Example #1
def find_template_dir(name, directory=''):
    paths = ['%s' % name, '../%s' % name]
    if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): # py2exe
        modpath = sys.executable
        modpath = __file__
    default_locations = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(modpath), p, 
                        directory) for p in paths]
    if directory:
        user_locations = []
        for user_location in user_path():
            user_locations.append(os.path.join(user_location, name, directory))
        default_locations = user_locations + default_locations

    found = False
    for location in default_locations:
        template_dir = os.path.normpath(location)
        if os.path.isdir(template_dir):
            found = True
    if found:
        return template_dir
    return False
Example #2
def find_template_dir(name, directory=''):
    paths = ['%s' % name, os.path.join('..', name)]
    if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): # py2exe
        modpath = sys.executable
    elif sys.platform == "win32" or os.name == "nt":
        modpath = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "Lib", "site-packages",
            "couchapp", "templates")
        modpath = __file__
    default_locations = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(modpath), p, 
                        directory) for p in paths]
    if directory:
        user_locations = []
        for user_location in user_path():
            user_locations.append(os.path.join(user_location, name, directory))
        default_locations = user_locations + default_locations

    found = False
    for location in default_locations:
        template_dir = os.path.normpath(location)
        if os.path.isdir(template_dir):
            found = True
    if found:
        return template_dir
    return False
Example #3
def generate_app(path, template=None, create=False):
    """ Generates a CouchApp in app_dir

    :attr verbose: boolean, default False
    :return: boolean, dict. { 'ok': True } if ok,
    { 'ok': False, 'error': message }
    if something was wrong.

    TEMPLATES = ["app"]
    prefix = ""
    if template is not None:
        prefix = os.path.join(*template.split("/"))
    except OSError as e:
        errno, message = e
        raise AppError("Can't create a CouchApp in %s: %s" % (path, message))

    for n in DEFAULT_APP_TREE:
        tp = os.path.join(path, n)

    for t in TEMPLATES:
        appdir = path
        if prefix:
            # we do the job twice for now to make sure an app or vendor
            # template exist in user template location
            # fast on linux since there is only one user dir location
            # but could be a little slower on windows
            for user_location in user_path():
                location = os.path.join(user_location, "templates", prefix, t)
                if os.path.exists(location):
                    t = os.path.join(prefix, t)

        copy_helper(appdir, t)

    # add vendor
    vendor_dir = os.path.join(appdir, "vendor")
    copy_helper(vendor_dir, "", tname="vendor")

    fid = os.path.join(appdir, "_id")
    if not os.path.isfile(fid):
        with open(fid, "wb") as f:
            f.write("_design/%s" % os.path.split(appdir)[1])

    if create:
        localdoc.document(path, create=True)

    logger.info("%s generated." % path)
Example #4
def find_template_dir(name, directory=''):
    paths = ['%s' % name, os.path.join('..', name)]
    if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'):  # py2exe
        modpath = sys.executable
    elif sys.platform == "win32" or os.name == "nt":
        modpath = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "Lib", "site-packages", "couchapp",
        modpath = __file__

    if sys.platform != "win32" and os.name != "nt":
        default_locations = [
            "/usr/share/couchapp/templates/%s" % directory,
            "/usr/local/share/couchapp/templates/%s" % directory,
            "/opt/couchapp/templates/%s" % directory

        default_locations = []

        [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(modpath), p, directory) for p in paths])

    if sys.platform == "darwin":
        home = os.path.expanduser('~'),
        data_path = "%s/Library/Application Support/Couchapp" % home
        default_locations.extend(["%s/%s/%s" % (data_path, p, directory) \
                for p in paths])

    if directory:
        for user_location in user_path():
                os.path.join(user_location, name, directory))

    found = False
    for location in default_locations:
        template_dir = os.path.normpath(location)
        if os.path.isdir(template_dir):
            found = True
    if found:
        return template_dir
    return False
Example #5
def find_template_dir(name, directory=''):
    paths = ['%s' % name, os.path.join('..', name)]
    if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'):  # py2exe
        modpath = sys.executable
    elif sys.platform == "win32" or os.name == "nt":
        modpath = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "Lib", "site-packages", "couchapp",
        modpath = __file__

    if sys.platform != "win32" and os.name != "nt":
        default_locations = [
            "/usr/share/couchapp/templates/%s" % directory,
            "/usr/local/share/couchapp/templates/%s" % directory,
            "/opt/couchapp/templates/%s" % directory]

        default_locations = []

    default_locations.extend([os.path.join(os.path.dirname(modpath), p,
                                           directory) for p in paths])

    if sys.platform == "darwin":
        home = os.path.expanduser('~'),
        data_path = "%s/Library/Application Support/Couchapp" % home
        default_locations.extend(["%s/%s/%s" % (data_path, p, directory)
                                  for p in paths])

    if directory:
        for user_location in user_path():
            default_locations.append(os.path.join(user_location, name,

    found = False
    for location in default_locations:
        template_dir = os.path.normpath(location)
        if os.path.isdir(template_dir):
            found = True
    if found:
        return template_dir
    return False
Example #6
def init_template(path, template=None):
    Generates a CouchApp via template
    TEMPLATES = ['app']
    prefix = os.path.join(*template.split('/')) if template is not None else ''

    setup_dir(path, require_empty=True)

    for n in DEFAULT_APP_TREE:
        tp = os.path.join(path, n)

    for t in TEMPLATES:
        appdir = path
        if prefix:
            # we do the job twice for now to make sure an app or vendor
            # template exist in user template location
            # fast on linux since there is only one user dir location
            # but could be a little slower on windows
            for user_location in user_path():
                location = os.path.join(user_location, 'templates', prefix, t)
                if os.path.exists(location):
                    t = os.path.join(prefix, t)

        copy_helper(appdir, t)

