def __init__(self, assumptions: Exp = T, examples=(), funcs=(), freebies: [Exp] = [], ops: [Op] = []): """ assumptions : assumed to be true when comparing expressions examples : initial examples (the right set of examples can speed up some cost comparisons; it is always safe to leave this set empty) funcs : in-scope functions freebies : state variables that can be used for free ops : mutators which are used to determine how expensive it is to maintain a state variable """ self.solver = ModelCachingSolver(vars=(), funcs=funcs, examples=examples, assumptions=assumptions) self.assumptions = assumptions # self.examples = list(examples) self.funcs = OrderedDict(funcs) self.ops = ops self.freebies = freebies
def queries_equivalent(q1: Query, q2: Query, state_vars: [EVar], extern_funcs: {str: TFunc}, assumptions: Exp = T): with task("checking query equivalence",, if q1.ret.type != q2.ret.type: return False q1args = dict(q1.args) q2args = dict(q2.args) if q1args != q2args: return False args = FrozenDict(q1args) key = (args, assumptions) checker = _qe_cache.get(key) if checker is None: checker = ModelCachingSolver(vars=list( itertools.chain(state_vars, (EVar(v).with_type(t) for v, t in args.items()))), funcs=extern_funcs, assumptions=assumptions) _qe_cache[key] = checker q1a = EAll(q1.assumptions) q2a = EAll(q2.assumptions) return checker.valid(EEq(q1a, q2a)) and checker.valid( EImplies(q1a, EEq(q1.ret, q2.ret)))
def __init__(self, spec: Spec, concretization_functions: [(EVar, Exp)], query_specs: [Query], query_impls: OrderedDict, updates: defaultdict, handle_updates: defaultdict): """Construct an implementation. This constructor should be considered private to the `impls` module. You should call `construct_initial_implementation` instead of calling this constructor directly; this constructor makes it easy to accidentally create a malformed implementation. Parameters: - spec: the original specification - concretization_functions: pairs of (v, e) indicating that this implementation stores a state variable `v` whose value tracks `e`, a function of the state in `spec` - query_specs: specifications for all queries in `spec` plus additional private helper queries that may have been added, in terms of the state in spec - query_impls: implementations for all queries in `spec` plus additional private helper queries, in terms of the state variables in `concretization_functions`. The query implementations are stored in a map keyed by query name. - updates: a map from (concrete_var_name, op_name) to statements `stm`, where the concrete_var_name is one of the state variables described by `concretization_functions`, op_name is one of the update operations in `spec`, and `stm` is a statement that may use private helper queries and exists entirely to maintain the relationship between `concrete_var_name` and the state in the specification. The statements are all in terms of the original state, before the update started executing. - handle_updates: a map from (handle_type, op_name) to statements, where handle_type is a THandle instance and op_name is one of the update operations in `spec`. These statements update the values of every reachable instance of the given handle (aka pointer). Like updates, these statements are in terms of the original state before the update started executing. """ self.spec = spec self._concretization_functions = concretization_functions self.query_specs = query_specs self.query_impls = query_impls self.updates = updates self.handle_updates = handle_updates self.state_solver = ModelCachingSolver(vars=self.abstract_state, funcs=self.extern_funcs, assumptions=EAll( spec.assumptions))
def __init__(self, assumptions: Exp = T, examples=(), funcs=(), freebies: [Exp] = []): self.solver = ModelCachingSolver(vars=(), funcs=funcs, examples=examples, assumptions=assumptions) self.assumptions = assumptions # self.examples = list(examples) self.funcs = OrderedDict(funcs) self.freebies = freebies
def __init__(self, spec: Spec, concrete_state: [(EVar, Exp)], query_specs: [Query], query_impls: OrderedDict, updates: defaultdict, handle_updates: defaultdict): self.spec = spec self.concrete_state = concrete_state self.query_specs = query_specs self.query_impls = query_impls self.updates = updates # maps (concrete_var_name, op_name) to stm self.handle_updates = handle_updates # maps (handle_type, op_name) to stm self.state_solver = ModelCachingSolver(vars=self.abstract_state, funcs=self.extern_funcs, assumptions=EAll( spec.assumptions))
class CostModel(object): def __init__(self, assumptions: Exp = T, examples=(), funcs=(), freebies: [Exp] = []): self.solver = ModelCachingSolver(vars=(), funcs=funcs, examples=examples, assumptions=assumptions) self.assumptions = assumptions # self.examples = list(examples) self.funcs = OrderedDict(funcs) self.freebies = freebies @property def examples(self): return tuple(self.solver.examples) def _compare(self, e1: Exp, e2: Exp, context: Context): e1_constant = not free_vars(e1) and not free_funcs(e1) e2_constant = not free_vars(e2) and not free_funcs(e2) if e1_constant and e2_constant: e1v = eval(e1, {}) e2v = eval(e2, {}) event("comparison obvious on constants: {} vs {}".format(e1v, e2v)) return order_objects(e1v, e2v) if alpha_equivalent(e1, e2): event("shortcutting comparison of identical terms") return Order.EQUAL path_condition = EAll(context.path_conditions()) always_le = self.solver.valid(EImplies(path_condition, ELe(e1, e2))) always_ge = self.solver.valid(EImplies(path_condition, EGe(e1, e2))) if always_le and always_ge: return Order.EQUAL if always_le: return Order.LT if always_ge: return Order.GT return Order.AMBIGUOUS def compare(self, e1: Exp, e2: Exp, context: Context, pool: Pool) -> Order: with task("compare costs", context=context): if pool == RUNTIME_POOL: return composite_order( lambda: order_objects(asymptotic_runtime( e1), asymptotic_runtime(e2)), lambda: self._compare( max_storage_size(e1, self.freebies), max_storage_size(e2, self.freebies), context), lambda: self._compare(rt(e1), rt(e2), context), lambda: order_objects(e1.size(), e2.size())) else: return composite_order( lambda: self._compare(storage_size(e1, self.freebies), storage_size(e2, self.freebies), context), lambda: order_objects(e1.size(), e2.size()))
