(trim(service.description))

        for method, view, args in service.definitions:
            if method == 'HEAD':
                # Skip head - this is essentially duplicating the get docs.
            if method in self.options.get('ignore-methods', []):
            method_id = '%s-%s' % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            if is_string(view):
                if 'klass' in args:
                    ob = args['klass']
                    view_ = getattr(ob, view.lower())
                    docstring = trim(view_.__doc__ or "") + '\n'
                docstring = trim(view.__doc__ or "") + '\n'

            print('Replacing BIMT strings with app strings in API docstrings.')
            docstring = docstring.replace(
                'BIMT', self.options.get('app-title', 'BIMT'))
            docstring = docstring.replace(
                'http://localhost:8080', self.options.get('app-url', 'http://localhost:8080'))  # noqa

            attrs_node = None
            if 'schema' in args:
                schema = args['schema']

                attrs_node = nodes.inline()
                for location in ('header', 'querystring', 'body'):
                    attributes = schema.get_attributes(location=location)
                    if attributes:
                        attrs_node += nodes.inline(
                            text='Values in the %s:' % location)
                        location_attrs = nodes.bullet_list()

                        for attr in attributes:
                            temp = nodes.list_item()

                            # check for permissions
                            column_name = attr.name
                            if column_name == 'version':
                                column_name = 'v'
                            elif column_name == 'created':
                                column_name = 'c'
                            elif column_name == 'modified':
                                column_name = 'm'

                            # find attr in SQLAlchemy table definition and
                            # check that it has view permission
                            if not getattr(args['klass'], 'model', None):
                            columns = args['klass'].model.__table__.columns
                            if column_name in columns.keys():
                                info = getattr(columns[column_name], 'info', None)
                                permission = info.get('colanderalchemy', {}).get('view_permission')
                                if permission != BimtPermissions.view:

                            # Get attribute data-type
                            if hasattr(attr, 'type'):
                                attr_type = attr.type
                            elif hasattr(attr, 'typ'):
                                attr_type = attr.typ.__class__.__name__
                                attr_type = None

                            temp += nodes.strong(text=attr.name)
                            if attr_type is not None:
                                temp += nodes.inline(text=' (%s)' % attr_type)
                            if not attr.required or attr.description:
                                temp += nodes.inline(text=' - ')
                                if not attr.required:
                                    if attr.missing is not None and \
                                            not isinstance(attr.missing, colander._drop):
                                        default = json.dumps(attr.missing)
                                        temp += nodes.inline(
                                            text='(default: %s) ' % default)
                                        temp += nodes.inline(
                                            text='(optional) ')
                                if attr.description:
                                    temp += nodes.inline(text=attr.description)

                            location_attrs += temp

                        attrs_node += location_attrs

            for validator in args.get('validators', ()):
                if validator.__doc__ is not None:
                    docstring += trim(validator.__doc__)

            accept_node = False
            if 'accept' in args:
                accept = to_list(args['accept'])

                if callable(accept):
                    if accept.__doc__ is not None:
                        docstring += accept.__doc__.strip()
                elif len(accept) == 1:
                    accept_node = nodes.strong(
                        text='Accepted content type: {}'.format(accept[0]))
                    accept_node = nodes.strong(text='Accepted content types:')
                    node_accept_list = nodes.bullet_list()
                    accept_node += node_accept_list

                    for item in accept:
                        temp = nodes.list_item()
                        temp += nodes.inline(text=item)
                        node_accept_list += temp

            node = rst2node(docstring)
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            if attrs_node:
                method_node += attrs_node

            if accept_node:
                method_node += accept_node

            renderer = args['renderer']
            if renderer == 'simplejson':
                renderer = 'json'

            response = nodes.paragraph()

            response += nodes.strong(text='Response: %s' % renderer)
            method_node += response

            service_node += method_node

        return service_node
Example #52
def register_service_views(config, service):
    """Register the routes of the given service into the pyramid router.

