def parse(self):
        """Return a list of all courses formatted from the html file."""
        tree = make_tree(self.url)
        is_summer = (self.semester == 'summer')
        tree = clean_html(tree, is_summer)

        tables = tree.xpath('//table')
        courses = []
        for t in tables:
            td = t.xpath("td[contains(@class, 'cusistabledata')]")
            # Since it is not possible to find the tr elements using
            # lxml we find all the td elements and make a 2 dimensional
            # array representing the table.
            rows = [td[i:i + 8] for i in xrange(0, len(td), 8)]

            course_term = []
            seen_course = {}
            # result = None
            for row in rows:
                course = Course()
                # Course name ex: COMP + 352 / 1
                course_name = '{} {}'.format(row[2].text, row[3].text)

                # Group same course together.
                # result, seen_course = self.same_course(
                #     course_name, seen_course)

                ((course.colorid, course.summary),
                    seen_course) = self.same_course(course_name, seen_course)

                course.datetime_day = row[0].text
                course.time = row[1].text
       = row[5].text
                course.campus = row[6].text
                course.professor = row[7].text

                course.section = row[4].text
                course.semester = self.semester
                # Append the summer section to the semester.
                if is_summer:
                    course.semester += get_summer_section(
                        course.section.split(' ')[1][0])
                # Append the buildings address of a specific course and format
                # the data.
            # Make sure to not to have 2 instances of the same course.
            course_term = recurent_event_factor(course_term)
        return courses