def __init__(self, spec : Spec, concretization_functions : [(EVar, Exp)], query_specs : [Query], query_impls : OrderedDict, updates : defaultdict, handle_updates : defaultdict): """Construct an implementation. This constructor should be considered private to the `impls` module. You should call `construct_initial_implementation` instead of calling this constructor directly; this constructor makes it easy to accidentally create a malformed implementation. Parameters: - spec: the original specification - concretization_functions: pairs of (v, e) indicating that this implementation stores a state variable `v` whose value tracks `e`, a function of the state in `spec` - query_specs: specifications for all queries in `spec` plus additional private helper queries that may have been added, in terms of the state in spec - query_impls: implementations for all queries in `spec` plus additional private helper queries, in terms of the state variables in `concretization_functions`. The query implementations are stored in a map keyed by query name. - updates: a map from (concrete_var_name, op_name) to statements `stm`, where the concrete_var_name is one of the state variables described by `concretization_functions`, op_name is one of the update operations in `spec`, and `stm` is a statement that may use private helper queries and exists entirely to maintain the relationship between `concrete_var_name` and the state in the specification. The statements are all in terms of the original state, before the update started executing. - handle_updates: a map from (handle_type, op_name) to statements, where handle_type is a THandle instance and op_name is one of the update operations in `spec`. These statements update the values of every reachable instance of the given handle (aka pointer). Like updates, these statements are in terms of the original state before the update started executing. """ self.spec = spec self._concretization_functions = concretization_functions self.query_specs = query_specs self.query_impls = query_impls self.updates = updates self.handle_updates = handle_updates self.state_solver = ModelCachingSolver( vars=self.abstract_state, funcs=self.extern_funcs, assumptions=EAll(spec.assumptions))
def __init__(self, targets, assumptions, context, examples, cost_model, stop_callback, hints): self.context = context self.stop_callback = stop_callback self.cost_model = cost_model self.assumptions = assumptions self.hints = list(hints) self.reset(examples) self.wf_solver = ModelCachingSolver( vars=[v for (v, p) in context.vars()], funcs=context.funcs())
def exp_wf(e : Exp, context : Context, pool = RUNTIME_POOL, assumptions : Exp = T, solver = None): """ Returns True or throws exception indicating why `e` is not well-formed. """ if solver is None: solver = ModelCachingSolver(vars=[], funcs={}) for x, ctx, p in shred(e, context, pool): try: exp_wf_nonrecursive(solver, x, ctx, p, assumptions=ctx.adapt(assumptions, context)) except ExpIsNotWf as exc: raise ExpIsNotWf(e, x, exc.reason) return True
def exp_wf(e: Exp, context: Context, pool=RUNTIME_POOL, assumptions: Exp = ETRUE, solver=None): """Check the well-formedess of `e`. Returns True or an instance of ExpIsNotWf that indicates why `e` is not well-formed. Parameters: e - an expression to check context - a context describing e's variables pool - what pool e lives in assumptions - facts that are true whenever e begins executing (NOTE: this does NOT need to include the path conditions from the context, but it is fine if it does.) solver - a ModelCachingSolver to use for solving formulas This function requires that: - all free variables in `e` are used in the correct pool - EStateVar only occurs in runtime expressions """ if solver is None: solver = ModelCachingSolver(vars=[], funcs={}) for x, ctx, p in all_subexpressions_with_context_information( e, context, pool): is_wf = exp_wf_nonrecursive(solver, x, ctx, p, assumptions=ctx.adapt( assumptions, context)) if not is_wf: if isinstance(is_wf, No): return ExpIsNotWf(e, x, is_wf.msg) return is_wf return True
class Implementation(object): @typechecked def __init__(self, spec : Spec, concrete_state : [(EVar, Exp)], query_specs : [Query], query_impls : OrderedDict, updates : defaultdict, handle_updates : defaultdict): self.spec = spec self.concrete_state = concrete_state self.query_specs = query_specs self.query_impls = query_impls self.updates = updates # maps (concrete_var_name, op_name) to stm self.handle_updates = handle_updates # maps (handle_type, op_name) to stm self.state_solver = ModelCachingSolver(vars=self.abstract_state, funcs=self.extern_funcs) def __getstate__(self): d = dict(self.__dict__) if "state_solver" in d: del d["state_solver"] if hasattr(self, "__slots__"): for a in self.__slots__: d[a] = getattr(self, a) return d def add_query(self, q : Query): """ Given a query in terms of abstract state, add an initial concrete implementation. """ print("Adding query {}...".format( self.query_specs.append(q) fvs = free_vars(q) # initial rep qargs = set(EVar(a).with_type(t) for (a, t) in q.args) rep, ret = tease_apart(wrap_naked_statevars(q.ret, self.abstract_state)) self.set_impl(q, rep, ret) @property def op_specs(self): return [ m for m in self.spec.methods if isinstance(m, Op) ] @property def abstract_state(self) -> [EVar]: return [EVar(name).with_type(t) for (name, t) in self.spec.statevars] @property def extern_funcs(self) -> { str : TFunc }: return OrderedDict((, TFunc(tuple(t for a, t in f.args), f.out_type)) for f in self.spec.extern_funcs) def _add_subquery(self, sub_q : Query, used_by : Stm) -> Stm: with task("adding query", sub_q = shallow_copy(sub_q) with task("checking whether we need more handle assumptions"): new_a = implicit_handle_assumptions_for_method( reachable_handles_at_method(self.spec, sub_q), sub_q) if not valid(EImplies(EAll(sub_q.assumptions), EAll(new_a))): event("we do!") sub_q.assumptions = list(itertools.chain(sub_q.assumptions, new_a)) with task("simplifying"): orig_a = sub_q.assumptions orig_a_size = sum(a.size() for a in sub_q.assumptions) orig_ret_size = sub_q.ret.size() sub_q.assumptions = tuple(simplify_or_ignore(a) for a in sub_q.assumptions) sub_q.ret = simplify(sub_q.ret) a_size = sum(a.size() for a in sub_q.assumptions) ret_size = sub_q.ret.size() event("|assumptions|: {} -> {}".format(orig_a_size, a_size)) event("|ret|: {} -> {}".format(orig_ret_size, ret_size)) if a_size > orig_a_size: print("NO, BAD SIMPLIFICATION") print("original") for a in orig_a: print(" - {}".format(pprint(a))) print("simplified") for a in sub_q.assumptions: print(" - {}".format(pprint(a))) assert False state_vars = self.abstract_state funcs = self.extern_funcs qq = find_one(self.query_specs, lambda qq: dedup_queries.value and queries_equivalent(qq, sub_q, state_vars=state_vars, extern_funcs=funcs)) if qq is not None: event("subgoal {} is equivalent to {}".format(, arg_reorder = [[x[0] for x in sub_q.args].index(a) for (a, t) in qq.args] class Repl(BottomUpRewriter): def visit_ECall(self, e): args = tuple(self.visit(a) for a in e.args) if e.func == args = tuple(args[idx] for idx in arg_reorder) return