Example #1
def get_mean_powers(r, c):
    Get autocorrelation powers from redis
    and scale them appropriately.
    # find indices of correlation matrices representing autos
    corr_conf = c['Configuration']['correlator']['hardcoded']
    bl_order = sim.get_bl_order(corr_conf['n_ants'])
    n_bls = len(bl_order)
    auto_indices = np.zeros(corr_conf['n_ants'])
    for bn, bl in enumerate(bl_order):
        if bl[0] == bl[1]:
            auto_indices[bl[0]] = bn
    # get current data and store as numpy array
    data, ts = r.hmget('RECEIVER:xeng_raw0', ['val', 'timestamp'])
    n_chans = c['FEngine']['n_chans']
    ts = float(ts)
    data_c = np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.int32).reshape(
        [corr_conf['n_bands'] * n_chans, n_bls, 1, 2])
    # carve out the autos
    autos = np.zeros([corr_conf['n_ants'], corr_conf['n_bands'] * n_chans],
    for an, auto_index in enumerate(auto_indices):
        autos[an] = data_c[:, auto_index, 0, 1] / c['XEngine'][
            'acc_len'] / corr_conf[
                'window_len']  #This is scaled relative to a correlator input between +/-7
    return autos
Example #2
    def parse_config_file(self):
        Parse the instance's config file, saving some parameters as attributes
        for easy access.
        This method is automatically called on object instantiation.
        #some common params
        self.n_ants  = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['hardcoded']['n_ants']
        self.n_bands = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['hardcoded']['n_bands']
        self.n_inputs= self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['hardcoded']['inputs_per_board']
        self.n_chans = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['hardcoded']['n_chans']
        self.n_pols  = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['hardcoded']['n_pols']
        self.output_format  = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['hardcoded']['output_format']
        self.data_path  = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['runtime']['data_path']
        self.adc_clk  = float(self.config['FEngine']['adc_clk'] * 1e6)
        self.lo_freq  = self.config['FEngine']['mix_freq']
        self.f_n_chans  = self.config['FEngine']['n_chans']
        self.x_acc_len = self.config['XEngine']['acc_len']
        self.n_bls = (self.n_ants * (self.n_ants + 1))/2
        self.bl_order = sim.get_bl_order(self.n_ants)

        self.roaches = set([node['host'] for node in self.config['FEngine']['nodes']+self.config['XEngine']['nodes']])

        #shortcuts to sections
        self.c_testing = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['runtime']['testing']
        self.c_correlator = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['runtime']
        self.c_correlator_hard = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['hardcoded']
        self.c_global = self.config['Configuration']
        self.c_antennas = self.config['Antennas']
        self.c_array = self.config['Array']

        # other useful vars
        self.window_len = self.c_correlator_hard['window_len']
        self.sync_clocks= self.c_correlator_hard['sync_period']*16 #measured in ADC clocks
        self.sync_period = self.sync_clocks / self.adc_clk
        self.acc_samples = self.x_acc_len * self.c_correlator_hard['window_len'] * self.f_n_chans * 2
        self.acc_time = self.acc_samples / self.adc_clk

        # some debugging / info
        self._logger.info("ROACHes are %r"%self.roaches)
        # ant array shortcuts
        self.array_lon = self.c_array['lon']
        self.array_lat = self.c_array['lat']
        self.ant_locs = [[0., 0., 0.] for a in self.c_antennas]
        for ant in self.c_antennas:
            self.ant_locs[ant['ant']] = ant['loc'] #this way the ants don't have to be in order in the config file

        self.array = antenna_functions.AntArray((self.array_lat, self.array_lon), self.ant_locs)
Example #3
def get_expected_output(n_ants=16):
    Generate the correlation matrix based on the
    test vectors specified in firmware.
    bl_order = sim.get_bl_order(n_ants)  # Get a list of antenna pairs
    n_bls = len(bl_order)
    oput = np.zeros([4096, n_bls, 4],
                    dtype=np.complex128)  # n_chans * n_baselines * n_stokes
    iput = np.zeros(
        [n_ants, 2, 4096],
        dtype=np.complex128)  # n_antennas * n_polarizations * n_chans
    # First generate the inputs
    # y pol first.
    counter = np.arange(4096)
    im = counter & 0xf
    re = (counter >> 4) & 0xf
    # convert to 2's complement binary
    re[re > 7] -= 16
    im[im > 7] -= 16
    # vectors are the same for all antennas
    for ant in range(n_ants):
        iput[ant, 1, :] = re + 1j * im

