class SavedBasicExport(Document): """ A cache of an export that lives in couch. Doesn't do anything smart, just works off an index """ configuration = SchemaProperty(ExportConfiguration) last_updated = DateTimeProperty() @property def size(self): try: return self._attachments[self.get_attachment_name()]["length"] except KeyError: return 0 def has_file(self): return self.get_attachment_name() in self._attachments def get_attachment_name(self): # obfuscate this because couch doesn't like attachments that start with underscores return hashlib.md5( unicode(self.configuration.filename).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() def set_payload(self, payload): self.put_attachment(payload, self.get_attachment_name()) def get_payload(self): return self.fetch_attachment(self.get_attachment_name())
class Dhis2FormConfig(DocumentSchema): xmlns = StringProperty() program_id = StringProperty(required=True) org_unit_id = SchemaProperty(ValueSource, required=False) event_date = SchemaProperty(ValueSource, required=True) event_status = StringProperty( choices=DHIS2_EVENT_STATUSES, default=DHIS2_EVENT_STATUS_COMPLETED, ) datavalue_maps = SchemaListProperty(FormDataValueMap) @classmethod def wrap(cls, data): if isinstance(data.get('org_unit_id'), six.string_types): # Convert org_unit_id from a string to a ConstantString data['org_unit_id'] = { 'doc_type': 'ConstantString', 'value': data['org_unit_id'] } return super(Dhis2FormConfig, cls).wrap(data)
class Dhis2Repeater(FormRepeater): class Meta(object): app_label = 'repeaters' include_app_id_param = False friendly_name = _("Forward to DHIS2") payload_generator_classes = (FormRepeaterJsonPayloadGenerator,) dhis2_config = SchemaProperty(Dhis2Config) def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.get_id == other.get_id ) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.get_id) @memoized def payload_doc(self, repeat_record): return FormAccessors(repeat_record.domain).get_form(repeat_record.payload_id) @property def form_class_name(self): """ The class name used to determine which edit form to use """ return self.__class__.__name__ @classmethod def available_for_domain(cls, domain): return DHIS2_INTEGRATION.enabled(domain) @classmethod def get_custom_url(cls, domain): return reverse(AddDhis2RepeaterView.urlname, args=[domain]) def get_payload(self, repeat_record): payload = super(Dhis2Repeater, self).get_payload(repeat_record) return json.loads(payload) def send_request(self, repeat_record, payload): for form_config in self.dhis2_config.form_configs: if form_config.xmlns == payload['form']['@xmlns']: return send_data_to_dhis2( Requests(self.domain, self.url, self.username, self.plaintext_password, verify=self.verify), form_config, payload, )
class HQBillingDomainMixin(DocumentSchema): """ This contains all the attributes required to bill a client for CommCare HQ services. """ billing_address = SchemaProperty(HQBillingAddress) billing_number = StringProperty() currency_code = StringProperty(default=settings.DEFAULT_CURRENCY) # used to bill client is_sms_billable = BooleanProperty() billable_client = StringProperty() def update_billing_info(self, **kwargs): self.billing_number = kwargs.get('phone_number','') self.billing_address.update_billing_address(**kwargs) self.currency_code = kwargs.get('currency_code', settings.DEFAULT_CURRENCY)
class Domain(Document, HQBillingDomainMixin, SnapshotMixin): """Domain is the highest level collection of people/stuff in the system. Pretty much everything happens at the domain-level, including user membership, permission to see data, reports, charts, etc.""" name = StringProperty() is_active = BooleanProperty() is_public = BooleanProperty(default=False) date_created = DateTimeProperty() default_timezone = StringProperty(default=getattr(settings, "TIME_ZONE", "UTC")) case_sharing = BooleanProperty(default=False) organization = StringProperty() hr_name = StringProperty() # the human-readable name for this project within an organization eula = SchemaProperty(LicenseAgreement) creating_user = StringProperty() # username of the user who created this domain # domain metadata project_type = StringProperty() # e.g. MCH, HIV customer_type = StringProperty() # plus, full, etc. is_test = BooleanProperty(default=True) description = StringProperty() short_description = StringProperty() is_shared = BooleanProperty(default=False) commtrack_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False) call_center_config = SchemaProperty(CallCenterProperties) case_display = SchemaProperty(CaseDisplaySettings) # CommConnect settings survey_management_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False) sms_case_registration_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False) # Whether or not a case can register via sms sms_case_registration_type = StringProperty() # Case type to apply to cases registered via sms sms_case_registration_owner_id = StringProperty() # Owner to apply to cases registered via sms sms_case_registration_user_id = StringProperty() # Submitting user to apply to cases registered via sms sms_mobile_worker_registration_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False) # Whether or not a mobile worker can register via sms default_sms_backend_id = StringProperty() # exchange/domain copying stuff is_snapshot = BooleanProperty(default=False) is_approved = BooleanProperty(default=False) snapshot_time = DateTimeProperty() published = BooleanProperty(default=False) license = StringProperty(choices=LICENSES, default='cc') title = StringProperty() cda = SchemaProperty(LicenseAgreement) multimedia_included = BooleanProperty(default=True) downloads = IntegerProperty(default=0) author = StringProperty() phone_model = StringProperty() attribution_notes = StringProperty() publisher = StringProperty(choices=["organization", "user"], default="user") yt_id = StringProperty() deployment = SchemaProperty(Deployment) image_path = StringProperty() image_type = StringProperty() migrations = SchemaProperty(DomainMigrations) cached_properties = DictProperty() internal = SchemaProperty(InternalProperties) # extra user specified properties tags = StringListProperty() area = StringProperty(choices=AREA_CHOICES) sub_area = StringProperty(choices=SUB_AREA_CHOICES) launch_date = DateTimeProperty # to be eliminated from projects and related documents when they are copied for the exchange _dirty_fields = ('admin_password', 'admin_password_charset', 'city', 'country', 'region', 'customer_type') @classmethod def wrap(cls, data): # for domains that still use original_doc should_save = False if 'original_doc' in data: original_doc = data['original_doc'] del data['original_doc'] should_save = True if original_doc: original_doc = Domain.get_by_name(original_doc) data['copy_history'] = [original_doc._id] # for domains that have a public domain license if 'license' in data: if data.get("license", None) == "public": data["license"] = "cc" should_save = True # if not 'creating_user' in data: # should_save = True # from corehq.apps.users.models import CouchUser # admins = CouchUser.view("users/admins_by_domain", key=data["name"], reduce=False, include_docs=True).all() # if len(admins) == 1: # data["creating_user"] = admins[0].username # else: # data["creating_user"] = None if 'slug' in data and data["slug"]: data["hr_name"] = data["slug"] del data["slug"] self = super(Domain, cls).wrap(data) if self.get_id: self.apply_migrations() if should_save: return self @staticmethod def active_for_user(user, is_active=True): if isinstance(user, AnonymousUser): return [] from corehq.apps.users.models import CouchUser if isinstance(user, CouchUser): couch_user = user else: couch_user = CouchUser.from_django_user(user) if couch_user: domain_names = couch_user.get_domains() return Domain.view("domain/by_status", keys=[[is_active, d] for d in domain_names], reduce=False, include_docs=True, stale=settings.COUCH_STALE_QUERY, ).all() else: return [] @classmethod def field_by_prefix(cls, field, prefix='', is_approved=True): # unichr(0xfff8) is something close to the highest character available res = cls.view("domain/fields_by_prefix", group=True, startkey=[field, is_approved, prefix], endkey=[field, is_approved, "%s%c" % (prefix, unichr(0xfff8)), {}]) vals = [(d['value'], d['key'][2]) for d in res] vals.sort(reverse=True) return [(v[1], v[0]) for v in vals] @classmethod def get_by_field(cls, field, value, is_approved=True): return cls.view('domain/fields_by_prefix', key=[field, is_approved, value], reduce=False, include_docs=True).all() def apply_migrations(self): self.migrations.apply(self) @staticmethod def all_for_user(user): if not hasattr(user,'get_profile'): # this had better be an anonymous user return [] from corehq.apps.users.models import CouchUser couch_user = CouchUser.from_django_user(user) if couch_user: domain_names = couch_user.get_domains() return Domain.view("domain/domains", keys=domain_names, reduce=False, include_docs=True).all() else: return [] def add(self, model_instance, is_active=True): """ Add something to this domain, through the generic relation. Returns the created membership object """ # Add membership info to Couch couch_user = model_instance.get_profile().get_couch_user() couch_user.add_domain_membership( def applications(self): from corehq.apps.app_manager.models import ApplicationBase return ApplicationBase.view('app_manager/applications_brief', startkey=[], endkey=[, {}]).all() def full_applications(self, include_builds=True): from corehq.apps.app_manager.models import Application, RemoteApp WRAPPERS = {'Application': Application, 'RemoteApp': RemoteApp} def wrap_application(a): return WRAPPERS[a['doc']['doc_type']].wrap(a['doc']) if include_builds: startkey = [] endkey = [, {}] else: startkey = [, None] endkey = [, None, {}] return get_db().view('app_manager/applications', startkey=startkey, endkey=endkey, include_docs=True, wrapper=wrap_application).all() @cached_property def versions(self): apps = self.applications() return list(set(a.application_version for a in apps)) @cached_property def has_case_management(self): for app in self.full_applications(): if app.doc_type == 'Application': if app.has_case_management(): return True return False @cached_property def has_media(self): for app in self.full_applications(): if app.doc_type == 'Application' and app.has_media(): return True return False def all_users(self): from corehq.apps.users.models import CouchUser return CouchUser.by_domain( def has_shared_media(self): return False def recent_submissions(self): from corehq.apps.reports.util import make_form_couch_key key = make_form_couch_key( res = get_db().view('reports_forms/all_forms', startkey=key+[{}], endkey=key, descending=True, reduce=False, include_docs=False, limit=1).all() if len(res) > 0: # if there have been any submissions in the past 30 days return ( <= datetime.strptime(res[0]['value']['submission_time'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") + timedelta(days=30)) else: return False @cached_property def languages(self): apps = self.applications() return set(chain.from_iterable([a.langs for a in apps])) def readable_languages(self): return ', '.join(lang_lookup[lang] or lang for lang in self.languages()) def __unicode__(self): return @classmethod def get_by_name(cls, name, strict=False): if not name: # get_by_name should never be called with name as None (or '', etc) # I fixed the code in such a way that if I raise a ValueError # all tests pass and basic pages load, # but in order not to break anything in the wild, # I'm opting to notify by email if/when this happens # but fall back to the previous behavior of returning None try: raise ValueError('%r is not a valid domain name' % name) except ValueError: if settings.DEBUG: raise else: notify_exception(None, '%r is not a valid domain name' % name) return None extra_args = {'stale': settings.COUCH_STALE_QUERY} if not strict else {} result = cls.view("domain/domains", key=name, reduce=False, include_docs=True, **extra_args ).first() if result is None and not strict: # on the off chance this is a brand new domain, try with strict return cls.get_by_name(name, strict=True) return result @classmethod def get_by_organization(cls, organization): result = cls.view("domain/by_organization", startkey=[organization], endkey=[organization, {}], reduce=False, include_docs=True) return result @classmethod