Example #1
def read_s2(filename, tempgrid):

    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        cleanStr = f.read()
    # Define Grammars
    header = pp.OneOrMore(pp.pythonStyleComment).setParseAction(
    divider = (pp.Literal('---') + pp.restOfLine).setParseAction(
    index = pp.Word(pp.nums)
    path = pp.Literal('Path Indices:').suppress() + pp.Group(
    colon = pp.Literal(':')
    flt = pp.Word(pp.nums + '.+-')
    pathlength = pp.Suppress(
        pp.Literal('Path Len') + pp.SkipTo(colon) + colon) + flt
    # Debug: FDV
    #   print tempgrid
    #   sys.exit()
    #   ntemp = int(tempgrid.split()[0])
    ntemp = int(tempgrid[0])
    if ntemp is 1:
        datum = pp.Group(path + pathlength + flt)
        colHeader = pp.Suppress(pp.Literal('Temp (K)   s^2 (1e-3 Ang^2)'))
        tempTable = pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore(pp.Group(flt * 2)))
        datum = pp.Group(path + pathlength + colHeader + tempTable)
    data = pp.OneOrMore(datum)
    # Parse String
        for grammar in [header, divider]:
            cleanStr = grammar.transformString(cleanStr)
        ppresults = data.parseString(cleanStr).asList()
    except pp.ParseException as pe:
        print(('Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:', pe))
    # Format Results
    results = {}
    for ppr in ppresults:
        key = ','.join(ppr[0])
        if ntemp is 1:
            temps = float(tempgrid.split()[1])
            dwfs = float(ppr[2])
            temps = list(map(float, list(zip(*ppr[2]))[0]))
            dwfs = list(map(float, list(zip(*ppr[2]))[1]))
        results[key] = {
            'Pathlength (Ang)': float(ppr[1]),
            'Temp (K)': temps,
            's^2': dwfs
    return results
Example #2
def read_u2(filename, tempgrid):

    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        cleanStr = f.read()
    # Define Grammars
    header = pp.OneOrMore(pp.pythonStyleComment).setParseAction(
    divider = (pp.Literal('===') + pp.restOfLine).setParseAction(
    index = pp.Word(pp.nums)
    at_index = pp.Literal('Atom Index:').suppress() + pp.Group(
    dir = pp.Word(pp.alphas, max=1)
    coord_dir = pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore('-')).suppress() + pp.Literal(
        'Direction').suppress() + dir + pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore('-')).suppress()
    colon = pp.Literal(':')
    flt = pp.Word(pp.nums + '.+-')
    # Modified by FDV
    #   ntemp = int(tempgrid.split()[0])
    ntemp = int(tempgrid[0])
    if ntemp is 1:
        colHeader = pp.Suppress(pp.Literal('u^2 (1e-3 Ang^2):'))
        datum = pp.Group(at_index + coord_dir + colHeader + flt)
        colHeader = pp.Suppress(pp.Literal('Temp (K)   u^2 (1e-3 Ang^2)'))
        tempTable = pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore(pp.Group(flt * 2)))
        datum = pp.Group(at_index + coord_dir + colHeader + tempTable)
    data = pp.OneOrMore(datum)
    # Parse String
        for grammar in [header, divider]:
            cleanStr = grammar.transformString(cleanStr)
        ppresults = data.parseString(cleanStr).asList()
    except pp.ParseException as pe:
        print(('Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:', pe))
    # Format Results
    results = {}
    for ppr in ppresults:
        key = ','.join([ppr[0][0], ppr[1]])
        if ntemp is 1:
            temps = float(tempgrid.split()[1])
            dwfs = float(ppr[2])
            temps = list(map(float, list(zip(*ppr[2]))[0]))
            dwfs = list(map(float, list(zip(*ppr[2]))[1]))
        results[key] = {'Temp (K)': temps, 'u^2': dwfs}
    return results
Example #3
def readColumns(filename, columns=[1, 2]):
    # Read file and clear out comments
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        cleanStr = file.read()
    comments = pp.ZeroOrMore(pp.pythonStyleComment).setParseAction(
        cleanStr = comments.transformString(cleanStr)
    except pp.ParseException as pe:
        print(('Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:', pe))
    # Define grammar for ncols of data based on number of entries in first row
    floating = pp.Word(pp.nums + ".+-E").setParseAction(lambda t: float(t[0]))
    EOL = pp.LineEnd().suppress()
    row1entry = floating.copy().setWhitespaceChars(" \t")
    row1 = pp.Group(pp.ZeroOrMore(EOL) + pp.OneOrMore(row1entry) + EOL)
    row = pp.Forward()

