Example #1
def prior_test(sim):
    old_or_sick  = cv.true((sim.people.age > 60) + (sim.people.symptomatic == True)) 
    others  = cv.true((sim.people.age <= 60) * (sim.people.symptomatic == False))
    inds = sim.people.uid # Everyone in the population -- equivalent to np.arange(len(sim.people))
    vals = np.ones(len(sim.people)) # Create the array
    vals[old_or_sick] = 2
    vals[others] = 0.5
    output = dict(inds=inds, vals=vals)
    return output
def plot_schools(pop):
    ''' Not a formal test, but a sanity check for school distributions '''
    keys = ['pk', 'es', 'ms', 'hs'] # Exclude universities for this analysis
    ppl_keys = ['all', 'students', 'teachers', 'staff']
    xpeople = np.arange(len(ppl_keys)) # X axis for people
    school_types_by_ind = {}
    for key,vals in pop.school_types.items():
        for val in vals:
            if key in keys:
                school_types_by_ind[val] = key

    results = {}
    for sc_id,sc_type in school_types_by_ind.items():
        thisres = sc.objdict()
        sc_inds = (pop.school_id == sc_id)
        thisres.all = cv.true(sc_inds)
        thisres.students = cv.true(np.array(pop.student_flag) * sc_inds)
        thisres.teachers = cv.true(np.array(pop.teacher_flag) * sc_inds)
        thisres.staff    = cv.true(np.array(pop.staff_flag) * sc_inds)
        results[sc_id] = thisres

    # Do plotting
    fig = pl.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
    pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.05, top=0.95, hspace=0.5, wspace=0.5)
    n_schools = len(results)
    n_cols = len(ppl_keys) + 1
    count = 0
    for sc_id in results.keys():
        count += 1
        school_type = school_types_by_ind[sc_id]
        ax = pl.subplot(n_schools, n_cols, count)
        thisres = results[sc_id]
        thisres.people_counts = [len(thisres[k]) for k in ppl_keys]
        ax.bar(xpeople, thisres.people_counts)
        title = f'School ID {sc_id}, school type {school_type}, total size: {len(thisres.all)}'

        thisres.ages = sc.objdict()
        for key in ppl_keys:
            count += 1
            ax = pl.subplot(n_schools, n_cols, count)
            thisres.ages[key] = pop.age[thisres[key]]
            ax.set_title(f'Ages for {key} in school {sc_id} ({school_type})')

    if do_maximize:

    if to_json:
        sc.savejson(outfile, results, indent=2)

    return results
Example #3
def vaccinate_by_age(sim):
    young  = cv.true(sim.people.age < 50) # cv.true() returns indices of people matching this condition, i.e. people under 50
    middle = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 50) * (sim.people.age < 75)) # Multiplication means "and" here
    old    = cv.true(sim.people.age > 75)
    inds = sim.people.uid # Everyone in the population -- equivalent to np.arange(len(sim.people))
    vals = np.ones(len(sim.people)) # Create the array
    vals[young] = 0.1 # 10% probability for people <50
    vals[middle] = 0.5 # 50% probability for people 50-75
    vals[old] = 0.9 # 90% probbaility for people >75
    output = dict(inds=inds, vals=vals)
    return output
def test_data_interventions():
    sc.heading('Testing data interventions and other special cases')

    # Create sim
    sim = cv.Sim(pop_size=100, n_days=60, datafile=csv_file, verbose=verbose)

    # Intervention conversion
    ce = cv.InterventionDict(**{
        'which': 'clip_edges',
        'pars': {
            'days': [10, 30],
            'changes': [0.5, 1.0]
    with pytest.raises(sc.KeyNotFoundError):
            'which': 'invalid',
            'pars': {
                'days': 10,
                'changes': 0.5

    # Test numbers and contact tracing
    swab_dict = {'dist': 'uniform', 'par1': 1, 'par2': 3}
    tp1 = cv.test_prob(0.05,
                           'inds': lambda sim: cv.true(sim.people.age > 50),
                           'vals': 0.3
    tn1 = cv.test_num(10,
    tn2 = cv.test_num(daily_tests='data',
                      quar_policy=[0, 5],
                          'inds': lambda sim: cv.true(sim.people.age > 50),
                          'vals': 1.2
    ct = cv.contact_tracing(presumptive=True, capacity=5)