    :param config: the pyramid configuration object that will be populated.
    :param service: the service object containing the definitions
    services = config.registry.setdefault('cornice_services', {})
    services[service.path] = service

    # keep track of the registered routes
    registered_routes = []

    # before doing anything else, register a view for the OPTIONS method
    # if we need to
    if service.cors_enabled and 'OPTIONS' not in service.defined_methods:
        service.add_view('options', view=get_cors_preflight_view(service))

    # register the fallback view, which takes care of returning good error
    # messages to the user-agent
    cors_validator = get_cors_validator(service)
    cors_filter = get_cors_filter(service)

    for method, view, args in service.definitions:

        args = copy.deepcopy(args)  # make a copy of the dict to not modify it
        args['request_method'] = method

        if service.cors_enabled:
            args['validators'].insert(0, cors_validator)

        decorated_view = decorate_view(view, dict(args), method)

        for item in ('filters', 'validators', 'schema', 'klass',
                     'error_handler') + CORS_PARAMETERS:
            if item in args:
                del args[item]

        # if acl is present, then convert it to a "factory"
        if 'acl' in args:
            args["factory"] = make_route_factory(args.pop('acl'))

        route_args = {}
        if 'factory' in args:
            route_args['factory'] = args.pop('factory')

        # register the route name with the path if it's not already done
        if service.path not in registered_routes:
            config.add_route(service.path, service.path, **route_args)

        # loop on the accept fields: we need to build custom predicate if
        # callables were passed
        if 'accept' in args:
            for accept in to_list(args.pop('accept', ())):
                predicates = args.get('custom_predicates', [])
                if callable(accept):
                    predicate_checker = functools.partial(match_accept_header,
                    args['custom_predicates'] = predicates
                    # otherwise it means that it is a "standard" accept,
                    # so add it as such.
                    args['accept'] = accept

                # We register multiple times the same view with different
                # accept / custom_predicates arguments
                config.add_view(view=decorated_view, route_name=service.path,
            # it is a simple view, we don't need to loop on the definitions
            # and just add it one time.
            config.add_view(view=decorated_view, route_name=service.path,
Example #53
    def _render_service(self, service):
        service_id = "service-%d" % self.env.new_serialno('service')
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])

        title = '%s service at %s' % (service.name.title(), service.path)
        service_node += nodes.title(text=title)

        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(trim(service.description))

        for method, view, args in service.definitions:
            if method == 'HEAD':
                #Skip head - this is essentially duplicating the get docs.
            method_id = '%s-%s' % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            if is_string(view):
                if 'klass' in args:
                    ob = args['klass']
                    view_ = getattr(ob, view.lower())
                    docstring = trim(view_.__doc__ or "") + '\n'
                docstring = trim(view.__doc__ or "") + '\n'

            if 'schema' in args:
                schema = args['schema']

                attrs_node = nodes.inline()
                for location in ('header', 'querystring', 'body'):
                    attributes = schema.get_attributes(location=location)
                    if attributes:
                        attrs_node += nodes.inline(
                                text='values in the %s' % location)
                        location_attrs = nodes.bullet_list()

                        for attr in attributes:
                            temp = nodes.list_item()
                            desc = "%s : " % attr.name

                            # Get attribute data-type
                            if hasattr(attr, 'type'):
                                attr_type = attr.type
                            elif hasattr(attr, 'typ'):
                                attr_type = attr.typ.__class__.__name__

                            desc += " %s, " % attr_type

                            if attr.required:
                                desc += "required "
                                desc += "optional "

                            temp += nodes.inline(text=desc)
                            location_attrs += temp