def get_by_organization_and_hrname(cls, organization, hr_name): result = cls.view("domain/by_organization", key=[organization, hr_name], reduce=False, include_docs=True) return result @classmethod def get_or_create_with_name(cls, name, is_active=False): result = cls.view("domain/domains", key=name, reduce=False, include_docs=True).first() if result: return result else: new_domain = Domain(name=name, is_active=is_active, date_created=datetime.utcnow())**get_safe_write_kwargs()) return new_domain def password_format(self): """ This was a performance hit, so for now we'll just return 'a' no matter what # If a single application is alphanumeric, return alphanumeric; otherwise, return numeric """ # for app in self.full_applications(): # if hasattr(app, 'profile'): # format = app.profile.get('properties', {}).get('password_format', 'n') # if format == 'a': # return 'a' # return 'n' return 'a' @classmethod def get_all(cls, include_docs=True): return Domain.view("domain/not_snapshots", include_docs=include_docs).all() def case_sharing_included(self): return self.case_sharing or reduce(lambda x, y: x or y, [getattr(app, 'case_sharing', False) for app in self.applications()], False) def save_copy(self, new_domain_name=None, user=None): from corehq.apps.app_manager.models import get_app if new_domain_name is not None and Domain.get_by_name(new_domain_name): return None db = get_db() new_id = db.copy_doc(self.get_id)['id'] if new_domain_name is None: new_domain_name = new_id new_domain = Domain.get(new_id) = new_domain_name new_domain.copy_history = self.get_updated_history() new_domain.is_snapshot = False new_domain.snapshot_time = None new_domain.organization = None # TODO: use current user's organization (?) # reset the cda new_domain.cda.signed = False = None new_domain.cda.type = None new_domain.cda.user_id = None new_domain.cda.user_ip = None for field in self._dirty_fields: if hasattr(new_domain, field): delattr(new_domain, field) for res in db.view('domain/related_to_domain', key=[, True]): if not self.is_snapshot and res['value']['doc_type'] in ('Application', 'RemoteApp'): app = get_app(, res['value']['_id']).get_latest_saved() if app: self.copy_component(app.doc_type, app._id, new_domain_name, user=user) else: self.copy_component(res['value']['doc_type'], res['value']['_id'], new_domain_name, user=user) else: self.copy_component(res['value']['doc_type'], res['value']['_id'], new_domain_name, user=user) if user: def add_dom_to_user(user): user.add_domain_membership(new_domain_name, is_admin=True) apply_update(user, add_dom_to_user) return new_domain def copy_component(self, doc_type, id, new_domain_name, user=None): from corehq.apps.app_manager.models import import_app from corehq.apps.users.models import UserRole str_to_cls = { 'UserRole': UserRole, } db = get_db() if doc_type in ('Application', 'RemoteApp'): new_doc = import_app(id, new_domain_name) new_doc.copy_history.append(id) else: cls = str_to_cls[doc_type] new_id = db.copy_doc(id)['id'] new_doc = cls.get(new_id) for field in self._dirty_fields: if hasattr(new_doc, field): delattr(new_doc, field) if hasattr(cls, '_meta_fields'): for field in cls._meta_fields: if not field.startswith('_') and hasattr(new_doc, field): delattr(new_doc, field) new_doc.domain = new_domain_name if self.is_snapshot and doc_type == 'Application': new_doc.prepare_multimedia_for_exchange() return new_doc def save_snapshot(self): if self.is_snapshot: return self else: copy = self.save_copy() if copy is None: return None copy.is_snapshot = True copy.organization = self.organization # i don't think we want this? copy.snapshot_time = del copy.deployment return copy def from_snapshot(self): return not self.is_snapshot and self.original_doc is not None def snapshots(self): return Domain.view('domain/snapshots', startkey=[self._id, {}], endkey=[self._id], include_docs=True, descending=True) @memoized def published_snapshot(self): snapshots = self.snapshots().all() for snapshot in snapshots: if snapshot.published: return snapshot return None @classmethod def published_snapshots(cls, include_unapproved=False, page=None, per_page=10): skip = None limit = None if page: skip = (page - 1) * per_page limit = per_page if include_unapproved: return cls.view('domain/published_snapshots', startkey=[False, {}], include_docs=True, descending=True, limit=limit, skip=skip) else: return cls.view('domain/published_snapshots', endkey=[True], include_docs=True, descending=True, limit=limit, skip=skip) @classmethod def snapshot_search(cls, query, page=None, per_page=10): skip = None limit = None if page: skip = (page - 1) * per_page limit = per_page results = get_db().search('domain/snapshot_search', q=json.dumps(query), limit=limit, skip=skip, stale='ok') return map(cls.get, [r['id'] for r in results]), results.total_rows @memoized def get_organization(self): from corehq.apps.orgs.models import Organization return Organization.get_by_name(self.organization) @memoized def organization_title(self): if self.organization: return self.get_organization().title else: return '' def update_deployment(self, **kwargs): self.deployment.update(kwargs) def update_internal(self, **kwargs): self.internal.update(kwargs) def display_name(self): if self.is_snapshot: return "Snapshot of %s" % self.copied_from.display_name() if self.hr_name and self.organization: return self.hr_name else: return def long_display_name(self): if self.is_snapshot: return format_html( "Snapshot of {0} > {1}", self.get_organization().title, self.copied_from.display_name() ) if self.organization: return format_html( '{0} > {1}', self.get_organization().title, self.hr_name or ) else: return __str__ = long_display_name def get_license_display(self): return LICENSES.get(self.license) def copies(self): return Domain.view('domain/copied_from_snapshot', key=self._id, include_docs=True) def copies_of_parent(self): return Domain.view('domain/copied_from_snapshot', keys=[s._id for s in self.copied_from.snapshots()], include_docs=True) def delete(self): # delete all associated objects db = get_db() related_docs = db.view('domain/related_to_domain', startkey=[], endkey=[, {}], include_docs=True) for doc in related_docs: db.delete_doc(doc['doc']) super(Domain, self).delete() def all_media(self, from_apps=None): #todo add documentation or refactor from corehq.apps.hqmedia.models import CommCareMultimedia dom_with_media = self if not self.is_snapshot else self.copied_from if self.is_snapshot: app_ids = [app.copied_from.get_id for app in self.full_applications()] if from_apps: from_apps = set([a_id for a_id in app_ids if a_id in from_apps]) else: from_apps = app_ids if from_apps: media = [] media_ids = set() apps = [app for app in dom_with_media.full_applications() if app.get_id in from_apps] for app in apps: for _, m in app.get_media_objects(): if m.get_id not in media_ids: media.append(m) media_ids.add(m.get_id) return media return CommCareMultimedia.view('hqmedia/by_domain',, include_docs=True).all() def most_restrictive_licenses(self, apps_to_check=None): from corehq.apps.hqmedia.utils import most_restrictive licenses = [m.license['type'] for m in self.all_media(from_apps=apps_to_check) if m.license] return most_restrictive(licenses) @classmethod def popular_sort(cls, domains): sorted_list = [] MIN_REVIEWS = 1.0 domains = [(domain, Review.get_average_rating_by_app(domain.copied_from._id), Review.get_num_ratings_by_app(domain.copied_from._id)) for domain in domains] domains = [(domain, avg or 0.0, num or 0) for domain, avg, num in domains] total_average_sum = sum(avg for domain, avg, num in domains) total_average_count = len(domains) if not total_average_count: return [] total_average = (total_average_sum / total_average_count) for domain, average_rating, num_ratings in domains: if num_ratings == 0: sorted_list.append((0.0, domain)) else: weighted_rating = ((num_ratings / (num_ratings + MIN_REVIEWS)) * average_rating + (MIN_REVIEWS / (num_ratings + MIN_REVIEWS)) * total_average) sorted_list.append((weighted_rating, domain)) sorted_list = [domain for weighted_rating, domain in sorted(sorted_list, key=lambda domain: domain[0], reverse=True)] return sorted_list @classmethod def hit_sort(cls, domains): domains = list(domains) domains = sorted(domains, key=lambda domain: domain.downloads, reverse=True) return domains @classmethod def public_deployments(cls): return Domain.view('domain/with_deployment', include_docs=True).all() @classmethod def get_module_by_name(cls, domain_name): """ import and return the python module corresponding to domain_name, or None if it doesn't exist. """ module_name = get_domain_module_map().get(domain_name, domain_name) try: return __import__(module_name) if module_name else None except ImportError: return None @property def commtrack_settings(self): # this import causes some dependency issues so lives in here from corehq.apps.commtrack.models import CommtrackConfig if self.commtrack_enabled: return CommtrackConfig.for_domain( else: return None def get_case_display(self, case): """Get the properties display definition for a given case""" return self.case_display.case_details.get(case.type) def get_form_display(self, form): """Get the properties display definition for a given XFormInstance""" return self.case_display.form_details.get(form.xmlns)
class Domain(Document, HQBillingDomainMixin, SnapshotMixin): """Domain is the highest level collection of people/stuff in the system. Pretty much everything happens at the domain-level, including user membership, permission to see data, reports, charts, etc.""" name = StringProperty() is_active = BooleanProperty() is_public = BooleanProperty(default=False) date_created = DateTimeProperty() default_timezone = StringProperty( default=getattr(settings, "TIME_ZONE", "UTC")) case_sharing = BooleanProperty(default=False) secure_submissions = BooleanProperty(default=False) ota_restore_caching = BooleanProperty(default=False) cloudcare_releases = StringProperty( choices=['stars', 'nostars', 'default'], default='default') organization = StringProperty() hr_name = StringProperty( ) # the human-readable name for this project within an organization creating_user = StringProperty( ) # username of the user who created this domain # domain metadata project_type = StringProperty() # e.g. MCH, HIV customer_type = StringProperty() # plus, full, etc. is_test = StringProperty(choices=["true", "false", "none"], default="none") description = StringProperty() short_description = StringProperty() is_shared = BooleanProperty(default=False) commtrack_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False) call_center_config = SchemaProperty(CallCenterProperties) has_careplan = BooleanProperty(default=False) restrict_superusers = BooleanProperty(default=False) location_restriction_for_users = BooleanProperty(default=True) case_display = SchemaProperty(CaseDisplaySettings) # CommConnect settings commconnect_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False) survey_management_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False) sms_case_registration_enabled = BooleanProperty( default=False) # Whether or not a case can register via sms sms_case_registration_type = StringProperty( ) # Case type to apply to cases registered via sms sms_case_registration_owner_id = StringProperty( ) # Owner to apply to cases registered via sms sms_case_registration_user_id = StringProperty( ) # Submitting user to apply to cases registered via sms sms_mobile_worker_registration_enabled = BooleanProperty( default=False) # Whether or not a mobile worker can register via sms default_sms_backend_id = StringProperty() use_default_sms_response = BooleanProperty(default=False) default_sms_response = StringProperty() chat_message_count_threshold = IntegerProperty() custom_chat_template = StringProperty( ) # See settings.CUSTOM_CHAT_TEMPLATES custom_case_username = StringProperty( ) # Case property to use when showing the case's name in a chat window # If empty, sms can be sent at any time. Otherwise, only send during # these windows of time. SMS_QUEUE_ENABLED must be True in localsettings # for this be considered. restricted_sms_times = SchemaListProperty(DayTimeWindow) # If empty, this is ignored. Otherwise, the framework will make sure # that during these days/times, no automated outbound sms will be sent # to someone if they have sent in an sms within