ECall(, args).with_type(e.type) else: return ECall(e.func, args).with_type(e.type) used_by = Repl().visit(used_by) else: self.add_query(sub_q) return used_by def _setup_handle_updates(self): """ This method creates update code for handle objects modified by each op. Must be called once after all user-specified queries have been added. """ for op in self.op_specs: print("Setting up handle updates for {}...".format( handles = reachable_handles_at_method(self.spec, op) # print("-"*60) for t, bag in handles.items(): # print(" {} : {}".format(pprint(t), pprint(bag))) h = fresh_var(t) lval = EGetField(h, "val").with_type(t.value_type) new_val = inc.mutate(lval, op.body) # get set of modified handles modified_handles = Query( fresh_name("modified_handles"), Visibility.Internal, [], op.assumptions, EFilter(EUnaryOp(UOp.Distinct, bag).with_type(bag.type), ELambda(h, ENot(EEq(lval, new_val)))).with_type(bag.type), "[{}] modified handles of type {}".format(, pprint(t))) query_vars = [v for v in free_vars(modified_handles) if v not in self.abstract_state] modified_handles.args = [(, arg.type) for arg in query_vars] # modify each one subqueries = [] state_update_stm = inc.mutate_in_place( lval, lval, op.body, abstract_state=self.abstract_state, assumptions=list(op.assumptions) + [EDeepIn(h, bag), EIn(h, modified_handles.ret)], subgoals_out=subqueries) for sub_q in subqueries: sub_q.docstring = "[{}] {}".format(, sub_q.docstring) state_update_stm = self._add_subquery(sub_q=sub_q, used_by=state_update_stm) if state_update_stm != SNoOp(): state_update_stm = SForEach(h, ECall(, query_vars).with_type(bag.type), state_update_stm) state_update_stm = self._add_subquery(sub_q=modified_handles, used_by=state_update_stm) self.handle_updates[(t,] = state_update_stm def set_impl(self, q : Query, rep : [(EVar, Exp)], ret : Exp): with task("updating implementation", with task("finding duplicated state vars"): to_remove = set() for (v, e) in rep: aeq = find_one(vv for (vv, ee) in self.concrete_state if e.type == ee.type and self.state_solver.valid(EImplies(EAll(self.spec.assumptions), EEq(e, ee)))) # aeq = find_one(vv for (vv, ee) in self.concrete_state if e.type == ee.type and alpha_equivalent(e, ee)) if aeq is not None: event("state var {} is equivalent to {}".format(, ret = subst(ret, { : aeq }) to_remove.add(v) rep = [ x for x in rep if x[0] not in to_remove ] self.concrete_state.extend(rep) self.query_impls[] = rewrite_ret(q, lambda prev: ret, keep_assumptions=False) for op in self.op_specs: with task("incrementalizing query",, for new_member, projection in rep: subqueries = [] state_update_stm = inc.mutate_in_place( new_member, projection, op.body, abstract_state=self.abstract_state, assumptions=op.assumptions, subgoals_out=subqueries) for sub_q in subqueries: sub_q.docstring = "[{}] {}".format(, sub_q.docstring) state_update_stm = self._add_subquery(sub_q=sub_q, used_by=state_update_stm) self.updates[(new_member,] = state_update_stm @property def code(self) -> Spec: state_read_by_query = { query_name : free_vars(query) for query_name, query in self.query_impls.items() } # prevent read-after-write by lifting reads before writes. # list of SDecls temps = defaultdict(list) updates = dict(self.updates) for operator in self.op_specs: # Compute order constraints between statements: # v1 -> v2 means that the update code for v1 should (if possible) # appear before the update code for v2 # (i.e. the update code for v1 reads v2) g = igraph.Graph().as_directed() g.add_vertices(len(self.concrete_state)) for (i, (v1, _)) in enumerate(self.concrete_state): v1_update_code = self.updates[(v1,] v1_queries = list(self.queries_used_by(v1_update_code)) for (j, (v2, _)) in enumerate(self.concrete_state): # if v1_update_code reads v2... if any(v2 in state_read_by_query[q] for q in v1_queries): # then v1->v2 g.add_edges([(i, j)]) # Find the minimum set of edges we need to break (see "feedback arc # set problem") edges_to_break = safe_feedback_arc_set(g, method="ip") g.delete_edges(edges_to_break) ordered_concrete_state = [self.concrete_state[i] for i in g.topological_sorting(mode="OUT")] # Lift auxiliary declarations as needed things_updated = [] for v, _ in ordered_concrete_state: things_updated.append(v) stm = updates[(v,] def problematic(e): for x in all_exps(e): if isinstance(x, ECall) and x.func in [ for q in self.query_specs]: problems = set(things_updated) & state_read_by_query[x.func] if problems: return True return False stm = pull_temps(stm, decls_out=temps[], exp_is_bad=problematic) updates[(v,] = stm # construct new op implementations new_ops = [] for op in self.op_specs: stms = [ updates[(v,] for (v, _) in ordered_concrete_state ] stms.extend(hup for ((t, op_name), hup) in self.handle_updates.items() if == op_name) new_stms = seq(temps[] + stms) new_ops.append(Op(, op.args, [], new_stms, op.docstring)) # assemble final result return Spec(, self.spec.types, self.spec.extern_funcs, [(, e.type) for (v, e) in self.concrete_state], [], list(self.query_impls.values()) + new_ops, self.spec.header, self.spec.footer, self.spec.docstring) @property def concretization_functions(self) -> { str : Exp }: state_var_exps = OrderedDict() for (v, e) in self.concrete_state: state_var_exps[] = e return state_var_exps def cleanup(self): """ Remove unused state, queries, and updates. """ # sort of like mark-and-sweep queries_to_keep = OrderedSet( for q in self.query_specs if q.visibility == Visibility.Public) state_vars_to_keep = OrderedSet() changed = True while changed: changed = False for qname in list(queries_to_keep): if qname in self.query_impls: for sv in free_vars(self.query_impls[qname]): if sv not in state_vars_to_keep: state_vars_to_keep.add(sv) changed = True for e in all_exps(self.query_impls[qname].ret): if isinstance(e, ECall): if e.func not in queries_to_keep: queries_to_keep.add(e.func) changed = True for op in self.op_specs: for ((ht, op_name), code) in self.handle_updates.items(): if == op_name: for qname in self.queries_used_by(code): if qname not in queries_to_keep: queries_to_keep.add(qname) changed = True for sv in state_vars_to_keep: for qname in self.queries_used_by(self.updates[(sv,]): if qname not in queries_to_keep: queries_to_keep.add(qname) changed = True # remove old specs for q in list(self.query_specs): if not in queries_to_keep: self.query_specs.remove(q) # remove old implementations for qname in list(self.query_impls.keys()): if qname not in queries_to_keep: del self.query_impls[qname] # remove old state vars self.concrete_state = [ v for v in self.concrete_state if any(v[0] in free_vars(q) for q in self.query_impls.values()) ] # remove old method implementations for k in list(self.updates.keys()): v, op_name = k if v not in [var for (var, exp) in self.concrete_state]: del self.updates[k] def queries_used_by(self, stm): for e in all_exps(stm): if isinstance(e, ECall) and e.func in [ for q in self.query_specs]: yield e.func def states_maintained_by(self, q : Query) -> [EVar]: concrete_vars = [] for (var_name, op_name), stm in self.updates.items(): if in self.queries_used_by(stm): concrete_vars.append(var_name) return concrete_vars