                        attrs_node += location_attrs
                method_node += attrs_node

            for validator in args.get('validators', ()):
                if validator.__doc__ is not None:
                    docstring += trim(validator.__doc__)

            if 'accept' in args:
                accept = to_list(args['accept'])

                if callable(accept):
                    if accept.__doc__ is not None:
                        docstring += accept.__doc__.strip()
                    accept_node = nodes.strong(text='Accepted content types:')
                    node_accept_list = nodes.bullet_list()
                    accept_node += node_accept_list

                    for item in accept:
                        temp = nodes.list_item()
                        temp += nodes.inline(text=item)
                        node_accept_list += temp

                    method_node += accept_node

            node = rst2node(docstring)
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            renderer = args['renderer']
            if renderer == 'simplejson':
                renderer = 'json'

            response = nodes.paragraph()

            response += nodes.strong(text='Response: %s' % renderer)
            method_node += response

            service_node += method_node

        return service_node
Example #54
    def _render_service(self, service):
        service_id = "service-%d" % self.env.new_serialno('service')
        service_node = nodes.section(ids=[service_id])

        title = '%s service at %s' % (service.name.title(), service.path)
        service_node += nodes.title(text=title)

        if service.description is not None:
            service_node += rst2node(trim(service.description))

        for method, view, args in service.definitions:
            if method == 'HEAD':
                #Skip head - this is essentially duplicating the get docs.
            method_id = '%s-%s' % (service_id, method)
            method_node = nodes.section(ids=[method_id])
            method_node += nodes.title(text=method)

            if is_string(view):
                if 'klass' in args:
                    ob = args['klass']
                    view_ = getattr(ob, view.lower())
                    docstring = trim(view_.__doc__ or "") + '\n'
                docstring = trim(view.__doc__ or "") + '\n'

            if 'schema' in args:
                schema = args['schema']

                attrs_node = nodes.inline()
                for location in ('header', 'querystring', 'body'):
                    attributes = schema.get_attributes(location=location)
                    if attributes:
                        attrs_node += nodes.inline(text='values in the %s' %
                        location_attrs = nodes.bullet_list()

                        for attr in attributes:
                            temp = nodes.list_item()
                            desc = "%s : " % attr.name

                            # Get attribute data-type
                            if hasattr(attr, 'type'):
                                attr_type = attr.type
                            elif hasattr(attr, 'typ'):
                                attr_type = attr.typ.__class__.__name__

                            desc += " %s, " % attr_type

                            if attr.required:
                                desc += "required "
                                desc += "optional "

                            temp += nodes.inline(text=desc)
                            location_attrs += temp

                        attrs_node += location_attrs
                method_node += attrs_node

            for validator in args.get('validators', ()):
                if validator.__doc__ is not None:
                    docstring += trim(validator.__doc__)

            if 'accept' in args:
                accept = to_list(args['accept'])

                if callable(accept):
                    if accept.__doc__ is not None:
                        docstring += accept.__doc__.strip()
                    accept_node = nodes.strong(text='Accepted content types:')
                    node_accept_list = nodes.bullet_list()
                    accept_node += node_accept_list

                    for item in accept:
                        temp = nodes.list_item()
                        temp += nodes.inline(text=item)
                        node_accept_list += temp

                    method_node += accept_node

            node = rst2node(docstring)
            if node is not None:
                method_node += node

            renderer = args['renderer']
            if renderer == 'simplejson':
                renderer = 'json'

            response = nodes.paragraph()

            response += nodes.strong(text='Response: %s' % renderer)
            method_node += response

            service_node += method_node

        return service_node
Example #55
def results_swap_family_members(response):

    #pointer_results = JsonPointer('/ops:world-patent-data/ops:biblio-search/ops:search-result/ops:publication-reference')
    #entries = pointer_results.resolve(results)

    publication_numbers = []

    # DE, EP..B, WO, EP..A2, EP..A3, EP, US
    priorities = [
        {'filter': lambda patent: patent.country.startswith('DE') and not patent.kind.startswith('D1')},
        {'filter': lambda patent: patent.country.startswith('EP') and patent.kind.startswith('B')},
        {'filter': 'WO'},
        {'filter': lambda patent: patent.country.startswith('EP') and patent.kind.startswith('A')},
        {'filter': 'EP'},
        {'filter': 'US'},

    def match_filter(item, filter):
        if callable(filter):
            patent = split_patent_number(item)
            outcome = filter(patent)
            outcome = item.startswith(filter)
        return outcome

    pointer_results = JsonPointer('/ops:world-patent-data/ops:biblio-search/ops:search-result/exchange-documents')
    pointer_publication_reference = JsonPointer('/bibliographic-data/publication-reference/document-id')
    #pointer_publication_reference = JsonPointer('/exchange-document/bibliographic-data/publication-reference/document-id')

