def handle(self, *args, **options): self.stdout.write("\n------------------------------------------\n") self.stdout.write("\n1. First row is assumed to have column names, and is skipped while loading data") self.stdout.write( "\n2. Assumed field order: State, State FIPS, County FIPS, Complete FIPS, County Name, GSE Limit, FHA Limit, VA Limit" ) self.stdout.write("\n3. All current data in countylimits_(state|county|countylimit) tables will be deleted") self.stderr.write('\n If you read the above comments and agree, call the command with "--confirm=y" option\n') self.stdout.write("\n------------------------------------------\n") if not options.get("confirmed") or options["confirmed"].lower() != "y": return if len(args) > 0: try: with open(args[0], "rU") as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",", quotechar='"') states = {} counties = {} CountyLimit.objects.all().delete() County.objects.all().delete() State.objects.all().delete() i = 0 for row in csvreader: if i == 0: i += 1 continue state, state_fips, county_fips, complete_fips, county, gse, fha, va = row if state not in states: s = State(state_abbr=state, state_fips=state_fips) states[state] = if complete_fips not in counties: c = County(county_name=county, county_fips=county_fips, state_id=states[state]) counties[complete_fips] = cl = CountyLimit(fha_limit=fha, gse_limit=gse, va_limit=va, county_id=counties[complete_fips]) self.stdout.write("\nSuccessfully loaded data from %s\n\n" % args[0]) except IOError as e: raise CommandError(e) else: raise CommandError("A path to a CSV county limits file is required.")
def county_limits(request): """ Return all counties with their limits per state. """ if request.method == 'GET': package = {'request': {}, 'data': []} if 'state' in request.GET: state = package['request']['state'] = request.GET['state'] package['data'] = CountyLimit.county_limits_by_state(state) return Response(package) else: return Response({'detail': 'Required parameter state is missing'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
def populate_db(self): """ Prepopulate DB with dummy data. """ sDC = State(state_abbr='DC', state_fips=11) sVA = State(state_abbr='VA', state_fips=22) cDC1 = County(county_name='DC County 1', county_fips=333, cDC2 = County(county_name='DC County 2', county_fips=444, cVA1 = County(county_name='VA County 1', county_fips=555, cl1 = CountyLimit(county=cDC1, fha_limit=1, gse_limit=1, va_limit=1) cl2 = CountyLimit(county=cDC2, fha_limit=10, gse_limit=10, va_limit=10) cl3 = CountyLimit(county=cVA1, fha_limit=100, gse_limit=100, va_limit=100)
def handle(self, *args, **options): self.stdout.write('\n------------------------------------------\n') self.stdout.write( '\nIf loading a CSV, there are 3 things to know:\n') self.stdout.write( '1. You can pass in a path, or `latest` to load the latest CSV\n' ' Passing `--csv=latest` is the same as passing:\n' ' `--csv=countylimits/data/county_limit_data_latest.csv`') self.stdout.write( "2. The CSV's first row is assumed to be the column names, " "and it is skipped when loading data") self.stdout.write( '3. This field order is assumed: \n' ' State,\n' ' State FIPS,\n' ' County FIPS,\n' ' Complete FIPS,\n' ' County Name,\n' ' GSE Limit,\n' ' FHA Limit,\n' ' VA Limit\n') self.stdout.write( '\nAlso Note:\n' '- All current data will be deleted from these ' 'tables: countylimits_(state|county|countylimit)') self.stdout.write( '- If you provide no `--csv` argument, data will be ' 'loaded from the `countylimit_data.json` fixture\n') self.stdout.write( '- If you provide both `--csv=latest` and `--dumpdata=true`,' 'the loaded CSV data will dumped as `countylimit_data.json`\n') self.stderr.write( '\n If you read the above comments and agree, ' 'call your command again with the "--confirm=y" option\n') self.stdout.write('\n------------------------------------------\n') if not options.get('confirmed') or options['confirmed'].lower() != 'y': return if options.get('csv'): # Users can pass in `latest` or their own CSV path csv_file = DEFAULT_CSV.get(options.get('csv'), options.get('csv')) try: with open(csv_file, 'rU') as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader( csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') states = {} counties = {} CountyLimit.objects.all().delete() County.objects.all().delete() State.objects.all().delete() i = 0 for row in csvreader: if i == 0: i += 1 continue (state, state_fips, county_fips, complete_fips, county, gse, fha, va) = row if state not in states: s = State(state_abbr=state, state_fips=state_fips) states[state] = if complete_fips not in counties: c = County( county_name=county, county_fips=county_fips, state_id=states[state] ) counties[complete_fips] = cl = CountyLimit( fha_limit=fha, gse_limit=gse, va_limit=va, county_id=counties[complete_fips] ) self.stdout.write( '\nSuccessfully loaded data for {} counties from ' '{}\n\n'.format(CountyLimit.objects.count(), csv_file) ) if options.get('dumpdata') == 'true': dump_countylimit_fixture() except IOError as e: raise CommandError(e) else: CountyLimit.objects.all().delete() County.objects.all().delete() State.objects.all().delete() call_command( 'loaddata', DEFAULT_COUNTYLIMIT_FIXTURE, app_label='countylimits') self.stdout.write( '\nSuccessfully loaded data for {} counties from {}'.format( CountyLimit.objects.count(), DEFAULT_COUNTYLIMIT_FIXTURE) )
