Example #1
def tot_num_src(redshift_evolution, cosmology, zmax, density):
    integrand = lambda z: redshift_evolution(z) * \
        diff_comoving_volume(z, **cosmology)
    norm = 4 * np.pi * scipy.integrate.quad(integrand, 0, zmax)[0]
    area = 4 * np.pi * scipy.integrate.quad(integrand, 0, 0.01)[0]
    vlocal = comoving_volume(0.01, **cosmology)
    Ntotal = density * vlocal / (area / norm)
    return Ntotal, norm
def dvdz(z):
	# Planck best-fit parameters
	cosmo = {'omega_M_0':        0.316,
			 'omega_lambda_0':   0.684,
    			'omega_b_0':        0.049,
    			'N_eff':            3.046,
   			 'h':                0.67,
   			 'ns':               0.962,
   			 'sigma_8':          0.834,
    			'gamma':            0.55,
   			 'w0':               -1.,
    			'wa':               0.,
   			 'sigma_nl':         7.}
	cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
	Vc = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z, **cosmo)
	return  Vc
Example #3
def test_figure5():
    """Plot Hogg fig. 5: The dimensionless comoving volume element (1/DH)^3(dVC/dz).

    The three curves are for the three world models, (omega_M, omega_lambda) =
    (1, 0), solid; (0.05, 0), dotted; and (0.2, 0.8), dashed.

    z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05)

    cosmo = {}
    cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0], [0.05], [0.2]])
    cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0], [0.0], [0.8]])
    cosmo['h'] = 0.5

    linestyle = ['-', ':', '--']

    dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo)

    dVc = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z, **cosmo)
    dVc_normed = dVc / (dh**3.)

    Vc = cd.comoving_volume(z, **cosmo)
    dz = z[1:] - z[:-1]
    dVc_numerical = (Vc[:, 1:] - Vc[:, :-1]) / dz / (4. * numpy.pi)
    dVc_numerical_normed = dVc_numerical / (dh**3.)

    pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
    for i in range(len(linestyle)):
        pylab.plot(z, dVc_normed[i], ls=linestyle[i], lw=2.)
    pylab.xlim(0, 5)
    pylab.ylim(0, 1.1)
    pylab.xlabel("redshift z")
    pylab.ylabel(r"comoving volume element $[1/D_H^3]$ $dV_c/dz/d\Omega$")
    pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') +
                " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
def dvdz(z):
	''' this function is to calculate the diff comoving volume 
	the results are given in units of Mpc^3.
	to use this function you need to install cosmolopy.
	Also note that the cosmological 
	parameters are  Planck best-fit parameters.

	cosmo = {'omega_M_0':        0.316,
			 'omega_lambda_0':   0.684,
    			'omega_b_0':        0.049,
    			'N_eff':            3.046,
   			 'h':                0.67,
   			 'ns':               0.962,
   			 'sigma_8':          0.834,
    			'gamma':            0.55,
   			 'w0':               -1.,
    			'wa':               0.,
   			 'sigma_nl':         7.}
	cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
	Vc = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z, **cosmo)
	return  Vc
def test_figure5():
    """Plot Hogg fig. 5: The dimensionless comoving volume element (1/DH)^3(dVC/dz).

    The three curves are for the three world models, (omega_M, omega_lambda) =
    (1, 0), solid; (0.05, 0), dotted; and (0.2, 0.8), dashed.

    z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05)

    cosmo = {}
    cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0],[0.05],[0.2]])
    cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0],[0.0],[0.8]])
    cosmo['h'] = 0.5
    linestyle = ['-', ':', '--']

    dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo)

    dVc = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z, **cosmo)
    dVc_normed = dVc/(dh**3.)

