Example #1
def before_request():
	"""This function is run before the request is handled by Flask. It is used
	to connect to MySQL and Redis, and to tell old Internet Explorer versions
	to go away.

	# Check for MSIE version <= 10.0
	if (request.user_agent.browser == "msie" and int(round(float(request.user_agent.version))) <= 10):
		return render_template('foad.html')

	# Connect to redis
		g.redis = redis.StrictRedis(host=app.config['REDIS_HOST'], port=app.config['REDIS_PORT'], db=0)
		g.redis.get('foo') # it doesnt matter that this key doesnt exist, its just to force a test call to redis.
	except Exception as ex:
		return fatalerr(message='Cortex could not connect to the REDIS server')

	# Connect to database
		g.db = mysql.connect(host=app.config['MYSQL_HOST'], port=app.config['MYSQL_PORT'], user=app.config['MYSQL_USER'], passwd=app.config['MYSQL_PASS'], db=app.config['MYSQL_NAME'], charset="utf8")
	except Exception as ex:
		return fatalerr(message='Cortex could not connect to the MariaDB server')

	# This would ideally go in app.py, but it can't as it depends on 
	# cortex.lib.user which it can't import due to a cyclic dependency
	app.jinja_env.globals['does_user_have_permission'] = does_user_have_permission
	app.jinja_env.globals['does_user_have_system_permission'] = does_user_have_system_permission
Example #2
def error500(error):
	# Record the error in the log

	# Return a standard error page		
	return stderr("Internal Error","An internal server error occured",500)
Example #3
def error_handler(error):
    """Handles generic exceptions within the application, displaying the
	traceback if the application is running in debug mode."""

    # Record the error in the log

    ## If we're handling a workflow view handler we don't need to show the fatal
    ## error screen, instead we'll use a standard error screen. the fatal error
    ## screen exists in case a flaw occurs which prevents rendering of the
    ## layout - but that can't happen with a workflow.
    if 'workflow' in g:
        if g.workflow:
            app.logger.warn("Workflow error occured")
            return stderr(
                "Workflow error",
                "An error occured in the workflow function - " +
                type(error).__name__ + ": " + str(error))

    # Get the traceback
    if app.debug:
        debug = traceback.format_exc()
        debug = "Ask your system administrator to consult the error log for this application."

    # Output a fatal error
    return fatalerr(debug=debug)
Example #4
def error500(error):

    # Record the error in the log

    # Return a standard error page
    return stderr("Internal Error", "An internal server error occured", 500)
Example #5
def before_request():
	"""This function is run before the request is handled by Flask. It is used
	to connect to MySQL and Redis, and to tell old Internet Explorer versions
	to go away.

	# Check for MSIE version <= 10.0
	if (request.user_agent.browser == "msie" and int(round(float(request.user_agent.version))) <= 10):
		return render_template('foad.html')

	# Connect to redis
		g.redis = redis.StrictRedis(host=app.config['REDIS_HOST'], port=app.config['REDIS_PORT'], db=0)
		g.redis.get('foo') # it doesnt matter that this key doesnt exist, its just to force a test call to redis.
	except Exception as ex:
		return fatalerr(message='Cortex could not connect to the REDIS server')

	# Connect to database
		g.db = mysql.connect(host=app.config['MYSQL_HOST'], port=app.config['MYSQL_PORT'], user=app.config['MYSQL_USER'], passwd=app.config['MYSQL_PASS'], db=app.config['MYSQL_NAME'], charset="utf8")
	except Exception as ex:
		return fatalerr(message='Cortex could not connect to the MariaDB server')

	# This would ideally go in app.py, but it can't as it depends on 
	# cortex.lib.user which it can't import due to a cyclic dependency
	app.jinja_env.globals['does_user_have_permission'] = does_user_have_permission
	app.jinja_env.globals['does_user_have_system_permission'] = does_user_have_system_permission
Example #6
def error_handler(error):
	"""Handles generic exceptions within the application, displaying the
	traceback if the application is running in debug mode."""

	# Record the error in the log

	## If we're handling a workflow view handler we don't need to show the fatal
	## error screen, instead we'll use a standard error screen. the fatal error
	## screen exists in case a flaw occurs which prevents rendering of the 
	## layout - but that can't happen with a workflow.
	if 'workflow' in g:
		if g.workflow:
			app.logger.warn("Workflow error occured")
			return stderr("Workflow error","An error occured in the workflow function - " + type(error).__name__ + ": " + str(error))

	# Get the traceback
	if app.debug:
		debug = traceback.format_exc()
		debug = "Ask your system administrator to consult the error log for this application."

	# Output a fatal error
	return fatalerr(debug=debug)