    # Create and run
    sim['interventions'] = [ce, tp1, tn1, tn2, ct]

Example #5
def vaccinate_by_age2(sim):
    # cv.true() returns indices of people matching this condition, i.e. people under 50
    young_or_sick = cv.true((sim.people.age < 12) +
                            (sim.people.susceptible == False))
    old = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 65) * (sim.people.susceptible == True))
    others = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 12) * (sim.people.age < 65) *
                     (sim.people.susceptible == True))
    inds = sim.people.uid  # Everyone in the population -- equivalent to np.arange(len(sim.people))
    vals = np.ones(len(sim.people))  # Create the array
    vals[young_or_sick] = 0
    vals[old] = 10
    vals[others] = 0.1
    output = dict(inds=inds, vals=vals)
    return output
 def apply(self, sim):
     if sim.t == self.day:
         eligible = cv.true(~np.isfinite(sim.people.date_exposed)
                            & ~sim.people.vaccinated)
         self.placebo_inds = eligible[cv.choose(
             len(eligible), min(self.trial_size, len(eligible)))]
 def subtarget_25_30(sim):
     inds = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 25) & (sim.people.age < 30))
     if not hasattr(sim, 'subtarget_25_30'):
         sim.subtarget_25_30 = cv.binomial_filter(
             0.1, inds)  # 90% of 25-30 years olds vaccinated
     inds = np.setdiff1d(inds, sim.subtarget_25_30)
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.002 * np.ones(len(inds))}
 def subtarget_16_17(sim):
     inds = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 16) & (sim.people.age < 17))
     if not hasattr(sim, 'subtarget_16_17'):
         sim.subtarget_16_17 = cv.binomial_filter(
             0.9, inds)  # 10% of 16-18 years olds vaccinated
     inds = np.setdiff1d(inds, sim.subtarget_16_17)
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.002 * np.ones(len(inds))}
Example #9
def test_indexing():

    # Definitions
    farr = np.array([1.5, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0])  # Float array
    barr = np.array(farr, dtype=bool)  # Boolean array
    darr = np.array([0, np.nan, 1, np.nan, 0,
                     np.nan])  # Defined/undefined array
    inds = np.array([0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50])  # Indices
    inds2 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])  # Skip first and last index

    # Test true, false, defined, and undefined
    assert cv.true(farr).tolist() == [0, 3, 4]
    assert cv.false(farr).tolist() == [1, 2, 5]
    assert cv.defined(darr).tolist() == [0, 2, 4]
    assert cv.undefined(darr).tolist() == [1, 3, 5]

    # Test with indexing
    assert cv.itrue(barr, inds).tolist() == [0, 30, 40]
    assert cv.ifalse(barr, inds).tolist() == [10, 20, 50]
    assert cv.idefined(darr, inds).tolist() == [0, 20, 40]
    assert cv.iundefined(darr, inds).tolist() == [10, 30, 50]

    # Test with double indexing
    assert cv.itruei(barr, inds2).tolist() == [3, 4]
    assert cv.ifalsei(barr, inds2).tolist() == [1, 2]
    assert cv.idefinedi(darr, inds2).tolist() == [2, 4]
    assert cv.iundefinedi(darr, inds2).tolist() == [1, 3]

