Example #1
def helper(b, difference=difference1):
    '''By entering a dictionary with couldbeenglish strings and their startidx,
    this helper function will be used repeatedly to find sequences of these strings
    that will produce a couldbeenglish string on the other side as well. It will
    return a dict with those sequences that give a could be english string on the
    other side with their startindex

    Example: "renewal" -> "ending i"
            "[s]ending" -> " renew"
    couldbeword2 = {
    }  #safe all words that have english outcome and only use those with value 1, to be sure
    for key in b:  #We'll now go through the english ngrams we found
        c = findwordswithsequence(
            b[key])  #would return english words with that ngram
        d = []
        for word in c:
            if len(word) > 5:
        for word in d:  #lets go through the words
            upper = b[key].upper()
            wherengraminword = word.find(upper)  #where in the word is ngram
            wordstartindex = key - wherengraminword  #at what index should word start
            if wordstartindex < 0:
            word = word.lower()
            dif = addwordtodatindex(difference, word, wordstartindex)
            #print("word:", word, "dif:", dif , "index:", wordstartindex)
            #print("word at index:", difference0[wordstartindex:wordstartindex+len(word)])
            if couldbeenglish(
            ) == True:  #if the word gives a english outcome it is good
                # There are occurences where there are more then 1 couldbeenglish possibilities at the same wordstartindex
                # To make sure we have the right one, we only safe it when there is only 1 option
                if word in popularity_dict:
                    print(dif, 'wordofsequence is:', word)
                    permission = input(
                        "Do you give permission to the combi above? (y/n)")
                    if permission == "y":
                        if wordstartindex in couldbeword2:
                            replace = input("Do you want to replace? (y/n)")
                            if replace == 'y':
                                couldbeword2[wordstartindex] = word
                            elif replace == 'n':
                            couldbeword2[wordstartindex] = word
                    elif permission == 'n':
    return couldbeword2
Example #2
 def test_couldbeenglish_capitalafterpunct(self):
     self.assertEqual(couldbeenglish("ing.Wi", simple = True), False)
Example #3
 def test_couldbeenglish_I(self):
     self.assertEqual(couldbeenglish("I", simple = True), True)
Example #4
 def test_couldbeenglish_numberinbetween(self):
     self.assertEqual(couldbeenglish("in9, wi", simple = True), False)
Example #5
 def test_couldbeenglish_dubblepunct(self):
     self.assertEqual(couldbeenglish("ing,.  wi", simple = True), False)
Example #6
 def test_couldbeenglish_capital(self):
     self.assertEqual(couldbeenglish("inG, wi", simple = True), False)
Example #7
 def test_couldbeenglish_good(self):
     self.assertEqual(couldbeenglish("ing, wi", simple = True), True)