    # add vendor
    vendor_dir = os.path.join(appdir, 'vendor')
    copy_helper(vendor_dir, '', tname="vendor")

    fid = os.path.join(appdir, '_id')
    if not os.path.isfile(fid):
        with open(fid, 'wb') as f:

    localdoc.document(path, create=True)
Example #7
def init_template(path, template=None):
    Generates a CouchApp via template
    TEMPLATES = ['app']
    prefix = os.path.join(*template.split('/')) if template is not None else ''

    setup_dir(path, require_empty=True)

    for n in DEFAULT_APP_TREE:
        tp = os.path.join(path, n)

    for t in TEMPLATES:
        appdir = path
        if prefix:
            # we do the job twice for now to make sure an app or vendor
            # template exist in user template location
            # fast on linux since there is only one user dir location
            # but could be a little slower on windows
            for user_location in user_path():
                location = os.path.join(user_location, 'templates', prefix, t)
                if os.path.exists(location):
                    t = os.path.join(prefix, t)

        copy_helper(appdir, t)

    # add vendor
    vendor_dir = os.path.join(appdir, 'vendor')
    copy_helper(vendor_dir, '', tname="vendor")

    fid = os.path.join(appdir, '_id')
    if not os.path.isfile(fid):
        with open(fid, 'wb') as f:

    localdoc.document(path, create=True)
Example #8
    except OSError, e:
        errno, message = e
        raise AppError("Can't create a CouchApp in %s: %s" % (path, message))

    for n in DEFAULT_APP_TREE:
        tp = os.path.join(path, n)

    for t in TEMPLATES:
        appdir = path
        if prefix:
            # we do the job twice for now to make sure an app or vendor
            # template exist in user template location
            # fast on linux since there is only one user dir location
            # but could be a little slower on windows
            for user_location in user_path():
                location = os.path.join(user_location, 'templates', prefix, t)
                if os.path.exists(location):
                    t = os.path.join(prefix, t)

        copy_helper(appdir, t)

    # add vendor
    vendor_dir = os.path.join(appdir, 'vendor', 'couchapp')
    copy_helper(vendor_dir, '', tname="vendor")

    fid = os.path.join(appdir, '_id')
    if not os.path.isfile(fid):
        with open(fid, 'wb') as f:
Example #9
    except OSError, e:
        errno, message = e
        raise AppError("Can't create a CouchApp in %s: %s" % (path, message))

    for n in DEFAULT_APP_TREE:
        tp = os.path.join(path, n)

    for t in TEMPLATES:
        appdir = path
        if prefix:
            # we do the job twice for now to make sure an app or vendor
            # template exist in user template location
            # fast on linux since there is only one user dir location
            # but could be a little slower on windows
            for user_location in user_path():
                location = os.path.join(user_location, 'templates', prefix, t)
                if os.path.exists(location):
                    t = os.path.join(prefix, t)

        copy_helper(appdir, t)

    # add vendor
    vendor_dir = os.path.join(appdir, 'vendor')
    copy_helper(vendor_dir, '', tname="vendor")

    fid = os.path.join(appdir, '_id')
    if not os.path.isfile(fid):
        with open(fid, 'wb') as f:
Example #10
def find_template_dir(tmpl_name='default', tmpl_type='', raise_error=False):
    Find template dir for different platform

    :param tmpl_name: The template name under ``templates``.
                      It can be empty string.
                      If it is set to ``default``, we will use consider
                      the tmpl_name as empty.
                      e.g. ``mytmpl`` mentioned in the docstring of
    :param tmpl_type: the type of template.
                      e.g. 'app', 'functions', 'vendor'
    :param bool raise_error: raise ``AppError`` if not found
    :return: the absolute path or ``None`` if not found

    We will check the ``<search path>/templates/<tmpl_name>/<tmpl_type>`` is
    dir or not. The first matched win.

    For posix platform, the search locations are following:
    - ~/.couchapp/
    - <module dir path>/
    - <module dir path>/../
    - /usr/share/couchapp/
    - /usr/local/share/couchapp/
    - /opt/couchapp/

    For darwin (OSX) platform, we have some extra search locations:
    - ${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Couchapp/

    For windows with standlone binary (py2exe):
    - <executable dir path>/
    - <executable dir path>/../

    For windows with python interpreter:
    - ${USERPROFILE}/.couchapp/
    - <module dir path>/
    - <module dir path>/../
    - <python prefix>/Lib/site-packages/couchapp/

    ..versionchanged:: 1.1
    if tmpl_type and tmpl_type not in TEMPLATE_TYPES:
        raise AppError('invalid template type "{0}"'.format(tmpl_type))

    if tmpl_name == 'default':
        tmpl_name = ''

    modpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    search_paths = user_path() + [
        os.path.join(modpath, '..'),

    if os.name == 'posix':
    elif is_py2exe():
    elif is_windows():
            os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'Lib', 'site-packages', 'couchapp')

    # extra path for darwin
    if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
            os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Application Support/Couchapp')

    # the first win!
    for path in search_paths:
        path = os.path.normpath(path)
        path = os.path.join(path, 'templates', tmpl_name, tmpl_type)
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            logger.debug('template path match: "{0}"'.format(path))
            return path

        logger.debug('template search path: "{0}" not found'.format(path))

    if raise_error:
        logger.info('please use "-d" to checkout search paths.')
        raise AppError('template "{0}/{1}" not found.'.format(
            tmpl_name, tmpl_type))

    return None