    Vc = cd.comoving_volume(z, **cosmo)
    dz = z[1:] - z[:-1]
    dVc_numerical = (Vc[:,1:] - Vc[:,:-1])/dz/(4. * numpy.pi)
    dVc_numerical_normed = dVc_numerical/(dh**3.)

    for i in range(len(linestyle)):
        pylab.plot(z, dVc_normed[i], ls=linestyle[i], lw=2.)
        pylab.plot(z[:-1], dVc_numerical_normed[i], ls=linestyle[i], 
                   c='k', alpha=0.1)
    pylab.xlabel("redshift z")
    pylab.ylabel(r"comoving volume element $[1/D_H^3]$ $dV_c/dz/d\Omega$")
    pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') + 
                " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
Example #6
def volume(z, area, cosmo=cosmo):

    omega = (area / 41253.0) * 4.0 * np.pi  # str
    volperstr = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z, **cosmo)  # cMpc^3 str^-1 dz^-1

    return omega * volperstr  # cMpc^3 dz^-1
Example #7
def volwmag(z):
    #if __name__ == "__main__":
    if (len(sys.argv)>1):
        lensmodels = sys.argv[1]
        #    lensmodels='lensmodels.lis'
    if not (os.path.isfile(lensmodels)):
        print 'missing startup file'


    # Observed F160W AB magnitude is 25.7. Its restframe B-band magnitude
    # is approximately -22.4, uncorrected for the magnification of ~15.5.
    # So the corrected absolute magnitude is -22.4+2.5*log(15.5) = -19.4.

    # a reasonable grid of magnifications

    # representative magnifications 
    ###magref=[5.4, 8.0, 13.5, 14.5, 18.7, 57.7]
    magref=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.4, 6, 6.6, 7, 7.5, 8.0, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13.5, 14, 14.5, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18.7, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 57.7, 60]
    # set the anchor point of Mref <-> muref
    ###  Mref, muref = -19.5, 14.5
    Mref, muref = -19.5, 9.0
    Mlim = Mref+2.5*np.log10(mu/muref)
    def getmu(Mag):
        return muref*10**(0.4*(Mag-Mref))

    TotalVolarrayWithSeg = np.zeros(mu.shape)
    TotalVolarray        = np.zeros(mu.shape)

    # target source redshift for rescaling model deflection maps
    # *** 
    #ztarget = 9.5
    #ztarget = 9.6
    #ztarget = 5.5
    ztarget = z

    # Plot stuff
    MFig.set_xlabel('Magnification [$\mu$]')
    MFig.set_ylabel('Effective Volume (>$\mu$) [Mpc$^3$]')

    # some annotations
    # *** 
    ytext = 1e5
    # *** 
    #MFig.text(0.22,ytext,'Unlensed M$_{B}$ AB limit:',size=10)
    ## including some absolute magnitudes that correspond to magnifications 
    #for pp in plotmus: MFig.text(getmu(pp)/1.2,ytext,'%.1f' % pp,size=10)

    outdata = open('volumedata_a1689.dat','w')

    for ii in np.arange(clist.size):
    #for ii in [0]: 

        alias      = clist['alias'][ii]
        clusterdir = clist['clusterdir'][ii]
        deflxfile  = clist['deflxfile'][ii]
        deflyfile  = clist['deflyfile'][ii]
        segfile    = clist['segfile'][ii]
        zcluster   = clist['zcluster'][ii]
        zmodel     = clist['zmodel'][ii]

        rescale = \
            (cdad(ztarget, zcluster, **cosmo) / cdad(ztarget, **cosmo)) * \
            (cdad(zmodel, **cosmo) / cdad(zmodel, zcluster, **cosmo))
    # read in the deflections from Adi's lens models 
        axlist = pyfits.open(clusterdir+'/'+deflxfile)
        aylist = pyfits.open(clusterdir+'/'+deflyfile)
        ax, ay = rescale*axlist[0].data, rescale*aylist[0].data

    # read in the segmentation map, which we are implicitly assuming has
    # already been wregistered to the model
            segfile = pyfits.open(clusterdir+'/'+segfile)
            segflag = 1
            segflag = 0

    # do some initializations etc
        Unity  = np.zeros(ax.shape)+1.0
        header = axlist[0].header
            cdelt1, cdelt2 = header['CDELT1'], header['CDELT2']
            header['CDELT1'], header['CDELT2'] = cdelt1, cdelt2
            pxsc = np.abs(cdelt1)*3600.0 # in arcseconds per linear pixel dimension
            cd1_1, cd2_2 = header['CD1_1'], header['CD2_2']
            pxsc = np.abs(cd1_1)*3600.0 # in arcseconds per linear pixel dimension

