Example #1
def process_args_and_login(parser=None, client=None, showparameter=None, fields=None):
    # initializing command line arguments and variables to be used later
    args = args_initializer(parser=parser, param=showparameter)
    global debug
    global log_file
    if not showparameter:
        showparameter = args.showparameter[0] if args.showparameter else None
    if not fields:
            fields = {
                "whitelist": args.fields,
                "blacklist": [],
                "translate": []
        except AttributeError:
            fields = {
                "whitelist": [],
                "blacklist": [],
                "translate": []
    management = args.management[0] if args.management else None
    domain = args.domain[0] if args.domain else None
    debug = None
    log_file = None
    if args.debug[0] == "on":
        debug = True
    if (debug or __debug__) and args.log_file is not None:
            log_file = open(args.log_file, "wb")
        except IOError:
            debug_log("Could not open given log file for writing, sending debug information to stderr.")
    # open the output file if given one
    output_file = open(args.output[0], "wb") if args.output else None
    output_file_format = args.format[0].lower()
    user_created = (args.user_created[0].lower() == "true") if args.user_created else True

    # trying to get login credentials
    username, password, session_id = get_login_credentials(args.username[0] if args.username else None,
                                                           args.password[0] if args.password else None,
                                                           args.session_id[0] if args.session_id else None,
                                                           args.session_file[0] if args.session_file else None,
                                                           args.root[0] if args.root else None)
        "Got the following login credentials:\n    Username: {0}\n    Password: {1}\n    Session ID: {2}".format(
            username, '*' * len(password) if password else None, session_id))
    if not args.root or args.root[0] == "true":
        unsafe = (args.unsafe[0] == "true")
        unsafe_auto_accept = (args.unsafe_auto_accept[0] == "true")
        if not client:
            client = APIClient(APIClientArgs(server=management))
        if unsafe or (unsafe_auto_accept and validate_fingerprint_without_prompt(client, management,
                                                                                 auto_accept=unsafe_auto_accept)) or client.check_fingerprint():
            login(client, management, domain, username, password, session_id)
            raise APIClientException(
                "The server's fingerprint is different than your local record of it. The script cannot operate in this unsecure manner (unless running with --unsafe). Exiting...")
        login(client, management, domain, session_id=session_id, username=None, password=None)
    return output_file, output_file_format, user_created, client, args
def main():
    global was_changed
    # Initializing parameters to variables:
    command = module.params["command"]
    parameters = module.params.get("parameters")
    session_data = module.params.get("session-data")
    fingerprint = module.params.get("fingerprint")
    if parameters:
        parameters = json.loads(parameters.replace("'", '"'))
    if command == "login":
        # Login parameters:
        username = parameters.get("user", parameters.get("username"))
        password = parameters.get("pass", parameters.get("password"))
        management = parameters.get("management", "")
        port = parameters.get("port", 443)
        domain = parameters.get("domain")
        session_timeout = parameters.get("session-timeout", 600)
        payload = {"session-timeout": session_timeout}
        client_args = APIClientArgs(server=management, port=port)
        client = APIClient(client_args)
        # Validate fingerprint:
        validate_fingerprint(client, fingerprint)
        # Tries to login:
        client.login(username=username, password=password, domain=domain, payload=payload)
        # Building a session data object
        session_data = {
            "url": management + ":" + str(port),
            "domain": domain,
            "sid": client.sid,
            "fingerprint": client.fingerprint
        resp = session_data
        # Parsing the session-data argument:
            session_data = ast.literal_eval(session_data)["response"]
        except (ValueError, KeyError):
            if not session_data:
                error("You must specify session-data for commands that are not login (use the command \"login\""
                      " to obtain the session data).")
                error("session-data variable is invalid.")

        session_id = session_data["sid"]
        domain = session_data["domain"]
        management = session_data["url"].split('//')[1].split('/')[0].split(':')[0] if '//' in session_data["url"] else \
        fingerprint = session_data["fingerprint"]
        client_args = APIClientArgs(server=management, sid=session_id)
        client = APIClient(client_args)
        client.domain = domain
        validate_fingerprint(client, fingerprint)

        # Doesn't run commands that act immediately (not waiting for 'publish'), like install-policy, publish, etc.
        if module.check_mode and command in unavailable_in_check_commands:
            error("Can't run the following commands in check mode: " + str(unavailable_in_check_commands) +
                  ". Know that your script ran fine up to this point " +
                  ("and we've discarded the changes made, you can now run it without check mode." if
                   command == "publish" else "and we are skipping this command."),
                  client=client if command == "publish" else None, discard=True, logout=False, exit=True, fail=False)

        if command == "install-policy" and module.check_mode:
            command = "verify-policy"
            parameters = {"policy-package": parameters["policy-package"]}

        # Run the command:
        res = client.api_call(command=command, payload=parameters)

        if command.split("-")[0] in ["add", "delete", "set"] and res.success and not module.check_mode:
            was_changed = True

        if not res.success:
            error("Command '{} {}' failed{}. All changes are discarded and the session is invalidated."
                  .format(command, parameters,
                          " with error message: " + str(res.error_message) if hasattr(res, "error_message") else ""),

        resp = res.data
    module.exit_json(response=resp, changed=was_changed)
log_file = None
output_file = None
client = None

from cp_mgmt_api_python_sdk.lib import APIClient

if __name__ == "__main__":

    arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Package Import and Export Tool, V2.0")
    args = process_arguments(arg_parser)
    args_for_client = APIClientArgs(server=args.management,

    with APIClient(args_for_client) as client:

        if args.login == '1':
            login_reply = client.login(
                    "true" if args.operation == "export" else "false"