sms_conversation_length # minutes. Outbound sms sent from a user in a chat window, however, will # still be sent. This is meant to prevent chat conversations from being # interrupted by automated sms reminders. # SMS_QUEUE_ENABLED must be True in localsettings for this to be # considered. sms_conversation_times = SchemaListProperty(DayTimeWindow) # In minutes, see above. sms_conversation_length = IntegerProperty(default=10) # Set to True to prevent survey questions and answers form being seen in # SMS chat windows. filter_surveys_from_chat = BooleanProperty(default=False) # The below option only matters if filter_surveys_from_chat = True. # If set to True, invalid survey responses will still be shown in the chat # window, while questions and valid responses will be filtered out. show_invalid_survey_responses_in_chat = BooleanProperty(default=False) # If set to True, if a message is read by anyone it counts as being read by # everyone. Set to False so that a message is only counted as being read # for a user if only that user has read it. count_messages_as_read_by_anyone = BooleanProperty(default=False) # Set to True to allow sending sms and all-label surveys to cases whose # phone number is duplicated with another contact send_to_duplicated_case_numbers = BooleanProperty(default=False) # exchange/domain copying stuff is_snapshot = BooleanProperty(default=False) is_approved = BooleanProperty(default=False) snapshot_time = DateTimeProperty() published = BooleanProperty(default=False) license = StringProperty(choices=LICENSES, default='cc') title = StringProperty() cda = SchemaProperty(LicenseAgreement) multimedia_included = BooleanProperty(default=True) downloads = IntegerProperty( default=0) # number of downloads for this specific snapshot full_downloads = IntegerProperty( default=0) # number of downloads for all snapshots from this domain author = StringProperty() phone_model = StringProperty() attribution_notes = StringProperty() publisher = StringProperty(choices=["organization", "user"], default="user") yt_id = StringProperty() deployment = SchemaProperty(Deployment) image_path = StringProperty() image_type = StringProperty() migrations = SchemaProperty(DomainMigrations) cached_properties = DictProperty() internal = SchemaProperty(InternalProperties) dynamic_reports = SchemaListProperty(DynamicReportSet) # extra user specified properties tags = StringListProperty() area = StringProperty(choices=AREA_CHOICES) sub_area = StringProperty(choices=SUB_AREA_CHOICES) launch_date = DateTimeProperty # to be eliminated from projects and related documents when they are copied for the exchange _dirty_fields = ('admin_password', 'admin_password_charset', 'city', 'country', 'region', 'customer_type') @property def domain_type(self): """ The primary type of this domain. Used to determine site-specific branding. """ if self.commtrack_enabled: return 'commtrack' else: return 'commcare' @classmethod def wrap(cls, data): # for domains that still use original_doc should_save = False if 'original_doc' in data: original_doc = data['original_doc'] del data['original_doc'] should_save = True if original_doc: original_doc = Domain.get_by_name(original_doc) data['copy_history'] = [original_doc._id] # for domains that have a public domain license if 'license' in data: if data.get("license", None) == "public": data["license"] = "cc" should_save = True if 'slug' in data and data["slug"]: data["hr_name"] = data["slug"] del data["slug"] if 'is_test' in data and isinstance(data["is_test"], bool): data["is_test"] = "true" if data["is_test"] else "false" should_save = True if 'cloudcare_releases' not in data: data['cloudcare_releases'] = 'nostars' # legacy default setting self = super(Domain, cls).wrap(data) if self.deployment is None: self.deployment = Deployment() if self.get_id: self.apply_migrations() if should_save: return self @staticmethod def active_for_user(user, is_active=True): if isinstance(user, AnonymousUser): return [] from corehq.apps.users.models import CouchUser if isinstance(user, CouchUser): couch_user = user else: couch_user = CouchUser.from_django_user(user) if couch_user: domain_names = couch_user.get_domains() return cache_core.cached_view(Domain.get_db(), "domain/by_status", keys=[[is_active, d] for d in domain_names], reduce=False, include_docs=True, wrapper=Domain.wrap) else: return [] @classmethod def field_by_prefix(cls, field, prefix='', is_approved=True): # unichr(0xfff8) is something close to the highest character available res = cls.view( "domain/fields_by_prefix", group=True, startkey=[field, is_approved, prefix], endkey=[field, is_approved, "%s%c" % (prefix, unichr(0xfff8)), {}]) vals = [(d['value'], d['key'][2]) for d in res] vals.sort(reverse=True) return [(v[1], v[0]) for v in vals] @classmethod def get_by_field(cls, field, value, is_approved=True): return cls.view('domain/fields_by_prefix', key=[field, is_approved, value], reduce=False, include_docs=True).all() def apply_migrations(self): self.migrations.apply(self) @staticmethod def all_for_user(user): if not hasattr(user, 'get_profile'): # this had better be an anonymous user return [] from corehq.apps.users.models import CouchUser couch_user = CouchUser.from_django_user(user) if couch_user: domain_names = couch_user.get_domains() return Domain.view("domain/domains", keys=domain_names, reduce=False, include_docs=True).all() else: return [] def add(self, model_instance, is_active=True): """ Add something to this domain, through the generic relation. Returns the created membership object """ # Add membership info to Couch couch_user = model_instance.get_profile().get_couch_user() couch_user.add_domain_membership( def applications(self): from corehq.apps.app_manager.models import ApplicationBase return ApplicationBase.view('app_manager/applications_brief', startkey=[], endkey=[, {}]).all() def full_applications(self, include_builds=True): from corehq.apps.app_manager.models import Application, RemoteApp WRAPPERS = {'Application': Application, 'RemoteApp': RemoteApp} def wrap_application(a): return WRAPPERS[a['doc']['doc_type']].wrap(a['doc']) if include_builds: startkey = [] endkey = [, {}] else: startkey = [, None] endkey = [, None, {}] return get_db().view('app_manager/applications', startkey=startkey, endkey=endkey, include_docs=True, wrapper=wrap_application).all() @cached_property def versions(self): apps = self.applications() return list(set(a.application_version for a in apps)) @cached_property def has_case_management(self): for app in self.full_applications(): if app.doc_type == 'Application': if app.has_case_management(): return True return False @cached_property def has_media(self): for app in self.full_applications(): if app.doc_type == 'Application' and app.has_media(): return True return False @property def use_cloudcare_releases(self): return self.cloudcare_releases != 'nostars' def all_users(self): from corehq.apps.users.models import CouchUser return CouchUser.by_domain( def has_shared_media(self): return False def recent_submissions(self): from corehq.apps.reports.util import make_form_couch_key key = make_form_couch_key( res = get_db().view('reports_forms/all_forms', startkey=key + [{}], endkey=key, descending=True, reduce=False, include_docs=False, limit=1).all() if len(res ) > 0: # if there have been any submissions in the past 30 days return ( <= datetime.strptime(res[0]['key'][2], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") + timedelta(days=30)) else: return False @cached_property def languages(self): apps = self.applications() return set(chain.from_iterable([a.langs for a in apps])) def readable_languages(self): return ', '.join(lang_lookup[lang] or lang for lang in self.languages()) def __unicode__(self): return @classmethod def get_by_name(cls, name, strict=False): if not name: # get_by_name should never be called with name as None (or '', etc) # I fixed the code in such a way that if I raise a ValueError # all tests pass and basic pages load, # but in order not to break anything in the wild, # I'm opting to notify by email if/when this happens # but fall back to the previous behavior of returning None try: raise ValueError('%r is not a valid domain name' % name) except ValueError: if settings.DEBUG: raise else: notify_exception(None, '%r is not a valid domain name' % name) return None cache_key = _domain_cache_key(name) MISSING = object() res = cache.get(cache_key, MISSING) if res != MISSING: return res else: domain = cls._get_by_name(name, strict) # 30 mins, so any unforeseen invalidation bugs aren't too bad. cache.set(cache_key, domain, 30 * 60) return domain @classmethod def _get_by_name(cls, name, strict=False): extra_args = { 'stale': settings.COUCH_STALE_QUERY } if not strict else {} db = cls.get_db() res = cache_core.cached_view(db, "domain/domains", key=name, reduce=False, include_docs=True, wrapper=cls.wrap, force_invalidate=strict, **extra_args) if len(res) > 0: result = res[0] else: result = None if result is None and not strict: # on the off chance this is a brand new domain, try with strict return cls.get_by_name(name, strict=True) return result @classmethod def get_by_organization(cls, organization): result = cache_core.cached_view(cls.get_db(), "domain/by_organization", startkey=[organization], endkey=[organization, {}], reduce=False, include_docs=True, wrapper=cls.wrap) from corehq.apps.accounting.utils import domain_has_privilege from corehq import privileges result = filter( lambda x: domain_has_privilege(, privileges. CROSS_PROJECT_REPORTS), result) return result @classmethod def get_by_organization_and_hrname(cls, organization, hr_name): result = cls.view("domain/by_organization", key=[organization, hr_name], reduce=False, include_docs=True) return result @classmethod def get_or_create_with_name(cls, name, is_active=False, secure_submissions=True): result = cls.view("domain/domains", key=name, reduce=False, include_docs=True).first() if result: return result else: new_domain = Domain( name=name, is_active=is_active, date_created=datetime.utcnow(), secure_submissions=secure_submissions, ) new_domain.migrations = DomainMigrations( has_migrated_permissions=True)**get_safe_write_kwargs()) return new_domain def password_format(self): """ This was a performance hit, so for now we'll just return 'a' no matter what If a single application is alphanumeric, return alphanumeric; otherwise, return numeric """ return 'a' @classmethod def get_all(cls, include_docs=True): # todo: this should use iter_docs return Domain.view("domain/not_snapshots", include_docs=include_docs).all() def case_sharing_included(self): return self.case_sharing or reduce(lambda x, y: x or y, [ getattr(app, 'case_sharing', False) for app in self.applications() ], False) def save(self, **params): super(Domain, self).save(**params) cache.delete(_domain_cache_key( from corehq.apps.domain.signals import commcare_domain_post_save results = commcare_domain_post_save.send_robust(sender='domain', domain=self) for result in results: # Second argument is None if there was no error if result[1]: notify_exception( None, message="Error occured during domain post_save %s: %s" % (, str(result[1]))) def save_copy(self, new_domain_name=None, user=None, ignore=None): from corehq.apps.app_manager.models import get_app from corehq.apps.reminders.models import CaseReminderHandler ignore = ignore if ignore is not None else [] if new_domain_name is not None and Domain.get_by_name(new_domain_name): return None db = get_db() new_id = db.copy_doc(self.get_id)['id'] if new_domain_name is None: new_domain_name = new_id new_domain = Domain.get(new_id) = new_domain_name new_domain.copy_history = self.get_updated_history() new_domain.is_snapshot = False new_domain.snapshot_time = None new_domain.organization = None # TODO: use current user's organization (?) # reset stuff new_domain.cda.signed = False = None new_domain.cda.type = None new_domain.cda.user_id = None new_domain.cda.user_ip = None new_domain.is_test = "none" new_domain.internal = InternalProperties() new_domain.creating_user = user.username if user else None for field in self._dirty_fields: if hasattr(new_domain, field): delattr(new_domain, field) new_comps = {} # a mapping of component's id to it's copy for res in db.view('domain/related_to_domain', key=[, True]): if not self.is_snapshot and res['value']['doc_type'] in ( 'Application', 'RemoteApp'): app = get_app(, res['value']['_id']).get_latest_saved() if app: comp = self.copy_component(app.doc_type, app._id, new_domain_name, user=user) else: comp = self.copy_component(res['value']['doc_type'], res['value']['_id'], new_domain_name, user=user) elif res['value']['doc_type'] not in ignore: comp = self.copy_component(res['value']['doc_type'], res['value']['_id'], new_domain_name, user=user) else: comp = None if comp: new_comps[res['value']['_id']] = comp if user: def add_dom_to_user(user): user.add_domain_membership(new_domain_name, is_admin=True) apply_update(user, add_dom_to_user) def update_events(handler): """ Change the form_unique_id to the proper form for each event in a newly copied CaseReminderHandler """ from corehq.apps.app_manager.models import FormBase for event in if not event.form_unique_id: continue form = FormBase.get_form(event.form_unique_id) form_app = form.get_app() m_index, f_index = form_app.get_form_location(form.unique_id) form_copy = new_comps[form_app._id].get_module( m_index).get_form(f_index) event.form_unique_id = form_copy.unique_id def update_for_copy(handler): = False update_events(handler) if 'CaseReminderHandler' not in ignore: for handler in CaseReminderHandler.get_handlers(new_domain_name): apply_update(handler, update_for_copy) return new_domain def reminder_should_be_copied(self, handler): from corehq.apps.reminders.models import ON_DATETIME return (handler.start_condition_type != ON_DATETIME and handler.user_group_id is None) def copy_component(self, doc_type, id, new_domain_name, user=None): from corehq.apps.app_manager.models import import_app from corehq.apps.users.models import UserRole from corehq.apps.reminders.models import CaseReminderHandler str_to_cls = { 'UserRole': UserRole, 'CaseReminderHandler': CaseReminderHandler, } db = get_db() if doc_type in ('Application', 'RemoteApp'): new_doc = import_app(id, new_domain_name) new_doc.copy_history.append(id) else: cls = str_to_cls[doc_type] if doc_type == 'CaseReminderHandler': cur_doc = cls.get(id) if not self.reminder_should_be_copied(cur_doc): return None new_id = db.copy_doc(id)['id'] new_doc = cls.get(new_id) for field in self._dirty_fields: if hasattr(new_doc, field): delattr(new_doc, field) if hasattr(cls, '_meta_fields'): for field in cls._meta_fields: if not field.startswith('_') and hasattr(new_doc, field): delattr(new_doc, field) new_doc.domain = new_domain_name if self.is_snapshot and doc_type == 'Application': new_doc.prepare_multimedia_for_exchange() return new_doc def save_snapshot(self, ignore=None): if self.is_snapshot: return self else: copy = self.save_copy(ignore=ignore) if copy is None: return None copy.is_snapshot = True copy.snapshot_time = del copy.deployment return copy def from_snapshot(self): return not self.is_snapshot and self.original_doc is not None def snapshots(self): return Domain.view('domain/snapshots', startkey=[self._id, {}], endkey=[self._id], include_docs=True, reduce=False, descending=True) @memoized def published_snapshot(self): snapshots = self.snapshots().all() for snapshot in snapshots: if snapshot.published: return snapshot return None @classmethod def published_snapshots(cls, include_unapproved=False, page=None, per_page=10): skip = None limit = None if page: skip = (page - 1) * per_page limit = per_page if include_unapproved: return cls.view('domain/published_snapshots', startkey=[False, {}], include_docs=True, descending=True, limit=limit, skip=skip) else: return cls.view('domain/published_snapshots', endkey=[True], include_docs=True, descending=True, limit=limit, skip=skip) @classmethod def snapshot_search(cls, query, page=None, per_page=10): skip = None limit = None if page: skip = (page - 1) * per_page limit = per_page results = get_db().search( 'domain/snapshot_search', q=json.dumps(query), limit=limit, skip=skip, #stale='ok', ) return map(cls.get, [r['id'] for r in results]), results.total_rows @memoized def get_organization(self): from corehq.apps.orgs.models import Organization return Organization.get_by_name(self.organization) @memoized def organization_title(self): if self.organization: return self.get_organization().title else: return '' def update_deployment(self, **kwargs): self.deployment.update(kwargs) def update_internal(self, **kwargs): self.internal.update(kwargs) def display_name(self): if self.is_snapshot: return "Snapshot of %s" % self.copied_from.display_name() if self.hr_name and self.organization: return self.hr_name else: return def long_display_name(self): if self.is_snapshot: return format_html("Snapshot of {0} > {1}", self.get_organization().title, self.copied_from.display_name()) if self.organization: return format_html('{0} > {1}', self.get_organization().title, self.hr_name or else: return __str__ = long_display_name def get_license_display(self): return LICENSES.get(self.license) def copies(self): return Domain.view('domain/copied_from_snapshot', key=self._id, include_docs=True) def copies_of_parent(self): return Domain.view('domain/copied_from_snapshot', keys=[s._id for s in self.copied_from.snapshots()], include_docs=True) def delete(self): # delete all associated objects db = get_db() related_docs = db.view('domain/related_to_domain', startkey=[], endkey=[, {}], include_docs=True) for doc in related_docs: db.delete_doc(doc['doc']) super(Domain, self).delete() def all_media(self, from_apps=None): #todo add documentation or refactor from corehq.apps.hqmedia.models import CommCareMultimedia dom_with_media = self if not self.is_snapshot else self.copied_from if self.is_snapshot: app_ids = [ app.copied_from.get_id for app in self.full_applications() ] if from_apps: from_apps = set( [a_id for a_id in app_ids if a_id in from_apps]) else: from_apps = app_ids if from_apps: media = [] media_ids = set() apps = [ app for app in dom_with_media.full_applications() if app.get_id in from_apps ] for app in apps: if app.doc_type != 'Application': continue for _, m in app.get_media_objects(): if m.get_id not in media_ids: media.append(m) media_ids.add(m.get_id) return media return CommCareMultimedia.view('hqmedia/by_domain',, include_docs=True).all() def most_restrictive_licenses(self, apps_to_check=None): from