    # Calculate the magnification from the Jacobian.  Note that it first
    # calculates the gradient with respect to the 'y' axis, and then wrt
    # the 'x' axis. 
        axy, axx = np.gradient(ax)
        ayy, ayx = np.gradient(ay)
        Jxx = Unity -axx
        Jxy =       -axy
        Jyx =       -ayx
        Jyy = Unity -ayy

        Mu    = Unity / (Jxx*Jyy - Jxy*Jyx)
        AbsMu = np.abs(Mu)

    # define the total wfc3ir outline mask
    #    regionfile = clusterdir+'/'+'wfc3ir_outline.reg'
        regionfile = clusterdir+'/'+'acs_outline.reg'
        #    rmask=np.zeros(ax.shape)
        #    rmask[(maskboo)]=1.0

    # The diff_comoving_volume is the differential comoving volume per
    # unit redshift per unit solid angle, in units of Mpc**3 ster**-1.  So
    # we convert that to the Volume per (unlensed) pixel, for a source
    # plane at ztarget.
        VolPix = (pxsc/206265.0)**2 * cd.diff_comoving_volume(ztarget, **cosmo)

    # PixMap will now be the Mpc**3 volume that each pixel corresponds to
    # in the z=9-10 source plane.
        PixMap = VolPix / AbsMu 

    # Now let's zap the areas of the mosaic that are covered by objects
    # via the IR-detected segmentation map.
    # /Volumes/Archive/CLASH/archive.stsci.edu/pub/clash/outgoing/macs1149/HST/catalogs/mosaicdrizzle_image_pipeline/IR_detection/SExtractor

    # Now let us calculate the source-plane volume for each of the
    # magnification lower limits we established.
        VolarrayWithSeg = np.zeros(mu.shape)
        Volarray        = np.zeros(mu.shape)
        for jj in np.arange(mu.size):
            #        VolarrayWithSeg[jj] = np.sum( PixMap[((AbsMu>mu[jj]) & (rmask==1.0) & (segmap==0) )] )
            #        Volarray[jj]        = np.sum( PixMap[((AbsMu>mu[jj]) & (rmask==1.0))] )
            VolarrayWithSeg[jj] = np.sum( PixMap[((AbsMu>mu[jj]) & (maskboo) & (segmap==0) )] )
            Volarray[jj]        = np.sum( PixMap[((AbsMu>mu[jj]) & (maskboo))] )
        TotalVolarrayWithSeg += VolarrayWithSeg
        TotalVolarray += Volarray

        print alias,clusterdir,10**s(np.log10(muref))
        outstring = '%s %s %.1f ' % (alias,clusterdir,10**s(np.log10(muref)))
        # need to write the mu, Volarray data to a file.... 

    # no error checking here yet...
    sws = si.UnivariateSpline(np.log10(mu),np.log10(TotalVolarrayWithSeg),s=5)
    s   = si.UnivariateSpline(np.log10(mu),np.log10(TotalVolarray),s=5)
    volwithseg = (np.asarray(10**sws(np.log10(magref)))).reshape(len(magref), 1)
    volnoseg = (np.asarray(10**s(np.log10(magref)))).reshape(len(magref),1)
    magref = (np.asarray(magref)).reshape(len(magref),1)
    MVolArray = np.hstack((magref, volnoseg, volwithseg))

    return MVolArray
Example #8
def calc_dN(LF, logL0, z0, logLbinwidth, zbinwidth, N_tot, int_norm,
    LF_val = LF(z0, logL0)
    return (4*np.pi*LF_val*diff_comoving_volume(z0, **cosmology)/int_norm) * \
Example #9
def volz(minmu, zmin=2.5, zmax=11.5):
    clist = asciitable.read('lensmodels.lis',
                                'alias', 'clusterdir', 'deflxfile',
                                'deflyfile', 'segfile', 'zcluster', 'zmodel'

    # Observed F160W AB magnitude is 25.7. Its restframe B-band magnitude
    # is approximately -22.4, uncorrected for the magnification of ~15.5.
    # So the corrected absolute magnitude is -22.4+2.5*log(15.5) = -19.4.