    def defineTotalCols(toks):
        ncols = len(toks[0])
        row << pp.Group(floating * ncols)
        return None

    text = row1 + pp.ZeroOrMore(row)
        data = text.parseString(cleanStr).asList()
    except pp.ParseException as pe:
        print(('Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:', pe))
    cols = list(map(list, list(zip(*data))))
    return [cols[i - 1] for i in columns]
Example #4
def readVFE(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        cleanStr = f.read()
    # Define Grammars
    header = pp.OneOrMore(pp.pythonStyleComment).setParseAction(
    divider = (pp.Literal('---') + pp.restOfLine).setParseAction(
    flt = pp.Word(pp.nums + '.+-')
    colHeader = pp.Suppress(pp.Literal('Temp (K)      vfe (J/mol-c)'))
    tempTable = pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore(pp.Group(flt * 2)))
    datum = pp.Group(colHeader + tempTable)
    data = pp.OneOrMore(datum)
    # Parse String
        for grammar in [header, divider]:
            cleanStr = grammar.transformString(cleanStr)
        ppresults = data.parseString(cleanStr).asList()
    except pp.ParseException as pe:
        print(('Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:', pe))
    # Format Results
    results = {}
    for ppr in ppresults:
        temps = list(map(float, list(zip(*ppr[0]))[0]))
        vfes = list(map(float, list(zip(*ppr[0]))[1]))
        key = 'Temp (K)'
        if key not in results:
            results[key] = temps
        key = 'VFE (J/mol-c)'
        if key not in results:
            results[key] = vfes
            results[key] = [sum(x) for x in zip(results[key], vfes)]
    return results
Example #5
def expandedList(string, length=3):
    assert isinstance(string, str)
    value = pp.Word(pp.nums + ".+-E")
    prefix = pp.Combine(pp.Optional(pp.Word(pp.nums)) + pp.Literal('*'))
    numList = pp.OneOrMore(pp.Optional(prefix) + value)
    expanded = []
    num = 1
    for x in numList.parseString(string).asList():
        if num != 1:
            num = 1
        elif '*' in x:
            if x[:-1] == '':
                num = length
                num = int(x[:-1])
    return expanded
Example #6
def anaddb2cols(file):
    header = pp.OneOrMore(pp.pythonStyleComment)
    pt = pp.Group(pp.Word(pp.nums + ".+-E") * 2)
    text = header.suppress() + pp.OneOrMore(pt)
    f = open(file, 'r')
        data = text.parseString(f.read()).asList()
    except pp.ParseException as pe:
        print(("Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:", pe))
    return list(map(list, list(zip(*data))))
Example #7
def getU(file, addDS=''):
    token = pp.Literal('etotal' + addDS)
    value = pp.Word(pp.nums + ".+-E")
    end = pp.Literal('END DATASET(S)')
    etotal = (pp.SkipTo(end) + pp.SkipTo(token) + token).suppress() + value
    f = open(file, 'r')
        u = etotal.parseString(f.read()).asList()[0]
    except pp.ParseException as pe:
        print(('Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:', pe))
    return float(u)
Example #8
def getacell(file):
    token = pp.Keyword('acell')
    vector = pp.Group(pp.Word(pp.nums + ".+-E")*3)
    end = pp.Literal('END DATASET(S)')
    acell = (pp.SkipTo(end) + pp.SkipTo(token) + token).suppress() + vector
    f = open(file, 'r')
        a = acell.parseString(f.read()).asList()[0]
    except pp.ParseException as pe:
        print(('Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:', pe))
    return '  '.join(a)
Example #9
def readSpecFn(filename):
    header = pp.OneOrMore(pp.pythonStyleComment)
    pt = pp.Group(pp.Word(pp.nums + ".+-E") * 5)
    text = header.suppress() + pp.OneOrMore(pt)
    f = open(filename, 'r')
        data = text.parseString(f.read()).asList()
    except pp.ParseException as pe:
        print(('Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:', pe))
    cols = list(map(list, list(zip(*data))))
    # w [meV], mag, ph, re, im
    return [cols[0], cols[3], cols[4]]
Example #10
def kgrid2qgrid(file):
    token = pp.Keyword('kpt')
    qpt = pp.Group(pp.Word(pp.nums + ".+-E")*3)
    kpt = (pp.SkipTo(token) + token).suppress() + pp.OneOrMore(qpt)
    f = open(file, 'r')
        pts = kpt.parseString(f.read()).asList()
    except pp.ParseException as pe:
        print(("Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:", pe))
    qpts = []
    for p in pts:
        qpts.append(' '.join(p))
    return qpts
Example #11
def combineReImSE(reFilename, imFilename):
    header = pp.OneOrMore(pp.pythonStyleComment)
    pt = pp.Group(pp.Word(pp.nums + ".+-E") * 2)
    text = header.suppress() + pp.OneOrMore(pt)
    reFile = open(reFilename, 'r')
    imFile = open(imFilename, 'r')
        rePts = text.parseString(reFile.read()).asList()
        imPts = text.parseString(imFile.read()).asList()
    except pp.ParseException as pe:
        print(('Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:', pe))
    enCol = list(map(list, list(zip(*rePts))))[0]  # in meV?
    reCol = list(map(list, list(zip(*rePts))))[1]  # in meV?
    imCol = list(map(list, list(zip(*imPts))))[1]
    se = [enCol, []]
    for i in range(len(enCol)):
        se[1].append(complex(float(reCol[i]), float(imCol[i])))
    return se
Example #12
def eli2couplings(filePrefix):
    header = pp.OneOrMore(pp.pythonStyleComment)
    pt = pp.Group(pp.Word(pp.nums + ".+-E") * 2)
    text = header.suppress() + pp.OneOrMore(pt)
    pdsFile = open(filePrefix + 'PDS', 'r')
    a2fFile = open(filePrefix + 'A2F', 'r')
        pdsRow = text.parseString(pdsFile.read()).asList()
        a2fRow = text.parseString(a2fFile.read()).asList()
    except pp.ParseException as pe:
        print(('Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:', pe))
    enCol = list(map(list, list(zip(*pdsRow))))[0]
    pdsCol = list(map(list, list(zip(*pdsRow))))[1]
    a2fCol = list(map(list, list(zip(*a2fRow))))[1]
    couplings = [enCol,[]]
    for i, pds in enumerate(pdsCol):
        if float(pds) == 0.0:
            couplings[1].append( float(a2fCol[i]) / float(pds) )
    return couplings
Example #13
def ifc2dym(file, input):
    from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_UP
    import math
    index = pp.Word(pp.nums)
    vector = pp.Group(pp.Word(pp.nums + ".+-E")*3)
    matrix = pp.Group(vector * 3)
    ifcblock = pp.Group(index*2 + vector + matrix)
    text = pp.OneOrMore(ifcblock)
    f = open(file, 'r')
        data = text.parseString(f.read()).asList()
    except pp.ParseException as pe:
        print(('Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:', pe))
    natom = int(data[-1][0])
    # if natom is not int()  # check natom against System?
    nifc = int(data[-1][1])