corehq.apps.hqmedia.utils import most_restrictive licenses = [ m.license['type'] for m in self.all_media(from_apps=apps_to_check) if m.license ] return most_restrictive(licenses) @classmethod def popular_sort(cls, domains): sorted_list = [] MIN_REVIEWS = 1.0 domains = [(domain, Review.get_average_rating_by_app(domain.copied_from._id), Review.get_num_ratings_by_app(domain.copied_from._id)) for domain in domains] domains = [(domain, avg or 0.0, num or 0) for domain, avg, num in domains] total_average_sum = sum(avg for domain, avg, num in domains) total_average_count = len(domains) if not total_average_count: return [] total_average = (total_average_sum / total_average_count) for domain, average_rating, num_ratings in domains: if num_ratings == 0: sorted_list.append((0.0, domain)) else: weighted_rating = ( (num_ratings / (num_ratings + MIN_REVIEWS)) * average_rating + (MIN_REVIEWS / (num_ratings + MIN_REVIEWS)) * total_average) sorted_list.append((weighted_rating, domain)) sorted_list = [ domain for weighted_rating, domain in sorted( sorted_list, key=lambda domain: domain[0], reverse=True) ] return sorted_list @classmethod def hit_sort(cls, domains): domains = list(domains) domains = sorted(domains, key=lambda domain: domain.download_count, reverse=True) return domains @classmethod def public_deployments(cls): return Domain.view('domain/with_deployment', include_docs=True).all() @classmethod def get_module_by_name(cls, domain_name): """ import and return the python module corresponding to domain_name, or None if it doesn't exist. """ from corehq.apps.domain.utils import get_domain_module_map module_name = get_domain_module_map().get(domain_name, domain_name) try: return import_module(module_name) if module_name else None except ImportError: return None @property @memoized def commtrack_settings(self): # this import causes some dependency issues so lives in here from corehq.apps.commtrack.models import CommtrackConfig if self.commtrack_enabled: return CommtrackConfig.for_domain( else: return None @property def has_custom_logo(self): return (self['_attachments'] and LOGO_ATTACHMENT in self['_attachments']) def get_custom_logo(self): if not self.has_custom_logo: return None return (self.fetch_attachment(LOGO_ATTACHMENT), self['_attachments'][LOGO_ATTACHMENT]['content_type']) def get_case_display(self, case): """Get the properties display definition for a given case""" return self.case_display.case_details.get(case.type) def get_form_display(self, form): """Get the properties display definition for a given XFormInstance""" return self.case_display.form_details.get(form.xmlns) @property def total_downloads(self): """ Returns the total number of downloads from every snapshot created from this domain """ return get_db().view( "domain/snapshots", startkey=[self.get_id], endkey=[self.get_id, {}], reduce=True, include_docs=False, ).one()["value"] @property @memoized def download_count(self): """ Updates and returns the total number of downloads from every sister snapshot. """ if self.is_snapshot: self.full_downloads = self.copied_from.total_downloads return self.full_downloads @property @memoized def published_by(self): from corehq.apps.users.models import CouchUser pb_id = self.cda.user_id return CouchUser.get_by_user_id(pb_id) if pb_id else None @property def name_of_publisher(self): return self.published_by.human_friendly_name if self.published_by else ""
class OpenmrsRepeater(CaseRepeater): class Meta(object): app_label = 'repeaters' include_app_id_param = False friendly_name = _("Forward to OpenMRS") payload_generator_classes = (FormRepeaterJsonPayloadGenerator, ) location_id = StringProperty(default='') openmrs_config = SchemaProperty(OpenmrsConfig) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.get_id == other.get_id) @memoized def payload_doc(self, repeat_record): return FormAccessors(repeat_record.domain).get_form( repeat_record.payload_id) @property def form_class_name(self): """ The class name used to determine which edit form to use """ return self.__class__.__name__ @classmethod def available_for_domain(cls, domain): return OPENMRS_INTEGRATION.enabled(domain) @classmethod def get_custom_url(cls, domain): from corehq.motech.repeaters.views.repeaters import AddOpenmrsRepeaterView return reverse(AddOpenmrsRepeaterView.urlname, args=[domain]) def allowed_to_forward(self, payload): """ Forward the payload if ... * it did not come from OpenMRS, and * CaseRepeater says it's OK for the case types and users of any of the payload's cases, and * this repeater forwards to the right OpenMRS server for any of the payload's cases. :param payload: An XFormInstance (not a case) """ if payload.xmlns == XMLNS_OPENMRS: # payload came from OpenMRS. Don't send it back. return False case_blocks = extract_case_blocks(payload) case_ids = [case_block['@case_id'] for case_block in case_blocks] cases = CaseAccessors(payload.domain).get_cases(case_ids, ordered=True) if not any( CaseRepeater.allowed_to_forward(self, case) for case in cases): # If none of the case updates in the payload are allowed to # be forwarded, drop it. return False repeaters = [ repeater for case in cases for repeater in get_case_location_ancestor_repeaters(case) ] if repeaters and self not in repeaters: # This repeater points to the wrong OpenMRS server for this # payload. Let the right repeater handle it. return False return True def get_payload(self, repeat_record): payload = super(OpenmrsRepeater, self).get_payload(repeat_record) return json.loads(payload) def send_request(self, repeat_record, payload): case_trigger_infos = get_relevant_case_updates_from_form_json( self.domain, payload, case_types=self.white_listed_case_types, extra_fields=[ identifier.case_property for identifier in self.openmrs_config.case_config.patient_identifiers.values() ]) form_question_values = get_form_question_values(payload) return send_openmrs_data( Requests(self.domain, self.url, self.username, self.plaintext_password, verify=self.verify), self.domain, payload, self.openmrs_config, case_trigger_infos, form_question_values)
class FormDataValueMap(DocumentSchema): value = SchemaProperty(ValueSource) data_element_id = StringProperty(required=True)