    # target source redshift for rescaling model deflection maps
    spacing = zmax - zmin + 1
    ztarget = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, spacing)

    # a reasonable grid of magnifications
    mu = np.linspace(0.2, 120, 100)
    # fiducial threshold magnification
    mufiducial = minmu
    mustr = '%.1f' % mufiducial

    # set the anchor point of Mref <-> muref
    Mref, muref = -19.5, 9.0
    #Mref, muref = -19.4, 15.5
    Mlim = Mref + 2.5 * np.log10(mu / muref)

    def getmu(Mag):
        return muref * 10**(0.4 * (Mag - Mref))

    TotalVolarray = np.zeros(mu.shape)
    TotalRedarray = np.zeros(ztarget.shape)

    # Plot stuff
    fig = plt.figure()
    MFig = fig.add_subplot(111)
    MFig.set_xlabel('Redshift [z]')
    MFig.set_ylabel('Effective Volume ($\mu>$' + mustr + ') [Mpc$^3$]')
    MFig.set_xlim(2.0, 12)
    MFig.set_ylim(1.0, 2e5)

    # # some annotations
    # MFig.text(30,2e4,'z=[9,10]',size=13)
    # ytext = 1e5
    # MFig.text(0.22,ytext,'Unlensed M$_{B}$ [AB] limit:',size=10)
    # plotmus=[-18.0,Mref,-21.0,-22.0]
    # for pp in plotmus: MFig.text(getmu(pp)/1.2,ytext,'%.1f' % pp,size=10)

    # outdata = open('redshiftdata.dat','w')

    for ii in np.arange(clist.size):

        alias = clist['alias'][ii]
        clusterdir = clist['clusterdir'][ii]
        deflxfile = clist['deflxfile'][ii]
        deflyfile = clist['deflyfile'][ii]
        zcluster = clist['zcluster'][ii]
        zmodel = clist['zmodel'][ii]

        # read in the deflections from Adi's lens models
        axlist = pyfits.open(clusterdir + '/' + deflxfile)
        aylist = pyfits.open(clusterdir + '/' + deflyfile)
        #    ax, ay = rescale*axlist[0].data, rescale*aylist[0].data
        ax, ay = axlist[0].data, aylist[0].data

        # do some initializations etc
        Unity = np.zeros(ax.shape) + 1.0
        header = axlist[0].header
            cdelt1, cdelt2 = header['CDELT1'], header['CDELT2']
            header['CDELT1'], header['CDELT2'] = cdelt1, cdelt2
            pxsc = np.abs(
                cdelt1) * 3600.0  # in arcseconds per linear pixel dimension
            cd1_1, cd2_2 = header['CD1_1'], header['CD2_2']
            pxsc = np.abs(
                cd1_1) * 3600.0  # in arcseconds per linear pixel dimension

        regionfile = clusterdir + '/' + 'acs_outline.reg'
        rwcs = pyregion.open(regionfile)
        rcoo = pyregion.open(regionfile).as_imagecoord(header)
        maskboo = rwcs.get_mask(hdu=axlist[0])

        Redarray = np.zeros(ztarget.shape)
        for zi in np.arange(ztarget.size):
            #print alias, ztarget[zi]
            rescale = \
                (cdad(ztarget[zi], zcluster, **cosmo) / cdad(ztarget[zi], **cosmo)) * \
                (cdad(zmodel, **cosmo) / cdad(zmodel, zcluster, **cosmo))

            # Calculate the magnification from the Jacobian.  Note that it first
            # calculates the gradient with respect to the 'y' axis, and then wrt
            # the 'x' axis.
            axy, axx = np.gradient(rescale * ax)
            ayy, ayx = np.gradient(rescale * ay)
            Jxx = Unity - axx
            Jxy = -axy
            Jyx = -ayx
            Jyy = Unity - ayy

            Mu = Unity / (Jxx * Jyy - Jxy * Jyx)
            AbsMu = np.abs(Mu)