    # Create and fill ifcInfo data structure
    ifcInfo = [[{} for b in range(nifc)] for a in range(natom)]
    for info in data:
        atomIndex = int(info[0]) - 1
        ifcIndex = int(info[1]) - 1 
        atomPos = list(map(float, info[2]))
        ifcMatrix= [list(map(float, row)) for row in info[3]]
        ifcInfo[atomIndex][ifcIndex] = {'pos':atomPos,'ifc':ifcMatrix} 

# Modified by FDV
# With the change in formatting at input reading, we don't need to do this here
# anymore.
#   # Convert ABINIT input strings into indexed numerical data
#   acell = map(float, expandedList(input['acell']))
    acell = input['cell_scaling_abc'][0]
#   try:
#       parsedMatrix = matrix.parseString(input['rprim']).asList()[0]
#       rprim = [map(float, row) for row in parsedMatrix]
#   except pp.ParseException as pe:
#       print 'Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:', pe
#       sys.exit()
    rprim = input['cell_vectors']

# Modified by FDV
# With the change in formatting at input reading, we don't need to do this here
#   znucl = map(int, expandedList(input['znucl'], length=natom))
    Symbs = [ cu.AtLbl2AtSym(Line[0]) for Line in input['cell_struc_xyz_red'] ]
    znucl = [ cu.AtSym2AtNum(Symb) for Symb in Symbs ]
    ncluster = 300.0
    n = int(math.ceil((pow(ncluster/natom, 1.0/3.0) - 1.0) / 2.0))
    copyRange = list(range(-n, n+1))
    copyGrid = ((i,j,k) for i in copyRange for j in copyRange for k in copyRange)

