def task_generate_sc_html(): """ Generate sanity check html files for each department """ for dept in Department.list(): command = (f"pandoc --self-contained" f" -o {dept.sc_html_path}" f" {dept.sc_markdown_path}") yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [ dept.sc_figure1_path, dept.sc_figure2_path, dept.sc_figure3_path, dept.sc_figure4_path, dept.sc_figure5_path, dept.sc_markdown_path, ], 'targets': [dept.sc_html_path], 'actions': [command], 'clean': True, }
def task_preprocess_shapefiles(): for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': list(dept.spatial_input_dir.iterdir()), 'targets': [dept.preprocessed_shapefile_path], 'actions': [dept.preprocess_shapefile], 'clean': True, }
def task_create_list_of_states(): """ Unite the guessed states for each department """ dept_coll = DepartmentCollection() return { 'file_dep': [dept.guessed_state_path for dept in Department.list()], 'targets': [dept_coll.list_of_states_path], 'actions': [dept_coll.create_list_of_states], 'clean': True, }
def task_output_police_precincts(): """ Output police precincts for each department """ for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [dept.police_precincts_path], 'targets': [dept.police_precincts_output], 'actions': ['cp %(dependencies)s %(targets)s'], 'clean': True, }
def task_output_block_groups(): """ Output block groups for each department """ for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [dept.block_groups_path], 'targets': [dept.block_groups_output], 'actions': ['cp %(dependencies)s %(targets)s'], 'clean': True, }
def task_output_city(): """ Output city stats for each department """ for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [dept.city_path], 'targets': [dept.city_output], 'actions': ['cp %(dependencies)s %(targets)s'], 'clean': True, }
def task_generate_sc_markdown(): """ Generate sanity check md files for each department """ for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [], 'targets': [dept.sc_markdown_path], 'actions': [dept.generate_sc_markdown], 'clean': True, 'uptodate': [False], }
def task_create_department_directories(): """ Create departments' directories """ for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, # just to make sure 'file_dep': [util.path.CONFIG_PATH], 'targets': dept.directories, 'actions': [dept.create_directories], 'uptodate': [True], }
def task_process_police_precincts(): """ Process police precincts data """ for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [ dept.block_groups_path, dept.preprocessed_shapefile_path, ], 'targets': [dept.police_precincts_path], 'actions': [dept.process_police_precincts], 'clean': True, }
def task_download_bg_values(): for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [ dept.guessed_state_path, dept.guessed_counties_path, util.path.CONFIG_PATH, ], 'targets': [dept.bg_values_path], 'actions': [dept.download_bg_values], 'clean': True, }
def task_generate_sc_figure4(): """ Generate figure #4 for the sanity check of each department """ for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [ dept.block_groups_path, dept.police_precincts_path, ], 'targets': [dept.sc_figure4_path], 'actions': [dept.generate_sc_figure4], 'clean': True, }
def task_process_city(): """ Generate statistics for the city of each department """ for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [ dept.block_groups_path, dept.guessed_city_path, ], 'task_dep': ['download_place_boundaries'], 'targets': [dept.city_path], 'actions': [dept.process_city], 'clean': True, }
def task_generate_sc_figure1(): """ Generate figure #1 for the sanity check of each department """ for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [ dept.guessed_city_path, dept.police_precincts_path, ], 'task_dep': ['download_place_boundaries'], 'targets': [dept.sc_figure1_path], 'actions': [dept.generate_sc_figure1], 'clean': True, }
def task_process_department_files(): """ Preprocess individual files for departments """ for dept in Department.list(): for file_name, file in dept.files.items(): yield { 'name': f'{dept}:{file_name}', 'file_dep': file.dependencies + [file.raw_path, util.path.CONFIG_PATH], 'targets': [file.processed_path], 'actions': [file.process], 'clean': True, }
def task_download_tract_values(): """ Download census tract values for each department """ for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [ dept.guessed_state_path, dept.guessed_counties_path, util.path.CONFIG_PATH, ], 'targets': [dept.tract_values_path], 'actions': [dept.download_tract_values], 'clean': True, }
def task_guess_cities(): """ Guess the city of each department """ for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [ dept.preprocessed_shapefile_path, dept.guessed_state_path, ], 'task_dep': ['download_place_boundaries'], 'targets': [dept.guessed_city_path], 'actions': [dept.guess_city], 'clean': True, }
def task_guess_states(): """ Guess the state for each department """ tiger = TIGER() for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [ tiger.state_boundaries_path, dept.preprocessed_shapefile_path, ], 'targets': [dept.guessed_state_path], 'actions': [dept.guess_state], 'clean': True, }
def task_process_block_groups(): """ Merge block group values with block group boundaries """ for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [ dept.guessed_state_path, dept.guessed_counties_path, dept.bg_values_path, ], 'task_dep': ['download_bg_boundaries'], 'targets': [dept.block_groups_path], 'actions': [dept.process_block_groups], 'clean': True, }
def task_process_census_tracts(): """ Merge census tract values with census tract boundaries """ for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [ dept.guessed_state_path, dept.guessed_counties_path, dept.tract_values_path, ], 'task_dep': ['download_tract_boundaries'], 'targets': [dept.census_tracts_path], 'actions': [dept.process_census_tracts], 'clean': True, }
def task_guess_counties(): """ Guess the counties that compose each police department The city surrounding each police department is also taken into account. """ for dept in Department.list(): yield { 'name':, 'file_dep': [ dept.guessed_city_path, dept.preprocessed_shapefile_path, ], 'task_dep': [ 'download_place_boundaries', 'download_county_boundaries', ], 'targets': [dept.guessed_counties_path], 'actions': [dept.guess_counties], 'clean': True, }