h=f.readline().strip().split(",") # Initialize 53 empty lists s=[] for i in range(53): s.append([]) # Loop over the remaining lines for l in f: # Create a list by separating the line at commas d=l.split(",") # Store the 53 entries in the line to each relevant list for i in range(53): s[i].append(d[i]) # Close the file f.close() # Check correlations with Massachusetts score q=[] for i in range(2,53): q.append((h[i],correl(s[i],s[1]))) # Sort the list p=sorted(q, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # Formatted output for j in p: print "%20s : %7.5f" % j
# Close the file f.close() c = [] #Initialize 51 empty lists for i in range(51): c.append([]) #Iterate over all of the lists calculating correlations # between each pair of states for i in range(2,53): for j in range(2,53): if (i != j): c[i - 2].append((h[j],correl(s[i],s[j]))) # Sort the lists for i in range(51): t = sorted(c[i], key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) #for now I only want the top 3 for each state p = t[:3] #list of 3 tuples for k in range(3): [name, r] = p[k] v = h.index(name) - 2 p[k] = [v , r] c[i] = p # http://www.cdc.gov/flu/fluvaxview/reports/reporti1213/reporti/index.htm