            # The diff_comoving_volume is the differential comoving volume per
            # unit redshift per unit solid angle, in units of Mpc**3 ster**-1.  So
            # we convert that to the Volume per (unlensed) pixel, for a source
            # plane at z=9-10.
            VolPix = (pxsc / 206265.0)**2 * cd.diff_comoving_volume(
                ztarget[zi], **cosmo)

            # PixMap will now be the Mpc**3 volume that each pixel corresponds to
            # in the z=9-10 source plane.

            PixMap = VolPix / AbsMu

            Redarray[zi] = np.sum(PixMap[((AbsMu > mufiducial) & (maskboo))])

        TotalRedarray += Redarray
        MFig.plot(ztarget, Redarray, label=alias)
        MFig.legend(loc=3, prop={'size': 8})

    MFig.plot(ztarget, TotalRedarray, linewidth=4, color='b', label='CLASH 12')
    MFig.legend(loc=3, prop={'size': 10})

    d1 = len(ztarget)
    VolZarray = ztarget.reshape(d1, 1)
    TotalRedarray = TotalRedarray.reshape(d1, 1)
    VolZarray = np.hstack((VolZarray, TotalRedarray))

    return VolZarray
Example #10
def volwmag(z, mumin=1, mumax=100):
    #if __name__ == "__main__":
    if (len(sys.argv)>1):
        lensmodels = sys.argv[1]
        #    lensmodels='lensmodels.lis'
    if not (os.path.isfile(lensmodels)):
        print 'missing startup file'


    # Observed F160W AB magnitude is 25.7. Its restframe B-band magnitude
    # is approximately -22.4, uncorrected for the magnification of ~15.5.
    # So the corrected absolute magnitude is -22.4+2.5*log(15.5) = -19.4.

    # a reasonable grid of magnifications

    # representative magnifications 
    ###magref=[5.4, 8.0, 13.5, 14.5, 18.7, 57.7]
    #magref=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.4, 6, 6.6, 7, 7.5, 8.0, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13.5, 14, 14.5, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18.7, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 57.7, 60]
    mspacing = mumax - mumin + 1
    magref = np.linspace(mumin, mumax, mspacing)
    # set the anchor point of Mref <-> muref
    ###  Mref, muref = -19.5, 14.5
    Mref, muref = -19.5, 9.0
    Mlim = Mref+2.5*np.log10(mu/muref)
    def getmu(Mag):
        return muref*10**(0.4*(Mag-Mref))

    TotalVolarrayWithSeg = np.zeros(mu.shape)
    TotalVolarray        = np.zeros(mu.shape)

    # target source redshift for rescaling model deflection maps
    # *** 
    #ztarget = 9.5
    #ztarget = 9.6
    #ztarget = 5.5
    ztarget = z

    # Plot stuff
    MFig.set_xlabel('Magnification [$\mu$]')
    MFig.set_ylabel('Effective Volume (>$\mu$) [Mpc$^3$]')

    # some annotations
    # *** 
    ytext = 1e5
    # *** 
    #MFig.text(0.22,ytext,'Unlensed M$_{B}$ AB limit:',size=10)
    ## including some absolute magnitudes that correspond to magnifications 
    #for pp in plotmus: MFig.text(getmu(pp)/1.2,ytext,'%.1f' % pp,size=10)

    outdata = open('volumedata_a1689.dat','w')

    for ii in np.arange(clist.size):
    #for ii in [0]: 

        alias      = clist['alias'][ii]
        clusterdir = clist['clusterdir'][ii]
        deflxfile  = clist['deflxfile'][ii]
        deflyfile  = clist['deflyfile'][ii]
        segfile    = clist['segfile'][ii]
        zcluster   = clist['zcluster'][ii]
        zmodel     = clist['zmodel'][ii]

        rescale = \
            (cdad(ztarget, zcluster, **cosmo) / cdad(ztarget, **cosmo)) * \
            (cdad(zmodel, **cosmo) / cdad(zmodel, zcluster, **cosmo))
    # read in the deflections from Adi's lens models 
        axlist = pyfits.open(clusterdir+'/'+deflxfile)
        aylist = pyfits.open(clusterdir+'/'+deflyfile)
        ax, ay = rescale*axlist[0].data, rescale*aylist[0].data