    # Build cluster
    cluster = []
    for ijk in copyGrid:
# Debug: FDV
#       print rprim
#       print acell
#       print ijk
#       dx = [a*sum(i*c for i,c in zip(ijk,row)) for row, a in zip(rprim,acell)]
#       print dx
#       sys,exit()
        dx = [a*sum(i*c for i,c in zip(ijk,row)) for row, a in zip(rprim,acell)]
        for iAt in range(natom):
            clusterAtom = {'cellIndex':iAt}
            cellCoord = list(map(float, ifcInfo[iAt][0]['pos']))
            clusterAtom['coord'] = list(map(sum, list(zip(cellCoord, dx)))) 
            clusterAtom['dist'] = math.sqrt(sum(a*a for a in clusterAtom['coord']))
            clusterAtom['Z'] = znucl[iAt]
            clusterAtom['mass'] = amu[znucl[iAt]]
            if all(i == 0 for i in ijk):
                clusterAtom['central'] = True
    ru8 = lambda x: Decimal(x).quantize(Decimal('0.12345678'),rounding=ROUND_UP)
    cluster.sort(key=lambda atom:(ru8(atom['dist']), 
    ncluster = len(cluster)

    # Get distance/displacement for cluster pairs used for geometric matching
    clustPair = [[{} for j in range(ncluster)] for i in range(ncluster)]
    for i,j in ((i,j) for i in range(ncluster) for j in range(i,ncluster)):
        if i is j:
            clustPair[i][j]['dist'] = 0.0
            clustPair[i][j]['xi-xj'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            displ = list(map(lambda x,y:x-y, cluster[i]['coord'], cluster[j]['coord']))
            clustPair[i][j]['dist'] = math.sqrt(sum(x*x for x in displ))
            clustPair[j][i]['dist'] = clustPair[i][j]['dist']
            clustPair[i][j]['xi-xj'] = displ
            clustPair[j][i]['xi-xj'] = [-x for x in displ]

    # Get distance/displacement for reference pairs used for geometric matching
    refPair = [[{} for b in range(nifc)] for a in range(natom)]
    for a,b in ((a,b) for a in range(natom) for b in range(nifc)):
        displ = list(map(lambda x,y:x-y, ifcInfo[a][0]['pos'], ifcInfo[a][b]['pos']))
        refPair[a][b]['dist'] = math.sqrt(sum(x*x for x in displ))
        refPair[a][b]['xa0-xab'] = displ

    # Start building a type-2 DYM dict
    dym = {'dymType':2} 
    # Section 1: Number of atoms in cluster
    dym['nAt'] = ncluster
    # Section 2: List of atomic numbers for each atom in cluster
    dym['atNums'] = [atom['Z'] for atom in cluster]

    # Section 3: List of atomic masses for each atom in cluster
    dym['atMasses'] = [atom['mass'] for atom in cluster]

    # Section 4: List of positions for each atom in cluster
    dym['atCoords'] = [atom['coord'] for atom in cluster]

    # Section 5: 3x3 block of dynamical matrix for each pair of atoms in cluster
    maxDiff = 0.001
    cutoffDist = 10.0
    areClose = lambda x,y: abs(x-y) <= maxDiff
    dym['dm'] = [[None for j in range(ncluster)] for i in range(ncluster)]
    for i,j in ((i,j) for i in range(ncluster) for j in range(ncluster)):
        dist = clustPair[i][j]['dist']
        displ = clustPair[i][j]['xi-xj']
        if dist > cutoffDist:
            dym['dm'][i][j] = [[0.0]*3]*3
            found = False
            # Loop over reference pairs of same original cell index
            atomCellIndex = cluster[i]['cellIndex']
            for b,refPairB in enumerate(refPair[atomCellIndex]):
                refDist = refPairB['dist']
                refDispl = refPairB['xa0-xab']
                # Found reference pair with same geometry
                if areClose(dist, refDist) and all(map(areClose, displ, refDispl)):
                    clustPair[i][j]['refifc'] = b
                    dym['dm'][i][j] = ifcInfo[atomCellIndex][b]['ifc']
                    found = True
                # At end of reference list with no match found
            if not found:
                raise Exception('Error: cannnot find reference for pair ' + str((i+1,j+1)))
    # Ordering of cluster atoms for printing purposes
    dym['printOrder'] = list(range(ncluster))