class CostModel(object): def __init__(self, assumptions: Exp = T, examples=(), funcs=(), freebies: [Exp] = [], ops: [Op] = []): """ assumptions : assumed to be true when comparing expressions examples : initial examples (the right set of examples can speed up some cost comparisons; it is always safe to leave this set empty) funcs : in-scope functions freebies : state variables that can be used for free ops : mutators which are used to determine how expensive it is to maintain a state variable """ self.solver = ModelCachingSolver(vars=(), funcs=funcs, examples=examples, assumptions=assumptions) self.assumptions = assumptions # self.examples = list(examples) self.funcs = OrderedDict(funcs) self.ops = ops self.freebies = freebies def __repr__(self): return "CostModel(assumptions={!r}, examples={!r}, funcs={!r}, freebies={!r}, ops={!r})".format( self.assumptions, self.examples, self.funcs, self.freebies, self.ops) @property def examples(self): return tuple(self.solver.examples) def _compare(self, e1: Exp, e2: Exp, context: Context): e1_constant = not free_vars(e1) and not free_funcs(e1) e2_constant = not free_vars(e2) and not free_funcs(e2) if e1_constant and e2_constant: e1v = eval(e1, {}) e2v = eval(e2, {}) event("comparison obvious on constants: {} vs {}".format(e1v, e2v)) return order_objects(e1v, e2v) if alpha_equivalent(e1, e2): event("shortcutting comparison of identical terms") return Order.EQUAL path_condition = EAll(context.path_conditions()) always_le = self.solver.valid(EImplies(path_condition, ELe(e1, e2))) always_ge = self.solver.valid(EImplies(path_condition, EGe(e1, e2))) if always_le and always_ge: return Order.EQUAL if always_le: return Order.LT if always_ge: return Order.GT return Order.AMBIGUOUS def compare(self, e1: Exp, e2: Exp, context: Context, pool: Pool) -> Order: with task("compare costs", context=context): if consider_maintenance_cost.value: if pool == RUNTIME_POOL: return prioritized_order( lambda: order_objects(asymptotic_runtime(e1), asymptotic_runtime(e2)), lambda: unprioritized_order( lambda: prioritized_order( lambda: self._compare( max_storage_size(e1, self.freebies), max_storage_size(e2, self.freebies), context), lambda: self._compare( rt(e1), rt(e2), context)), * [ lambda op=op: self._compare( maintenance_cost(e1, op, self.freebies), maintenance_cost(e2, op, self.freebies), context) for op in self.ops ]), lambda: order_objects(e1.size(), e2.size())) else: return prioritized_order( lambda: self._compare(storage_size(e1, self.freebies), storage_size(e2, self.freebies), context), lambda: order_objects(e1.size(), e2.size())) else: if pool == RUNTIME_POOL: return prioritized_order( lambda: order_objects(asymptotic_runtime(e1), asymptotic_runtime(e2)), lambda: self._compare( max_storage_size(e1, self.freebies), max_storage_size(e2, self.freebies), context), lambda: self._compare(rt(e1), rt(e2), context), lambda: order_objects(e1.size(), e2.size())) else: return prioritized_order( lambda: self._compare(storage_size(e1, self.freebies), storage_size(e2, self.freebies), context), lambda: order_objects(e1.size(), e2.size()))
class Implementation(object): @typechecked def __init__(self, spec : Spec, concretization_functions : [(EVar, Exp)], query_specs : [Query], query_impls : OrderedDict, updates : defaultdict, handle_updates : defaultdict): """Construct an implementation. This constructor should be considered private to the `impls` module. You should call `construct_initial_implementation` instead of calling this constructor directly; this constructor makes it easy to accidentally create a malformed implementation. Parameters: - spec: the original specification - concretization_functions: pairs of (v, e) indicating that this implementation stores a state variable `v` whose value tracks `e`, a function of the state in `spec` - query_specs: specifications for all queries in `spec` plus additional private helper queries that may have been added, in terms of the state in spec - query_impls: implementations for all queries in `spec` plus additional private helper queries, in terms of the state variables in `concretization_functions`. The query implementations are stored in a map keyed by query name. - updates: a map from (concrete_var_name, op_name) to statements `stm`, where the concrete_var_name is one of the state variables described by `concretization_functions`, op_name is one of the update operations in `spec`, and `stm` is a statement that may use private helper queries and exists entirely to maintain the relationship between `concrete_var_name` and the state in the specification. The statements are all in terms of the original state, before the update started executing. - handle_updates: a map from (handle_type, op_name) to statements, where handle_type is a THandle instance and op_name is one of the update operations in `spec`. These statements update the values of every reachable instance of the given handle (aka pointer). Like updates, these statements are in terms of the original state before the update started executing. """ self.spec = spec self._concretization_functions = concretization_functions self.query_specs = query_specs self.query_impls = query_impls self.updates = updates self.handle_updates = handle_updates self.state_solver = ModelCachingSolver( vars=self.abstract_state, funcs=self.extern_funcs, assumptions=EAll(spec.assumptions)) def safe_copy(self): """Create a copy of this implementation. The copy is "safe" in the sense that modifications made to the copy through methods on the Implementation class do not affect self (and vice versa). However, note that the copy is not truly a deep copy; it may still be possible to get strange behavior by manually writing to properties of the underlying members (for instance, self and the copy will still share a Spec object). """ return Implementation( self.spec, list(self._concretization_functions), list(self.query_specs), OrderedDict(self.query_impls), defaultdict(SNoOp, self.updates), defaultdict(SNoOp, self.handle_updates)) def __getstate__(self): # During serialization, do not save the solver object. d = dict(self.__dict__) if "state_solver" in d: del d["state_solver"] if hasattr(self, "__slots__"): for a in self.