def handle(self, *args, **options): self.stdout.write('\n------------------------------------------\n') self.stdout.write( '\n1. First row is assumed to have column names, and is skipped while loading data' ) self.stdout.write( '\n2. Assumed field order: State, State FIPS, County FIPS, Complete FIPS, County Name, GSE Limit, FHA Limit, VA Limit' ) self.stdout.write( '\n3. All current data in countylimits_(state|county|countylimit) tables will be deleted' ) self.stderr.write( '\n If you read the above comments and agree, call the command with "--confirm=y" option\n' ) self.stdout.write('\n------------------------------------------\n') if 'confirmed' not in options or options['confirmed'].lower() != 'y': return if len(args) > 0: try: with open(args[0], 'rU') as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') states = {} counties = {} CountyLimit.objects.all().delete() County.objects.all().delete() State.objects.all().delete() i = 0 for row in csvreader: if i == 0: i += 1 continue state, state_fips, county_fips, complete_fips, county, gse, fha, va = row if state not in states: s = State(state_abbr=state, state_fips=state_fips) states[state] = if complete_fips not in counties: c = County(county_name=county, county_fips=county_fips, state_id=states[state]) counties[complete_fips] = cl = CountyLimit(fha_limit=fha, gse_limit=gse, va_limit=va, county_id=counties[complete_fips]) self.stdout.write('\nSuccessfully loaded data from %s\n\n' % args[0]) except IOError as e: raise CommandError(e) else: raise CommandError( 'A path to a CSV county limits file is required.')
def handle(self, *args, **options): self.stdout.write('\n------------------------------------------\n') self.stdout.write('\nIf loading a CSV, there are 3 things to know:\n') self.stdout.write( '1. You can pass in a path, or `latest` to load the latest CSV\n' ' Passing `--csv=latest` is the same as passing:\n' ' `--csv=countylimits/data/county_limit_data_latest.csv`') self.stdout.write( "2. The CSV's first row is assumed to be the column names, " "and it is skipped when loading data") self.stdout.write('3. This field order is assumed: \n' ' State,\n' ' State FIPS,\n' ' County FIPS,\n' ' Complete FIPS,\n' ' County Name,\n' ' GSE Limit,\n' ' FHA Limit,\n' ' VA Limit\n') self.stdout.write('\nAlso Note:\n' '- All current data will be deleted from these ' 'tables: countylimits_(state|county|countylimit)') self.stdout.write('- If you provide no `--csv` argument, data will be ' 'loaded from the `countylimit_data.json` fixture\n') self.stdout.write( '- If you provide both `--csv=latest` and `--dumpdata=true`,' 'the loaded CSV data will dumped as `countylimit_data.json`\n') self.stderr.write( '\n If you read the above comments and agree, ' 'call your command again with the "--confirm=y" option\n') self.stdout.write('\n------------------------------------------\n') if not options.get('confirmed') or options['confirmed'].lower() != 'y': return if options.get('csv'): # Users can pass in `latest` or their own CSV path csv_file = DEFAULT_CSV.get(options.get('csv'), options.get('csv')) try: with open(csv_file, 'rU') as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') states = {} counties = {} CountyLimit.objects.all().delete() County.objects.all().delete() State.objects.all().delete() i = 0 for row in csvreader: if i == 0: i += 1 continue (state, state_fips, county_fips, complete_fips, county, gse, fha, va) = row if state not in states: s = State(state_abbr=state, state_fips=state_fips) states[state] = if complete_fips not in counties: c = County(county_name=county, county_fips=county_fips, state_id=states[state]) counties[complete_fips] = cl = CountyLimit(fha_limit=fha, gse_limit=gse, va_limit=va, county_id=counties[complete_fips]) self.stdout.write( '\nSuccessfully loaded data for {} counties from ' '{}\n\n'.format(CountyLimit.objects.count(), csv_file)) if options.get('dumpdata') == 'true': dump_countylimit_fixture() except IOError as e: raise CommandError(e) else: CountyLimit.objects.all().delete() County.objects.all().delete() State.objects.all().delete() call_command('loaddata', DEFAULT_COUNTYLIMIT_FIXTURE, app_label='countylimits') self.stdout.write( '\nSuccessfully loaded data for {} counties from {}'.format( CountyLimit.objects.count(), DEFAULT_COUNTYLIMIT_FIXTURE))