Example #1
def import_(request):
    """Generates and accepts GET and POST requests for importing courses
    If the request is get or an invalid POST, uses the template export/import.html, if valid then redirect to the newly
    uploaded course.
    ctx = {}
    if request.method == "GET":
        # Return an empty form
        ctx["form"] = ImportForm()
        return render(request, "export/import.html", ctx)
        with atomic():
            # Try to import the course
            ctx["form"] = ImportForm(request.POST)
            if not ctx["form"].is_valid():
                # Form invalid? Send it right back to the user
                return render(request, "export/import.html", ctx)
                # Attempt decode
                data = decode(ctx["form"].cleaned_data["text"].replace("\r\n", "\n"))
                if data is None:
                    raise RuntimeError("No data could be extracted from the import")
                new = Course.from_dict(data, ctx["form"].cleaned_data["mode"], ctx["form"].cleaned_data["user_mode"])
                return redirect(new.get_absolute_url())
            except RuntimeError as e:
                # Any error? Add it as an error and then show the form again
                ctx["import_error"] = "Sorry, that failed to import, the error was: {}".format(e)
                return render(request, "export/import.html", ctx)