__slots__: d[a] = getattr(self, a) return d def __setstate__(self, state): spec = state["spec"] try: concretization_functions = state["_concretization_functions"] except KeyError: # older format concretization_functions = state["concrete_state"] query_specs = state["query_specs"] query_impls = state["query_impls"] updates = state["updates"] handle_updates = state["handle_updates"] self.__init__( spec, concretization_functions, query_specs, query_impls, updates, handle_updates) def add_query(self, q : Query): """ Given a query in terms of abstract state, add an initial concrete implementation. """ print("Adding query {}...".format( self.query_specs.append(q) safe_ret = repair_well_formedness( q.ret, context=self.context_for_method(q), extra_available_state=[e for v, e in self._concretization_functions]) rep, ret = unpack_representation(safe_ret) self.set_impl(q, rep, ret) @property def op_specs(self) -> [Op]: """Returns the specifications for all the update operations.""" return [m for m in self.spec.methods if isinstance(m, Op)] @property def abstract_state(self) -> [EVar]: """Returns the abstract state of this data structure.""" return [EVar(name).with_type(t) for (name, t) in self.spec.statevars] @property def abstract_invariants(self) -> [Exp]: """Returns any user-specified invariants about the abstract state.""" return list(self.spec.assumptions) @property def concretization_functions(self) -> { str : Exp }: """Returns a mapping from concrete state variables to their meanings. The "meaning" of a concrete state variable is an expression (in terms of abstract state) that it tracks.""" state_var_exps = OrderedDict() for (v, e) in self._concretization_functions: state_var_exps[] = e return state_var_exps @property def extern_funcs(self) -> { str : TFunc }: """Return the types of all user-declared external functions.""" return OrderedDict((, TFunc(tuple(t for a, t in f.args), f.out_type)) for f in self.spec.extern_funcs) def context_for_method(self, m : Method) -> Context: """Construct a context describing expressions in the given method.""" return RootCtx( state_vars=self.abstract_state, args=[EVar(a).with_type(t) for (a, t) in m.args], funcs=self.extern_funcs) def _add_subquery(self, sub_q : Query, used_by : Stm) -> Stm: """Add a query that helps maintain some other state. Parameters: sub_q - the specification of the helper query used_by - the statement that calls `sub_q` If a query already exists that is equivalent to `sub_q`, this method returns `used_by` rewritten to use the existing query and does not add the query to the implementation. Otherwise it returns `used_by` unchanged. """ with task("adding query", sub_q = shallow_copy(sub_q) with task("checking whether we need more handle assumptions"): new_a = implicit_handle_assumptions( reachable_handles_at_method(self.spec, sub_q)) if not valid(EImplies(EAll(sub_q.assumptions), EAll(new_a))): event("we do!") sub_q.assumptions = list(itertools.chain(sub_q.assumptions, new_a)) with task("repairing state var boundaries"): extra_available_state = [e for v, e in self._concretization_functions] sub_q.ret = repair_well_formedness( strip_EStateVar(sub_q.ret), self.context_for_method(sub_q), extra_available_state) with task("simplifying"): orig_a = sub_q.assumptions orig_a_size = sum(a.size() for a in sub_q.assumptions) orig_ret_size = sub_q.ret.size() sub_q.assumptions = tuple(simplify_or_ignore(a) for a in sub_q.assumptions) sub_q.ret = simplify(sub_q.ret) a_size = sum(a.size() for a in sub_q.assumptions) ret_size = sub_q.ret.size() event("|assumptions|: {} -> {}".format(orig_a_size, a_size)) event("|ret|: {} -> {}".format(orig_ret_size, ret_size)) if a_size > orig_a_size: print("NO, BAD SIMPLIFICATION") print("original") for a in orig_a: print(" - {}".format(pprint(a))) print("simplified") for a in sub_q.assumptions: print(" - {}".format(pprint(a))) assert False state_vars = self.abstract_state funcs = self.extern_funcs qq = find_one(self.query_specs, lambda qq: dedup_queries.value and queries_equivalent(qq, sub_q, state_vars=state_vars, extern_funcs=funcs, assumptions=EAll(self.abstract_invariants))) if qq is not None: event("subgoal {} is equivalent to {}".format(, arg_reorder = [[x[0] for x in sub_q.args].index(a) for (a, t) in qq.args] class Repl(BottomUpRewriter): def visit_ECall(self, e): args = tuple(self.visit(a) for a in e.args) if e.func == args = tuple(args[idx] for idx in arg_reorder) return ECall(, args).with_type(e.type) else: return ECall(e.func, args).with_type(e.type) used_by = Repl().visit(used_by) else: self.add_query(sub_q) return used_by def _setup_handle_updates(self): """ This method creates update code for handle objects modified by each op. Must be called once after all user-specified queries have been added. """ for op in self.op_specs: print("Setting up handle updates for {}...".format( handles = reachable_handles_at_method(self.spec, op) # print("-"*60) for t, bag in handles.items(): # print(" {} : {}".format(pprint(t), pprint(bag))) h = fresh_var(t) lval = EGetField(h, "val").with_type(t.value_type) new_val = inc.mutate(lval, op.body) # get set of modified handles modified_handles = Query( fresh_name("modified_handles"), Visibility.Internal, [], op.assumptions, EFilter(EUnaryOp(UOp.Distinct, bag).with_type(bag.type), ELambda(h, ENot(EEq(lval, new_val)))).with_type(bag.type), "[{}] modified handles of type {}".format(, pprint(t))) query_vars = [v for v in free_vars(modified_handles) if v not in self.abstract_state] modified_handles.args = [(, arg.type) for arg in query_vars] # modify each one subqueries = [] state_update_stm = inc.mutate_in_place( lval, lval, op.body, abstract_state=self.abstract_state, assumptions=list(op.assumptions) + [EDeepIn(h, bag), EIn(h, modified_handles.ret)], invariants=self.abstract_invariants, subgoals_out=subqueries) for sub_q in subqueries: sub_q.docstring = "[{}] {}".format(, sub_q.docstring) state_update_stm = self._add_subquery(sub_q=sub_q, used_by=state_update_stm) if state_update_stm != SNoOp(): state_update_stm = SForEach(h, ECall(, query_vars).with_type(bag.type), state_update_stm) state_update_stm = self._add_subquery(sub_q=modified_handles, used_by=state_update_stm) self.handle_updates[(t,] = state_update_stm def set_impl(self, q : Query, rep : [(EVar, Exp)], ret : Exp): """Update the implementation of a query. The query having the same name as `q` will have its implementation replaced by the given concrete representation and computation. This call may add additional "subqueries" to the implementation to maintain the new representation when each update operation is called. """ with task("updating implementation", with task("finding duplicated state vars"): to_remove = set() for (v, e) in rep: aeq = find_one(vv for (vv, ee) in self._concretization_functions if e.type == ee.type and self.state_solver.valid(EEq(e, ee))) # aeq = find_one(vv for (vv, ee) in self._concretization_functions if e.type == ee.type and alpha_equivalent(e, ee)) if aeq is not None: event("state var {} is equivalent to {}".format(, ret = subst(ret, { : aeq }) to_remove.add(v) rep = [ x for x in rep if x[0] not in to_remove ] self._concretization_functions.extend(rep) self.query_impls[] = rewrite_ret(q, lambda prev: ret, keep_assumptions=False) for op in self.op_specs: with task("incrementalizing query",, for new_member, projection in rep: subqueries = [] state_update_stm = inc.mutate_in_place( new_member, projection, op.body, abstract_state=self.abstract_state, assumptions=op.assumptions, invariants=self.abstract_invariants, subgoals_out=subqueries) for sub_q in subqueries: sub_q.docstring = "[{}] {}".format(, sub_q.docstring) state_update_stm = self._add_subquery(sub_q=sub_q, used_by=state_update_stm) self.updates[(new_member,] = state_update_stm @property def code(self) -> Spec: """Get the current code corresponding to this implementation. The code is returned as a Cozy specification object, but the returned object throws away any unused abstract state as well as all invariants and assumptions on methods. It implements the same data structure, but probably more efficiently. """ state_read_by_query = { query_name : free_vars(query) for query_name, query in self.query_impls.items() } # prevent read-after-write by lifting reads before writes. # list of SDecls temps = defaultdict(list) updates = dict(self.updates) _concretization_functions = [v for v, e in self._concretization_functions] for operator in self.op_specs: # Compute order constraints between statements: # v1 -> v2 means that the update code for v1 should (if possible) # appear before the update code for v2 # (i.e. the update code for v1 reads v2) def state_used_during_update(v1 : EVar) -> [EVar]: v1_update_code = self.updates[(v1,] v1_queries = list(self.queries_used_by(v1_update_code)) res = OrderedSet() for q in v1_queries: res |= state_read_by_query[q] return res g = DirectedGraph( nodes=_concretization_functions, successors=state_used_during_update) # Find the minimum set of edges we need to break cycles (see # "feedback arc set problem") edges_to_break = g.minimum_feedback_arc_set() g.delete_edges(edges_to_break) _concretization_functions = list(g.toposort()) # Lift auxiliary declarations as needed things_updated = [] for v in _concretization_functions: things_updated.append(v) stm = updates[(v,] def problematic(e): for x in all_exps(e): if isinstance(x, ECall) and x.func in [ for q in self.query_specs]: problems = set(things_updated) & state_read_by_query[x.func] if problems: return True return False stm = pull_temps(stm, decls_out=temps[], exp_is_bad=problematic) updates[(v,] = stm # construct new op implementations new_ops = [] for op in self.op_specs: stms = [ updates[(v,] for v in _concretization_functions ] stms.extend(hup for ((t, op_name), hup) in self.handle_updates.items() if == op_name) new_stms = seq(temps[] + stms) new_ops.append(Op(, op.args, [], new_stms, op.docstring)) # assemble final result return Spec(, self.spec.types, self.spec.extern_funcs, [(, e.type) for (v, e) in self._concretization_functions], [], list(self.query_impls.values()) + new_ops, self.spec.header, self.spec.footer, self.spec.docstring) def cleanup(self): """ Remove unused state, queries, and updates. """ def deps(thing): if isinstance(thing, str): yield from free_vars(self.query_impls[thing]) elif isinstance(thing, EVar): for op in self.op_specs: yield self.updates[(thing,] elif isinstance(thing, Stm): yield from self.queries_used_by(thing) else: raise ValueError(repr(thing)) g = DirectedGraph( nodes=itertools.chain(self.query_impls.keys(), (v for v, _ in self._concretization_functions), self.updates.values()), successors=deps) roots = [ for q in self.query_specs if q.visibility == Visibility.Public] roots.extend(itertools.chain(*[self.queries_used_by(code) for ((ht, op_name), code) in self.handle_updates.items()])) queries_to_keep = set(q for q in g.reachable_nodes(roots) if isinstance(q, str)) # remove old specs for q in list(self.query_specs): if not in queries_to_keep: self.query_specs.remove(q) # remove old implementations for qname in list(self.query_impls.keys()): if qname not in queries_to_keep: del self.query_impls[qname] # remove old state vars self._concretization_functions = [ v for v in self._concretization_functions if any(v[0] in free_vars(q) for q in self.query_impls.values()) ] # remove old method implementations for k in list(self.updates.keys()): v, op_name = k if v not in [var for (var, exp) in self._concretization_functions]: del self.updates[k] def queries_used_by(self, stm): for e in all_exps(stm): if isinstance(e, ECall) and e.func in [ for q in self.query_specs]: yield e.func def states_maintained_by(self, q : Query) -> [EVar]: concrete_vars = [] for (var_name, op_name), stm in self.updates.items(): if in self.queries_used_by(stm): concrete_vars.append(var_name) return concrete_vars
class Implementation(object): @typechecked def __init__(self, spec: Spec, concretization_functions: [(EVar, Exp)], query_specs: [Query], query_impls: OrderedDict, updates: defaultdict, handle_updates: defaultdict): """Construct an implementation. This constructor should be considered private to the `impls` module. You should call `construct_initial_implementation` instead of calling this constructor directly; this constructor makes it easy to accidentally create a malformed implementation. Parameters: - spec: the original specification - concretization_functions: pairs of (v, e) indicating that this implementation stores a state variable `v` whose value tracks `e`, a function of the state in `spec` - query_specs: specifications for all queries in `spec` plus additional private helper queries that may have been added, in terms of the state in spec - query_impls: implementations for all queries in `spec` plus additional private helper queries, in terms of the state variables in `concretization_functions`. The query implementations are stored in a map keyed by query name. - updates: a map from (concrete_var_name, op_name) to statements `stm`, where the concrete_var_name is one of the state variables described by `concretization_functions`, op_name is one of the update operations in `spec`, and `stm` is a statement that may use private helper queries and exists entirely to maintain the relationship between `concrete_var_name` and the state in the specification. The statements are all in terms of the original state, before the update started