    # xpol
    im = (counter >> 8) & 0xf
    # convert to 2's complement binary
    im[im > 7] -= 16
    # xpol -- odd numbered antennas (i.e., second input of each ROACH) have 1 in real part
    for ant in range(n_ants):
        if ant % 2 == 0:
            iput[ant, 0, :] = 0 + 1j * im
        elif ant % 2 == 1:
            iput[ant, 0, :] = 1 + 1j * im

    # compute correlation matrix
    for bn, bl in enumerate(bl_order):
        oput[:, bn, 0] = iput[bl[0], 0] * np.conj(iput[bl[1], 0])  #XX
        oput[:, bn, 1] = iput[bl[0], 1] * np.conj(iput[bl[1], 1])  #YY
        oput[:, bn, 2] = iput[bl[0], 0] * np.conj(iput[bl[1], 1])  #XY
        oput[:, bn, 3] = iput[bl[0], 1] * np.conj(iput[bl[1], 0])  #YX

    return oput
Example #4
def get_expected_output(n_ants=16):
    Generate the correlation matrix based on the
    test vectors specified in firmware.
    bl_order = sim.get_bl_order(n_ants) # Get a list of antenna pairs
    n_bls = len(bl_order)
    oput = np.zeros([4096, n_bls, 4], dtype=np.complex128) # n_chans * n_baselines * n_stokes
    iput = np.zeros([n_ants, 2, 4096], dtype=np.complex128) # n_antennas * n_polarizations * n_chans
    # First generate the inputs
    # y pol first.
    counter = np.arange(4096)
    im = counter&0xf
    re = (counter>>4)&0xf
    # convert to 2's complement binary
    re[re>7] -= 16
    im[im>7] -= 16
    # vectors are the same for all antennas
    for ant in range(n_ants):
        iput[ant, 1, :] = re + 1j*im

    # xpol
    im = (counter>>8) & 0xf
    # convert to 2's complement binary
    im[im>7] -= 16
    # xpol -- odd numbered antennas (i.e., second input of each ROACH) have 1 in real part
    for ant in range(n_ants):
        if ant % 2 == 0:
            iput[ant, 0, :] = 0 + 1j*im
        elif ant % 2 == 1:
            iput[ant, 0, :] = 1 + 1j*im

    # compute correlation matrix
    for bn,bl in enumerate(bl_order):
        oput[:, bn, 0] = iput[bl[0],0] * np.conj(iput[bl[1],0]) #XX
        oput[:, bn, 1] = iput[bl[0],1] * np.conj(iput[bl[1],1]) #YY
        oput[:, bn, 2] = iput[bl[0],0] * np.conj(iput[bl[1],1]) #XY
        oput[:, bn, 3] = iput[bl[0],1] * np.conj(iput[bl[1],0]) #YX

    return oput
def get_mean_powers(r, c):
    Get autocorrelation powers from redis
    and scale them appropriately.
    # find indices of correlation matrices representing autos
    corr_conf = c['Configuration']['correlator']['hardcoded']
    bl_order = sim.get_bl_order(corr_conf['n_ants'])
    n_bls = len(bl_order)
    auto_indices = np.zeros(corr_conf['n_ants'])
    for bn, bl in enumerate(bl_order):
        if bl[0] == bl[1]:
            auto_indices[bl[0]] = bn
    # get current data and store as numpy array
    data, ts = r.hmget('RECEIVER:xeng_raw0', ['val', 'timestamp'])
    n_chans = c['FEngine']['n_chans']
    ts = float(ts)
    data_c = np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.int32).reshape([corr_conf['n_bands'] * n_chans, n_bls, 1, 2])
    # carve out the autos
    autos = np.zeros([corr_conf['n_ants'], corr_conf['n_bands'] * n_chans], dtype=np.float32)
    for an, auto_index in enumerate(auto_indices):
        autos[an] = data_c[:, auto_index, 0, 1] / c['XEngine']['acc_len'] / corr_conf['window_len'] #This is scaled relative to a correlator input between +/-7
    return autos
Example #6
    def parse_config_file(self):
        Parse the instance's config file, saving some parameters as attributes
        for easy access.
        This method is automatically called on object instantiation.
        #some common params
        self.n_ants = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['hardcoded'][
        self.n_bands = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['hardcoded'][
        self.n_inputs = self.config['Configuration']['correlator'][
        self.n_chans = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['hardcoded'][
        self.n_pols = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['hardcoded'][
        self.output_format = self.config['Configuration']['correlator'][
        self.data_path = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['runtime'][
        self.adc_clk = float(self.config['FEngine']['adc_clk'] * 1e6)
        self.lo_freq = self.config['FEngine']['mix_freq']
        self.f_n_chans = self.config['FEngine']['n_chans']
        self.x_acc_len = self.config['XEngine']['acc_len']
        self.n_bls = (self.n_ants * (self.n_ants + 1)) / 2
        self.bl_order = sim.get_bl_order(self.n_ants)