 def subtarget_18_25(sim):
     inds = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 18) & (sim.people.age < 25))
     if not hasattr(sim, 'subtarget_18_30'):
         sim.subtarget_18_25 = cv.binomial_filter(
             0.1, inds)  # 90% of 18-25 years vaccinated
     inds = np.setdiff1d(inds, sim.subtarget_18_25)
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.002 * np.ones(len(inds))}
 def subtarget_40_45(sim):
     inds = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 40) & (sim.people.age < 45))
     if not hasattr(sim, 'subtarget_40_45'):
         sim.subtarget_40_45 = cv.binomial_filter(
             0.1, inds)  # 90% of 40-45 years olds vaccinated
     inds = np.setdiff1d(inds, sim.subtarget_40_45)
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.002 * np.ones(len(inds))}
 def subtarget_50_60(sim):
     inds = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 50) & (sim.people.age < 60))
     if not hasattr(sim, 'subtarget_50_60'):
         sim.subtarget_50_60 = cv.binomial_filter(
             0.1, inds)  # 90% of 50-60 years olds vaccinated
     inds = np.setdiff1d(inds, sim.subtarget_50_60)
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.005 * np.ones(len(inds))}
 def subtarget_60_75(sim):
     inds = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 60) & (sim.people.age < 75))
     if not hasattr(sim, 'subtarget_60_75'):
         sim.subtarget_60_75 = cv.binomial_filter(
             0.05, inds)  # 95% of 60+ years olds vaccinated
     inds = np.setdiff1d(inds, sim.subtarget_60_75)
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.02 * np.ones(len(inds))}
 def subtarget_75_100(sim):
     inds = cv.true(sim.people.age >= 75)
     if not hasattr(sim, 'subtarget_75_100'):
         sim.subtarget_75_100 = cv.binomial_filter(
             0.05, inds)  # 95% of 70+ years olds vaccinated
     inds = np.setdiff1d(inds, sim.subtarget_75_100)
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.02 * np.ones(len(inds))}
 def subtarget_30_40(sim):
     inds = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 30) & (sim.people.age < 40))
     if not hasattr(sim, 'subtarget_30_40'):
         sim.subtarget_30_40 = cv.binomial_filter(
             0.4, inds
         )  # 30% of 30-40+ years olds will not agree to get vaccinated
     inds = np.setdiff1d(inds, sim.subtarget_30_40)
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.002 * np.ones(len(inds))}
 def subtarget_45_50(sim):
     inds = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 45) & (sim.people.age < 50))
     if not hasattr(sim, 'subtarget_45_50'):
         sim.subtarget_45_50 = cv.binomial_filter(
             0.25, inds
         )  # 30% of 40-50 years olds will not agree to get vaccinated
     inds = np.setdiff1d(inds, sim.subtarget_45_50)
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.002 * np.ones(len(inds))}
Example #17
 def subtarget(sim):
     ''' Select people who are susceptible '''
     if sim.t == start_trial:
         eligible = cv.true(~np.isfinite(sim.people.date_exposed))
         inds = eligible[cv.choose(len(eligible), min(trial_size // 2, len(eligible)))]
         inds = []
     return {'vals': [1.0 for ind in inds], 'inds': inds}
 def subtarget_12_17(sim):
     inds = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 12) & (sim.people.age < 17))
     if not hasattr(sim, 'subtarget_12_17'):
         sim.subtarget_18_25 = cv.binomial_filter(
             inds)  # 30% of 18+ years olds will not agree to get vaccinated
     inds = np.setdiff1d(inds, sim.subtarget_12_17)
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.002 * np.ones(len(inds))}
def subtarget(sim, age=None, vx_scenario=None):
    rollout = vx_rollout[age]
    inds = cv.true((sim.people.age >= rollout['start_age']) * (sim.people.age < rollout['end_age']))
    key = f'subtarget_{age}'
    if not hasattr(sim, key):
        prob = scendata[age][vx_scenario]
        vx_inds = cv.binomial_filter(prob, inds) 
        setattr(sim, key, vx_inds)
        vx_inds = getattr(sim, key)
    inds = np.setdiff1d(inds, vx_inds)
    return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.65*np.ones(len(inds))}
def check_88(sim):
    people_who_are_88 = sim.people.age.round(
    ) == 88  # Find everyone who's aged 88 (to the nearest year)
    people_exposed = sim.people.exposed  # Find everyone who's infected with COVID
    people_who_are_88_with_covid = cv.true(
        people_who_are_88 *
        people_exposed)  # Multiplication is the same as logical "and"
    n = len(people_who_are_88_with_covid)  # Count how many people there are
    if n:
            f'Oh no! {n} people aged 88 have covid on timestep {sim.t} {"🤯"*n}'
Example #21
 def subtarget_50_60(sim):
     inds = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 50) & (sim.people.age < 60))
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.010 * np.ones(len(inds))}
Example #22
 def subtarget_75_100(sim):
     inds = cv.true(sim.people.age >= 75)
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.020 * np.ones(len(inds))}
Example #23
 def subtarget_60_75(sim):
     inds = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 60) & (sim.people.age < 75))
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.020 * np.ones(len(inds))}
Example #24
 def subtarget_40_50(sim):
     inds = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 40) & (sim.people.age < 50))
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.005 * np.ones(len(inds))}
Example #25
import sciris as sc
import covasim as cv

states = [

sim = cv.Sim()

d = sc.objdict()
for state in states:
    n_in = len(cv.true(sim.people[state]))
    n_out = len(cv.false(sim.people[state]))
    d[state] = n_in
    assert n_in + n_out == sim['pop_size']

assert d.naive + d.exposed + d.recovered + d.dead == sim['pop_size']
    def apply(self, sim):
        ''' Perform vaccination '''

        t = sim.t
        if t < self.start_day:
        elif self.end_day is not None and t > self.end_day:

        # Check that there are still vaccines
        rel_t = t - self.start_day
        if rel_t < len(self.daily_vaccines):
            n_vaccines = sc.randround(self.daily_vaccines[rel_t]/sim.rescale_vec[t]) # Correct for scaling that may be applied by rounding to the nearest number of tests
            if not (n_vaccines and np.isfinite(n_vaccines)): # If there are no doses today, abort early
                if sim.rescale_vec[t] != sim['pop_scale']:
                    raise RuntimeError('bad rescale time')

        vacc_probs = np.ones(sim.n) # Begin by assigning equal vaccine weight (converted to a probability) to everyone

        # Remove minors
        ppl = sim.people
        inds0 = cv.true(ppl.age <= 18)
        vacc_probs[inds0] *= 0

        # add age priority
        inds1 = cv.true(ppl.age >= self.age_priority)
        vacc_probs[inds1] *= 10

        # Handle scheduling
        # first dose:
        vacc_probs[self.vaccinations == 0] *= self.dose_priority[0]
        # time between first and second dose:
        no_dose = [sim.t < (d[0] + self.delay) if len(d) > 0 else False for d in self.vaccination_dates]
        vacc_probs[no_dose] *= 0
        # time available for second dose:
        second_dose = [sim.t >= (d[0] + self.delay) if len(d) > 0 else False for d in self.vaccination_dates]
        vacc_probs[second_dose] *= self.dose_priority[1]

        # Don't give dose 2 people who have had more than 1
        vacc_inds = cvu.true(self.vaccinations > 1)
        vacc_probs[vacc_inds] = 0.0

        # Now choose who gets vaccinated and vaccinate them
        n_vaccines = min(n_vaccines, (vacc_probs!=0).sum()) # Don't try to vaccinate more people than have nonzero vaccination probability
        all_vacc_inds = cvu.choose_w(probs=vacc_probs, n=n_vaccines, unique=True) # Choose who actually tests
        sim.results['new_doses'][t] += len(all_vacc_inds)

        # Did the vaccine take?
        vacc_take_inds = all_vacc_inds[np.logical_or(cvu.n_binomial(self.take_prob, len(all_vacc_inds)) & (self.vaccinations[all_vacc_inds] == 0),
                                           self.vaccine_take[all_vacc_inds] & (self.vaccinations[all_vacc_inds] == 1))]
        self.vaccine_take[vacc_take_inds] = True

        # Calculate the effect per person
        vacc_doses = self.vaccinations[vacc_take_inds]  # Calculate current doses
        eff_doses = np.minimum(vacc_doses, len(self.cumulative) - 1)  # Convert to a valid index
        vacc_eff = self.cumulative[eff_doses]  # Pull out corresponding effect sizes
        rel_trans_eff = (1.0 - vacc_eff) + vacc_eff * self.rel_trans
        rel_symp_eff = (1.0 - vacc_eff) + vacc_eff * self.rel_symp

        # Apply the vaccine to people
        sim.people.rel_trans[vacc_take_inds] = self.orig_rel_trans[vacc_take_inds]*rel_trans_eff
        sim.people.symp_prob[vacc_take_inds] = self.orig_symp_prob[vacc_take_inds]*rel_symp_eff

        self.vaccinations[all_vacc_inds] += 1
        for v_ind in all_vacc_inds:

Example #27
def test_vaccine_target_eff():

    sc.heading('Testing vaccine with pre-specified efficacy...')
    target_eff_1 = 0.7
    target_eff_2 = 0.95

    default_pars = cv.parameters.get_vaccine_dose_pars(default=True)
    test_pars = dict(doses=2, interval=21, target_eff=[target_eff_1, target_eff_2])
    vacc_pars = sc.mergedicts(default_pars, test_pars)