    # read in the segmentation map, which we are implicitly assuming has
    # already been wregistered to the model
            segfile = pyfits.open(clusterdir+'/'+segfile)
            segflag = 1
            segflag = 0

    # do some initializations etc
        Unity  = np.zeros(ax.shape)+1.0
        header = axlist[0].header
            cdelt1, cdelt2 = header['CDELT1'], header['CDELT2']
            header['CDELT1'], header['CDELT2'] = cdelt1, cdelt2
            pxsc = np.abs(cdelt1)*3600.0 # in arcseconds per linear pixel dimension
            cd1_1, cd2_2 = header['CD1_1'], header['CD2_2']
            pxsc = np.abs(cd1_1)*3600.0 # in arcseconds per linear pixel dimension

    # Calculate the magnification from the Jacobian.  Note that it first
    # calculates the gradient with respect to the 'y' axis, and then wrt
    # the 'x' axis. 
        axy, axx = np.gradient(ax)
        ayy, ayx = np.gradient(ay)
        Jxx = Unity -axx
        Jxy =       -axy
        Jyx =       -ayx
        Jyy = Unity -ayy

        Mu    = Unity / (Jxx*Jyy - Jxy*Jyx)
        AbsMu = np.abs(Mu)

    # define the total wfc3ir outline mask
    #    regionfile = clusterdir+'/'+'wfc3ir_outline.reg'
        regionfile = clusterdir+'/'+'acs_outline.reg'
        #    rmask=np.zeros(ax.shape)
        #    rmask[(maskboo)]=1.0

    # The diff_comoving_volume is the differential comoving volume per
    # unit redshift per unit solid angle, in units of Mpc**3 ster**-1.  So
    # we convert that to the Volume per (unlensed) pixel, for a source
    # plane at ztarget.
        VolPix = (pxsc/206265.0)**2 * cd.diff_comoving_volume(ztarget, **cosmo)

    # PixMap will now be the Mpc**3 volume that each pixel corresponds to
    # in the z=9-10 source plane.
        PixMap = VolPix / AbsMu 

    # Now let's zap the areas of the mosaic that are covered by objects
    # via the IR-detected segmentation map.
    # /Volumes/Archive/CLASH/archive.stsci.edu/pub/clash/outgoing/macs1149/HST/catalogs/mosaicdrizzle_image_pipeline/IR_detection/SExtractor

    # Now let us calculate the source-plane volume for each of the
    # magnification lower limits we established.
        VolarrayWithSeg = np.zeros(mu.shape)
        Volarray        = np.zeros(mu.shape)
        for jj in np.arange(mu.size):
            #        VolarrayWithSeg[jj] = np.sum( PixMap[((AbsMu>mu[jj]) & (rmask==1.0) & (segmap==0) )] )
            #        Volarray[jj]        = np.sum( PixMap[((AbsMu>mu[jj]) & (rmask==1.0))] )
            VolarrayWithSeg[jj] = np.sum( PixMap[((AbsMu>mu[jj]) & (maskboo) & (segmap==0) )] )
            Volarray[jj]        = np.sum( PixMap[((AbsMu>mu[jj]) & (maskboo))] )
        TotalVolarrayWithSeg += VolarrayWithSeg
        TotalVolarray += Volarray

        print alias,clusterdir,10**s(np.log10(muref))
        outstring = '%s %s %.1f ' % (alias,clusterdir,10**s(np.log10(muref)))
        # need to write the mu, Volarray data to a file.... 

    # no error checking here yet...
    sws = si.UnivariateSpline(np.log10(mu),np.log10(TotalVolarrayWithSeg),s=5)
    s   = si.UnivariateSpline(np.log10(mu),np.log10(TotalVolarray),s=5)
    volwithseg = (np.asarray(10**sws(np.log10(magref)))).reshape(len(magref), 1)
    volnoseg = (np.asarray(10**s(np.log10(magref)))).reshape(len(magref),1)
    magref = (np.asarray(magref)).reshape(len(magref),1)
    MVolArray = np.hstack((magref, volnoseg, volwithseg))

    return MVolArray
Example #11
def volz(minmu, zmin=2.5, zmax=11.5):
                          names=['alias','clusterdir','deflxfile','deflyfile','segfile', 'zcluster','zmodel'])

    # Observed F160W AB magnitude is 25.7. Its restframe B-band magnitude
    # is approximately -22.4, uncorrected for the magnification of ~15.5.
    # So the corrected absolute magnitude is -22.4+2.5*log(15.5) = -19.4.