        self.roaches = set([
            node['host'] for node in self.config['FEngine']['nodes'] +

        #shortcuts to sections
        self.c_testing = self.config['Configuration']['correlator']['runtime'][
        self.c_correlator = self.config['Configuration']['correlator'][
        self.c_correlator_hard = self.config['Configuration']['correlator'][
        self.c_global = self.config['Configuration']
        self.c_antennas = self.config['Antennas']
        self.c_array = self.config['Array']

        # other useful vars
        self.window_len = self.c_correlator_hard['window_len']
        self.sync_clocks = self.c_correlator_hard[
            'sync_period'] * 16  #measured in ADC clocks
        self.sync_period = self.sync_clocks / self.adc_clk
        self.acc_samples = self.x_acc_len * self.c_correlator_hard[
            'window_len'] * self.f_n_chans * 2
        self.acc_time = self.acc_samples / self.adc_clk

        # some debugging / info
        self._logger.info("ROACHes are %r" % self.roaches)

        # ant array shortcuts
        self.array_lon = self.c_array['lon']
        self.array_lat = self.c_array['lat']
        self.ant_locs = [[0., 0., 0.] for a in self.c_antennas]
        for ant in self.c_antennas:
            self.ant_locs[ant['ant']] = ant[
                'loc']  #this way the ants don't have to be in order in the config file

        self.array = antenna_functions.AntArray(
            (self.array_lat, self.array_lon), self.ant_locs)
Example #7
    help="Maximum number of packets to read (per pcap files). Default:100000")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

if opts.reorder:
    #rel_order[x] = y -> the channel labelled x really y
    # i.e. real_channel = rel_order[channel_label]
    rel_order = get_rel_order()
    rel_order = range(4096)

bl_order = sim.get_bl_order(16)

limit = opts.npackets

hdr_len = 42 + 88
# we only capture 1000 bytes per packet --
# header is 42+88 bytes => 870 bytes data
# => 108 complex values
# => 27 dual-pol baselines (+ some leftover)
n_bls = 27
#n_bls = 16*17/2 * 4

n_windows = 100
packet_cnts = np.zeros(n_windows)
time_slots = np.ones(n_windows) * -1
spectra = np.ones([n_windows, 4096, n_bls * 4], dtype=complex) * 2**31
Example #8
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] pcap_file1 pcap_file2 ...')
parser.add_option("-r", "--reorder", dest="reorder", action="store_true", default=False,
                  help="Use this flag to reorder frequency channels based on a known firmware issue. This issue was fixed in firmware version eovsa_corr_2016_Feb_20_1600.bof. This option should be unnecessary for pcap files generated with this, or later, firmware.")
parser.add_option("-p", "--npackets", dest="npackets", type="int", default=100000,
                  help="Maximum number of packets to read (per pcap files). Default:100000")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

if opts.reorder:
    #rel_order[x] = y -> the channel labelled x really y
    # i.e. real_channel = rel_order[channel_label]
    rel_order = get_rel_order()
    rel_order = range(4096)

bl_order = sim.get_bl_order(16)

limit = opts.npackets

hdr_len = 42+88
# we only capture 1000 bytes per packet --
# header is 42+88 bytes => 870 bytes data
# => 108 complex values
# => 27 dual-pol baselines (+ some leftover)
n_bls = 27
#n_bls = 16*17/2 * 4

n_windows = 100
packet_cnts = np.zeros(n_windows)
time_slots = np.ones(n_windows) * -1
spectra = np.ones([n_windows, 4096, n_bls*4], dtype=complex)*2**31