Example #1
    def read_tags(self):
        Send request for tags and parse response.
        tag_list = []
        # prepare frame
        frm = [0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
        ba = bytearray(frm)
        c = crc.calc_crc(frm, len(frm))
        ba.append((c & 0xFF00) >> 8)
        ba.append(c & 0xFF)
        # send it to reader
        # get ack
        data = self.rec(2)
        if data[3] != 0x61:
            return tag_list
        # get tags
        md_flg = 1
        while md_flg == 1:
            data = self.rec(2)
            if data[3] != 0xA0:
            md_flg = data[4] & (1 << 0)
            cnt = 0
            idx = 9
            while cnt < data[1]:
                if 0x1F == data[idx]:
                    ant = data[idx + 1] & 0x0F
                    count = data[idx + 2]
                    time = ""
                    for i in range(4):
                        time = "%02X" % data[idx + 3 + i] + time
                    time = int(time, 16)
                    rssi = data[idx + 7]
                    if rssi > 0x7F:
                        rssi -= 0x100
                    length = data[idx + 9]
                    epc_crc = 0
                    for i in range(2):
                        epc_crc <<= 8
                        epc_crc |= data[idx + 10 + i]
                    epc = ""
                    for i in range(length):
                        epc += "%02X" % data[idx + 12 + i]
                    cnt += 12 + length
                    idx += 12 + length
                    tag = Tag(ant, count, time, rssi, length, epc_crc, epc)
                    # print("Tag: ", end='')
                    # print("%d %d %s %d %d 0x%02X %s" % (ant, count, time, rssi, length, epc_crc, epc) )

        return tag_list
Example #2
 def cmd(self, opc, context=None):
     # build header
     frm = [0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, opc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
     # calculate and add crc to the frame
     ba = bytearray(frm)
     # call opcode's callback for data field
     if TxOpcClb[opc] is not None:
         data = TxOpcClb[opc](context)
         data = b''
     ba[1] = len(data)
     c = crc.calc_crc(ba, len(ba))
     ba.append((c & 0xFF00) >> 8)
     ba.append(c & 0xFF)
     # send the frame
     # if one of hidden commands - return
     if opc == OP.Rainbow:
         return []
     # get response
     resp = self.rec(2)
     # check SOF
     if resp[0] != 0xFF:
         return False
     # check CRC
     cc = crc.calc_crc(resp, len(resp) - 2)
     ccs = '%04X' % cc
     ccb = binascii.a2b_hex(ccs)
     if ccb != resp[-2:]:
         return False
     # check opcode
     if opc != resp[3]:
         return False
     # run Rx Opcode
     if len(resp) > 11 and RxOpcClb[resp[3]] is not None:
         return RxOpcClb[resp[3]](resp[9:-2])
         return []
    def test_upload(self):
        log = logging.getLogger("test_program_upload")


        # erase entry
        self.system.comm.put_frame(EraseBootTableEntry([0, 1, 2]))

        # wait for response
        f = self.system.comm.get_frame(20, filter_type=EntryEraseSuccessFrame)
        self.assertIsInstance(f, EntryEraseSuccessFrame)

        # upload entries 0...n
        program_path = config['BINARIES_DIR'] + '/fm_terminal.bin'

        with open(program_path, 'rb') as f:
            content = f.read()

        content = pad(content, multiply_of=128, pad_with=0x1A)

        crc = calc_crc(content)
        length = len(content)
        parts = int(ceil(length / float(WriteProgramPart.MAX_PART_SIZE)))

        for i in xrange(0, length, WriteProgramPart.MAX_PART_SIZE):
            part = content[i:i + WriteProgramPart.MAX_PART_SIZE]
                WriteProgramPart(entries=[0, 1, 2], offset=i, content=part))

        log.info("Total parts {}\nlength: {}\nCRC: {:X}".format(
            parts, length, crc))

        f = [
                20, filter_type=EntryProgramPartWriteSuccess)
            for _ in xrange(0, parts)
        for i in f:
            self.assertIsInstance(i, EntryProgramPartWriteSuccess)

        # finalize entry
        name = 'Uploaded2'
            FinalizeProgramEntry([0, 1, 2], length, crc, name))

        f = self.system.comm.get_frame(20, filter_type=EntryFinalizeSuccess)
        self.assertIsInstance(f, EntryFinalizeSuccess)
Example #4
 def write_sel_tag(self, mem, pwd, sel_data_len, epc_len, sel_data_addr, sel_data, new_epc):
     # prepare frame
     frm = [0xFF, 11 + 24, 0x00, 0x6A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
     data = [0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
     frm += data
     for i in range(0, 12):
         tmp = sel_data[i * 2:i * 2 + 2]
         val = int(tmp, 16)
     for i in range(0, 12):
         tmp = new_epc[i * 2:i * 2 + 2]
         val = int(tmp, 16)
     ba = bytearray(frm)
     c = crc.calc_crc(frm, len(frm))
     ba.append((c & 0xFF00) >> 8)
     ba.append(c & 0xFF)
     resp = self.rec(10)
     resp = self.rec(10)
Example #5
 def check_integrity(data: List[int]):
     return data[-1] == crc.calc_crc(data[0:-1])
Example #6
            print 'Ignoring {}'.format(frame)
        except Empty:

    return None

file = sys.argv[1]
slots = [int(sys.argv[2]), int(sys.argv[3]), int(sys.argv[4])]
description = sys.argv[5]

with open(file, 'rb') as f:
    program_data = f.read()

program_data = pad(program_data, multiply_of=128, pad_with=0x1A)
crc = calc_crc(program_data)
length = len(program_data)
parts = int(ceil(length / float(WriteProgramPart.MAX_PART_SIZE)))

print 'Will upload {} bytes of program (CRC: {:4X}), {} parts into slots {}'.format(
    length, crc, parts, slots)

print 'Erasing boot slots'

response = wait_for_frame(EntryEraseSuccessFrame, 50)
if response is None:
    print 'Failed to erase'
print 'Boot slots erased'
Example #7
 def checksum(data: List[int]) -> int:
     return crc.calc_crc(data) & 255
Example #8
        assert 0 <= i <= 5, "Incorrect boot slot"
    if boot_slots != [3, 4, 5]:
        print "================ WARNING =============="
        print "===   Boot slots not on fallback!   ==="
        print "======================================="
        print ""
    return boot_slots

args = parse_args()
PART_SIZE = telecommand.WriteProgramPart.MAX_PART_SIZE

binary_data_org = open(args.file, 'rb').read()
binary_data = copy.copy(binary_data_org)
binary_data = list(pad(binary_data, multiply_of=128, pad_with=0x1A))
crc = calc_crc(binary_data)
boot_slots = process_boot_slots(args.boot_slots)

chunks = int(math.ceil(len(binary_data) * 1.0 / PART_SIZE))

print "Generating:"
print "  - file {}".format(args.file)
print "  - length {} bytes, {} chunks".format(len(binary_data), chunks)
print "  - bootslots {}".format(boot_slots)
print "  - Sample: tc.WriteProgramPart(" + str(
    boot_slots) + ", 0xA5, [0x00, 0x01])"
print "  - CRC: {:04X}".format(crc)

output_file = open(args.output, 'w')
output_file.write('tasks = [\n')