    # A.1 compute distinct list with unique families
    family_representatives = {}
    chunks = to_list(pointer_results.resolve(response))
    all_results = []
    for chunk in chunks:

        #print 'chunk:', chunk

        # Prepare list of document cycles
        #chunk_results = to_list(pointer_publication_reference.resolve(chunk))
        cycles = to_list(chunk['exchange-document'])

        # Publication number of first cycle in EPODOC format
        representation = cycles[0]
        pubref = pointer_publication_reference.resolve(representation)
        representation_pubref_epodoc, _ = _get_document_number_date(pubref, 'epodoc')

        # All publication numbers in DOCDB format
        representation_pubrefs_docdb = []
        for cycle in cycles:
            pubref = pointer_publication_reference.resolve(cycle)
            representation_pubref_docdb, _ = _get_document_number_date(pubref, 'docdb')

        # Debugging
        #print 'representation_pubref_epodoc:', representation_pubref_epodoc
        #print 'representation_pubrefs_docdb:', representation_pubrefs_docdb

        # Fetch family members. When failing, use first cycle as representation.
            family_info = ops_family_members(representation_pubref_epodoc)
            log.warning('Failed to fetch family information for %s', representation_pubref_epodoc)
            chunk['exchange-document'] = representation
            request = get_current_request()
            del request.errors[:]

        #members = family_info.publications_by_country()

        # Find replacement from list of family members controlled by priority list.
        for prio in priorities:

            filter = prio['filter']

            # Debugging
            #print 'checking prio:', filter

            if match_filter(representation_pubref_epodoc, filter):

            bibdata = None
            found = False
            for member in family_info.items:

                # Debugging
                #print 'member:'; pprint(member)

                member_pubnum = member['publication']['number-docdb']

                if match_filter(member_pubnum, filter):

                    # Debugging
                    #print 'Filter matched for member:', member_pubnum

                        bibdata = ops_biblio_documents(member_pubnum)
                        #log.warning('Fetching bibliographic data failed for %s', member_pubnum)
                        request = get_current_request()
                        del request.errors[:]

                    if bibdata:

                        # TODO: Add marker that this document was swapped, display appropriately.
                        found = True

            # Swap representation of document by appropriate family member
            # and set a marker in the data structure containing the original
            # document number(s).
            if found:

                representation = bibdata
                #print 'representation:'; pprint(representation)

                representation[0].setdefault('__meta__', {})
                representation[0]['__meta__']['swapped'] = {
                    'canonical': representation_pubrefs_docdb[0],
                    'list': [representation_pubref_epodoc] + representation_pubrefs_docdb,


        # TODO: Here, duplicate documents might be. Prune/deduplicate them.
        # TODO: When choosing german family members (e.g. for EP666666), abstract is often missing.
        # TODO: => Carry along from original representation.

        for result in cycles:
            pubref = pointer_publication_reference.resolve(result)
            #print entry, pubref
            pubref_number, pubref_date = _get_document_number_date(pubref, 'docdb')

        chunk['exchange-document'] = representation

    # Filter duplicates
    seen = []
    results = []
    fields = ['@country', '@doc-number', '@kind', '@family-id']
    for chunk in chunks:

        # Prepare list of document cycles.
        cycles = to_list(chunk['exchange-document'])

        # Only look at first cycle slot.
        doc = cycles[0]

        # Compute unique document identifier.
        ident = {}
        for key in fields:
            ident[key] = doc[key]

        # Collect chunk if not seen yet.
        if ident in seen:

    # Overwrite reduced list of chunks in original DOM.
    pointer_results.set(response, results)

    return publication_numbers