    # target source redshift for rescaling model deflection maps
    spacing = zmax - zmin + 1
    ztarget = np.linspace(zmin,zmax,spacing)

    # a reasonable grid of magnifications
    # fiducial threshold magnification
    mufiducial = minmu
    mustr = '%.1f' % mufiducial

    # set the anchor point of Mref <-> muref
    Mref, muref = -19.5, 9.0
    #Mref, muref = -19.4, 15.5
    Mlim = Mref+2.5*np.log10(mu/muref)
    def getmu(Mag):
        return muref*10**(0.4*(Mag-Mref))

    TotalVolarray = np.zeros(mu.shape)
    TotalRedarray = np.zeros(ztarget.shape)

    # Plot stuff
    MFig.set_xlabel('Redshift [z]')
    MFig.set_ylabel('Effective Volume ($\mu>$'+mustr+') [Mpc$^3$]')

    # # some annotations
    # MFig.text(30,2e4,'z=[9,10]',size=13)
    # ytext = 1e5
    # MFig.text(0.22,ytext,'Unlensed M$_{B}$ [AB] limit:',size=10)
    # plotmus=[-18.0,Mref,-21.0,-22.0]
    # for pp in plotmus: MFig.text(getmu(pp)/1.2,ytext,'%.1f' % pp,size=10)

    # outdata = open('redshiftdata.dat','w')

    for ii in np.arange(clist.size):

        alias      = clist['alias'][ii]
        clusterdir = clist['clusterdir'][ii]
        deflxfile  = clist['deflxfile'][ii]
        deflyfile  = clist['deflyfile'][ii]
        zcluster   = clist['zcluster'][ii]
        zmodel     = clist['zmodel'][ii]

    # read in the deflections from Adi's lens models 
        axlist = pyfits.open(clusterdir+'/'+deflxfile)
        aylist = pyfits.open(clusterdir+'/'+deflyfile)
    #    ax, ay = rescale*axlist[0].data, rescale*aylist[0].data
        ax, ay = axlist[0].data, aylist[0].data

    # do some initializations etc
        Unity  = np.zeros(ax.shape)+1.0
        header = axlist[0].header
            cdelt1, cdelt2 = header['CDELT1'], header['CDELT2']
            header['CDELT1'], header['CDELT2'] = cdelt1, cdelt2
            pxsc = np.abs(cdelt1)*3600.0 # in arcseconds per linear pixel dimension
            cd1_1, cd2_2 = header['CD1_1'], header['CD2_2']
            pxsc = np.abs(cd1_1)*3600.0 # in arcseconds per linear pixel dimension

        regionfile = clusterdir+'/'+'acs_outline.reg'

        for zi in np.arange(ztarget.size):
            #print alias, ztarget[zi]
            rescale = \
                (cdad(ztarget[zi], zcluster, **cosmo) / cdad(ztarget[zi], **cosmo)) * \
                (cdad(zmodel, **cosmo) / cdad(zmodel, zcluster, **cosmo))
    # Calculate the magnification from the Jacobian.  Note that it first
    # calculates the gradient with respect to the 'y' axis, and then wrt
    # the 'x' axis. 
            axy, axx = np.gradient(rescale*ax)
            ayy, ayx = np.gradient(rescale*ay)
            Jxx = Unity -axx
            Jxy =       -axy
            Jyx =       -ayx
            Jyy = Unity -ayy
            Mu    = Unity / (Jxx*Jyy - Jxy*Jyx)
            AbsMu = np.abs(Mu)

    # The diff_comoving_volume is the differential comoving volume per
    # unit redshift per unit solid angle, in units of Mpc**3 ster**-1.  So
    # we convert that to the Volume per (unlensed) pixel, for a source
    # plane at z=9-10.
            VolPix = (pxsc/206265.0)**2 * cd.diff_comoving_volume(ztarget[zi], **cosmo)

