Example #1
def psi4mol_to_cppemol(psi4mol):
    mol = cppe.Molecule()
    geom = psi4mol.geometry().np
    for i, c in enumerate(geom):
        a = cppe.Atom((int(psi4mol.Z(i))), *c)
    return mol
Example #2
    def _create_cppe_state(self, mol):
        cppe_mol = cppe.Molecule()
        for z, coord in zip(mol.atom_charges(), mol.atom_coords()):
            cppe_mol.append(cppe.Atom(z, *coord))

        def callback(output):
            logger.info(self, output)
        cppe_state = cppe.CppeState(self.options, cppe_mol, callback)
        return cppe_state
Example #3
 def molecule(self):
     The HF data a testcase is based upon
     ret = {}
     for k in self.testcases:
         datafile = fullfile(k + ".hdf5")
         f = h5py.File(datafile, 'r')
         mol = cppe.Molecule()
         for z, coord in zip(f['atom_charges'], f['atom_coords']):
             mol.append(cppe.Atom(z, *coord))
         ret[k] = mol
     return ret
Example #4
def grad_nuclear_field_fdiff(atoms, coords, potentials, step_au=1e-3):
    Computes the finite difference gradient
    with a 5-point stencil
    natoms = len(atoms)
    polsites = cppe.get_polarizable_sites(potentials)
    grad = np.zeros((natoms, 3, len(polsites), 3))
    for i in range(natoms):
        for c in range(3):
            print("Computing dE/d{} for atom {}.".format(coords_label[c], i))
            for f, p in zip(*stencils["5p"]):
                coords_p = coords.copy()
                coords_p[i, c] += f * step_au
                mol_p = cppe.Molecule()
                for z, coord in zip(atoms, coords_p):
                    mol_p.append(cppe.Atom(z, *coord))

                nf = NuclearFields(mol_p, potentials)
                en_pert = nf.compute().reshape(len(polsites), 3)
                grad[i, c] += p * en_pert / step_au
    return grad
Example #5
def grad_nuclear_interaction_energy_fdiff(atoms,
    Computes the finite difference gradient
    with a 5-point stencil
    natoms = len(atoms)
    grad = np.zeros((natoms, 3))
    for i in range(natoms):
        for c in range(3):
            print("Computing dE/d{} for atom {}.".format(coords_label[c], i))
            for f, p in zip(*stencils["5p"]):
                coords_p = coords.copy()
                coords_p[i, c] += f * step_au
                mol_p = cppe.Molecule()
                for z, coord in zip(atoms, coords_p):
                    mol_p.append(cppe.Atom(z, *coord))

                mexp = MultipoleExpansion(mol_p, potentials)
                en_pert = mexp.interaction_energy()
                grad[i, c] += p * en_pert / step_au
    return grad