    # Section Type-2: Info for central cell atoms
# Modified by FDV
# With the change in formatting at input reading, we don't need to do this here
#   typat = map(int, expandedList(input['typat'], length=natom))
    Labels = [ Line[0] for Line in input['pspfiles'] ]
    Type_Ind_dict = dict(list(zip(Labels,list(range(1,len(Labels)+1)))))
    typat = [ Type_Ind_dict[Label] for Label in Labels ]
    dym['nTypeAt'] = len(set(typat))
    dym['nCellAt'] = natom
    dym['centerAt'] = {z:[] for z in znucl}
    for i,atom in ((i,a) for i,a in enumerate(cluster) if 'central' in a):
        atomInfo = {'clustIndex':i}
        atomInfo.update({k:atom[k] for k in ('cellIndex','coord')})

    return dym
Example #14
from corvus.structures import Handler, Exchange, Loop, Update
import corvutils.pyparsing as pp
import os, sys, subprocess
import corvutils.corvus_misc_funcs as cu

# Naming grammar for *.files: [xcNum].[tool].[description].files
filesGrammar = pp.delimitedList(pp.Word(pp.alphanums), delim='.')

# Define dictionary of implemented calculations
implemented = {}

# Chaging the basic inputs to make things a bit more generic
#basics = ['pspfiles','natoms','ntypat','typat','znucl', 'acell','rprim','xred']
basics = ['pspfiles','cell_scaling_abc','cell_vectors','cell_struc_xyz_red','nkpoints']
strlistkey = lambda L:','.join(sorted(L))
subs = lambda L:[{L[j] for j in range(len(L)) if 1<<j&k} for k in range(1,1<<len(L))]
for s in subs(['pdos', 'a2', 'a2f', 'dynmat', 'eint']):
    key = strlistkey(s)
    autodesc = 'Get ' + ', '.join(s) + ' using ABINIT'
    input = basics + ['qptlist']
    cost = 10
    implemented[key] = {'type':'Exchange','out':list(s),'req':input,
implemented['qptlist'] = {'type':'Exchange','out':['qptlist'],'req':basics+['nqpoints'],
                          'desc':'Get qptlist using ABINIT','cost':0}
implemented['aopt'] = {'type':'Exchange','req':basics+['diemac'],'out':['aopt'],
                       'desc':'Get optimized acell and update value','cost':1}
implemented['acell-grid'] = {'type':'Exchange','req':['acell'],'out':['acell-grid'],
                        'desc':'Get grid a centered around acell','cost':0}
implemented['eint'] = {'type':'Exchange','req':basics,'out':['eint'],
Example #15
def readDym(dymFilename):
    integer = pp.Word(pp.nums).setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
    floating = pp.Word(pp.nums + ".+-E").setParseAction(lambda t: float(t[0]))
    vector = pp.Group(floating * 3)
    matrix = pp.Group(vector * 3)

    dymtype = integer
    ncluster = integer.copy()  # Uses unique ParseAction for Forward
    atNums = pp.Forward()  # Placeholders for grabbing ncluster entries
    atMasses = pp.Forward()
    atCoords = pp.Forward()

    def countedParseAction(toks):
        n = toks[0]
        atNums << pp.Group(integer * n)
        atMasses << pp.Group(floating * n)
        atCoords << pp.Group(vector * n)
        return None

    dm = pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore(pp.Group(integer * 2 + matrix)))
    specifics = pp.SkipTo(pp.stringEnd)

    text = dymtype + ncluster + atNums + atMasses + atCoords + dm + specifics
    with open(dymFilename, 'r') as f:
            data = text.parseString(f.read()).asList()
        except pp.ParseException as pe:
            print(('Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:', pe))

    # Construct dym object
    dym = {'dymType': data[0]}
    dym['nAt'] = data[1]
    dym['atNums'] = data[2]
    dym['atMasses'] = data[3]
    dym['atCoords'] = data[4]
    dym['dm'] = [[None for j in range(dym['nAt'])] for i in range(dym['nAt'])]
    for i, j in ((i, j) for i in range(dym['nAt']) for j in range(dym['nAt'])):
        index = i * dym['nAt'] + j
        if data[5][index][0] == i + 1 and data[5][index][1] == j + 1:
            dym['dm'][i][j] = data[5][index][2]