executing. - handle_updates: a map from (handle_type, op_name) to statements, where handle_type is a THandle instance and op_name is one of the update operations in `spec`. These statements update the values of every reachable instance of the given handle (aka pointer). Like updates, these statements are in terms of the original state before the update started executing. """ self.spec = spec self._concretization_functions = concretization_functions self.query_specs = query_specs self.query_impls = query_impls self.updates = updates self.handle_updates = handle_updates self.state_solver = ModelCachingSolver(vars=self.abstract_state, funcs=self.extern_funcs, assumptions=EAll( spec.assumptions)) def safe_copy(self): """Create a copy of this implementation. The copy is "safe" in the sense that modifications made to the copy through methods on the Implementation class do not affect self (and vice versa). However, note that the copy is not truly a deep copy; it may still be possible to get strange behavior by manually writing to properties of the underlying members (for instance, self and the copy will still share a Spec object). """ return Implementation(self.spec, list(self._concretization_functions), list(self.query_specs), OrderedDict(self.query_impls), defaultdict(SNoOp, self.updates), defaultdict(SNoOp, self.handle_updates)) def __getstate__(self): # During serialization, do not save the solver object. d = dict(self.__dict__) if "state_solver" in d: del d["state_solver"] if hasattr(self, "__slots__"): for a in self.__slots__: d[a] = getattr(self, a) return d def __setstate__(self, state): spec = state["spec"] try: concretization_functions = state["_concretization_functions"] except KeyError: # older format concretization_functions = state["concrete_state"] query_specs = state["query_specs"] query_impls = state["query_impls"] updates = state["updates"] handle_updates = state["handle_updates"] self.__init__(spec, concretization_functions, query_specs, query_impls, updates, handle_updates) def add_query(self, q: Query): """ Given a query in terms of abstract state, add an initial concrete implementation. """ print("Adding query {}...".format( self.query_specs.append(q) safe_ret = repair_well_formedness( q.ret, context=self.context_for_method(q), extra_available_state=[ e for v, e in self._concretization_functions ]) rep, ret = unpack_representation(safe_ret) self.set_impl(q, rep, ret) @property def op_specs(self) -> [Op]: """Returns the specifications for all the update operations.""" return [m for m in self.spec.methods if isinstance(m, Op)] @property def abstract_state(self) -> [EVar]: """Returns the abstract state of this data structure.""" return [EVar(name).with_type(t) for (name, t) in self.spec.statevars] @property def abstract_invariants(self) -> [Exp]: """Returns any user-specified invariants about the abstract state.""" return list(self.spec.assumptions) @property def concretization_functions(self) -> {str: Exp}: """Returns a mapping from concrete state variables to their meanings. The "meaning" of a concrete state variable is an expression (in terms of abstract state) that it tracks.""" state_var_exps = OrderedDict() for (v, e) in self._concretization_functions: state_var_exps[] = e return state_var_exps @property def extern_funcs(self) -> {str: TFunc}: """Return the types of all user-declared external functions.""" return OrderedDict( (, TFunc(tuple(t for a, t in f.args), f.out_type)) for f in self.spec.extern_funcs) def context_for_method(self, m: Method) -> Context: """Construct a context describing expressions in the given method.""" return RootCtx(state_vars=self.abstract_state, args=[EVar(a).with_type(t) for (a, t) in m.args], funcs=self.extern_funcs) def _add_subquery(self, sub_q: Query, used_by: Stm) -> Stm: """Add a query that helps maintain some other state. Parameters: sub_q - the specification of the helper query used_by - the statement that calls `sub_q` If a query already exists that is equivalent to `sub_q`, this method returns `used_by` rewritten to use the existing query and does not add the query to the implementation. Otherwise it returns `used_by` unchanged. """ with task("adding query", sub_q = shallow_copy(sub_q) with task("checking whether we need more handle assumptions"): new_a = implicit_handle_assumptions( reachable_handles_at_method(self.spec, sub_q)) if not valid(EImplies(EAll(sub_q.assumptions), EAll(new_a))): event("we do!") sub_q.assumptions = list( itertools.chain(sub_q.assumptions, new_a)) with task("repairing state var boundaries"): extra_available_state = [ e for v, e in self._concretization_functions ] sub_q.ret = repair_well_formedness( strip_EStateVar(sub_q.ret), self.context_for_method(sub_q), extra_available_state) with task("simplifying"): orig_a = sub_q.assumptions orig_a_size = sum(a.size() for a in sub_q.assumptions) orig_ret_size = sub_q.ret.size() sub_q.assumptions = tuple( simplify_or_ignore(a) for a in sub_q.assumptions) sub_q.ret = simplify(sub_q.ret) a_size = sum(a.size() for a in sub_q.assumptions) ret_size = sub_q.ret.size() event("|assumptions|: {} -> {}".format(orig_a_size, a_size)) event("|ret|: {} -> {}".format(orig_ret_size, ret_size)) if a_size > orig_a_size: print("NO, BAD SIMPLIFICATION") print("original") for a in orig_a: print(" - {}".format(pprint(a))) print("simplified") for a in sub_q.assumptions: print(" - {}".format(pprint(a))) assert False state_vars = self.abstract_state funcs = self.extern_funcs qq = find_one( self.query_specs, lambda qq: dedup_queries.value and queries_equivalent(qq, sub_q, state_vars=state_vars, extern_funcs=funcs, assumptions=EAll(self.abstract_invariants))) if qq is not None: event("subgoal {} is equivalent to {}".format(, arg_reorder = [[x[0] for x in sub_q.args].index(a) for (a, t) in qq.args] class Repl(BottomUpRewriter): def visit_ECall(self, e): args = tuple(self.visit(a) for a in e.args) if e.func == args = tuple(args[idx] for idx in arg_reorder) return ECall(, args).with_type(e.type) else: return ECall(e.func, args).with_type(e.type) used_by = Repl().visit(used_by) else: self.add_query(sub_q) return used_by def _setup_handle_updates(self): """ This method creates update code for handle objects modified by each op. Must be called once after all user-specified queries have been added. """ for op in self.op_specs: print("Setting up handle updates for {}...".format( handles = reachable_handles_at_method(self.spec, op) # print("-"*60) for t, bag in handles.items(): # print(" {} : {}".format(pprint(t), pprint(bag))) h = fresh_var(t) lval = EGetField(h, "val").with_type(t.value_type) new_val = inc.mutate(lval, op.body) # get set of modified handles modified_handles = Query( fresh_name("modified_handles"), Visibility.Internal, [], op.assumptions, EFilter( EUnaryOp(UOp.Distinct, bag).with_type(bag.type), ELambda(h, ENot(EEq(lval, new_val)))).with_type(bag.type), "[{}] modified handles of type {}".format(, pprint(t))) query_vars = [ v for v in free_vars(modified_handles) if v not in self.abstract_state ] modified_handles.args = [(, arg.type) for arg in query_vars] # modify each one subqueries = [] state_update_stm = inc.mutate_in_place( lval, lval, op.body, abstract_state=self.abstract_state, assumptions=list(op.assumptions) + [EDeepIn(h, bag), EIn(h, modified_handles.ret)], invariants=self.abstract_invariants, subgoals_out=subqueries) for sub_q in subqueries: sub_q.docstring = "[{}] {}".format(, sub_q.docstring) state_update_stm = self._add_subquery( sub_q=sub_q, used_by=state_update_stm) if state_update_stm != SNoOp(): state_update_stm = SForEach( h, ECall(, query_vars).with_type(bag.type), state_update_stm) state_update_stm = self._add_subquery( sub_q=modified_handles, used_by=state_update_stm) self.handle_updates[(t,] = state_update_stm def set_impl(self, q: Query, rep: [(EVar, Exp)], ret: Exp): """Update the implementation of a query. The query having the same name as `q` will have its implementation replaced by the given concrete representation and computation. This call may add additional "subqueries" to the implementation to maintain the new representation when each update operation is called. """ with task("updating implementation", with task("finding duplicated state vars"): to_remove = set() for (v, e) in rep: aeq = find_one(vv for (vv, ee) in self._concretization_functions if e.type == ee.type and self.state_solver.valid(EEq(e, ee))) # aeq = find_one(vv for (vv, ee) in self._concretization_functions if e.type == ee.type and alpha_equivalent(e, ee)) if aeq is not None: event("state var {} is equivalent to {}".format(, ret = subst(ret, { aeq}) to_remove.add(v) rep = [x for x in rep if x[0] not in to_remove] self._concretization_functions.extend(rep) self.query_impls[] = rewrite_ret(q, lambda prev: ret, keep_assumptions=False) for op in self.op_specs: with task("incrementalizing query",, for new_member, projection in rep: subqueries = [] state_update_stm = inc.mutate_in_place( new_member, projection, op.body, abstract_state=self.abstract_state, assumptions=op.assumptions, invariants=self.abstract_invariants, subgoals_out=subqueries) for sub_q in subqueries: sub_q.docstring = "[{}] {}".format(, sub_q.docstring) state_update_stm = self._add_subquery( sub_q=sub_q, used_by=state_update_stm) self.updates[(new_member,] = state_update_stm @property def code(self) -> Spec: """Get the current code corresponding to this implementation. The code is returned as a Cozy specification object, but the returned object throws away any unused abstract state as well as all invariants and assumptions on methods. It implements the same data structure, but probably more efficiently. """ state_read_by_query = { query_name: free_vars(query) for query_name, query in self.query_impls.items() } # prevent read-after-write by lifting reads before writes. # list of SDecls temps = defaultdict(list) updates = dict(self.updates) _concretization_functions = [ v for v, e in self._concretization_functions ] for operator in self.op_specs: # Compute order constraints between statements: # v1 -> v2 means that the update code for v1 should (if possible) # appear before the update code for v2 # (i.e. the update code for v1 reads v2) def state_used_during_update(v1: EVar) -> [EVar]: v1_update_code = self.updates[(v1,] v1_queries = list(self.queries_used_by(v1_update_code)) res = OrderedSet() for q in v1_queries: res |= state_read_by_query[q] return res g = DirectedGraph(nodes=_concretization_functions, successors=state_used_during_update) # Find the minimum set of edges we need to break cycles (see # "feedback arc set problem") edges_to_break = g.minimum_feedback_arc_set() g.delete_edges(edges_to_break) _concretization_functions = list(g.toposort()) # Lift auxiliary declarations as needed things_updated = [] for v in _concretization_functions: things_updated.append(v) stm = updates[(v,] def problematic(e): for x in all_exps(e): if isinstance(x, ECall) and x.func in [ for q in self.query_specs ]: problems = set( things_updated) & state_read_by_query[x.func] if problems: return True return False stm = pull_temps(stm, decls_out=temps[], exp_is_bad=problematic) updates[(v,] = stm # construct new op implementations new_ops = [] for op in self.op_specs: stms = [updates[(v,] for v in _concretization_functions] stms.extend(hup for ((t, op_name), hup) in self.handle_updates.items() if == op_name) new_stms = seq(temps[] + stms) new_ops.append(Op(, op.args, [], new_stms, op.docstring)) # assemble final result return Spec(, self.spec.types, self.spec.extern_funcs, [(, e.type) for (v, e) in self._concretization_functions], [], list(self.query_impls.values()) + new_ops, self.spec.header, self.spec.footer, self.spec.docstring) def cleanup(self): """ Remove unused state, queries, and updates. """ def deps(thing): if isinstance(thing, str): yield from free_vars(self.query_impls[thing]) elif isinstance(thing, EVar): for op in self.op_specs: yield self.updates[(thing,] elif isinstance(thing, Stm): yield from self.queries_used_by(thing) else: raise ValueError(repr(thing)) g = DirectedGraph(nodes=itertools.chain( self.query_impls.keys(), (v for v, _ in self._concretization_functions), self.updates.values()), successors=deps) roots = [ for q in self.query_specs if q.visibility == Visibility.Public ] roots.extend( itertools.chain(*[ self.queries_used_by(code) for ((ht, op_name), code) in self.handle_updates.items() ])) queries_to_keep = set(q for q in g.reachable_nodes(roots) if isinstance(q, str)) # remove old specs for q in list(self.query_specs): if not in queries_to_keep: self.query_specs.remove(q) # remove old implementations for qname in list(self.query_impls.keys()): if qname not in queries_to_keep: del self.query_impls[qname] # remove old state vars self._concretization_functions = [ v for v in self._concretization_functions if any(v[0] in free_vars(q) for q in self.query_impls.values()) ] # remove old method implementations for k in list(self.updates.keys()): v, op_name = k if v not in [var for (var, exp) in self._concretization_functions]: del self.updates[k] def queries_used_by(self, stm): for e in all_exps(stm): if isinstance( e, ECall) and e.func in [ for q in self.query_specs]: yield e.func def states_maintained_by(self, q: Query) -> [EVar]: concrete_vars = [] for (var_name, op_name), stm in self.updates.items(): if in self.queries_used_by(stm): concrete_vars.append(var_name) return concrete_vars