Example #1
def run(raw_url, db_name, config_doc):
    db = Server(raw_url)[db_name]
    config = db.get(config_doc)

    if 'logger' in config:
        log_stream = db.get_attachment(config_doc, config['logger'])
        logging_conf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)

    def get_component(name):
        components = name.split('.')
        mod = __import__('.'.join(components[:-1]))
        for comp in components[1:]:
            mod = getattr(mod, comp)
        return mod

    mal_cls = get_component(config['maldriver'])
    predictor_cls = get_component(config['predictor'])
    planner_cls = get_component(config['planner'])
    scaler_cls = get_component(config['scaler'])

    with daemon.DaemonContext():
Example #2
class DataBase(object):
    DESIGN_NAME = "_design/blog"
        "views": {
            "post": {
                "map": """function(doc) {
                            if (doc.type=="post") {
                                emit((doc.published[0], doc.published[1], doc.title), doc)
            "posts": {
                "map": """function(doc) {
                            if (doc.type=="post") {
                                emit((doc.created), doc)
            "posts-published": {
                "map": """function(doc) {
                            if ((doc.type=="post") &&(doc.published != null) ) {
                                emit((doc.published), doc)
            "user": {
                "map": """function(doc) {
                            if (doc.type=="user") {
                                emit(doc.username, doc)

    def __init__(self, connection_string):
        Detect state of database and create if nessecery.
        url = urlparse(connection_string)
        server_url = "http://%s:%s" % (url.hostname, url.port)
        self.server = Server(server_url)
        if url.username and url.password:
            self.server.resource.credentials = (url.username, url.password)
        table_name = url.path[1:]
        self.db = self.server.get(table_name)
        if not self.db:
            self.db = self.server.create(table_name)
            self.db[self.DESIGN_NAME] = self.DESIGN_CONTENTS
    def _return_view(self, view_name, key=None, key_start=None, key_end=None, descending=False):
        path = self.DESIGN_NAME + "/_view/" + view_name
        params = dict()
        if key:
            params.update({"key": key_start})
        elif key_start and key_end:
            params.update({"startkey": key_start})
            params.update({"endkey": key_end})

        if descending:
            params.update({"descending", "true"})
        results = db.view(path, params)
        return results.rows
    def get_post(self, year, month, post_name):
        Return a complete Post object that matches the parameters.
        @param year: an integer year value for the year the post was published.
        key = jsonsdump([year, month, post_name])
        results = self._return_view("post", key=key)
        if len(results):
            return self._row_to_post(results[0])
        raise DataBaseError("No results found for this key.")
    def get_posts(self, year, month=None, page=None):
        Return a list of Post objects that match the parameters.
        if year and month:
            key_start = [year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0]
            key_end = [year, month, 32, 0, 0, 0] # a little hack to get all entries specified month
        elif year:
            key_start = [year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
            key_end = [year, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0] # a little hack to get all entries specified year
        rows = self._return_view("posts", key_start=key_start, key_stop=key_stop)
        posts = []
        for row in rows:
            post = Posts.from_row(row)
        return posts
    def get_published_posts(self, year=None, month=None, page=None):
        Return array of published items
        if year and month:
            key_start = [year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0]
            key_end = [year, month, 32, 0, 0, 0] # a little hack to get all entries specified month
        elif year:
            key_start = [year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
            key_end = [year, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0] # a little hack to get all entries specified year
            key_start = None
            key_end = None
        rows = self._return_view("posts-published", key_start=key_start, key_stop=key_stop)
        posts = []
        for row in rows:
            post = Posts.from_row(row)
        return posts
    def add_post(self, post):
    def get_user(self, user):
        rows = self._return_view("user", key=user)
        if len(row):
            return User.from_row(row[0])
        raise DataBaseError("No results found for this user.")
    def add_user(self, user):