    # Parse dymtype-specific items
    if dym['dymType'] == 2:
        nUnique = integer
        nCell = integer
        centralZAtom = pp.Group(integer + integer + vector)
        zAtomList = pp.Group(integer + pp.countedArray(centralZAtom))
        typeSpecific = nUnique + nCell + pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore(zAtomList))

    # Parse
        data = typeSpecific.parseString(data[6]).asList()
    except pp.ParseException as pe:
        print(('Parsing Error using pyparsing: invalid input:', pe))

    # Store type-specific information
    if dym['dymType'] == 2:
        dym['nTypeAt'] = data[0]
        dym['nCellAt'] = data[1]
        dym['centerAt'] = {}
        for zAtomList in data[2]:
            z = zAtomList[0]
            dym['centerAt'][z] = []
            for centralZAtom in zAtomList[1]:
                atomInfo = {}
                atomInfo['clustIndex'] = centralZAtom[0]
                atomInfo['cellIndex'] = centralZAtom[1]
                atomInfo['coord'] = centralZAtom[2]

    return dym
Example #16
    def generateInput(config, input, output):

        # Debug: FDV
        #       pp_debug.pprint(input)
        #       pp_debug.pprint(output)
        #       sys.exit()

        # Start with the preparation of the POTCAR since that is needed for all
        # calculations

        # In VASP the order of the content of the POTCAR and that of the POSCAR are
        # related, so we have to be careful on how we order things and we need to
        # remember that order for future calculations.

        # First we parse cell_red_xyz to find the atom labels

        # Debug: FDV

        # Switch based on what output is required
        files = []
        dir = config['xcDir']
        ppFilelist = pp.OneOrMore(pp.Word(pp.printables))
        pseudos = ppFilelist.parseString(input['pspfiles']).asList()

        # Lattice optimization
        if set(output.keys()) == set(['aopt']):
            filebase = '0.abinit.opt'
            pathbase = os.path.join(dir, filebase)
            abinitFileList = abinitFiles(pathbase, pseudos)
            writeList(abinitFileList, pathbase + '.files')
            writeDict(optInput(input), pathbase + '.in')
            files.append(filebase + '.files')

        # Symmetry-reduced q-grid for use with ANADDB
        elif set(output.keys()) == set(['qptlist']):
            filebase = '0.abinit.qgrid'
            pathbase = os.path.join(dir, filebase)
            abinitFileList = abinitFiles(pathbase, pseudos)
            writeList(abinitFileList, pathbase + '.files')
            writeDict(qgridInput(input), pathbase + '.in')
            files.append(filebase + '.files')

        # Internal energy
        elif set(output.keys()) == set(['eint']):
            filebase = '1.abinit.U'
            pathbase = os.path.join(dir, filebase)
            abinitFileList = abinitFiles(pathbase, pseudos)
            writeList(abinitFileList, pathbase + '.files')
            writeDict(UInput(input), pathbase + '.in')
            files.append(filebase + '.files')

        # Electron-phonon calculation using ANADDB
        elif set(output.keys()).issubset(
                set(['pdos', 'a2f', 'a2', 'dynmat', 'eint'])):
            filebase = '1.abinit.elphon'
            pathbase = os.path.join(dir, filebase)
            abFileList = abinitFiles(pathbase, pseudos)
            writeList(abFileList, pathbase + '.files')
            writeDict(elphonInput(input), pathbase + '.in')
            dsPrefix = abFileList[3] + '_DS'
            files.append(filebase + '.files')

            filebase = '2.mrgddb.elphon'
            pathbase = os.path.join(dir, filebase)
            qptRange = list(range(3, 3 + len(input['qptlist'])))
            ddbFileList = ddbFiles(pathbase, dsPrefix, qptRange)
            writeList(ddbFileList, pathbase + '.files')
            files.append(filebase + '.files')

            filebase = '3.mrggkk.elphon'
            pathbase = os.path.join(dir, filebase)
            atdirRange = list(range(1, 1 + 3 * int(input['natom'])))
            gkkFileList = gkkFiles(pathbase, dsPrefix, qptRange, atdirRange)
            writeList(gkkFileList, pathbase + '.files')
            files.append(filebase + '.files')

            filebase = '4.anaddb.ifc'
            pathbase = os.path.join(dir, filebase)
            anaFileList = anaddbFiles(pathbase, ddbFileList[0], gkkFileList[0])
            writeList(anaFileList, pathbase + '.files')
            writeDict(ifcInput(input), pathbase + '.in')
            files.append(filebase + '.files')

        # Return ordered list of *.files
        return files