    # construct analyzer to select placebo arm
    class placebo_arm(cv.Analyzer):
        def __init__(self, day, trial_size, **kwargs):
            self.day = day
            self.trial_size = trial_size

        def initialize(self, sim=None):
            self.placebo_inds = []
            self.initialized = True

        def apply(self, sim):
            if sim.t == self.day:
                eligible = cv.true(~np.isfinite(sim.people.date_exposed) & ~sim.people.vaccinated)
                self.placebo_inds = eligible[cv.choose(len(eligible), min(self.trial_size, len(eligible)))]

    pars = dict(
        rand_seed  = 1, # Note: results may be sensitive to the random seed
        pop_size   = 20_000,
        beta       = 0.01,
        n_days     = 90,
        verbose    = -1,
        use_waning = True,

    # Define vaccine arm
    trial_size = 4_000
    start_trial = 20

    def subtarget(sim):
        ''' Select people who are susceptible '''
        if sim.t == start_trial:
            eligible = cv.true(~np.isfinite(sim.people.date_exposed))
            inds = eligible[cv.choose(len(eligible), min(trial_size // 2, len(eligible)))]
            inds = []
        return {'vals': [1.0 for ind in inds], 'inds': inds}

    # Initialize
    vx = cv.vaccinate_prob(vaccine=vacc_pars, days=[start_trial], label='target_eff', prob=0.0, subtarget=subtarget)
    sim = cv.Sim(
        pars          = pars,
        interventions = vx,
        analyzers     = placebo_arm(day=start_trial, trial_size=trial_size // 2)

    # Run

    print('Vaccine efficiency:')
    results = sc.objdict()
    vacc_inds = cv.true(sim.people.vaccinated)  # Find trial arm indices, those who were vaccinated
    placebo_inds = sim['analyzers'][0].placebo_inds
    assert (len(set(vacc_inds).intersection(set(placebo_inds))) == 0)  # Check that there is no overlap
    # Calculate vaccine efficacy against infection
    VE_inf = 1 - (np.isfinite(sim.people.date_exposed[vacc_inds]).sum() /
    # Calculate vaccine efficacy against symptoms
    VE_symp = 1 - (np.isfinite(sim.people.date_symptomatic[vacc_inds]).sum() /
    # Calculate vaccine efficacy against severe disease
    VE_sev = 1 - (np.isfinite(sim.people.date_severe[vacc_inds]).sum() /
    results['inf'] = VE_inf
    results['symp'] = VE_symp
    results['sev'] = VE_sev
    print(f'Against: infection: {VE_inf * 100:0.2f}%, symptoms: {VE_symp * 100:0.2f}%, severity: {VE_sev * 100:0.2f}%')

    # Check that actual efficacy is within 6 %age points of target
    errormsg = f'Expected VE to be about {target_eff_2}, but it is {VE_symp}. Check different random seeds; this test is highly sensitive.'
    assert round(abs(VE_symp-target_eff_2),2)<=0.1, errormsg

    nab_init = sim['vaccine_pars']['target_eff']['nab_init']
    boost = sim['vaccine_pars']['target_eff']['nab_boost']
    print(f'Initial NAbs: {nab_init}')
    print(f'Boost: {boost}')

    return sim
Example #28
def test_states():
    ''' Test state consistency against state_diagram.xlsx '''

    filename = 'state_diagram.xlsx'
    sheets   = ['Without waning', 'With waning']
    indexcol = 'In ↓ you can be →'

    # Load state diagram
    dfs = sc.odict()
    for sheet in sheets:
        dfs[sheet] = pd.read_excel(filename, sheet_name=sheet)
        dfs[sheet] = dfs[sheet].set_index(indexcol)

    # Create and run simulation
    for use_waning in [False, True]:
        sc.heading(f'Testing state consistency with waning = {use_waning}')
        df = dfs[use_waning] # Different states are possible with or without waning

        # Parameters chosen to be midway through the sim so as few states as possible are empty
        pars = dict(
            pop_size = 1e3,
            pop_infected = 20,
            n_days = 70,
            use_waning = use_waning,
            verbose = 0,
            interventions = [
                cv.test_prob(symp_prob=0.4, asymp_prob=0.01),
                cv.simple_vaccine(days=60, prob=0.1)
        sim = cv.Sim(pars).run()
        ppl = sim.people

