async def update_couriers(request): json = await request.json() id = request.match_info.get('id') incorrect = False courier = Courier(id, None, None, None, 0) for key, val in json.items(): if key == "courier_type" and type(val) is str and val in ('foot', 'bike', 'car'): courier.type = val elif key == "regions" and type(val) is list and all( type(x) is int and x > 0 for x in val): courier.regions = val elif key == "working_hours" and type(val) is list and all( type(x) is str for x in val) and len(val) <= 3: courier.working_hours = val else: incorrect = True if incorrect: return web.Response(status=400) courier = courier.update(['db']) orders = courier.get_incompatible_orders(['db']) for order in orders: order.remove_courier(['db']) return web.json_response(status=200, data={ "courier_id":, "courier_type": courier.type, "regions": courier.regions, "working_hours": courier.working_hours })
async def couriers(request): json = await request.json() objects = [] incorrect_objects = [] for k, v in json.items(): if k == "data": for obj in v: courier = Courier(obj.get("courier_id"), obj.get("courier_type"), obj.get("regions"), obj.get("working_hours"), 0) incorrect = False for key, val in obj.items(): if key == "courier_id" and type(val) is int and val > 0: = val elif key == "courier_type" and type( val) is str and val in ('foot', 'bike', 'car'): courier.type = val elif key == "regions" and type(val) is list and all( type(x) is int and x > 0 for x in val): courier.regions = val elif key == "working_hours" and type(val) is list and all( type(x) is str for x in val) and len(val) <= 3: courier.working_hours = val else: incorrect = True if incorrect or courier.regions is None or courier.working_hours is None or courier.type is None: incorrect_objects.append({"id":}) else: objects.append({"id":})['db']) else: return web.Response(status=400) if len(incorrect_objects) > 0: return web.json_response( status=400, data={"validation_error": { "couriers": incorrect_objects }}) else: return web.json_response(status=201, data={"couriers": objects})