    # PixMap will now be the Mpc**3 volume that each pixel corresponds to
    # in the z=9-10 source plane.
            PixMap = VolPix / AbsMu 

            Redarray[zi]=np.sum(PixMap[((AbsMu>mufiducial) & (maskboo))])

        TotalRedarray += Redarray

    MFig.plot(ztarget,TotalRedarray,linewidth=4,color='b',label='CLASH 12')
    d1 = len(ztarget)
    VolZarray = ztarget.reshape(d1, 1)
    TotalRedarray = TotalRedarray.reshape(d1, 1)
    VolZarray = np.hstack((VolZarray, TotalRedarray))

    return VolZarray
Example #12
for i in xrange(len(z)):
    #Hubble Distance
    dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(z[i], **Cosmology) * cd.e_z(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #In David Hogg's (arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4) formalism, this is equivalent to D_H / E(z) = c / (H_0 E(z)) [see his eq. 14], which
    #appears in the definitions of many other distance measures.

    dm = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #See equation 16 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4

    da = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #See equations 18-19 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4

    dl = cd.luminosity_distance(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #Units are Mpc

    dVc = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #The differential comoving volume element dV_c/dz/dSolidAngle.
    #Dimensions are volume per unit redshift per unit solid angle.
    #Units are Mpc**3 Steradians^-1.
    #See David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4, equation 28

    tl = cd.lookback_time(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #See equation 30 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4. Units are s.

    agetl = cd.age(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #Age at z is lookback time at z'->Infinity minus lookback time at z.

    tH = 3.09e17 / Cosmology['h']

    ez = cd.e_z(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #The unitless Hubble expansion rate at redshift z.
from math import *
Example #14
        # the 'x' axis.
        axy, axx = np.gradient(rescale * ax)
        ayy, ayx = np.gradient(rescale * ay)
        Jxx = Unity - axx
        Jxy = -axy
        Jyx = -ayx
        Jyy = Unity - ayy

        Mu = Unity / (Jxx * Jyy - Jxy * Jyx)
        AbsMu = np.abs(Mu)

        # The diff_comoving_volume is the differential comoving volume per
        # unit redshift per unit solid angle, in units of Mpc**3 ster**-1.  So
        # we convert that to the Volume per (unlensed) pixel, for a source
        # plane at z=9-10.
        VolPix = (pxsc / 206265.0)**2 * cd.diff_comoving_volume(
            ztarget[zi], **cosmo)

        # PixMap will now be the Mpc**3 volume that each pixel corresponds to
        # in the z=9-10 source plane.

        PixMap = VolPix / AbsMu

        Redarray[zi] = np.sum(PixMap[(AbsMu > mufiducial)])

    TotalRedarray += Redarray
    MFig.plot(ztarget, Redarray, label=alias)
    MFig.legend(loc=3, prop={'size': 8})

# # Now let us calculate the source-plane volume for each of the
# # magnification lower limits we established.
for i in xrange(len(z)):
    #Hubble Distance
    dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(z[i],**Cosmology)*cd.e_z(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #In David Hogg's (arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4) formalism, this is equivalent to D_H / E(z) = c / (H_0 E(z)) [see his eq. 14], which
        #appears in the definitions of many other distance measures.
    dm = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #See equation 16 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4
    da = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #See equations 18-19 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4
    dl = cd.luminosity_distance(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #Units are Mpc
    dVc = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #The differential comoving volume element dV_c/dz/dSolidAngle.
    #Dimensions are volume per unit redshift per unit solid angle.
    #Units are Mpc**3 Steradians^-1.
    #See David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4, equation 28

    tl = cd.lookback_time(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #See equation 30 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4. Units are s.
    agetl = cd.age(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #Age at z is lookback time at z'->Infinity minus lookback time at z.
    tH = 3.09e17/Cosmology['h']
    ez = cd.e_z(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #The unitless Hubble expansion rate at redshift z.
def Dv(z):
	'''__________ Dv_________________________'''
	cosmo = {'omega_M_0' : 0.24, 'omega_lambda_0' : 1.0 - 0.24, 'h' : 0.73}
	cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
	Dv = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z, **cosmo)
	return Dv