        # Check states
        errormsg = ''
        states = df.columns.values.tolist()
        for s1 in states:
            for s2 in states:
                if s1 != s2:
                    relation = df.loc[s1, s2] # e.g. df.loc['susceptible', 'exposed']
                    print(f'Checking {s1:13s} → {s2:13s} = {relation:2n} ... ', end='')
                    inds     = cv.true(ppl[s1])
                    n_inds   = len(inds)
                    vals2    = ppl[s2][inds]
                    is_true  = cv.true(vals2)
                    is_false = cv.false(vals2)
                    n_true   = len(is_true)
                    n_false  = len(is_false)
                    if relation == 1 and n_true != n_inds:
                        errormsg = f'Being {s1}=True implies {s2}=True, but only {n_true}/{n_inds} people are'
                        print(f'× {n_true}/{n_inds} error!')
                    elif relation == -1 and n_false != n_inds:
                        errormsg = f'Being {s1}=True implies {s2}=False, but only {n_false}/{n_inds} people are'
                        print(f'× {n_false}/{n_inds} error!')
                        print(f'✓ {n_true}/{n_inds}')
                    if errormsg:
                        raise RuntimeError(errormsg)

Example #29
 def subtarget_18_30(sim):
     inds = cv.true((sim.people.age >= 18) & (sim.people.age < 30))
     return {'inds': inds, 'vals': 0.003 * np.ones(len(inds))}
    def update(self, sim):
        ''' Called on each day to update school statistics '''

        t = sim.t
        ppl = sim.people
        rescale = sim.rescale_vec[t]

        if self.school.ct_mgr.school_day:
            self.num_school_days += 1

        student_uids = cv.itruei(ppl.student_flag, self.school.uids)
        teacher_uids = cv.itruei(ppl.teacher_flag, self.school.uids)
        staff_uids = cv.itruei(ppl.staff_flag, self.school.uids)

        infectious_ids = {}
        for group, ids in zip(['students', 'teachers', 'staff'],
                              [student_uids, teacher_uids, staff_uids]):
            infectious_ids[group] = cv.true(ppl.infectious[ids])
            self.infectious[group][t] = len(infectious_ids[group]) * rescale
            self.newly_exposed[group][t] = len(
                cv.true(ppl.date_exposed[ids] == t - 1)) * rescale
            self.scheduled[group][t] = len(
                               ids)) * rescale  # Scheduled
            self.in_person[group][t] = len(
                               ids)) * rescale  # Post-screening

        # Tracing statistics to compare against previous work:
        # if len(self.school.uids_arriving_at_school) > 0:
        #     school_infectious = cv.itrue(ppl.infectious[self.school.uids_arriving_at_school], self.school.uids_arriving_at_school)
        # else:
        #     school_infectious = np.empty(0, dtype='int64')

        # Options here: (TODO - avoid code replication)
        # 1. Use ids of students who arrived as school (pre-screening): self.school.uids_arriving_at_school (pre-screening)
        # 2. Use ids of students who passed screening: self.school.uids_passed_screening
        # First "infectious_arrive_at_school" assumes there is a transmission risk even pre-screening (e.g. bus)

        n_students_at_school = len(
            cv.itruei(ppl.student_flag * ppl.infectious,
        n_teachers_at_school = len(
            cv.itruei(ppl.teacher_flag * ppl.infectious,
        n_staff_at_school = len(
            cv.itruei(ppl.staff_flag * ppl.infectious,
        for group, count in zip(
            ['students', 'teachers', 'staff'],
            [n_students_at_school, n_teachers_at_school, n_staff_at_school]):
            self.infectious_arrive_at_school[group][t] = count * rescale

        # Second "infectious_stay_at_school" effectively assumes "screen-positive" kids would be kept home from school in the first place
        n_students_passedscreening = len(
            cv.itruei(ppl.student_flag * ppl.infectious,
        n_teachers_passedscreening = len(
            cv.itruei(ppl.teacher_flag * ppl.infectious,
        n_staff_passedscreening = len(
            cv.itruei(ppl.staff_flag * ppl.infectious,
        for group, count in zip(['students', 'teachers', 'staff'], [
                n_students_passedscreening, n_teachers_passedscreening,
            self.infectious_stay_at_school[group][t] = count * rescale